You aren't use to a having a President with balls of steel...And it drives you crazy.

I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.
What is it with shills and bullshit polls?

Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
"Land of the free" has the highest prison pop on the planet. Why is that?
Democrats and liberals.
How? We are not an overwhelming majority.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it! that your cute name for someone being an immature whiny asshole?
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
"Land of the free" has the highest prison pop on the planet. Why is that?
Democrats and liberals.
How? We are not an overwhelming majority.
Liberals never understand how they got their stupid asses where they are at.
Balls of steel would actually be pretty inconvenient. I mean, you could never get through the airport, driving would be a real pain, and in the winter they would stick to your leg necessitating embarrassing calls to the fire department.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Balls of Steel...

Abraham Lincoln
Harry Truman


I think you confuse "balls of steel" with "nutsack in mouth".

Just because you know how to be rude and crude does not mean you have "balls of steel".

I bet FDR never grabbed a bitch by her pussy.

(Or at least he never bragged about it.)

The scumbag fdr was, among other things, a serial adulterer.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.
What is it with shills and bullshit polls?

Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Side note: my sister had an awful ex we call fat bastard. He was a conservative Republican and made my skin crawl.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
"Land of the free" has the highest prison pop on the planet. Why is that?

Drug war. AKA the war on Americans who choose to use non-government approved (taxed) recreational substances.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.
What is it with shills and bullshit polls?

Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.
And our kids will be on the front lines. Not theirs!
Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.
What is it with shills and bullshit polls?

Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Side note: my sister had an awful ex we call fat bastard. He was a conservative Republican and made my skin crawl.

Sorry for you sister.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.
And our kids will be on the front lines. Not theirs!
Run to Canada with the rest of the cowards.
What is it with shills and bullshit polls?

Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Side note: my sister had an awful ex we call fat bastard. He was a conservative Republican and made my skin crawl.

Sorry for you sister.
I asked her what she was doing dating someone with no values. She learned her lesson.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
"Land of the free" has the highest prison pop on the planet. Why is that?

I have a big problem with that too, but you still hit the lottery being born here. It is the greatest country on earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.
And our kids will be on the front lines. Not theirs!
Run to Canada with the rest of the cowards.
Nope. This is my country.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.

Were you one of the lefty mob that was attacking him just a few months ago for not having an aggressive foreign policy?
I do not know what you are talking about, Trump is too stupid to successfully pull off an aggressive foreign policy because he does not know the stick must always include a carrot. Right now the whole world sees Trump pushing NK into a corner and not offering them an acceptable way out.

They said the same thing about Japan in 1945 as they were furiously
trying to negotiate something with Russia to keep from having to surrender

The day we dropped the second A-Bomb on Nagasaki, Russia broke off
its negotiations and invaded Japanese forces in Manchuria.

Two weeks hence, Japan would surrender unconditionally.

It worked then...hell, it'll work now. want China to jump in and take over Korea, using the war to their advantage.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.
And our kids will be on the front lines. Not theirs!
Run to Canada with the rest of the cowards.
Nope. This is my country.
Funny how you don't respect it. Sounds like you oughta be in prison to me for treason.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
"Land of the free" has the highest prison pop on the planet. Why is that?

Drug war. AKA the war on Americans who choose to use non-government approved (taxed) recreational substances.

Stop politicizing Sports, ya damn jerkoffs. It's one of the few escapes folks have left. I truly despise you Democrats for trying to take that escape away. I swear if y'all keep it up, i'll never support a Democrat again.
Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Side note: my sister had an awful ex we call fat bastard. He was a conservative Republican and made my skin crawl.
Did you want to have gay sex with him?
I'm a female so it wouldn't be gay. We are also both married. But a girl can dream ;)
PM Bo Pete, she'll gash in on you.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.
And our kids will be on the front lines. Not theirs!
Run to Canada with the rest of the cowards.
Nope. This is my country.
Funny how you don't respect it. Sounds like you oughta be in prison to me for treason.
I respect my country. I hate those like Trump who disrespect what it stands for. He should be in jail for treason.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
"Land of the free" has the highest prison pop on the planet. Why is that?

Drug war. AKA the war on Americans who choose to use non-government approved (taxed) recreational substances.

Stop politicizing Sports, ya damn jerkoffs. It's one of the few escapes folks have left. I truly despise you Democrats for trying to take that escape away. I swear if y'all keep it up, i'll never support a Democrat again.
Wow you don't even know 2 decade old history? What are you 12?

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