You aren't use to a having a President with balls of steel...And it drives you crazy.

President Snowflake is the most sensitive President we have ever had
Doesn't take much to upset his feelings and set off a temper tantrum


Remember when you said that the next republicans president had not been born yet?

You would think that such a monumental fuck up would teach you to be less certain.

Doesn't negate the YUGE mistake the nation made in electing President Snowflake
The nation fucked up BIGLY and is paying a price for it....Believe me

You didn't address my point.

Have you learned nothing about being so certain, that you dismiss contrary voices?
President Snowflake is the most sensitive President we have ever had
Doesn't take much to upset his feelings and set off a temper tantrum


Remember when you said that the next republicans president had not been born yet?

You would think that such a monumental fuck up would teach you to be less certain.

Doesn't negate the YUGE mistake the nation made in electing President Snowflake
The nation fucked up BIGLY and is paying a price for it....Believe me

You didn't address my point.

Have you learned nothing about being so certain, that you dismiss contrary voices?

Your reply had nothing to do with my post
President Snowflake is the most divisive president in history

He has managed to alienate Congress, the free press, his own cabinet, NATO, the UN, the pope....and now the NFL
President Snowflake is the most sensitive President we have ever had
Doesn't take much to upset his feelings and set off a temper tantrum


Remember when you said that the next republicans president had not been born yet?

You would think that such a monumental fuck up would teach you to be less certain.

Doesn't negate the YUGE mistake the nation made in electing President Snowflake
The nation fucked up BIGLY and is paying a price for it....Believe me

You didn't address my point.

Have you learned nothing about being so certain, that you dismiss contrary voices?

Your reply had nothing to do with my post

I was addressing the blind, closed minded certainty that you still have despite being so wrong about something so big.
President Snowflake is the most divisive president in history

He has managed to alienate Congress, the free press, his own cabinet, NATO, the UN, the pope....and now the NFL

it's not his job to be nice to Congress, or the Press, or his cabinet members, or our shitty allies, or the fucking pope, or the assholes in the NFL.

His job is to serve the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Who are represented by the Flag that these assholes are dissing.
President Snowflake is the most divisive president in history

He has managed to alienate Congress, the free press, his own cabinet, NATO, the UN, the pope....and now the NFL

it's not his job to be nice to Congress, or the Press, or his cabinet members, or our shitty allies, or the fucking pope, or the assholes in the NFL.

His job is to serve the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Who are represented by the Flag that these assholes are dissing.

Most divisive President EVER, most divisive, divisive ....Believe me
Trump is a bad hombre, not a nice person
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Donald Trump is a arsonist. He is a divider and he makes Obama look like a amateur. He is also a narcissist. That is why he speaks up. He wants to make this about him. He engages in name calling with North Korea. It reminds me of 2 kids having a spat on the playground. The NFL mess shows how Trump inflames the situation. A handful of players were engaging in the kneeling of the National Anthem. Now it is the NFL kneeling because it is now Trump vs the NFL vs the NBA. The Jaguars owner participated. Robert Kraft and Tom Brady have criticized Trump. This is not malcontents. Ronald Reagan was politically incorrect. His line at the Berlin Wall saying "Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall" was politically incorrect yet he never insulted people. It shows how weak minded Trump supporters are.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
Trump throws a Twitter tantrum any time someone hurts his feelings. That's what you call balls of steel???
You must have balls of oatmeal.

You wouldn't's a legit American thing.
Just stop and think about it....he's called out all the negative bullshit going on in this country and brought it to the forefront...this is by design as it unifies good quality REAL American's and creates separation from the filth among us. Dude is brilliant!

If you don't support Trump, you are not a quality American? Who the hell gave you the right to make that determination? You are the filth. Trump has no idea what America is about. If they are engaging in peaceful protests then why should people be fired? Trump yahoos and rednecks like you eat this up. Trump is the ultimate con artist.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Balls of Steel...

Abraham Lincoln
Harry Truman


I think you confuse "balls of steel" with "nutsack in mouth".

Just because you know how to be rude and crude does not mean you have "balls of steel".
The right has no idea what actual courage looks like. If Trump got half the Korean peninsula killed there is no sign it would bother him even a little bit.

It wouldn't bother you either.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

What are you, 12 years old?
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.

Were you one of the lefty mob that was attacking him just a few months ago for not having an aggressive foreign policy?
I do not know what you are talking about, Trump is too stupid to successfully pull off an aggressive foreign policy because he does not know the stick must always include a carrot. Right now the whole world sees Trump pushing NK into a corner and not offering them an acceptable way out.
That's exactly when Little Kim needs. Every other president has offered ways out and usually paid for it too. That's how we got here.

Trump says publicly what we say privately and wish we had a big enough voice to say in public. Yes, Americans think the black sons of bitches who disrespect the flag deserve to be canned. Trump said it, we meant it. So there.

You have talked to all Americans? I don't agree with it but I don't believe that they should be canned nor do I believe that I should boycott either. It is a lot more than blacks you racist pig. The owner of the Jaguars is white as is Robert Kraft and Tom Brady who have criticized what Trump said.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Too bad he has his shiny balls where an adult brain usually sits.

Says the one that still sucks the former President's black balls. Pucker up, NL.

What's a matter? You don't like Reagan?

Or is it specifically the skin color of the balls that you object to?

I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

You suck the balls of a unqualified white guy.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
Trump throws a Twitter tantrum any time someone hurts his feelings. That's what you call balls of steel???
You must have balls of oatmeal.
^ Un-American heard from.....
Says the one that still sucks the former President's black balls. Pucker up, NL.

What's a matter? You don't like Reagan?

Or is it specifically the skin color of the balls that you object to?

I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

Uhh so it's not the balls and not the black, it's the qualifications of two time elected President who left office with job aproval in the 60%+ range that you assert are not good enough. :rolleyes:

A completely corrupt media does have it's uses.

You're declaring rightwing media corrupt?

I am declaring most of right wing media corrupt. They are nothing but Trump sycophants at]nd are nothing but Trump infomercials. I don't listen to them anymore.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
They liked it better when that pussy Obama trashed the US overseas.'ve been trashing Obama's people overseas and at home ever since manumission.
I like Trump. He's calling out the Democrat jerkoffs who won't stand for the anthem. I'm with him on that. And guess what? Despite what the Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans are with Trump on the issue.

Go Trump! :dance:

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Conservative Republicans stand out in their support for firing NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of Republicans say NFL players should be fired for this reason. Only 19% of Democrats and 35% of independents agree.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Too bad he has his shiny balls where an adult brain usually sits.

Says the one that still sucks the former President's black balls. Pucker up, NL.

What's a matter? You don't like Reagan?

Or is it specifically the skin color of the balls that you object to?

I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

You suck the balls of a unqualified white guy.


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