You aren't alone if you think there is massive cheating

That’s the problem.

Far too many on the right buy into lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

Worse, far too many on the right propagate lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’
Why do your wacko states mail out ballots without request to everyone on the voting register alive or dead? Its not legal, so what would be the reason?
I don't want to talk revolution. The Founders gave us a map for an independent republic in which the people would have their rights secured and the liberty to make the most of them. Bloodshed should never even be considered until all other possible solutions have been exhausted. Far more innocent than guilty would die.

The Biden Administration is also doing as much as it possibly can to eject all true Patriots from the military and make it as left and 'woke' as they can make it. With a military willing to do violence to the citizens should the Administration choose to do it that way, what Patriots who took up arms would be quickly obliterated and most likely their families and friends also.

All we can do now is strengthen those states that still believe in liberty and change indoctrinated hearts and minds one person at a time until there are so many of us the leftists can't cheat enough to win elections.
I guess Arizona aint one of them.....
You’ve hit the bullseye on responsibility for show-weakness-in-all-things: Mitch McConnell. I recall watching him as a teenager in Kentuckiana and thought, Now who actually voted for this slow thinking, turtle looking fella? lol
Not me
I guess Arizona aint one of them.....
You know I think our best hope would be for somebody like Elon Musk to take over control of one of the big networks: ABC, NBC, CBS or one of the big news gathering orgs like AP or Reuters and hire objective people to write and report the news again. Actually informing people of the real situations out there would do wonders to change hearts and minds.
I have been lobbying for a universal rule that all mail in ballots have to be signed and notarized and received not later than election day before they can be counted.
But now it seems that people are forging AND having forged signatures notarized. So maybe they have ways around the notary? A Democrat operative managed to get thousands of forged signatures notarized and submitted to get Democrats on the ballot in Pennsylvania for the midterms.

I have been lobbying for a universal rule that all mail in ballots have to be signed and notarized and received not later than election day before they can be counted.
But now it seems that people are forging AND having forged signatures notarized. So maybe they have ways around the notary? A Democrat operative managed to get thousands of forged signatures notarized and submitted to get Democrats on the ballot in Pennsylvania for the midterms.

Do they have any limitations or restrictions for mail-in ballots in PA? Or can anybody do it? How does one guy get thousands of names of eligible voters and their ballots? Do they have any kind of verification/validation process? Wondering how this guy got caught, and did they invalidate those ballots? WTH is going on in PA? And finally, how much proof does the Left need before accepting the possibility of election fraud with the chance that an election might be affected?
Do they have any limitations or restrictions for mail-in ballots in PA? Or can anybody do it? How does one guy get thousands of names of eligible voters and their ballots? Do they have any kind of verification/validation process? Wondering how this guy got caught, and did they invalidate those ballots? WTH is going on in PA? And finally, how much proof does the Left need before accepting the possibility of election fraud with the chance that an election might be affected?
In this last election we received 4 or 5 forms to request mail in ballots. We could easily have filled out all 5 using different names that once lived with us and no doubt would have received 5 ballots. Not too hard to fill out those and send in under whatever names that might pass muster--the dead, the comatose, the out of the state or country or whatever. I don't know what the rules are in Pennsylvania, but apparently the guy was able to forge thousands of names and have them notarized to get Democrat candidates on the ballot. So how hard would it be to cheat with mail in ballots?
So how hard would it be to cheat with mail in ballots?

Not hard enough. There's no way to prove how many votes got counted around the country that were not valid and should have been discarded. But anybody who denies even the possibility is denying reality. The fact is that as much as half of the country has doubts about the integrity of our elections, and that is not good because it casts doubt on the gov't itself.
I have been lobbying for a universal rule that all mail in ballots have to be signed and notarized and received not later than election day before they can be counted.
But now it seems that people are forging AND having forged signatures notarized. So maybe they have ways around the notary? A Democrat operative managed to get thousands of forged signatures notarized and submitted to get Democrats on the ballot in Pennsylvania for the midterms.

Not hard to become a notary or just steal the seal.
In this last election we received 4 or 5 forms to request mail in ballots. We could easily have filled out all 5 using different names that once lived with us and no doubt would have received 5 ballots. Not too hard to fill out those and send in under whatever names that might pass muster--the dead, the comatose, the out of the state or country or whatever. I don't know what the rules are in Pennsylvania, but apparently the guy was able to forge thousands of names and have them notarized to get Democrat candidates on the ballot. So how hard would it be to cheat with mail in ballots?
During Covid I received 6 actual lefytvirus mailin ballots.....actual ballots! Never requested any.
During Covid I received 6 actual lefytvirus mailin ballots.....actual ballots! Never requested any.
I think your experience is legion. But of course nobody would be unethical enough to take advantage of having multiple ballots to send in. (cough)
Not hard to become a notary or just steal the seal.
Most anyone can become a notary minus felons and in some states probably would reject repeat felons but allow regular felons to hold a certification. I was a notary for a bit and it’s as easy as pie to obtain.
Disclaimer: While I KNOW there was cheating in 2020 and this year, I honestly don't KNOW that it was sufficient to overturn any election. But because the rank and file citizen cannot KNOW, I wonder. Many wonder.

Do you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that many races may not have been honorably won? If so, you are by no means alone.

The main problems we have are:
1. The willingness of so many to cheat or condone cheating
2. The unwillingness of the winning side to acknowledge or admit there is widespread cheating
3. The lack of political will to do anything about it.

Mail in voting with so few safeguards in place is a huge reason for the distrust.

I advocate for mail in votes to be signed and notarized. Otherwise utilize photo voter ID and vote on paper ballots that are hand counted only. Get rid of the machines. It is the only way to restore trust in the system.
There are many ways to cheat and America has a long history of it....yet so many buy into the media narrative that it is akin to treason to admit it or recognize it ---much less to dare speak about it.

Then we have people like Attorney General Barr who claimed unequivocally there was no does he know that?

He claimed he checked into it............bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I would like for him to go into some detail as in exactly how he checked into it?

There was no comprehensive investigation.....though that was what was needed.

Our whole election process is in it takes too long to count the votes and one party aka the democrats have control of most of the counting of votes.

All this voting by mail and voting months ahead of time should be done away with....people should be required to vote in person with the proper identification on election day.......that would stop most of the methods used to cheat....those who count votes need to be thoroughly vetted and monitored very closely as they count the votes.
As much as I abhor the thought, I fear America is headed for a violent revolution very soon.
What I see is more riots, looting and burning by the minorities....who feel with good reason that is a guranteed method of getting more free stuff....aka terrorizing politicians into giving them more and more in order to avoid such things.
Then we have people like Attorney General Barr who claimed unequivocally there was no does he know that?

With respect, then AG BARR said that at that that time the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. He did not say there was no fraud or no cheating, and he didn't say the outcome was legit. He merely said there was not sufficient evidence to claim otherwise. And I would assume he meant that by evidence he meant evidence that would stand up in court.

I and quite a few other Americans have serious doubts about the legitimacy of that election. There were numerous polls that suggest roughly half the country had such doubts, and to my mind the fact that the Left would not even entertain the possibility and support investigations to determine the facts was a far greater threat to democracy and our current form of gov't than anything that happened later. Had they done so, maybe there never would have been a Jan 6th episode. Such fears and doubts should not have been casually swept under the rug and dismissed as nonsense. Whether or not it was nonsense should have been thoroughly checked; it wasn't. Case after case was not thrown out of court for lack of merit but rather lack of standing or jurisdiction, which are entirely different things.
With respect, then AG BARR said that at that that time the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. He did not say there was no fraud or no cheating, and he didn't say the outcome was legit. He merely said there was not sufficient evidence to claim otherwise. And I would assume he meant that by evidence he meant evidence that would stand up in court.

I and quite a few other Americans have serious doubts about the legitimacy of that election. There were numerous polls that suggest roughly half the country had such doubts, and to my mind the fact that the Left would not even entertain the possibility and support investigations to determine the facts was a far greater threat to democracy and our current form of gov't than anything that happened later. Had they done so, maybe there never would have been a Jan 6th episode. Such fears and doubts should not have been casually swept under the rug and dismissed as nonsense. Whether or not it was nonsense should have been thoroughly checked; it wasn't. Case after case was not thrown out of court for lack of merit but rather lack of standing or jurisdiction, which are entirely different things.

Not true. Polls did not find half the country doubted the legitimacy of the election; and roughly half of those 60+ court cases were thrown out due to lack of evidence or lack of merit. There was simply no evidence to support the baseless claims being tossed out almost daily in a desperate attempt to flip the election to the loser. In a state Senate hearing, Trump's lawyers outright lied to Georgia's Senate about "suitcase ballots." Some of his lawyers face sanctions for lying about election fraud. Virtually every claim of election fraud was debunked. Even after being debunked, Trump was still saying debunked claims were real. Supporters like Lindell and D'Souza crashed & burned over their claims of fraud which failed to stand up against scrutiny. To this day, there's no real evidence of widespread fraud. People have been conned into believing Trump really won that election for one reason and one reason alone...

What I see is more riots, looting and burning by the minorities....who feel with good reason that is a guranteed method of getting more free stuff....aka terrorizing politicians into giving them more and more in order to avoid such things.

You sound like a Q supporter.

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