You aren't use to a having a President with balls of steel...And it drives you crazy.

You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
Trump throws a Twitter tantrum any time someone hurts his feelings. That's what you call balls of steel???
You must have balls of oatmeal.

You wouldn't's a legit American thing.
Just stop and think about it....he's called out all the negative bullshit going on in this country and brought it to the forefront...this is by design as it unifies good quality REAL American's and creates separation from the filth among us. Dude is brilliant!
I am a legit American. And as a legit American I see Donnie fumbling through each day squawking about things that aren't problems and damaging relations internationally through sheer ignorance of how the world works. He wants to fix problems that aren't there and ignore problems that are. So his followers can parade behind him clapping like buffoons cheering him on.
Really an embarrassing stain on American history.

You work a nothing government job.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Too bad he has his shiny balls where an adult brain usually sits.

Says the one that still sucks the former President's black balls. Pucker up, NL.

What's a matter? You don't like Reagan?

Or is it specifically BLACK ones you don't suck?
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Too bad he has his shiny balls where an adult brain usually sits.

Says the one that still sucks the former President's black balls. Pucker up, NL.

What's a matter? You don't like Reagan?

Or is it specifically the skin color of the balls that you object to?

I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Too bad he has his shiny balls where an adult brain usually sits.

Says the one that still sucks the former President's black balls. Pucker up, NL.

What's a matter? You don't like Reagan?

Or is it specifically the skin color of the balls that you object to?

I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

Uhh so it's not the balls and not the black, it's the qualifications of two time elected President who left office with job aproval in the 60%+ range that you assert are not good enough. :rolleyes:
I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

wow, dude, you need to see someone about your racism.

Nothing racist about telling the truth. However, if you think it is, I don't have to ask because I know you're too much of a coward to be that someone. You've failed in the past and will continue to fail. It's your M/O in life. Failure.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.

Were you one of the lefty mob that was attacking him just a few months ago for not having an aggressive foreign policy?
I do not know what you are talking about, Trump is too stupid to successfully pull off an aggressive foreign policy because he does not know the stick must always include a carrot. Right now the whole world sees Trump pushing NK into a corner and not offering them an acceptable way out.
That's exactly when Little Kim needs. Every other president has offered ways out and usually paid for it too. That's how we got here.

Trump says publicly what we say privately and wish we had a big enough voice to say in public. Yes, Americans think the black sons of bitches who disrespect the flag deserve to be canned. Trump said it, we meant it. So there.
"Here" is dealing with a rogue government that is using it's people as a massive human shield and holding a gun to the heads of the millions of residents of Seoul. It's a delicate situation that no one likes and that has no ready solution. Into this hostage situation steps a very bad negotiator who says things that amount to "I double-dog dare you to shoot".

Hey, all you more "reasonable" people have had decades to improve the situation and you haven't.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Too bad he has his shiny balls where an adult brain usually sits.

Says the one that still sucks the former President's black balls. Pucker up, NL.

What's a matter? You don't like Reagan?

Or is it specifically the skin color of the balls that you object to?

I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

Uhh so it's not the balls and not the black, it's the qualifications of two time elected President who left office with job aproval in the 60%+ range that you assert are not good enough. :rolleyes:

That means a lot of you sucked his black balls. Pucker up, NL.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.

Were you one of the lefty mob that was attacking him just a few months ago for not having an aggressive foreign policy?
You mistake aggressive with assinine

Says another member of the mob. Am I right?
I am on the left But unlike you and your ilk I care about America and her future and it scares me to think there are many more like you in this great country

Bullshit. You called for more aggressive action THEN, because of partisan political gain, and you are whining about his more aggressive action now, because of partisan political gain.

You libs don't give a shit about anything or anyone other than advancing your vile lefty agenda.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.
That's why it is so important for NK to actually detonate a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific and knock a few planes out of the sky. The left supported Saddam Hussein, now they are in love with Kim Jong Un. Once Kim lets a few boomers off, the left will be screaming for a quick surrender so we don't make him really mad. Oh and Free Mumia. Black cop killers are all the rage today.

Yeah, the left supported Saddam, like, er... Ronald Reagan, left winger huh because he supported Saddam......
Really? It wasn't using Saddam to stop the spread of Iranians? Reagan actually said he supported Saddam?


Not any more than FDR supported Stalin when he allied with Russia against Germany. The left actually worships the enemies of this country. Saddam was never so beloved by the left as when he was killing Americans. The heroes of the left, are those that hate this country, like Che, Castro and Mao. And heroic cop killers like Mumia and Chesimard.

The majority has thrown up their hands and said "to hell with all of you" which makes Trump VERY popular when he said what we are all thinking.

No, Reagan didn't say he supported Saddam, he ACTUALLY SUPPORTED SADDAM.

Yes, US leaders have a tendency of supporting dictators. And now you're coming on here trying to vilify people on the left, many of who probably didn't support Saddam at all, just realized that invading Iraq was a serious mistake.

How many actually supported Saddam? There were some, no doubt, but most, I doubt it.

Trying to NOT let Iran roll over Iraq, was the right move.

It is very dishonest of you to mention the teeny tiny "support" that Reagan gave Saddam without mention the reason.
The same kind of people who said Saddam had WMDs poised to kill us all are saying similar things about NK, they are going to have the horribly expensive and deadly war they always wanted and the Trumpbots will show the world that they absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes.

Were you one of the lefty mob that was attacking him just a few months ago for not having an aggressive foreign policy?
You mistake aggressive with assinine

Says another member of the mob. Am I right?


V 1

I think you posted that in the wrong thread.
Nothing racist about telling the truth. However, if you think it is, I don't have to ask because I know you're too much of a coward to be that someone. You've failed in the past and will continue to fail. It's your M/O in life. Failure.

dude, I've accomplished more than you ever will, because racists are always failures.

How many open racists on the FOrbes 500? Not a one. That'll tell you something.
Balls of Steel...

Abraham Lincoln
Harry Truman


I think you confuse "balls of steel" with "nutsack in mouth".

Just because you know how to be rude and crude does not mean you have "balls of steel".

I bet FDR never grabbed a bitch by her pussy.

(Or at least he never bragged about it.)

He probably grabbed a bunch. Eleanor was a dog.
Eleanor probably grabbed more pussy than the crippled tyrant because she was gay. And FDR was gay too.

Link to FDR .. gay?

FDR has more balls within his pinky then Trump has in his entire body. Trump is a piece of shit that would hide like a little bitch if we ever got into a real war.

FDR is nothing to brag about. ANd your assumptions about Trump shows nothing but you don't like him.

We already knew that, thanks.
Nothing racist about telling the truth. However, if you think it is, I don't have to ask because I know you're too much of a coward to be that someone. You've failed in the past and will continue to fail. It's your M/O in life. Failure.

dude, I've accomplished more than you ever will, because racists are always failures.

How many open racists on the FOrbes 500? Not a one. That'll tell you something.

You keep saying you have yet provide nothing to back up the claim. Lots of word, no proof. Actually, you have proven one thing about yourself. You're a coward that hides behind his computer.
Balls of steel?

The man pouts any time someone disagree with him

President Snowflake
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!
If dodging the draft five times due the college and a boo-boo means having balls of steel, then OK.
You love a guy who's calculated and "Presidential" that will toe the line and coddle you with rhetoric. This POTUS will call you out on your un-American bullshit every single time...and that drives the barely Americans among us nuts...haha
I love it!

Too bad he has his shiny balls where an adult brain usually sits.

Says the one that still sucks the former President's black balls. Pucker up, NL.

What's a matter? You don't like Reagan?

Or is it specifically the skin color of the balls that you object to?

I have no problem with a qualified person being elected but you suck the balls of an unqualified black. It's OK if that's what you choose to do. Don't be shocked if someone calls you out on it, BOY.

Uhh so it's not the balls and not the black, it's the qualifications of two time elected President who left office with job aproval in the 60%+ range that you assert are not good enough. :rolleyes:

A completely corrupt media does have it's uses.

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