You aren't use to a having a President with balls of steel...And it drives you crazy.

Now we are seeing the damage Obama has done in eight will settle down over time as Trump has 7 more years to go.

What damage? Have you, personally, failed at life when Obama was President? Obama's not the reason you have no are.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.
And our kids will be on the front lines. Not theirs!
Run to Canada with the rest of the cowards.
Nope. This is my country.
Funny how you don't respect it. Sounds like you oughta be in prison to me for treason.
I respect my country. I hate those like Trump who disrespect what it stands for. He should be in jail for treason.

Nothing to do with Sports. Y'all Democrats can go to hell for politicizing Sports too. It's one of the few escapes from ugly politics folks have left. And now you assholes are taking that away. I truly hate you for it. :321:
Were you one of the lefty mob that was attacking him just a few months ago for not having an aggressive foreign policy?

Nope. We were attacking him for the same reason we attack him now: he's a fucking fat piece of shit fraud way in over his head.
Nothing to do with Sports. Y'all Democrats can go to hell for politicizing Sports too. It's one of the few escapes from ugly politics folks have left. And now you assholes are taking that away. I truly hate you for it. Go to hell.

Conservatives are so emotionally unstable that the sight of someone kneeling fills them with anger and rage.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!

The majority of the people of the Greatest Nation on Earth disagree with you.
When did you poll them? Never that's when. You just make up shit to promote your lies.
I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

Uhh so it's not the balls and not the black, it's the qualifications of two time elected President who left office with job aproval in the 60%+ range that you assert are not good enough. :rolleyes:

That means a lot of you sucked his black balls. Pucker up, NL.
You've been posting about Obama's balls a lot today... have you been fantasizing?
I must admit I find Obama extremely attractive myself, I don't blame you.

That you NL constantly talk about fantasies, it tells me you're the ones that do such things.

How's that worthless government job going?
All this Republican failure is putting my job in overdrive.

Once we get dems back in ill be able to kick my feet up a bit. Unemployment always drops under dems.

Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama. You work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.
Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.
What is it with shills and bullshit polls?

Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.

In other words, you got nothing. Here's another one you're sure to ignore.

No, NFL viewership wasn't down because of anthem protests

Despite an earlier report from ESPN that buried the lede a bit on the effect the protests had on ratings, only 3 percent of respondents to the online survey indicated that the protests were the primary reason they watched fewer NFL games in 2016.
Balls of steel is just another term for reckless. That shit looks good on the rare occasions it works out but when it doesn't it's more like brains of pudding. When all this stupid sabre rattling goes very badly who are you going to blame?
Bush of course.
No, assholes like you that are too stupid to recognize that a pathological liar is never a good President.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.

Fuck entitled pampered Democrat athletes. They live in the greatest country on this earth. Stand for the damn anthem!
"Land of the free" has the highest prison pop on the planet. Why is that?

Are you saying criminals should be allowed to roam free?

Apparently being in the land of the free allows them to make CHOICES to commit crimes. Sad part is they think they shouldn't be punished for them.
Nothing to do with Sports. Y'all Democrats can go to hell for politicizing Sports too. It's one of the few escapes from ugly politics folks have left. And now you assholes are taking that away. I truly hate you for it. Go to hell.

Conservatives are so emotionally unstable that the sight of someone kneeling fills them with anger and rage.
Typical stain lie. What fills us with anger and rage are people disrespecting this country and it's veterans and its service men and women which is what the pieces of shit are doing. Liberal scum are disgusting pieces of filth.
Nothing to do with Sports. Y'all Democrats can go to hell for politicizing Sports too. It's one of the few escapes from ugly politics folks have left. And now you assholes are taking that away. I truly hate you for it. Go to hell.

Conservatives are so emotionally unstable that the sight of someone kneeling fills them with anger and rage.

Piss off! Y'all are politicizing everything. Now you're fucking with folks' sports too. I hate you for it. You Democrats can fuck off with your tired 'Race Card' shite. Go to hell.
Well it's good he isn't president anymore then.

Oh, haha...I see what you did. Clearly I was talking about Trump but you very cleverly (LOL) tried to spin it around about Obama. Kudos to that daring wordplay.

Obama got OBL. You all gave up the search for him.

Obama opposed Iraq. You all demanded we go.

Obama negotiated a deal with Iran that the entire world went along with. You preferred to let Iran continue developing nuclear weapons.

What fucking good have you ever done in or with you life?
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

I would like to have a POTUS who has the intelligence not to call dangerous dictators with nuclear weapons names like "Little Rock Man", you totally ignorant dickhead.
Last edited:
What is it with shills and bullshit polls?

Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.

In other words, you got nothing. Here's another one you're sure to ignore.

No, NFL viewership wasn't down because of anthem protests

Despite an earlier report from ESPN that buried the lede a bit on the effect the protests had on ratings, only 3 percent of respondents to the online survey indicated that the protests were the primary reason they watched fewer NFL games in 2016.
Posting media lies and half truths is par for the course with you shit stains. IN OTHER WORDS, it don't matter what i post because the likes of your sorry ass will not accept it unless it agrees with your hatred of America. Die bitch!
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
Trump throws a Twitter tantrum any time someone hurts his feelings. That's what you call balls of steel???
You must have balls of oatmeal.

You wouldn't's a legit American thing.
Just stop and think about it....he's called out all the negative bullshit going on in this country and brought it to the forefront...this is by design as it unifies good quality REAL American's and creates separation from the filth among us. Dude is brilliant!

Now we are seeing the damage Obama has done in eight will settle down over time as Trump has 7 more years to go.

Dream on. He's got maybe 7 more months if he's lucky.
What damage has Obama done?
You're just another quacking sock puppet.
He left the country in better shape than Dubya left it in 2000. That's a fucking fact.
Seems food stamp use went to record highs under Obama

Two things to this:

1. SNAP usage increased because of the economic collapse your shit policies caused.

2. We could have had fewer people on SNAP, but you refuse to raise wages. Since SNAP eligibility is determined by income, the number of people on SNAP is directly related to wages. You oppose raising wages, therefore SNAP enrollment is on you. And it was Bush the Dumber, who you voted for twice and supported for 8 years, who changed the eligibility requirements for SNAP.

ou work in a government job, You kick you feet up and draw a check regardless.

Fuck you. There are no lazier people in this country than Conservatives who cannot make an argument about anything without lying.\

Then they wah wah wah about opioid addicts and how it's so terrible what's happening to them. LIKE I GIVE A SHIT.
Well it's good he isn't president anymore then.

Oh, haha...I see what you did. Clearly I was talking about Trump but you very cleverly (LOL) tried to spin it around about Obama. Kudos to that daring wordplay.

Obama got OBL. You all gave up the search for him.

Obama opposed Iraq. You all demanded we go.

Obama negotiated a deal with Iran that the entire world went along with. You preferred to let Iran continue developing nuclear weapons.

What fucking good have you ever done in or with you life?
Nothing. I just live of others tax dollars and shit and piss in the alley. My kids were raised on welfare and they all live the same way now. I've got 15 grand kids all living off your tax dollars and we enjoy it. In fact. last month with my left over money from my check I was able to buy a shit load of ammo. I owe it all to food stamps! Let's hear your next load of butt staine bullshit.
Overall 38% in support of firing player who use the time to protest mistreatment of minorities. About The same as the "Grabber in Chiefs" approval rating. I'd say he connected with his base again.
I'd say you are one of the bigger liars here. as far as who gives a shit about polls, not me. They all lie. As far as firing people for protesting, I disagree with that. What should happen and is happening is that people who disagree with this protest by the players have every right to express themself by boycotting the games and causing reduction in revenues for the owners. As long as the owners can accept and cover this loss let them protest all they want. However what this will do if kept up is it will force the owners to make the players stop protesting during work hours or completely lose a million dollar franchise. Rights go both ways and I have never seen a liberal that understood this.

I've also found that when a post leads with an insult, they really have nothing. Now prove that is a phony shill liberal outlet.

President "Fat Rat Bastard" is just juicing his wonker base. It's the only reason he waddled into this fray.
Why do libstains always ask you you to prove something and then if you do, they refuse to accept it. LOL! Liars all.

In other words, you got nothing. Here's another one you're sure to ignore.

No, NFL viewership wasn't down because of anthem protests

Despite an earlier report from ESPN that buried the lede a bit on the effect the protests had on ratings, only 3 percent of respondents to the online survey indicated that the protests were the primary reason they watched fewer NFL games in 2016.
Posting media lies and half truths is par for the course with you shit stains. IN OTHER WORDS, it don't matter what i post because the likes of your sorry ass will not accept it unless it agrees with your hatred of America. Die bitch!

You twits post links to fake news outlets. None of you nitwits even read past the fake headlines.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
Trump throws a Twitter tantrum any time someone hurts his feelings. That's what you call balls of steel???
You must have balls of oatmeal.

You wouldn't's a legit American thing.
Just stop and think about it....he's called out all the negative bullshit going on in this country and brought it to the forefront...this is by design as it unifies good quality REAL American's and creates separation from the filth among us. Dude is brilliant!

Now we are seeing the damage Obama has done in eight will settle down over time as Trump has 7 more years to go.
Such terrible damage. Changed the unemployment rate from over 10% to less than 5%. Increased the DOW from 6500 to nearly 20,000. Yeah, really terrible damage. What has bigoted assholes like you upset is that he is clearly one of the better Presidents we have had. Historians right now rank President Obama at #12, that may increase to one of the top 10 in the future as his policies are assessed with more time to see there results. And our present asshole in the White House will be making 'W' look better every day.

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