You aren't use to a having a President with balls of steel...And it drives you crazy.

I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

Uhh so it's not the balls and not the black, it's the qualifications of two time elected President who left office with job aproval in the 60%+ range that you assert are not good enough. :rolleyes:

That means a lot of you sucked his black balls. Pucker up, NL.

Yea a lot of us, AMERICANS.

You can now get back to blowing your reject clown and cupping his draft dodging balls..

American or not, you stick suck n*gger balls, boy.


Just gotta give you a little squeeze and you barf your racist innards all over.

black .jpg
Uhh so it's not the balls and not the black, it's the qualifications of two time elected President who left office with job aproval in the 60%+ range that you assert are not good enough. :rolleyes:

That means a lot of you sucked his black balls. Pucker up, NL.

Yea a lot of us, AMERICANS.

You can now get back to blowing your reject clown and cupping his draft dodging balls..

American or not, you stick suck n*gger balls, boy.


Just gotta give you a little squeeze and you barf your racist innards all over.

View attachment 151229

You aren't a shirt and you aren't black, you are just plain ol' racist making a fool of yourself on the internetz.

Obama accomplished in his life more than what hateful losers like you will ever accomplish in 100 lifetimes...and he did it while-black too, must drive you nuts :rolleyes:
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Shriveled up raisins. Full of pomp and pageantry. The fluff the RussianWNJ's love.

He's the guy who compare the USA to the Russia KGB. "What do you think our country's so innocent?"

Like I said stale shriveled up raisins who feed the rubes red meat on schedule. He certainly has your number alright.

Hillary, The Wall, Obama, NFL players, the MSM .....rinse repeat.
FDR has more balls within his pinky then Trump has in his entire body. Trump is a piece of shit that would hide like a little bitch if we ever got into a real war.

First...FDR is it's "HAD".......

Second....And to think, you make a statement like that, and voted for Obama......

8 years of Obama's weakness is THE REASON China now claims the S.China Sea as it's own and why Russia took back parts of theUkraine and is staking claims on the Arctic circle. And his weakness on NK is why KJU is so emboldened and such a problem today......

But you go on being the ignorant Democrat you're programmed to be.
Obama accomplished in his life what a hateful losers like you will ever accomplish in a 100 lifetimes...and he did it while-black too, must drive you nuts :rolleyes:

Yeah? Well too bad all those "accomplishments" set the nation back 200 years as far as race relations go and speaking of setbacks, those "accomplishments" did a pretty good job of harming America, helping Russia and China and transforming America closer to 3rd world status.....

But then that's what you Progs call "Progress" and "accomplishment"
Balls of steel?

The man pouts any time someone disagree with him

President Snowflake

Says the lefty that longs for the days that republicans just sat back and let the vile left have the floor.

The rightwing propaganda machine has had almost total control of talk radio for about 30 years and you think you people haven't had a voice?


Wow. Talk radio. That's huge.

Except compared to the Big Three, CNN, most print, and of course, pop culture Hollywood.

Than is't puny.

Obama would never have been President except that the media gave him a pass on just about EVERYTHING.
Balls of steel?

The man pouts any time someone disagree with him

President Snowflake

Says the lefty that longs for the days that republicans just sat back and let the vile left have the floor.
I miss the days repubs weren't extremists.

Bullshit. You want gentlemen who dont' stoop to your level, so that you can spread your lies and filth without challenge,

creating, though the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion used as propaganda, a Conventional Wisdom that is completely divorced from reality.

You are the extremist.
President Snowflake is the most sensitive President we have ever had
Doesn't take much to upset his feelings and set off a temper tantrum

Obama accomplished in his life what a hateful losers like you will ever accomplish in a 100 lifetimes...and he did it while-black too, must drive you nuts :rolleyes:

Yeah? Well too bad all those "accomplishments" set the nation back 200 years as far as race relations go and speaking of setbacks, those "accomplishments" did a pretty good job of harming America, helping Russia and China and transforming America closer to 3rd world status.....

But then that's what you Progs call "Progress" and "accomplishment"


Yep, Obama re-instated black slavery. Of course.

How do you retards come up with this loony nonsense?

Historians rank Obama as the 12th best president. I know that doesn't jive with your rhetoric, but reality seems to have an insidious liberal bias that will have you disappointed for life.
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That means a lot of you sucked his black balls. Pucker up, NL.

Yea a lot of us, AMERICANS.

You can now get back to blowing your reject clown and cupping his draft dodging balls..

American or not, you stick suck n*gger balls, boy.


Just gotta give you a little squeeze and you barf your racist innards all over.

View attachment 151229

You aren't a shirt and you aren't black, you are just plain ol' racist making a fool of yourself on the internetz.

Obama accomplished in his life more than what hateful losers like you will ever accomplish in 100 lifetimes...and he did it while-black too, must drive you nuts :rolleyes:

Never said it was about a shirt. That's an example. Not my fault you can't apply a specific example to mocking you idiots that say using a TERM is racist then come up with all sorts of exceptions/excuses as to when that TERM isn't racist. Your claims of racism get laughed at when you use such excuses.
Yea a lot of us, AMERICANS.

You can now get back to blowing your reject clown and cupping his draft dodging balls..

American or not, you stick suck n*gger balls, boy.


Just gotta give you a little squeeze and you barf your racist innards all over.

View attachment 151229

You aren't a shirt and you aren't black, you are just plain ol' racist making a fool of yourself on the internetz.

Obama accomplished in his life more than what hateful losers like you will ever accomplish in 100 lifetimes...and he did it while-black too, must drive you nuts :rolleyes:

Never said it was about a shirt. That's an example. Not my fault you can't apply a specific example to mocking you idiots that say using a TERM is racist then come up with all sorts of exceptions/excuses as to when that TERM isn't racist. Your claims of racism get laughed at when you use such excuses.

Why are you bringing up Obama's skin color at all?

Because you are a fucking racist is the obvious answer. Don't want to be seen as one? Don't act as one.
American or not, you stick suck n*gger balls, boy.


Just gotta give you a little squeeze and you barf your racist innards all over.

View attachment 151229

You aren't a shirt and you aren't black, you are just plain ol' racist making a fool of yourself on the internetz.

Obama accomplished in his life more than what hateful losers like you will ever accomplish in 100 lifetimes...and he did it while-black too, must drive you nuts :rolleyes:

Never said it was about a shirt. That's an example. Not my fault you can't apply a specific example to mocking you idiots that say using a TERM is racist then come up with all sorts of exceptions/excuses as to when that TERM isn't racist. Your claims of racism get laughed at when you use such excuses.

Why are you bringing up Obama's skin color at all?

Because you are a fucking racist is the obvious answer.

Why do those that voted for him because he is black not like it when others bring it up? You keep proving the point I am making by the posting of the shirt example. When Obama was elected and throughout his Presidency it was constantly and regularly mentioned that Obama was black. In fact, without anything related to race being even remotely implied, I could say why I didn't like many of the agenda items he proposed only to be told by those making the racist claims that they "KNEW" why I opposed him. They mentioned the black part. Now, when someone that disagrees with what he did mentions it, suddenly it's racist to do so.

Same with the TERM. Let someone that supports Obama, such as in the link below, use the modified version "nigga" when referring to Obama and the left says "it's not the same thing". However, let a white person or someone that opposes Obama use it and you don't see that claim made. They equate the two uses.

Just gotta give you a little squeeze and you barf your racist innards all over.

View attachment 151229

You aren't a shirt and you aren't black, you are just plain ol' racist making a fool of yourself on the internetz.

Obama accomplished in his life more than what hateful losers like you will ever accomplish in 100 lifetimes...and he did it while-black too, must drive you nuts :rolleyes:

Never said it was about a shirt. That's an example. Not my fault you can't apply a specific example to mocking you idiots that say using a TERM is racist then come up with all sorts of exceptions/excuses as to when that TERM isn't racist. Your claims of racism get laughed at when you use such excuses.

Why are you bringing up Obama's skin color at all?

Because you are a fucking racist is the obvious answer.

Why do those that voted for him because he is black not like it when others bring it up?

That's not why you brought it up in this conversation, stop lying.

I voted for Obama twice, nothing do to with his skin color.

You aren't a shirt and you aren't black, you are just plain ol' racist making a fool of yourself on the internetz.

Obama accomplished in his life more than what hateful losers like you will ever accomplish in 100 lifetimes...and he did it while-black too, must drive you nuts :rolleyes:

Never said it was about a shirt. That's an example. Not my fault you can't apply a specific example to mocking you idiots that say using a TERM is racist then come up with all sorts of exceptions/excuses as to when that TERM isn't racist. Your claims of racism get laughed at when you use such excuses.

Why are you bringing up Obama's skin color at all?

Because you are a fucking racist is the obvious answer.

Why do those that voted for him because he is black not like it when others bring it up?

That's not why you brought it up in this conversation, stop lying.

I voted for Obama twice, nothing do to with his skin color.

Since I know why I brought it up and you can only make excuses, claiming I'm lying is something you can't prove.

Sure color had nothing to do with your vote. That's what these liars would say, too.

President Snowflake is the most sensitive President we have ever had
Doesn't take much to upset his feelings and set off a temper tantrum


Remember when you said that the next republicans president had not been born yet?

You would think that such a monumental fuck up would teach you to be less certain.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
This is satire, right?

You do know John Miller is the most cowardly president we've ever had, right?
I think we've all gotten used to presidents ignoring the oath they take and crapping on, instead of defending, our constitutional rights.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
small ball bearings. LOL teeny
President Snowflake is the most sensitive President we have ever had
Doesn't take much to upset his feelings and set off a temper tantrum


Remember when you said that the next republicans president had not been born yet?

You would think that such a monumental fuck up would teach you to be less certain.

Doesn't negate the YUGE mistake the nation made in electing President Snowflake
The nation fucked up BIGLY and is paying a price for it....Believe me

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