You aren't alone if you think there is massive cheating

2 states not worried about Rs.
The balance of power in the House is in California where they continue to count and count and count and count. I'm pretty sure they'll keep counting until the Democrat wins. We are unlikely to get the House back either.
Not saying you did, but wondering why many ballots have just one candidate selected.
Oh. Okay. Is that the case? Lots of ballots with one candidate only selected? If true, that really REALLY doesn't pass the smell test does it.
Think back to the presidential election when many Biden only ballots were discovered.
Yep. But we're not supposed to mention or even notice that you know. It make's us evil conspiracy theorists. Which many leftists on this thread seem to think about the 57% of Americans who question the system and process.

And as President Trump's current approval numbers are as bad as Biden's, its really REALLY hard to think that he inspired all 57% of Americans to question the election system and process.
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Please cite a reputable source that this occurred. Where was the suit this was brought up?
Apparently it happens.

But when new ballots coming in long after the election is over and strongly favor one candidate, it will always raise eyebrows. And lead to voter distrust in the system and process as is reflected in the poll in the OP.
As much as I abhor the thought, I fear America is headed for a violent revolution very soon.
Well someth8ng needs to be done,if it means taking the country back then it needs to happen,we did not become a free country in 1776 by sitting on the sidelines,we need another 1776 sense all other routes have failed to achive justice.
Disclaimer: While I KNOW there was cheating in 2020 and this year, I honestly don't KNOW that it was sufficient to overturn any election. But because the rank and file citizen cannot KNOW, I wonder. Many wonder.

Do you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that many races may not have been honorably won? If so, you are by no means alone.

The main problems we have are:
1. The willingness of so many to cheat or condone cheating
2. The unwillingness of the winning side to acknowledge or admit there is widespread cheating
3. The lack of political will to do anything about it.

Mail in voting with so few safeguards in place is a huge reason for the distrust.

I advocate for mail in votes to be signed and notarized. Otherwise utilize photo voter ID and vote on paper ballots that are hand counted only. Get rid of the machines. It is the only way to restore trust in the system.
It evokes even more suspicion when you see who apparently was in control of the FBI from 2016 - 2020. The FBI would probably be involved in a voting fraud investigation...but if they refused to find any evidence who would know? And...the FBI also has the ability to hack computers...which makes me wonder about the DNC hack in addition to their ability to hack the vote count. They could have provided the mysterious hack at the DNC's request, and then pointed the finger at WHOEVER...and we all know who that "whoever" conveniently was.
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Well someth8ng needs to be done,if it means taking the country back then it needs to happen,we did not become a free country in 1776 by sitting on the sidelines,we need another 1776 sense all other routes have failed to achive justice.
Like this alternative media guy has said,we can’t vote our way out of tyranny.
Voting is done in person with ID verified. Mail-in is easily susceptible to fraud and should only be done in extreme, low volume circumstances. Yet you Dims make it your "take the lead: strategy because its so easy to manipulate. And you know you do it.
Massive mailout of ballots should be illegal and only sent out when requested and with state approval.
Your fellow rightists have repeatedly stated their opposition to early voting and voting by mail.

Of course conservatives aren’t going to be honest and truthful as to their opposition to both, just as they’re not honest and truthful about non-existent ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

Conservatives lie about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ to hobble the political process and undermine our democratic institutions.

Conservatives oppose voting by mail and early voting to disadvantage voters of color who vote overwhelmingly Democratic.
Like this alternative media guy has said,we can’t vote our way out of tyranny.
I'm thinking the US may have another tiananmen square massacre, only, the media will paint it as though the troops saved the nation and democracy by crushing a protest.

Your fellow rightists have repeatedly stated their opposition to early voting and voting by mail.

Of course conservatives aren’t going to be honest and truthful as to their opposition to both, just as they’re not honest and truthful about non-existent ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’

Conservatives lie about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ to hobble the political process and undermine our democratic institutions.

Conservatives oppose voting by mail and early voting to disadvantage voters of color who vote overwhelmingly Democratic.
We oppose voting by mail because its too easy to cheat and manipulate, which you well know. Early voting is fine as long as you are required to show picture ID and ensure no additional mail in ballot is also sent in.
So how does requiring ID for regular or early voting, and having tight restrictions on mail in ballots, disadvantage voters of color? Are their legs broken? Cant they use the same ID for voting that they use at the liquor store?
I think your brain is disadvantaged.
Voting is done in person with ID verified. Mail-in is easily susceptible to fraud and should only be done in extreme, low volume circumstances. Yet you Dims make it your "take the lead: strategy because its so easy to manipulate. And you know you do it.
Massive mailout of ballots should be illegal and only sent out when requested and with state approval.
How are mail in ballots susceptible to fraud?
Can you actually show any real fraud or just your fantasies
But when new ballots coming in long after the election is over and strongly favor one candidate, it will always raise eyebrows. And lead to voter distrust in the system and process as is reflected in the poll in the OP.

IMHO, drop boxes ought to be illegal, mail-in ballots ought to be mailed rather than dropped off by somebody, and mail-in ballots should be received, not sent, by 7 pm on election day. If you can't vote and get your ballot in by then, TS. None of this crap where ballots are received and counted after election day, screw that. The pandemic is over, and we need to go back to the election system the way it was. And we've got to do a better job of validating ballots by checking various databases to ensure the individual is alive and living in the precinct he or she voted in. There's no reason why ballots can't be scanned for a barcode that identifies the person, and computer applications can run that ID through various federal, state, and local databases. Unscanned ballots would not be counted until verified.
We oppose voting by mail because its too easy to cheat and manipulate, which you well know. Early voting is fine as long as you are required to show picture ID and ensure no additional mail in ballot is also sent in.
So how does requiring ID for regular or early voting, and having tight restrictions on mail in ballots, disadvantage voters of color? Are their legs broken? Cant they use the same ID for voting that they use at the liquor store?
I think your brain is disadvantaged.

Pretty funny given Trump sometimes votes by mail.
I have reached the point where I pay no attention to allegations that are not supported by hard evidence.
So you pay no attention to anything a democrat says.

I read a summary earlier this morning on why, statistically, the results of these midterms could not have happened. That ain't evidence.
Then you don't understand statistics. The entire foundation of physics is BASED on it, so now you don't believe in physics, neither?

Show me the PROOF that will stand up in court.
Let's start with the claim made by every journalist in the MSM that the election fraud was baseless and debunked! I've asked at least FIFTY times and STILL can't get any answer!
It evokes even more suspicion when you see who apparently was in control of the FBI from 2016 - 2020. The FBI would probably be involved in a voting fraud investigation...but if they refused to find any evidence who would know? And...the FBI also has the ability to hack computers...which makes me wonder about the DNC hack in addition to their ability to hack the vote count. They could have provided the mysterious hack at the DNC's request, and then pointed the finger at WHOEVER...and we all know who that "whoever" conveniently was.
We all know the DOJ has been weaponized against any Americans the current administrations views as any kind of 'threat' however unjustified that might be. We know the IRS was weaponized against conservatives during the Obama administration. And when the MSM and social media is complicit in aiding and abetting an assigned narrative that demonizes anything contrary to the administration's goals, there is little confidence that our government or its surrogate media cares about anything other than those goals.

And a substantial majority of Americans distrust the system and process of our elections.
IMHO, drop boxes ought to be illegal, mail-in ballots ought to be mailed rather than dropped off by somebody, and mail-in ballots should be received, not sent, by 7 pm on election day. If you can't vote and get your ballot in by then, TS. None of this crap where ballots are received and counted after election day, screw that. The pandemic is over, and we need to go back to the election system the way it was. And we've got to do a better job of validating ballots by checking various databases to ensure the individual is alive and living in the precinct he or she voted in. There's no reason why ballots can't be scanned for a barcode that identifies the person, and computer applications can run that ID through various federal, state, and local databases. Unscanned ballots would not be counted until verified.
Absolutely drop boxes must be eliminated. And I've rethought the absentee ballots. Not only should absentee ballots be requested via a signed and notarized request, they should be signed and notarized and returned no later than one week before the polls close so that they can be counted and tallied by election day.

My proposed election reform thread before some amendments I think it needs:
Well someth8ng needs to be done,if it means taking the country back then it needs to happen,we did not become a free country in 1776 by sitting on the sidelines,we need another 1776 sense all other routes have failed to achive justice.
I don't want to talk revolution. The Founders gave us a map for an independent republic in which the people would have their rights secured and the liberty to make the most of them. Bloodshed should never even be considered until all other possible solutions have been exhausted. Far more innocent than guilty would die.

The Biden Administration is also doing as much as it possibly can to eject all true Patriots from the military and make it as left and 'woke' as they can make it. With a military willing to do violence to the citizens should the Administration choose to do it that way, what Patriots who took up arms would be quickly obliterated and most likely their families and friends also.

All we can do now is strengthen those states that still believe in liberty and change indoctrinated hearts and minds one person at a time until there are so many of us the leftists can't cheat enough to win elections.

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