You are indirectly connected to every human that lived

Space is not a gas cloud or a planet or a star space is the absence of mass.

There are no stars, gas clouds, or planets in space?

Can we tell all the astronomers to go home and look for new jobs?
The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts that perfect vacuums are impossible ... thus space is more like a fluid medium ... very low density of course ... the Earth's atmosphere has no upper bound, it just merges with the interplanetary medium ...
The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts that perfect vacuums are impossible ... thus space is more like a fluid medium ... very low density of course ... the Earth's atmosphere has no upper bound, it just merges with the interplanetary medium ...
No laws apply to what is still undefined
The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts that perfect vacuums are impossible ... thus space is more like a fluid medium ... very low density of course ... the Earth's atmosphere has no upper bound, it just merges with the interplanetary medium ...
No laws apply to what is still undefined

Vacuums are defined as space without matter ... or technically without energy ... the two kinda go together ... the entire universe is swimming with energy ... everyplace ... thicker than dark matter ...

Nature Law is not limited to what Man knows, it applies to everything whether discovered or not ...
The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics predicts that perfect vacuums are impossible ... thus space is more like a fluid medium ... very low density of course ... the Earth's atmosphere has no upper bound, it just merges with the interplanetary medium ...
No laws apply to what is still undefined

Vacuums are defined as space without matter ... or technically without energy ... the two kinda go together ... the entire universe is swimming with energy ... everyplace ... thicker than dark matter ...

Nature Law is not limited to what Man knows, it applies to everything whether discovered or not ...
Neither time or space are adequately defined so no laws can be applied to either. In fact without dark matter all theories fall flat

So unknowns are not bound by anything until known
Last edited:
Neither time or space are adequately defined so no laws can be applied to either. In fact without dark matter all theories fall flat

So unknowns are not bound by anything until known

Einstein/Wassermann (1915) has been routinely verified ... their definition of TimeSpace has proven robust over these past 100 years ... but go ahead and look that paper over, point to where their mistake is ... theoretical physicists are just seventh-rate scientists after all ... no expectation of reliability ... pfffft ... they can't even figure out where all the missing antimatter is ... talk about stoopid people ... how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
From Jesus to Caesar to Washington to Newton to Napoleon
Every time you drink water - you’re drinking molecules that passes through their kidneys

Every time you breath air - you’re breathing in molecules that passed through their lungs

Let’s drink and breath in Jesus
Weird people are weird

Now can you tell us what the molecules are in outer space
I assume mostly Hydrogen. One day those H atoms can be collected to be used as plasma fuel .
Also a lot of Helium and trace amounts of others
You are an idiot, because Space contains no Hydrogen but even if it did Hydrogen would still not be a molecule, which means that you can not differentiate between Hydrogen and molecules

Hydrogen's natural state is H2, two Hydrogen atoms forming a molecule.
Everything he mentioned is an element not a molecule. H2 is not what he mentioned he said space contains Hydrogen not H2.

Not sure why you are trying to rescue an idiot from himself. Space contains no molecules, if it does then it is not space but mass

Where was this great discovery about space made?

Answer, in an idiots brain
You’re a science illiterate and utter moron
A complete buffoon
Neither time or space are adequately defined so no laws can be applied to either. In fact without dark matter all theories fall flat

So unknowns are not bound by anything until known

Einstein/Wassermann (1915) has been routinely verified ... their definition of TimeSpace has proven robust over these past 100 years ... but go ahead and look that paper over, point to where their mistake is ... theoretical physicists are just seventh-rate scientists after all ... no expectation of reliability ... pfffft ... they can't even figure out where all the missing antimatter is ... talk about stoopid people ... how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
Esalla is HS drop out that is about to be on iggy
A science illiterate
Neither time or space are adequately defined so no laws can be applied to either. In fact without dark matter all theories fall flat

So unknowns are not bound by anything until known

Einstein/Wassermann (1915) has been routinely verified ... their definition of TimeSpace has proven robust over these past 100 years ... but go ahead and look that paper over, point to where their mistake is ... theoretical physicists are just seventh-rate scientists after all ... no expectation of reliability ... pfffft ... they can't even figure out where all the missing antimatter is ... talk about stoopid people ... how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
psst... CMB

but don't tell anyone I told you.
Neither time or space are adequately defined so no laws can be applied to either. In fact without dark matter all theories fall flat

So unknowns are not bound by anything until known

Einstein/Wassermann (1915) has been routinely verified ... their definition of TimeSpace has proven robust over these past 100 years ... but go ahead and look that paper over, point to where their mistake is ... theoretical physicists are just seventh-rate scientists after all ... no expectation of reliability ... pfffft ... they can't even figure out where all the missing antimatter is ... talk about stoopid people ... how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
Einstoopid said the universe was not expanding and that nothing could move faster than light. Now we know that entanglement is instant which is faster than light and galaxies are observed moving at 5 times light speed. So nothing is set kid
Neither time or space are adequately defined so no laws can be applied to either. In fact without dark matter all theories fall flat

So unknowns are not bound by anything until known

Einstein/Wassermann (1915) has been routinely verified ... their definition of TimeSpace has proven robust over these past 100 years ... but go ahead and look that paper over, point to where their mistake is ... theoretical physicists are just seventh-rate scientists after all ... no expectation of reliability ... pfffft ... they can't even figure out where all the missing antimatter is ... talk about stoopid people ... how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
Esalla is HS drop out that is about to be on iggy
A science illiterate
Tell the fbi that
From Jesus to Caesar to Washington to Newton to Napoleon
Every time you drink water - you’re drinking molecules that passes through their kidneys

Every time you breath air - you’re breathing in molecules that passed through their lungs

Let’s drink and breath in Jesus
Weird people are weird

Now can you tell us what the molecules are in outer space
I assume mostly Hydrogen. One day those H atoms can be collected to be used as plasma fuel .
Also a lot of Helium and trace amounts of others
You are an idiot, because Space contains no Hydrogen but even if it did Hydrogen would still not be a molecule, which means that you can not differentiate between Hydrogen and molecules

Hydrogen's natural state is H2, two Hydrogen atoms forming a molecule.
Everything he mentioned is an element not a molecule. H2 is not what he mentioned he said space contains Hydrogen not H2.

Not sure why you are trying to rescue an idiot from himself. Space contains no molecules, if it does then it is not space but mass

Where was this great discovery about space made?

Answer, in an idiots brain
You’re a science illiterate and utter moron
A complete buffoon
And you can not refute anything I said

Do try please
how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
Didn't the universe start out with a billion times more anti matter and matter particles than the remaining matter particles in the universe?
how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
Didn't the universe start out with a billion times more anti matter and matter particles than the remaining matter particles in the universe?
I don’t know
I think more AM as it annihilated with matter and ; hence , you don’t see any
how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
Didn't the universe start out with a billion times more anti matter and matter particles than the remaining matter particles in the universe?
I don’t know
I think more AM as it annihilated with matter and ; hence , you don’t see any
Yea that's it

how can you lose as amount of antimatter equal to all the known matter in the universe? ... just morons ...
Didn't the universe start out with a billion times more anti matter and matter particles than the remaining matter particles in the universe?
I don’t know
I think more AM as it annihilated with matter and ; hence , you don’t see any
I do know. There were 1 billion times more anti-matter particles and 1 billion times more matter particles that annihilated each other than there is remaining matter particles.

It's mind boggling.
Nerd fight!

Thank you for this ... still laughing ...

Einstoopid said the universe was not expanding and that nothing could move faster than light. Now we know that entanglement is instant which is faster than light and galaxies are observed moving at 5 times light speed. So nothing is set kid

Einstein's original derivation did predict an expanding universe ... this didn't match what we were observing, so he added the "cosmological constant" to fit GR into the static universe ... it was years later that Hubble and others discovered that the universe is, in fact, expanding ... and expanding exactly like Einstein's first effort predicted ... Einstein published his retraction dismissing the cosmological constant ... this was all before WWII, so I'm not sure why you didn't know this ...

Entanglement allows information to be transmitted instantaneously ... not matter or energy ... Gene Roddenberry did his homework, and his Star Trek transporters are theoretically possible ... but only the information about the human body is transported, and reconstructed remotely using the matter available there ... and it is a destructive process, transporter malfunctions weren't thrown in for dramatic effect ...

M87 itself is not moving away from us at 5 times the speed of light ... it's in our local group and should show a blue-shift at some points along it's orbit around the Milky Way/Andromeda barycenter ... it's the relativistic jet emitting from this galaxy that appears to be moving 5c ... remember, that 5c is measured using Earth seconds, the jet is experiencing time a little over five times slower ... so from the jet's frame-of-reference, it's only traveling 0.9c (or so) ... Time/Space is non-Euclidean, it's easy to forget we don't follow straight lines in the universe ...


Hey Unkotare ... I count 15 mega-nerd words ... do I win anything? ...
Nerd fight!

Thank you for this ... still laughing ...

Einstoopid said the universe was not expanding and that nothing could move faster than light. Now we know that entanglement is instant which is faster than light and galaxies are observed moving at 5 times light speed. So nothing is set kid

Einstein's original derivation did predict an expanding universe ... this didn't match what we were observing, so he added the "cosmological constant" to fit GR into the static universe ... it was years later that Hubble and others discovered that the universe is, in fact, expanding ... and expanding exactly like Einstein's first effort predicted ... Einstein published his retraction dismissing the cosmological constant ... this was all before WWII, so I'm not sure why you didn't know this ...

Entanglement allows information to be transmitted instantaneously ... not matter or energy ... Gene Roddenberry did his homework, and his Star Trek transporters are theoretically possible ... but only the information about the human body is transported, and reconstructed remotely using the matter available there ... and it is a destructive process, transporter malfunctions weren't thrown in for dramatic effect ...

M87 itself is not moving away from us at 5 times the speed of light ... it's in our local group and should show a blue-shift at some points along it's orbit around the Milky Way/Andromeda barycenter ... it's the relativistic jet emitting from this galaxy that appears to be moving 5c ... remember, that 5c is measured using Earth seconds, the jet is experiencing time a little over five times slower ... so from the jet's frame-of-reference, it's only traveling 0.9c (or so) ... Time/Space is non-Euclidean, it's easy to forget we don't follow straight lines in the universe ...


Hey Unkotare ... I count 15 mega-nerd words ... do I win anything? ...
The reason that dark matter is needed, is because Galaxies are expanding faster than light and are expanding at an increasing rate instead of slowing down which means an unknown force is either pushing or pulling the mass.

Fact, Einstoopud did not know how to comb his hair, not something that is typically socially accepted

LOL now Tyson says there is no universe that it is a computer simulation


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