You aren't use to a having a President with balls of steel...And it drives you crazy.

Stop politicizing Sports, ya damn jerkoffs. It's one of the few escapes folks have left. I truly despise you Democrats for trying to take that escape away. I swear if y'all keep it up, i'll never support a Democrat again.

Sports have been politicized forever, it's just that the message has always been a very pro-military, pro government message. That sort of thing dates back to the roman emperors staging free gladiator fights to take the people's minds off just how horrible they were. You know there's this rapidly decaying situation with NK? You might want to turn off the TV and wonder why after just few months of Trump a war with them is practically a forgone conclusion. Fuck football, you are going to have a war to sell sooner than you would like.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.

In other words, you got nothing. Here's another one you're sure to ignore.

No, NFL viewership wasn't down because of anthem protests

Despite an earlier report from ESPN that buried the lede a bit on the effect the protests had on ratings, only 3 percent of respondents to the online survey indicated that the protests were the primary reason they watched fewer NFL games in 2016.
Posting media lies and half truths is par for the course with you shit stains. IN OTHER WORDS, it don't matter what i post because the likes of your sorry ass will not accept it unless it agrees with your hatred of America. Die bitch!

You twits post links to fake news outlets. None of you nitwits even read past the fake headlines.
I haven't posted any links, liar. Stop lying, pull your head out of your ass and tell the truth.
Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama

Two things to this:

1. SNAP usage increased because of the economic collapse your shit policies caused.

2. We could have had fewer people on SNAP, but you refuse to raise wages. Since SNAP eligibility is determined by income, the number of people on SNAP is directly related to wages. You oppose raising wages, therefore SNAP enrollment is on you. And it was Bush the Dumber, who you voted for twice and supported for 8 years, who changed the eligibility requirements for SNAP.

ou work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.

Fuck you. There are no lazier people in this country than Conservatives who cannot make an argument about anything without lying.
1. SNAP went to record numbers under your BOY.

2. I don't oppose raising wages for those that deserve higher wages. Since those that demand a higher one don't deserve it, it's on them for not having skills worth a better wage.

Yes there are. N*ggers like you are the laziest./
Typical stain lie.

You see a guy kneel and it triggers the reptile part of your brain that defers to authoritarians and discourages dissent. What Kaep or any player does isn't your fucking concern. And if you don't want them to kneel, then let's have the conversation about race that you don't seem to want to have...mostly because you recognize your position is hideous and monstrous and because you have such a fragile, delicate ego, you can't bring yourself to say what you really feel; which is that black people are too uppity and should be thankful you even let them play football, when they should be quiet in the back of the bus or in the cotton fields.

Tell me I'm wrong.

What fills us with anger and rage are people disrespecting this country and it's veterans and its service men and women which is what the pieces of shit are doing. Liberal scum are disgusting pieces of filth.

You are disrespecting veterans when you hide behind them to avoid having the conversations about race you don't want to have because you have tiny little mouse balls, like Trump.
I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.

In other words, you got nothing. Here's another one you're sure to ignore.

No, NFL viewership wasn't down because of anthem protests

Despite an earlier report from ESPN that buried the lede a bit on the effect the protests had on ratings, only 3 percent of respondents to the online survey indicated that the protests were the primary reason they watched fewer NFL games in 2016.
Posting media lies and half truths is par for the course with you shit stains. IN OTHER WORDS, it don't matter what i post because the likes of your sorry ass will not accept it unless it agrees with your hatred of America. Die bitch!

You twits post links to fake news outlets. None of you nitwits even read past the fake headlines.
I haven't posted any links, liar. Stop lying, pull your head out of your ass and tell the truth.

And I don't post "media lies and half truths". If you can't take the heat, get off the board, pussy.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.

In other words, you got nothing. Here's another one you're sure to ignore.

No, NFL viewership wasn't down because of anthem protests

Despite an earlier report from ESPN that buried the lede a bit on the effect the protests had on ratings, only 3 percent of respondents to the online survey indicated that the protests were the primary reason they watched fewer NFL games in 2016.
Posting media lies and half truths is par for the course with you shit stains. IN OTHER WORDS, it don't matter what i post because the likes of your sorry ass will not accept it unless it agrees with your hatred of America. Die bitch!

You twits post links to fake news outlets. None of you nitwits even read past the fake headlines.
I haven't posted any links, liar. Stop lying, pull your head out of your ass and tell the truth.

And I don't post "media lies and half truths". If you can't take the heat, get off the board, pussy.
YOu and the rest of you scum lie 24/7
Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.

In other words, you got nothing. Here's another one you're sure to ignore.

No, NFL viewership wasn't down because of anthem protests

Despite an earlier report from ESPN that buried the lede a bit on the effect the protests had on ratings, only 3 percent of respondents to the online survey indicated that the protests were the primary reason they watched fewer NFL games in 2016.
Posting media lies and half truths is par for the course with you shit stains. IN OTHER WORDS, it don't matter what i post because the likes of your sorry ass will not accept it unless it agrees with your hatred of America. Die bitch!

"you shit stains", "your sorry ass", "your hatred of America. Die bitch!"

LOL you make me laugh. Thanks.
Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama

Two things to this:

1. SNAP usage increased because of the economic collapse your shit policies caused.

2. We could have had fewer people on SNAP, but you refuse to raise wages. Since SNAP eligibility is determined by income, the number of people on SNAP is directly related to wages. You oppose raising wages, therefore SNAP enrollment is on you. And it was Bush the Dumber, who you voted for twice and supported for 8 years, who changed the eligibility requirements for SNAP.

ou work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.

Fuck you. There are no lazier people in this country than Conservatives who cannot make an argument about anything without lying.
1. SNAP went to record numbers under your BOY.

2. I don't oppose raising wages for those that deserve higher wages. Since those that demand a higher one don't deserve it, it's on them for not having skills worth a better wage.

Yes there are. N*ggers like you are the laziest./

1. SNAP went to record numbers under your BOY. """

Was that during and after Bush's financial meltdown by any chance, dumbass? Already forgot about the mortgage crisis? The worst economic crisis since 1929. History started in 2009 for you fucking idiots.
Typical stain lie.

You see a guy kneel and it triggers the reptile part of your brain that defers to authoritarians and discourages dissent. What Kaep or any player does isn't your fucking concern. And if you don't want them to kneel, then let's have the conversation about race that you don't seem to want to have...mostly because you recognize your position is hideous and monstrous and because you have such a fragile, delicate ego, you can't bring yourself to say what you really feel; which is that black people are too uppity and should be thankful you even let them play football, when they should be quiet in the back of the bus or in the cotton fields.

Tell me I'm wrong.

What fills us with anger and rage are people disrespecting this country and it's veterans and its service men and women which is what the pieces of shit are doing. Liberal scum are disgusting pieces of filth.

You are disrespecting veterans when you hide behind them to avoid having the conversations about race you don't want to have because you have tiny little mouse balls, like Trump.
Lying piece of shit. You goddam cocksuckers are gonna get the battle you been asking for!
Piss off! Y'all are politicizing everything. Now you're fucking with folks' sports too. I hate you for it. You Democrats can fuck off with your tired 'Race Card' shite. Go to hell.

Fuck you, whiner. You of all the whiny little bitches have no place to tell others what they can or can't do to express their freedom of dissent. You're such a chickenshit whiny little bitch that you don't even want to have a conversation about the things Kaepernick is protesting. You instead live in this sanitized world where uppity black people are quiet and know their place. Fuck you and fuck your Jim Crow sensibilities. You are not important enough to anyone for your opinion to carry the weight of Kaep's.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.

In other words, you got nothing. Here's another one you're sure to ignore.

No, NFL viewership wasn't down because of anthem protests

Despite an earlier report from ESPN that buried the lede a bit on the effect the protests had on ratings, only 3 percent of respondents to the online survey indicated that the protests were the primary reason they watched fewer NFL games in 2016.
Posting media lies and half truths is par for the course with you shit stains. IN OTHER WORDS, it don't matter what i post because the likes of your sorry ass will not accept it unless it agrees with your hatred of America. Die bitch!

You twits post links to fake news outlets. None of you nitwits even read past the fake headlines.
I haven't posted any links, liar. Stop lying, pull your head out of your ass and tell the truth.

And I don't post "media lies and half truths". If you can't take the heat, get off the board, pussy.

The heat is still on in Texas.
Typical stain lie.

You see a guy kneel and it triggers the reptile part of your brain that defers to authoritarians and discourages dissent. What Kaep or any player does isn't your fucking concern. And if you don't want them to kneel, then let's have the conversation about race that you don't seem to want to have...mostly because you recognize your position is hideous and monstrous and because you have such a fragile, delicate ego, you can't bring yourself to say what you really feel; which is that black people are too uppity and should be thankful you even let them play football, when they should be quiet in the back of the bus or in the cotton fields.

Tell me I'm wrong.

What fills us with anger and rage are people disrespecting this country and it's veterans and its service men and women which is what the pieces of shit are doing. Liberal scum are disgusting pieces of filth.

You are disrespecting veterans when you hide behind them to avoid having the conversations about race you don't want to have because you have tiny little mouse balls, like Trump.
Lying piece of shit. You goddam cocksuckers are gonna get the battle you been asking for!

Ohh tough guy hair piece coming up.

1. SNAP went to record numbers under your BOY.

Only because of your shitty policies that crapped the economy. You don't get to take a big dump on the table, then lob racist insults at those who try to clean up your shitty mess. Being Conservative means abrogating responsibility for anything. That's why I can take virtually any Conservative argument there is, and explain how it's just masturbation intended to make you feel better about yourself.

Trust me, no one cares enough about you to worry about your feelings. So fuck off, you whiny little bitch.

2. I don't oppose raising wages for those that deserve higher wages. the standard by which you measure "deserve" seems to be undefined. This is by design, so you can shift the goalposts as your argument crumbles one point after another. You're not clever. I see right through your bullshit.

Since those that demand a higher one don't deserve it, it's on them for not having skills worth a better wage.

Don't deserve it? WTF? So when did you become the arbiter of what people do and don't deserve? Since you realized you're a whiny little bitch, of course.

Yes there are. N*ggers like you are the laziest./

Thanks for proving Conservatives are racist pieces of shit. So since you decided to be a racist piece of shit, why should anyone take anything you say seriously? Because you really, really want them to? Sorry, when it comes to overt racists like you, I raise multiple middle fingers in the air. Die off already, you racist old fucks.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

used to
Was that during and after Bush's financial meltdown by any chance, dumbass? Already forgot about the mortgage crisis? The worst economic crisis since 1929. History started in 2009 for you fucking idiots.

Their fucking policies erased surpluses.

Their fucking policies quagmired us in two unwinnable wars of occupation in the graveyard of empires.

Their fucking policies resulted in regulators not enforcing lending standards for subprime loans, beginning in 2004, only because their tax cut promises didn't deliver and they were desperate to make the economy look like it was growing when it fucking wasn't.

Conservatives are pieces of shit. Always have been, always will be.
Lying piece of shit. You goddam cocksuckers are gonna get the battle you been asking for!

This is I'm not very afraid of a bunch of glass-jawed Nazis posturing on message boards.


I could watch that GIF all fucking day.
Lying piece of shit. You goddam cocksuckers are gonna get the battle you been asking for!

This is I'm not very afraid of a bunch of glass-jawed Nazis posturing on message boards.


I could watch that GIF all fucking day.

Violence is never the answer. There will always be someone bigger and faster come along or even worse someone starts bringing equalizers, then it wont matter who is larger or faster.
First, how do you know what his balls feel like?

Second, yes I prefer a president who is calculating. Wisdom is a good attribute to have in a leader. I also like honesty, courage, and a willingness to support a constitutional conservative agenda
Nothing. I just live of others tax dollars and shit and piss in the alley. My kids were raised on welfare and they all live the same way now. I've got 15 grand kids all living off your tax dollars and we enjoy it. In fact. last month with my left over money from my check I was able to buy a shit load of ammo. I owe it all to food stamps! Let's hear your next load of butt staine bullshit.

Thing is, I can't tell if you're joking. That's how little I think of you. I actually believe you are on some kind of government assistance. You hate yourself so much for it, so you seek to degrade others in your position. The reason you're a failure isn't because of black people...the reason you're a failure is because your parents did a shit job raising you despite all the privileges and advantages you have. Even with the deck stacked in your favor, you still fail at life.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
"Land of the free" has the highest prison pop on the planet. Why is that?

I have a big problem with that too, but you still hit the lottery being born here. It is the greatest country on earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
I do. I also respect the right others have not stand. Ah, freedom.

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