You are better off today than you were 4 years ago

It should be an easy layup for Biden then. 85M+ Votes is not out of the question if he has better policies than Trump did.
/----/ One of Dementia Joe's policies in action.
A President isn’t how I measure whether I am better off, they have virtually no effect on if I’m better off or not. That is just sheer stupidity to even think that a President has that much to do on whether you are better off or not.

If you are at the point where a President determines whether you are better off or not, you are a loser.
A President isn’t how I measure whether I am better off, they have virtually no effect on if I’m better off or not. That is just sheer stupidity to even think that a President has that much to do on whether you are better off or not.

If you are at the point where a President determines whether you are better off or not, you are a loser.
Some of us are just middle class who recognize the economic hardships created by energy-stifling democrats.
A President isn’t how I measure whether I am better off, they have virtually no effect on if I’m better off or not. That is just sheer stupidity to even think that a President has that much to do on whether you are better off or not.

If you are at the point where a President determines whether you are better off or not, you are a loser.
/—-/ True, however the president in office can make it easier or harder for us to be successful depending on their agenda. I made a ton of money in the market when Trump was president. I do make money now, but not as much and it’s harder.
As Trump leads in the polls, it’s getting easier to make $$$.
This liberal fantasy ends at the gas pump and grocery store. I foresee oceans of tears in November when reality smacks these liberal trolls in the face.

Trump asked if U.S. was better off in his last year. In many ways, the answer is no.

A look at the third week of March 2020 reveals a nation that was plunging into a pandemic, and a leader exhibiting the erratic characteristics that his supporters love and his detractors revile

Four years ago this week, the stock market was collapsing — hitting its worst week since the Great Recession of 2008 — as the country spiraled into a years-long pandemic that claimed more than 1 million American lives, cratered the economy, upended daily life and, arguably, helped cost Trump a second term in the White House.

The third week of March 2020 — four years before Trump sent his query — reveals a nation that was on the precipice of crisis, and a leader exhibiting the full panoply of characteristics that his supporters love and his detractors revile.

Reported covid cases exploded that week, growing from 588 to 3,659, and covid deaths more than tripled, from 16 on Sunday the 15th to 52 the following Saturday. Over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump regularly indulged in his most combative and erratic impulses, alienating large swaths of the public along the way.

During that seven-day stretch, Trump promised the country had “tremendous control” over the virus and that “we’re winning it.” In fact, the opposite was true.

Throughout the year, Trump rarely agreed to wear a mask — publicly undermining the advice of his own health experts — and at one point suggested injecting disinfectant as a possible treatment. He held near-daily news conferences — spectacles he came to view as ratings bonanzas rather than serious information sessions for desperate and terrified Americans. He diminished and feuded with his team of scientists and public health officials, and he ultimately contracted covid himself, having to be airlifted from the White House to the hospital.

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