You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot

No. Seriously. I'm trying to identify exactly what an illegal gun is.
And I think it's all of those things, but how do we identify them and get them off the streets and out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them?

I'm suggesting all guns must me registered. From manufacture. And insured, that's key. Make the manufacturer be responsible for what happens to that gun.
And every owner after that. Make it necessary to insure a gun to possess it.
Every responsible gun owner can take responsibility to have a safely-kept gun. To show he's a responsible owner should be easy. At least to show to who will share liability for that owner. Let insurance loss-prevention, risk assessment, and the free market sort it out.

Get the insurance companies out of the healthcare business. A twofer.

What concerns us is that Progressives are openly embracing treating non-Progressives as Untermenschen. It makes us uncomfortable
I do not own a gun.
Other Men.jpg
What concerns us is that Progressives are openly embracing treating non-Progressives as Untermenschen. It makes us uncomfortable
If you ignore the problems, insult those trying to solve them, and whimper victmhood over your own perceived fantasies, what would you prefer to be called?
Guns have been around and part of the US culture since its inception. Only 50
Years ago, it was nothing for students to bring their guns to school in order to go hunting afterwards.

What has changed? The guns or their availability has not changed. I think it is how we as a culture have changed; particularly in how we manage mental health and how we have and continue to abdicate personal accountability.

Take away the guns from law abiding citizens and watch what happens.
Not only mental health, the sub-cultures that promote criminality, gangs, and down right thuggery. Our criminal system, with this idea that we need to be softer on crime, isn't helping. Too many criminals who have committed gun crimes, and even murder with a gun, are being released back into the streets.

I've posted this video before. It is difficult to watch. Summary. Convicted killer, out after 14 years. Goes to a bar that is closed due to a private Bday Party. People ask him to leave. Things escalate outside. Thug pulls out an illegal firearm and murders 4 (another mass shooting by the way) on the streets of CHICAGO. This guys should be taken to the next gallow and dropped IMO.

They can't turn into bad guys with a gun in the blink of an eye?
You're making a huge assumption and an illogical fallacy. Based on your logic, every person that consumes alcohol, will eventually get behind the wheel of the car and hurt someone. So, should we make alcohol illegal, again?
When the anti-gun crowd refuses armed protection for itself and those that they adore (eg celebrities, politicians), then I will take them seriously.
ohhh SNAP!

President Biden says thoughts and prayers are 'not enough' and calls for 'assault weapons' ban following Texas mass shooting​

  • President Biden called out Republicans for sending "thoughts and prayers" following the deaths.
  • He also called on Congress to ban "assault weapons and high-capacity magazines."
President Joe Biden called out Republicans for sending "thoughts and prayers" following the latest mass shooting, and called on members of Congress to pass gun-control bills.

ohhh SNAP!

President Biden says thoughts and prayers are 'not enough' and calls for 'assault weapons' ban following Texas mass shooting​

  • President Biden called out Republicans for sending "thoughts and prayers" following the deaths.
  • He also called on Congress to ban "assault weapons and high-capacity magazines."
President Joe Biden called out Republicans for sending "thoughts and prayers" following the latest mass shooting, and called on members of Congress to pass gun-control bills.

I don’t recall anyone ever suggesting that thoughts and prayers amounted to any solution to the alleged problem.
Thank you for the reply. So relating that to the Uvalde shooting, how would have that stopped that mass shooting.

Also, you state, "Gun crime is committed by a vanishingly small percentage of the population", yet the pro gun lobby keep stating they need guns to protect themselves from all the gun wielding criminals.
Yep, because violent criminals commit many violent crimes before finally getting caught and sentenced to prison for short periods. The Uvalde shooter was well known to the cops and mental health professionals, buit they did nothing to report him and prevent him having access to deadly weapons. He should have been locked up in an asylum, not running around free to murder a bunch of children.
You're making a huge assumption and an illogical fallacy. Based on your logic, every person that consumes alcohol, will eventually get behind the wheel of the car and hurt someone. So, should we make alcohol illegal, again?
Nonsense. Every person with a gun has the potential to hurt someone. They are all only one act from crossing that line. Arming everyone will make that happen more often, not less. Responsible owners have to step up and take responsibility for helping to stop the killing, not fight strawmen.

Also every person who drinks and drives is a danger on the road. That's why it's illegal.
Take off your tinfoil hat.
Put on your thinking cap.

Should police be armed?

See how easy that was?
You may be as retarded as that sounds.

I pity you.

Obviously police ought to be armed.

The why part is even easier. They tend to respond to dangerous situations where the bad folks are armed.
Stop hiding behind NRA talking points.

Demand your elected officials work diligently TOGETHER for comprehensive gun control

US Citizens will only put up with these senseless killings for so long.

Eventually the MAJORITY of the people will demand the RADICAL action be taken. The MAJORITY will have ZERO interest in your requests at that point.

You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by not DEMANDING your election officials take action now.

Protect the 2A, don't let guys like me get ahold of it.
STFU Nazi gun graboid.

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