You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot

"The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side, and she had no face." — Heartbreaking firsthand account from Steven Spainhouer, first on the scene at the Allen Premium Outlets mass shooting

Were the people who responded to the shooting armed or unarmed?
I'm afraid the senseless killings will continue even if we completely ban guns ... to be frank, we're safer putting guns into these peoples hands ... they've terrible marksmanship ... fewer people die before we can cap the shooter ...

Less than $100 at Walmart and we can get our kill-counts into the hundreds ... easy ... what's an AR-15 gonna set you back? ... more than a C-note that's for sure ...
Senseless killings will continue

It's called human reality since the dawn of time.

It's called the human condition.
The sport of killing as many strangers as possible doesn't need to be infringed
Progressives are the world leaders at that with a world wide total of almost 100,000,000 of their own unarmed citizens and Progressive run cities add to that daily
They can't turn into bad guys with a gun in the blink of an eye?

"The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side, and she had no face." — Heartbreaking firsthand account from Steven Spainhouer, first on the scene at the Allen Premium Outlets mass shooting

stop illegal drugs from the Southern border & China. Your GOVT cant or wont even do the easier stuff. You voted for this,
Stop hiding behind NRA talking points.

Demand your elected officials work diligently TOGETHER for comprehensive gun control

US Citizens will only put up with these senseless killings for so long.

Eventually the MAJORITY of the people will demand the RADICAL action be taken. The MAJORITY will have ZERO interest in your requests at that point.

You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by not DEMANDING your election officials take action now.

Protect the 2A, don't let guys like me get ahold of it.
27 states have permitLess or constitutional carry laws. Good luck.
yes it does. Seal your borders. Lock up you savages. Deport brown criminal invaders before they act. door to door searches in CHI ghetto, seize illegal guns. //
Street kids turning in wannabe gang bangers is a good start.

Gun owners policing their buddies and that asshole down the street to keep their gun insurance affordable is the next reasonable goal.

It's time gun enthusiasts step up and demonstrate how they too are willing to keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.
Street kids turning in wannabe gang bangers is a good start.

Gun owners policing their buddies and that asshole down the street to keep their gun insurance affordable is the next reasonable goal.

It's time gun enthusiasts step up and demonstrate how they too are willing to keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.
Gun enthusiasts hide behind talking points and 2aguy is a prime example.
There’s a difference between having a gun and being willing to use it. I know far too many folks who have them who would bever actually use them.

I assume you mean against another human ... and excepting the most dire of circumstances ... I certainly haven't, that's a make-up tale I tell about mowing down Sandinasties in the 1980's ... the closest I came to combat was in a whorehouse ... that was a nasty UTI ...

I'm suggesting just the threat of immediate and deadly violence will curtail crime ... "an armed society is a polite society" ... watch the cartoon again, Cartman wasn't going to shoot his mother, Little Sister wasn't going to shoot father ... just the threat of immediate death is enough to get people talking, and compromising, and living together peaceably ... brings honest tears to my eyes to see Cartman and his mother having a health parent/child relationship ... all because of guns ... [wipes face] ... buy one today ...

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