You are indirectly connected to every human that lived

Didn't the universe start out with a billion times more anti matter and matter particles than the remaining matter particles in the universe?
I do know. There were 1 billion times more anti-matter particles and 1 billion times more matter particles that annihilated each other than there is remaining matter particles.

It's mind boggling.

My understand is that the early universe was all energy ... and as the universe expanded and cooled ... matter condensed out of energy ... we can do this in a lab and we always get two particles ... an electron and a positron ... every ... single ... time ...

Assuming this was true in the early universe, and there's no reason to think otherwise ... then with our nice planet Earth made of matter, somewhere in the universe, there needs to be an antimatter Earth ...

Here's the Wiki article ... it is what it is I guess ...

ETA: For some reason, the 1.2 nm wavelength sticks in my mind ... weird ...
Didn't the universe start out with a billion times more anti matter and matter particles than the remaining matter particles in the universe?
I do know. There were 1 billion times more anti-matter particles and 1 billion times more matter particles that annihilated each other than there is remaining matter particles.

It's mind boggling.

My understand is that the early universe was all energy ... and as the universe expanded and cooled ... matter condensed out of energy ... we can do this in a lab and we always get two particles ... an electron and a positron ... every ... single ... time ...

Assuming this was true in the early universe, and there's no reason to think otherwise ... then with our nice planet Earth made of matter, somewhere in the universe, there needs to be an antimatter Earth ...

Here's the Wiki article ... it is what it is I guess ...

ETA: For some reason, the 1.2 nm wavelength sticks in my mind ... weird ...
Started out with 1 billion antimatter particles for every 1 billion and 1 matter particles. The proof is in the CMB. So for every one matter particle that exists today, there were 1 billion matter / antimatter annihilations.

What was left over "formed" or coalesced into matter. That's the general belief and it fits with the CMB.
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Didn't the universe start out with a billion times more anti matter and matter particles than the remaining matter particles in the universe?
I do know. There were 1 billion times more anti-matter particles and 1 billion times more matter particles that annihilated each other than there is remaining matter particles.

It's mind boggling.

My understand is that the early universe was all energy ... and as the universe expanded and cooled ... matter condensed out of energy ... we can do this in a lab and we always get two particles ... an electron and a positron ... every ... single ... time ...

Assuming this was true in the early universe, and there's no reason to think otherwise ... then with our nice planet Earth made of matter, somewhere in the universe, there needs to be an antimatter Earth ...

Here's the Wiki article ... it is what it is I guess ...

ETA: For some reason, the 1.2 nm wavelength sticks in my mind ... weird ...
Everyone's understanding is whatever they choose to believe as no one knows
The reason that dark matter is needed, is because Galaxies are expanding faster than light and are expanding at an increasing rate instead of slowing down which means an unknown force is either pushing or pulling the mass.

Fact, Einstoopud did not know how to comb his hair, not something that is typically socially accepted

LOL now Tyson says there is no universe that it is a computer simulation

Wrong wrong wrong ... galaxies are NOT expanding, and that's the problem dark matter solves ... at the rate they are rotating, they should be flying apart ... obviously, they're not ... so we invented a mythological substance to give galaxies ten time the mass so they can be said to hold together ... which we observe that they do ...

Yeesh, if galaxies were flying apart at the speed of light, there wouldn't be any galaxies to see today ... do you even think before you spew this crap? ...

Yes ... and the designer of the Saturn V rocket tortured Jews to death ... I smoke pot ... we all have our character flaws ... 'tis said Newton ran the Royal Society as a jack-booted thug ...


Only two mega-nerd words, but two Nazi references ... cooking with gas I am ...
The reason that dark matter is needed, is because Galaxies are expanding faster than light and are expanding at an increasing rate instead of slowing down which means an unknown force is either pushing or pulling the mass.

Fact, Einstoopud did not know how to comb his hair, not something that is typically socially accepted

LOL now Tyson says there is no universe that it is a computer simulation

Wrong wrong wrong ... galaxies are NOT expanding, and that's the problem dark matter solves ... at the rate they are rotating, they should be flying apart ... obviously, they're not ... so we invented a mythological substance to give galaxies ten time the mass so they can be said to hold together ... which we observe that they do ...

Yeesh, if galaxies were flying apart at the speed of light, there wouldn't be any galaxies to see today ... do you even think before you spew this crap? ...

Yes ... and the designer of the Saturn V rocket tortured Jews to death ... I smoke pot ... we all have our character flaws ... 'tis said Newton ran the Royal Society as a jack-booted thug ...


Only two mega-nerd words, but two Nazi references ... cooking with gas I am ...

Galaxies are observed rotating and expanding outward, and I am not spewing krap just quoting NASA so try again little girl

So wake up dopey

Are you from Earth
Assuming this was true in the early universe, and there's no reason to think otherwise ... then with our nice planet Earth made of matter, somewhere in the universe, there needs to be an antimatter Earth ...

"...How is it that we have a universe of matter at all?

Our universe is made of four kinds of so-called elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons, which are particles of radiation. (I disregard neutrinos, since they do not interact with other matter; also the host of other particles that appear transiently in the course of high‑energy nuclear interactions.) The only important qualification one need make to such a simple statement is that the first three particles exist also as antiparticles, the particles constituting matter, the anti-particles anti-matter. When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. So the most reasonable expectation is that exactly equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles entered the Big Bang, the cosmic explosion in which our universe is thought to have begun. In that case, however, in the enormous compression of material at the Big Bang, there must have occurred a tremendous storm of mutual annihilation, ending with the conversion of all the particles and anti-particles into radiation. We should have come out of the Big Bang with a universe containing only radiation.

Fortunately for us, it seems that a tiny mistake was made. In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey discovered a new microwave radiation that fills the universe, coming equally from all directions, wherever one may be. It is by far the dominant radiation in the universe; billions of years of starlight have added to it only negligibly. It is commonly agreed that this is the residue remaining from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.

It turns out that there are about one billion photons of that radiation for every proton in the universe. Hence it is thought that what went into the Big Bang were not exactly equal numbers of particles and anti-particles, but that for every billion anti-particles there were one billion and one particles, so that when all the mutual annihilation had happened, there remained over that one particle per billion, and that now contitutes all the matter in the universe -- all the galaxies, the stars and planets, and of course all life..."

Nerd fight!

Thank you for this ... still laughing ...

Einstoopid said the universe was not expanding and that nothing could move faster than light. Now we know that entanglement is instant which is faster than light and galaxies are observed moving at 5 times light speed. So nothing is set kid

Einstein's original derivation did predict an expanding universe ... this didn't match what we were observing, so he added the "cosmological constant" to fit GR into the static universe ... it was years later that Hubble and others discovered that the universe is, in fact, expanding ... and expanding exactly like Einstein's first effort predicted ... Einstein published his retraction dismissing the cosmological constant ... this was all before WWII, so I'm not sure why you didn't know this ...

Entanglement allows information to be transmitted instantaneously ... not matter or energy ... Gene Roddenberry did his homework, and his Star Trek transporters are theoretically possible ... but only the information about the human body is transported, and reconstructed remotely using the matter available there ... and it is a destructive process, transporter malfunctions weren't thrown in for dramatic effect ...

M87 itself is not moving away from us at 5 times the speed of light ... it's in our local group and should show a blue-shift at some points along it's orbit around the Milky Way/Andromeda barycenter ... it's the relativistic jet emitting from this galaxy that appears to be moving 5c ... remember, that 5c is measured using Earth seconds, the jet is experiencing time a little over five times slower ... so from the jet's frame-of-reference, it's only traveling 0.9c (or so) ... Time/Space is non-Euclidean, it's easy to forget we don't follow straight lines in the universe ...


Hey Unkotare ... I count 15 mega-nerd words ... do I win anything? ...
The reason that dark matter is needed, is because Galaxies are expanding faster than light and are expanding at an increasing rate instead of slowing down which means an unknown force is either pushing or pulling the mass.

Fact, Einstoopud did not know how to comb his hair, not something that is typically socially accepted

LOL now Tyson says there is no universe that it is a computer simulation

Einstein is the most brilliant man to ever exist
Should have received 7-9 Noble prizes
He was the first to create the math of how a laser works
First to figure out light and photons
First to understand gravity
First to figure out speed of light
First to figure out black holes exist
Etc etc
You’re perhaps , the biggest peon on this board
Einstein is a titan of all titans
Not to mention he paved the way for quantum physics
Esalla is a 4th grade drop out with the IQ of a Jellyfish
He lowers the intelligence of every topic and I am just about to send him to iggyville!!!
Nerd fight!

Thank you for this ... still laughing ...

Einstoopid said the universe was not expanding and that nothing could move faster than light. Now we know that entanglement is instant which is faster than light and galaxies are observed moving at 5 times light speed. So nothing is set kid

Einstein's original derivation did predict an expanding universe ... this didn't match what we were observing, so he added the "cosmological constant" to fit GR into the static universe ... it was years later that Hubble and others discovered that the universe is, in fact, expanding ... and expanding exactly like Einstein's first effort predicted ... Einstein published his retraction dismissing the cosmological constant ... this was all before WWII, so I'm not sure why you didn't know this ...

Entanglement allows information to be transmitted instantaneously ... not matter or energy ... Gene Roddenberry did his homework, and his Star Trek transporters are theoretically possible ... but only the information about the human body is transported, and reconstructed remotely using the matter available there ... and it is a destructive process, transporter malfunctions weren't thrown in for dramatic effect ...

M87 itself is not moving away from us at 5 times the speed of light ... it's in our local group and should show a blue-shift at some points along it's orbit around the Milky Way/Andromeda barycenter ... it's the relativistic jet emitting from this galaxy that appears to be moving 5c ... remember, that 5c is measured using Earth seconds, the jet is experiencing time a little over five times slower ... so from the jet's frame-of-reference, it's only traveling 0.9c (or so) ... Time/Space is non-Euclidean, it's easy to forget we don't follow straight lines in the universe ...


Hey Unkotare ... I count 15 mega-nerd words ... do I win anything? ...
The reason that dark matter is needed, is because Galaxies are expanding faster than light and are expanding at an increasing rate instead of slowing down which means an unknown force is either pushing or pulling the mass.

Fact, Einstoopud did not know how to comb his hair, not something that is typically socially accepted

LOL now Tyson says there is no universe that it is a computer simulation

Einstein is the most brilliant man to ever exist
Should have received 7-9 Noble prizes
He was the first to create the math of how a laser works
First to figure out light and photons
First to understand gravity
First to figure out speed of light
First to figure out black holes exist
Etc etc
You’re perhaps , the biggest peon on this board


You claim Einstoopud was the first to understand gravity

Seriously kid you had to have gone to Harvard to be so completely ignorant of reality

Newton was clearly first to understand gravity. Furthermore Einstoopuds cosmological constant LOST 85 percent of the mass in the universe. Or it's just plain wrong. Fact by me, 100 percent of the Universe is right where it belongs though the dopey like you disagree

COMICAL WAY TO START A DAY..........................THANKS

But you stay there lost in the early 1900's, Apple splits very soon

"...How is it that we have a universe of matter at all?

Our universe is made of four kinds of so-called elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons, and photons, which are particles of radiation. (I disregard neutrinos, since they do not interact with other matter; also the host of other particles that appear transiently in the course of high‑energy nuclear interactions.) The only important qualification one need make to such a simple statement is that the first three particles exist also as antiparticles, the particles constituting matter, the anti-particles anti-matter. When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

The positive and negative electric charges that divide particles from anti-particles are perfectly symmetrical. So the most reasonable expectation is that exactly equal numbers of both particles and anti-particles entered the Big Bang, the cosmic explosion in which our universe is thought to have begun. In that case, however, in the enormous compression of material at the Big Bang, there must have occurred a tremendous storm of mutual annihilation, ending with the conversion of all the particles and anti-particles into radiation. We should have come out of the Big Bang with a universe containing only radiation.

Fortunately for us, it seems that a tiny mistake was made. In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey discovered a new microwave radiation that fills the universe, coming equally from all directions, wherever one may be. It is by far the dominant radiation in the universe; billions of years of starlight have added to it only negligibly. It is commonly agreed that this is the residue remaining from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.

It turns out that there are about one billion photons of that radiation for every proton in the universe. Hence it is thought that what went into the Big Bang were not exactly equal numbers of particles and anti-particles, but that for every billion anti-particles there were one billion and one particles, so that when all the mutual annihilation had happened, there remained over that one particle per billion, and that now contitutes all the matter in the universe -- all the galaxies, the stars and planets, and of course all life..."

Well stated ... but can it be demonstrated in the lab? ... so far, it hasn't AFAIK ... nor has the physics been explained ...

The CMB could still have come about the old fashioned way ... same energy, larger volume, lower temperature ... even lower if we condense some of the energy into matter ...

Tune your TV to an unused channel ... the proverbial "snowstorm" ... about 10% of that is CMB ... stare long enough for the acid to kick in and you'll see patterns develop ...
Galaxies are observed rotating and expanding outward, and I am not spewing krap just quoting NASA so try again little girl

So wake up dopey

Are you from Earth

Can you read? ... both your citations say "the space between galaxies is stretching" ... no where do they say the galaxies themselves are expanding ...

I'm from Earth AND I finished 8th Grade ... you're just starting Middle School and there's lots to learn for you still ... but you need to focus on your remedial reading class and work hard for your teacher ... I'm sad your adoptive parents only care about their own children ... but chin up, keep your dress pressed and stay in school ... there's a better future for you than street-waking in Elko, Nevada ...
Galaxies are observed rotating and expanding outward, and I am not spewing krap just quoting NASA so try again little girl

So wake up dopey

Are you from Earth

Can you read? ... both your citations say "the space between galaxies is stretching" ... no where do they say the galaxies themselves are expanding ...

I'm from Earth AND I finished 8th Grade ... you're just starting Middle School and there's lots to learn for you still ... but you need to focus on your remedial reading class and work hard for your teacher ... I'm sad your adoptive parents only care about their own children ... but chin up, keep your dress pressed and stay in school ... there's a better future for you than street-waking in Elko, Nevada ...
Again space is not stretching the distances between galaxies is stretching because of galactic motion, the space was already there. Unless you believe neil tyson who says that the universe is really a computer program presumably created by god though he will not use that word
Einstein is the most brilliant man to ever exist
Should have received 7-9 Noble prizes
He was the first to create the math of how a laser works
First to figure out light and photons
First to understand gravity
First to figure out speed of light
First to figure out black holes exist
Etc etc
You’re perhaps , the biggest peon on this board

Blah blah blah ...

First to figure out speed of light

Actually, this is generally credited to James Maxwell ... although we had been able to measure this speed ... it was Maxwell who showed this speed as the limit using his equations and showed that Faraday's definition of force was the better one for electromagnetism ... Einstein simply applied this new definition to gravity ...

Einstein certainly deserves an Economics Nobel Prize ... his 3rd Law of Relativity has worked out in every little detail ... a perfect predictor of the current student loan crisis ...
Again space is not stretching the distances between galaxies is stretching because of galactic motion, the space was already there. Unless you believe neil tyson who says that the universe is really a computer program presumably created by god though he will not use that word

You'll need other citations ... what your citations said is "the space between galaxies is stretching" ... not sure why you're claiming "space is not stretching the distances between galaxies" ... all these links you're posting are written to the 6th grade reading level ... you gotta gotta focus on your reading skills now you're going into Middle School ... swishing your cute little underaged butt around will only get you so far in life ...

Try reading with comprehension ...
Again space is not stretching the distances between galaxies is stretching because of galactic motion, the space was already there. Unless you believe neil tyson who says that the universe is really a computer program presumably created by god though he will not use that word

You'll need other citations ... what your citations said is "the space between galaxies is stretching" ... not sure why you're claiming "space is not stretching the distances between galaxies" ... all these links you're posting are written to the 6th grade reading level ... you gotta gotta focus on your reading skills now you're going into Middle School ... swishing your cute little underaged butt around will only get you so far in life ...

Try reading with comprehension ...
Rubber bands stretch in space when tugged upon, the rubber expands its length, space remains constant. Space is the medium containing all known mass, distances expand not space itself. You are believing that space and distance are the same when they are not.

Now how are your stocks doing

I said stocks genius not socks
but can it be demonstrated in the lab?
Yes. When they break apart atoms.

When matter comes into contact with anti-matter they mutually annihilate each other, and their masses are instantly turned into radiation according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, in which E is the energy of the radiation, m is the annihilated mass, and c is the speed of light.

nor has the physics been explained ...
Which part hasn't been explained? Can you be more specific?

The CMB could still have come about the old fashioned way ... same energy, larger volume, lower temperature ... even lower if we condense some of the energy into matter ...
Has anyone proposed this explanation for the CMB?

What is the old fashioned way?
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Einstein is the most brilliant man to ever exist
Should have received 7-9 Noble prizes
He was the first to create the math of how a laser works
First to figure out light and photons
First to understand gravity
First to figure out speed of light
First to figure out black holes exist
Etc etc
You’re perhaps , the biggest peon on this board

Blah blah blah ...

First to figure out speed of light

Actually, this is generally credited to James Maxwell ... although we had been able to measure this speed ... it was Maxwell who showed this speed as the limit using his equations and showed that Faraday's definition of force was the better one for electromagnetism ... Einstein simply applied this new definition to gravity ...

Einstein certainly deserves an Economics Nobel Prize ... his 3rd Law of Relativity has worked out in every little detail ... a perfect predictor of the current student loan crisis ...
Relativity is hardly fully correct


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