You aren't use to a having a President with balls of steel...And it drives you crazy.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!

The majority of the people of the Greatest Nation on Earth disagree with you.
When did you poll them? Never that's when. You just make up shit to promote your lies.
You've been posting about Obama's balls a lot today... have you been fantasizing?
I must admit I find Obama extremely attractive myself, I don't blame you.

That you NL constantly talk about fantasies, it tells me you're the ones that do such things.

How's that worthless government job going?
All this Republican failure is putting my job in overdrive.

Once we get dems back in ill be able to kick my feet up a bit. Unemployment always drops under dems.

Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama. You work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.

Food stamps use went up with unemployment from Great Recession and has been going down since economy got back on track.

Yes, crazy correlations, I know.

You mean the unemployment Obama himself said wouldn't go above 8% yet went above 10%?

When Bush left office in January, 2009 unemployment , depending on the source ranged from 7.6% to 7.8%. The numbers using food stamps was approximately 32 million. Both can be verified if you choose not to agree. When Obama left office in January 2017, claimed unemployment was 4.8% and had supposedly been coming down for several years. In February, 2013, unemployment under Obama was at the same point as when Bush left office 4 years before. However, food stamp use was still hovering around the record numbers.

Why had food stamp use not dropped to the same levels as under Bush if unemployment was at the same percentage? After claims that unemployment dropped approximately 3% lower 4 years later under Obama (January, 2017), why had food stamp use not dropped below the 32 million high under Bush?
Many footstamp recipients have jobs. It's not that they have no income, it's that their income isn't enough to make ends meet.
That's why food stamp stats don't directly correlate to employment rates.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

We are seeing anti-Americanism being normalized.

This is not a good thing.
Idiots crying for their own destruction.
The majority of the people of the Greatest Nation on Earth disagree with you.
When did you poll them? Never that's when. You just make up shit to promote your lies.
That you NL constantly talk about fantasies, it tells me you're the ones that do such things.

How's that worthless government job going?
All this Republican failure is putting my job in overdrive.

Once we get dems back in ill be able to kick my feet up a bit. Unemployment always drops under dems.

Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama. You work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.

Food stamps use went up with unemployment from Great Recession and has been going down since economy got back on track.

Yes, crazy correlations, I know.

You mean the unemployment Obama himself said wouldn't go above 8% yet went above 10%?

When Bush left office in January, 2009 unemployment , depending on the source ranged from 7.6% to 7.8%. The numbers using food stamps was approximately 32 million. Both can be verified if you choose not to agree. When Obama left office in January 2017, claimed unemployment was 4.8% and had supposedly been coming down for several years. In February, 2013, unemployment under Obama was at the same point as when Bush left office 4 years before. However, food stamp use was still hovering around the record numbers.

Why had food stamp use not dropped to the same levels as under Bush if unemployment was at the same percentage? After claims that unemployment dropped approximately 3% lower 4 years later under Obama (January, 2017), why had food stamp use not dropped below the 32 million high under Bush?
Many footstamp recipients have jobs. It's not that they have no income, it's that their income isn't enough to make ends meet.
That's why food stamp stats don't directly correlate to employment rates.

In other words, the jobs Obama takes credit for creating in order to be applauded for getting the unemployment rate down are shitty jobs. Got it.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Who the hell are you talking about? President Snowflake?

The whiniest President we have ever had?

The man doesn't have balls, hell he doesn't even have his marbles.

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