You are literally shooting yourselves in the foot

Street kids turning in wannabe gang bangers is a good start.

Gun owners policing their buddies and that asshole down the street to keep their gun insurance affordable is the next reasonable goal.

It's time gun enthusiasts step up and demonstrate how they too are willing to keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.

Gun enthusiasts are in favor of enforcing our current gun laws. We are in favor of stricter sentences for gun law violators. How about you?

Should H. Biden be in jail for his gun law violation? :popcorn:
What does "Gun Control" mean to the left? It's a cliche used by the ignorant. The NRA lives in the real world and promotes firearms safety and self defense. Lefties live in a fantasy world where another redundant law stacked on a room full of laws seems to be the solution to mass murder. Every mass shooter in modern history violated at least one and probably up to half a dozen gun laws. Most were mentally disturbed but the medical establishment thinks the right to privacy for crazy people trumps public safety. The dirty little secret is that with few exceptions mass shooters are used as a political tool by the democrat party that thrives on unrest and anger.
Guns have been around and part of the US culture since its inception. Only 50
Years ago, it was nothing for students to bring their guns to school in order to go hunting afterwards.

What has changed? The guns or their availability has not changed. I think it is how we as a culture have changed; particularly in how we manage mental health and how we have and continue to abdicate personal accountability.

Take away the guns from law abiding citizens and watch what happens.
Statement: Guns have been around and part of the US culture since its inception. Only 50 Years ago, it was nothing for students to bring their guns to school in order to go hunting afterwards.

Response: "hunting" people is now!
What does "Gun Control" mean to the left? It's a cliche used by the ignorant. The NRA lives in the real world and promotes firearms safety and self defense. Lefties live in a fantasy world where another redundant law stacked on a room full of laws seems to be the solution to mass murder. Every mass shooter in modern history violated at least one and probably up to half a dozen gun laws. Most were mentally disturbed but the medical establishment thinks the right to privacy for crazy people trumps public safety. The dirty little secret is that with few exceptions mass shooters are used as a political tool by the democrat party that thrives on unrest and anger.
Adam Lanza possessed a National Rifle Association certificate, so yeas, they promote firearms safety :p
Statement: Guns have been around and part of the US culture since its inception. Only 50 Years ago, it was nothing for students to bring their guns to school in order to go hunting afterwards.

Response: "hunting" people is now!
Why and how did that change?
They can't turn into bad guys with a gun in the blink of an eye?

"The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side, and she had no face." — Heartbreaking firsthand account from Steven Spainhouer, first on the scene at the Allen Premium Outlets mass shooting

And even more like that girl. But who gives a frick, right?

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