You aren't alone if you think there is massive cheating

If the outcome was reversed and all the polls showed democrats winning but they all lost after days of counting ballots in republican majority counties the media and the dems would be calling for investigations...
But ole McConnell is silent as a church mouse.... and so is McCarthy... who should be replaced as house leader for the GOP immediately...
He is a loser... and so is McConnell...
You’ve hit the bullseye on responsibility for show-weakness-in-all-things: Mitch McConnell. I recall watching him as a teenager in Kentuckiana and thought, Now who actually voted for this slow thinking, turtle looking fella? lol
i am so tired of this treasonous whining by the right.....if you dont care for this system pack up and go...isnt that what you told democrats when trump won.....bunch of sad snowflakes

In a world where having a three digit IQ is treason, you would absolutely never be accused of such.
Massive Cheating?

You had better bring all your evidence to court.
I am sure they would love to see it
If you didn't swear allegiance to McConnell you didn't get his full support.... what kind of monster is this guy?...
McConnell and McCarthy are old guard neocon Republican. I am pretty sure they hate Donald Trump and his supporters with a passion because Trump so badly showed up ALL the old guard politicians, GOP and Democrats, by not accepting the status quo, thinking outside the box, accomplishing great things for Americans they all said could not be done or had to be done a specific way.

But they both can bring in the big cash for election campaigns and super pacs. Many Republicans owe them just as the Democrats must give fealty to Schumer and Pelosi. To oppose them and lose could cost a congressional member dearly both in the most lucrative committee appointments and in allocation of that campaign money.

I'm not at all sure either WANT the leadership majority position right now because they figure they can't turn things around and don't want the blame. It is a lot easier to complain about those who govern than it is to govern.
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AZ counted 1 million ballots in one night but its taking a week to count 400,000 in their bluest county.... don't tell me this isn't fraud....

Once the vote is in, what difference does it make if it takes a day or a month to report?

As long as they get it right
AZ counted 1 million ballots in one night but its taking a week to count 400,000 in their bluest county.... don't tell me this isn't fraud....
I guess we real Americans are relegated to the fact we move to one of the states that supports our Constitution, and has elections you can trust.
You don't know anything, you think you know.

If you knew, you'd have proof, but you have none, so you rely on rightwing conspiracies perpetuated by your fearless leader.
The poll I linked is not any rightwing conspiracy theory. Remember there are a lot more Democrat registered voters than there are Republican.
Once the vote is in, what difference does it make if it takes a day or a month to report?

As long as they get it right
It does not inspire trust in the system or process when some states can report results that stand within a few hours, but others count and count and count and count until the Democrat wins. I can't think of many, if any, of these long drawn out processes that result in the Republican winning.
I'm sure McConnell utilizes the same dirty tricks the dems use to win his seat time after time...
Yes Ram, I believe the term career politician covers it it well to define his extended time on the hill. There should be zero politicians making bank while in office or using their position at the expense of their constituents. So many politicians on both sides rely on boo koo PAC $$$ to win. A real scam assuring voters will never have quality candidates REQUIRING candidates to have access to millions of dollars (moving up currently to having access to billions as with GA’s last runoff). This is an unlawful requirement according to the constitution, I obviously need to evaluate the amendments that allowed this to happen! It’s crooked as directly fixing the outcome.

Final note- old Mitch‘s way of “go along to get along” has not been years of successful compromise but years of weak on life-support responses. I have no insider knowledge but have little doubt that many on the hill consider Mitch a push over.
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You aren't alone if you think there is massive cheating
That’s the problem.

Far too many on the right buy into lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

Worse, far too many on the right propagate lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’
That’s the problem.

Far too many on the right buy into lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

Worse, far too many on the right propagate lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’
And on the left, they carry out the reality about fraud and cheating. You wackos are going to have to come up with another routine, this delay and create one is too well known.
It does not inspire trust in the system or process when some states can report results that stand within a few hours, but others count and count and count and count until the Democrat wins. I can't think of many, if any, of these long drawn out processes that result in the Republican winning.

Actually, rushing to judgement does not inspire trust in the system.
Candidates will not take office until January anyway. Getting the count correct in November is the responsible way to act

Why are Republicans so child like in insisting on instant gratification ?
That’s the problem.

Far too many on the right buy into lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

Worse, far too many on the right propagate lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

Conservatives scream that signatures on absentee ballots are not validated…..FRAUD

But when validating each signature takes more time, they scream that validating signatures is now FRAUD

You only trust the elections that you win

It’s an article of religious faith among Republicans that when they lose elections it’s due to non-existent ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

The fact is that when Republicans lose elections, it’s because the voters reject Republican candidates and the GOP’s agenda.

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