You aren't use to a having a President with balls of steel...And it drives you crazy.

You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
Trump throws a Twitter tantrum any time someone hurts his feelings. That's what you call balls of steel???
You must have balls of oatmeal.
Violence is never the answer. There will always be someone bigger and faster come along or even worse someone starts bringing equalizers, then it wont matter who is larger or faster.

When it comes to Nazis, violence is always the answer. Did we hug and love Nazis in WWII? No, we fucking killed them. So why should it be any different today.

They can bring their "equalizers" and we'll bring more. If it comes down to us vs. them, who would you rather have? Nazis or the people who want to kill them? If you hesitate at all with regard to that question, you are part of the problem.
I also like honesty, courage, and a willingness to support a constitutional conservative agenda

Conservatives have never and will never give a shit about the Constitution. You're the fucking asswipes who want to amend it to prevent gay people from getting married.

Conservatives are also the biggest fucking cowards there are, whining like little bitches when someone kneels in an effort to talk about racism.

And Conservatives are the biggest fucking liars there are too, lying about how cutting taxes will result in trickle down prosperity for all. That's the biggest fucking lie they tell. The minute you pull at that thread, the rest of their ideology unravels because it all goes back to those faith-based principles.

Trump throws a Twitter tantrum any time someone hurts his feelings. That's what you call balls of steel???
You must have balls of oatmeal.

They don't have balls. Conservatives are flat down there, like a Ken doll.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.

Were you one of the lefty mob that was attacking him just a few months ago for not having an aggressive foreign policy?
I do not know what you are talking about, Trump is too stupid to successfully pull off an aggressive foreign policy because he does not know the stick must always include a carrot. Right now the whole world sees Trump pushing NK into a corner and not offering them an acceptable way out.

They said the same thing about Japan in 1945 as they were furiously
trying to negotiate something with Russia to keep from having to surrender

The day we dropped the second A-Bomb on Nagasaki, Russia broke off
its negotiations and invaded Japanese forces in Manchuria.

Two weeks hence, Japan would surrender unconditionally.

It worked then...hell, it'll work now. want China to jump in and take over Korea, using the war to their advantage.

What's the big deal in that?

They ain't gonna get the South. China doesn't want a unified Korea because
they don't want American forces on the Yalu River. Guess what, we ain't gonna let them get the South.

And what is it with this war stuff. The next Korean War is gonna last less
than an hour. (Depending on the location of our subs) North Korea won't
be able to be lived in for 10,000 years.

Some of you libs are downright hysterical
I also like honesty, courage, and a willingness to support a constitutional conservative agenda

Conservatives have never and will never give a shit about the Constitution. You're the fucking asswipes who want to amend it to prevent gay people from getting married.

Conservatives are also the biggest fucking cowards there are, whining like little bitches when someone kneels in an effort to talk about racism.

And Conservatives are the biggest fucking liars there are too, lying about how cutting taxes will result in trickle down prosperity for all. That's the biggest fucking lie they tell. The minute you pull at that thread, the rest of their ideology unravels because it all goes back to those faith-based principles.


You're absolutely right. We did try to amend the state constitutions to keep the government from interfering in same sex relationships. Which is precisely what you are supposed to do with a state issue.

Unfortunately the federal government once again usurped state power and is now involved in regulating marriage and same sex relationships.

The fact that you think this some is constitutional while keeping the federal government out of it and preventing a government power grab is bad tells me how badly educated our nation is as to what the constitution says.

Taking a knee doesn't talk about racism. Yelling "F you" to the men and women who have sacrificed their lives, limbs, and families to give us a free nation. Taking a knee is no sacrifice at all. It's a way self centered spoiled rich cowards scream out for attention.

And yes too many Republicans lie. No one claimed otherwise. That doesn't mean shouldn't seek honest conservatives for high office.

Cutting taxes for everyone does lead to more prosperity. It's common sense dude. If you have to pay less if your hard earned money to the government you are going to have more for yourself. You are going yo be able to purchase your needs, some wants, and pursue your dreams creating jobs and raising prosperity.

How can something self evident be a lie?
Shouldn't this baiting, trolling thread be moved to General Discussion or the Rubber Room?
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha

Naw, guy, what concerns us is his lack of decorum, intellect, or common decency.

It's like someone let your drunk uncle become president.
We get it, JoeB131. You prefer polished BS over honesty that might hurt your feelings.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

More apropos T-rump has ball bearings for a brain ... grow up ...
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!

The majority of the people of the Greatest Nation on Earth disagree with you.
When did you poll them? Never that's when. You just make up shit to promote your lies.
Uhh so it's not the balls and not the black, it's the qualifications of two time elected President who left office with job aproval in the 60%+ range that you assert are not good enough. :rolleyes:

That means a lot of you sucked his black balls. Pucker up, NL.
You've been posting about Obama's balls a lot today... have you been fantasizing?
I must admit I find Obama extremely attractive myself, I don't blame you.

That you NL constantly talk about fantasies, it tells me you're the ones that do such things.

How's that worthless government job going?
All this Republican failure is putting my job in overdrive.

Once we get dems back in ill be able to kick my feet up a bit. Unemployment always drops under dems.

Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama. You work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.

Food stamps use went up with unemployment from Great Recession and has been going down since economy got back on track.

Yes, crazy correlations, I know.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
Trump throws a Twitter tantrum any time someone hurts his feelings. That's what you call balls of steel???
You must have balls of oatmeal.

You wouldn't's a legit American thing.
Just stop and think about it....he's called out all the negative bullshit going on in this country and brought it to the forefront...this is by design as it unifies good quality REAL American's and creates separation from the filth among us. Dude is brilliant!

Dude has pudding for brains!
Balls of steel would actually be pretty inconvenient. I mean, you could never get through the airport, driving would be a real pain, and in the winter they would stick to your leg necessitating embarrassing calls to the fire department.

Balls of titanium would be better. Light, but strong.

You would never have to worry about trying to jump over a fence and not making it all the way over.
(I worry about this often)
Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama

Two things to this:

1. SNAP usage increased because of the economic collapse your shit policies caused.

2. We could have had fewer people on SNAP, but you refuse to raise wages. Since SNAP eligibility is determined by income, the number of people on SNAP is directly related to wages. You oppose raising wages, therefore SNAP enrollment is on you. And it was Bush the Dumber, who you voted for twice and supported for 8 years, who changed the eligibility requirements for SNAP.

ou work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.

Fuck you. There are no lazier people in this country than Conservatives who cannot make an argument about anything without lying.
1. SNAP went to record numbers under your BOY.

2. I don't oppose raising wages for those that deserve higher wages. Since those that demand a higher one don't deserve it, it's on them for not having skills worth a better wage.

Yes there are. N*ggers like you are the laziest./

1. SNAP went to record numbers under your BOY. """

Was that during and after Bush's financial meltdown by any chance, dumbass? Already forgot about the mortgage crisis? The worst economic crisis since 1929. History started in 2009 for you fucking idiots.

No, it was during the Obama administration. The record wasn't reached until 2 1/2 years into his presidency.

You mean the mortgage crisis created by Democrats? I remember it well.
1. SNAP went to record numbers under your BOY.

Only because of your shitty policies that crapped the economy. You don't get to take a big dump on the table, then lob racist insults at those who try to clean up your shitty mess. Being Conservative means abrogating responsibility for anything. That's why I can take virtually any Conservative argument there is, and explain how it's just masturbation intended to make you feel better about yourself.

Trust me, no one cares enough about you to worry about your feelings. So fuck off, you whiny little bitch.

2. I don't oppose raising wages for those that deserve higher wages. the standard by which you measure "deserve" seems to be undefined. This is by design, so you can shift the goalposts as your argument crumbles one point after another. You're not clever. I see right through your bullshit.

Since those that demand a higher one don't deserve it, it's on them for not having skills worth a better wage.

Don't deserve it? WTF? So when did you become the arbiter of what people do and don't deserve? Since you realized you're a whiny little bitch, of course.

Yes there are. N*ggers like you are the laziest./

Thanks for proving Conservatives are racist pieces of shit. So since you decided to be a racist piece of shit, why should anyone take anything you say seriously? Because you really, really want them to? Sorry, when it comes to overt racists like you, I raise multiple middle fingers in the air. Die off already, you racist old fucks.

I'll fuck off when you man enough to back up that demand. Since none of you making such demands have ever answered the call to do so, I'll add you to the list that talked shit but acted like a pussy.

As someone that does the paying, I get to decide who deserves a raise or not. That's how it works. If you were ever capable of running a business, you'd understand that. Since all you do is kiss Obama's black ass for a living, you'll never understand. Pucker up, NL.
Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!

The majority of the people of the Greatest Nation on Earth disagree with you.
When did you poll them? Never that's when. You just make up shit to promote your lies.
That means a lot of you sucked his black balls. Pucker up, NL.
You've been posting about Obama's balls a lot today... have you been fantasizing?
I must admit I find Obama extremely attractive myself, I don't blame you.

That you NL constantly talk about fantasies, it tells me you're the ones that do such things.

How's that worthless government job going?
All this Republican failure is putting my job in overdrive.

Once we get dems back in ill be able to kick my feet up a bit. Unemployment always drops under dems.

Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama. You work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.

Food stamps use went up with unemployment from Great Recession and has been going down since economy got back on track.

Yes, crazy correlations, I know.

You mean the unemployment Obama himself said wouldn't go above 8% yet went above 10%?

When Bush left office in January, 2009 unemployment , depending on the source ranged from 7.6% to 7.8%. The numbers using food stamps was approximately 32 million. Both can be verified if you choose not to agree. When Obama left office in January 2017, claimed unemployment was 4.8% and had supposedly been coming down for several years. In February, 2013, unemployment under Obama was at the same point as when Bush left office 4 years before. However, food stamp use was still hovering around the record numbers.

Why had food stamp use not dropped to the same levels as under Bush if unemployment was at the same percentage? After claims that unemployment dropped approximately 3% lower 4 years later under Obama (January, 2017), why had food stamp use not dropped below the 32 million high under Bush?
President Snowflake is the most divisive president in history

He has managed to alienate Congress, the free press, his own cabinet, NATO, the UN, the pope....and now the NFL

it's not his job to be nice to Congress, or the Press, or his cabinet members, or our shitty allies, or the fucking pope, or the assholes in the NFL.

His job is to serve the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Who are represented by the Flag that these assholes are dissing.

Most divisive President EVER, most divisive, divisive ....Believe me
Trump is a bad hombre, not a nice person

What do you think you lefties calling people who disagree with you "Racist" for 60 years might have done to US unity?
President Snowflake is the most divisive president in historyHe has managed to alienate Congress, the free press, his own cabinet, NATO, the UN, the pope....and now the NFL
You left out, most of the or otherwise.

The rest of the world has a vested interest in US being stupid enough to continue to let them take advantage of US,

AND are infected by the same destructive liberalism that has caused so much damage here.

Of course they don't like seeing the US trying to switch gears.
President Snowflake is the most divisive president in historyHe has managed to alienate Congress, the free press, his own cabinet, NATO, the UN, the pope....and now the NFL
You left out, most of the or otherwise.

It is not just that he alienates them

Nobody in the world trusts his leadership

We keep hearing shit like that. Get back to me when someone asks us to leave, like NATO, or South Korea.

Until then, they are just ungrateful children bitching at those who take care of them.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

We are seeing anti-Americanism being normalized.

This is not a good thing.

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