You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot

Stop hiding behind NRA talking points.

Demand your elected officials work diligently TOGETHER for comprehensive gun control

US Citizens will only put up with these senseless killings for so long.

Eventually the MAJORITY of the people will demand the RADICAL action be taken. The MAJORITY will have ZERO interest in your requests at that point.

You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by not DEMANDING your election officials take action now.

Protect the 2A, don't let guys like me get ahold of it.

I agree with this. I've been giving this warning for years, but like all idealogues they are incapable of seeing the forest through the trees.
I agree with this. I've been giving this warning for years, but like all idealogues they are incapable of seeing the forest through the trees.
I am hated by these 2A'rs for good reason, but I offer them a suggestion and they tell me to literally "pound sand" or "f off".
One day they might regret it.
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Homemade, no serial number, stolen, smuggled into US. Are you capable to dress yourself?
No. Seriously. I'm trying to identify exactly what an illegal gun is.
And I think it's all of those things, but how do we identify them and get them off the streets and out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them?

I'm suggesting all guns must me registered. From manufacture. And insured, that's key. Make the manufacturer be responsible for what happens to that gun.
And every owner after that. Make it necessary to insure a gun to possess it.
Every responsible gun owner can take responsibility to have a safely-kept gun. To show he's a responsible owner should be easy. At least to show to who will share liability for that owner. Let insurance loss-prevention, risk assessment, and the free market sort it out.

Get the insurance companies out of the healthcare business. A twofer.
Stop hiding behind NRA talking points.

Demand your elected officials work diligently TOGETHER for comprehensive gun control

US Citizens will only put up with these senseless killings for so long.

Eventually the MAJORITY of the people will demand the RADICAL action be taken. The MAJORITY will have ZERO interest in your requests at that point.

You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot by not DEMANDING your election officials take action now.

Protect the 2A, don't let guys like me get ahold of it.
I demand you Stfu. 😎
Adam Lanza possessed a National Rifle Association certificate, so yeas, they promote firearms safety :p
Did the feds really search the Sandy Hook shooter's residence for evidence of NRA certificates or did they make them up like the "Steele Dossier"? OKC bomber Tim McVeigh had a certificate for a Bronze Star awarded by the U.S. government so what's the point? The NRA promotes gun safety but the dirty little secret is that democrat policies promote mass shooting.
Year after year, Lefties say, basically, that Congress or the State legislatures could do something to stop the carnage, but they lack the courage to do so. I'm paraphrasing, of course.

But that is patently stupid. We have a Second Amendment and 350 million or more souls living in a society that we all demand remain "free." If there were an easy or practical solution, it would have been done already.

It is the height of arrogance and stupidity to presume that YOU know how to solve the carnage, but nobody else has been able to figure it out. Get a fucking grip.
In the not too distant future the "gun grabbing bed wetters afraid of a tool" will be the majority :smoochEE:
Unfortunately your target audience doesn't have the grey matter to understand your thread.

Their only solution is to rant on at the Democrats for letting out a million gun wielding criminals every day, and arm everyone to the teeth because more loaded guns pointing at one another stops gun incidents.

As you say, if they actively came up with sensible working solutions to reduce gun incidents instead of preaching the NRA's gun rhetoric, then the increasing public outcry against guns would wane. Gun incidents are their problem and they want everyone else to come up with the solutions. So as soon as you say, "Ok, let's have proper gun regulations like in the UK", you just get screamed back -

1) Come take my guns
2) We need more guns
3) It's our God given right
4) Look at his colour/gender
5) We have the 2nd Amendment (we all know but they need to daily chant this one)
6) Kids are expendable
7) I need them for all these violent home invasions that are rife, but I've never encountered one
8) I need to fight my government when it goes tyrannical
Unfortunately your target audience doesn't have the grey matter to understand your thread.

Their only solution is to rant on at the Democrats for letting out a million gun wielding criminals every day, and arm everyone to the teeth because more loaded guns pointing at one another stops gun incidents.

As you say, if they actively came up with sensible working solutions to reduce gun incidents instead of preaching the NRA's gun rhetoric, then the increasing public outcry against guns would wane. Gun incidents are their problem and they want everyone else to come up with the solutions. So as soon as you say, "Ok, let's have proper gun regulations like in the UK", you just get screamed back -

1) Come take my guns
2) We need more guns
3) It's our God given right
4) Look at his colour/gender
5) We have the 2nd Amendment (we all know but they need to daily chant this one)
6) Kids are expendable
7) I need them for all these violent home invasions that are rife, but I've never encountered one
8) I need to fight my government when it goes tyrannical
We’ve given you a simple, workable solution that won’t affect the rights of law-abiding citizens. Jail criminals is possession of firearms. Jail them for a long time for simple passion. Jail them for an even longer time for using a gun in a crime and jail them and throw away the key if they injure or kill someone in the commission of a crime while using a gun. It’s simple, focus on the problem, NOT the tool used by the problem. There are literally millions of gun owners who never even think of committing a crime, the odds are that you know a number of them and don’t know it, gun owners don’t advertise their hobby to people they know are anti-gunners. Gun crime is committed by a vanishingly small percentage of the population and real mass shootings are done by a vanishingly small percentage of gun criminals who are usually suffering from mental illness.
I don't belong to the NRA, I belong to JPFO: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, which is much more effective than the NRA,.partly because they don't waste $ on vein membership tokens and partly because they are DEAD SERIOUS about defeating anti-gunners instead of chest beating and posturing and ultimately making gun owners look like a bunch of ignorant rednecks.

We’ve given you a simple, workable solution that won’t affect the rights of law-abiding citizens. Jail criminals is possession of firearms. Jail them for a long time for simple passion. Jail them for an even longer time for using a gun in a crime and jail them and throw away the key if they injure or kill someone in the commission of a crime while using a gun. It’s simple, focus on the problem, NOT the tool used by the problem. There are literally millions of gun owners who never even think of committing a crime, the odds are that you know a number of them and don’t know it, gun owners don’t advertise their hobby to people they know are anti-gunners. Gun crime is committed by a vanishingly small percentage of the population and real mass shootings are done by a vanishingly small percentage of gun criminals who are usually suffering from mental illness.
Thank you for the reply. So relating that to the Uvalde shooting, how would have that stopped that mass shooting.

Also, you state, "Gun crime is committed by a vanishingly small percentage of the population", yet the pro gun lobby keep stating they need guns to protect themselves from all the gun wielding criminals.
We’ve given you a simple, workable solution that won’t affect the rights of law-abiding citizens. Jail criminals is possession of firearms. Jail them for a long time for simple passion. Jail them for an even longer time for using a gun in a crime and jail them and throw away the key if they injure or kill someone in the commission of a crime while using a gun. It’s simple, focus on the problem, NOT the tool used by the problem. There are literally millions of gun owners who never even think of committing a crime, the odds are that you know a number of them and don’t know it, gun owners don’t advertise their hobby to people they know are anti-gunners. Gun crime is committed by a vanishingly small percentage of the population and real mass shootings are done by a vanishingly small percentage of gun criminals who are usually suffering from mental illness.
We? You got a turd in your shorts?

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