Zone1 You Call Me A Racist Because I Disagree With You

This is one of the longstanding claims made here by members primariliy on the right. Now, since those who post this claim do so with no life exerience being black, what is the basis of disagreement?

Some will cites opinions from one or 2 blacks and declare they speak for all black people and their opinions mean that what blacks who differ from them just cannot be right. Now, if we applied the same tactic, we could quote one or 2 white supremacists and apply that to every white person here. But the outcry would be tremendous.

Often we see quuotes from people like the late Walter Williams. So let's examine some words from Williams.

“In conversations with most college officials, many CEOs, many politicians and race hustlers, it’s not long before the magical words“diversity” and “inclusiveness” drop from their lips. Racial minorities are the intended targets of this sociological largesse, but women are included, as well. This obsession with diversity and inclusion is in the process of leading the nation to decline in a number of areas.”

Walter E. Williams, Diversity and Inclusion Harm, Jun 13, 2018,

Mosst certainly there are white members of this forum who hale this as great independent thought as well as an accurate assessment of the "harm" things like DEI causes. They will use these words from a black man to argue against things that blacks advocate for.

At the time Williams wrote this he was a professor at George Mason University. Now remember his premise was that diversity and inclusion led to a decline. George Mason has 38,000 students. 41 percent are white, 10.7 percent are black. As for faculty, 76.7 percent are white, 9.5 percent black. Now do you think that Williams would have been hired by GMU if not for diversity and inclusion policies? Don't even try saying that he would. Those policies did not harm him, yet he tells you guys its harmful and you then tell yourselves that a black man said it, so it must be true.

So basically Williams opinions should not be used to debate blacks about racial issues because they are not accurate.

No. You're objectively, and by any measure, a virulent racist and anti-Semite.
This is one of the longstanding claims made here by members primariliy on the right. Now, since those who post this claim do so with no life exerience being black, what is the basis of disagreement?

Some will cites opinions from one or 2 blacks and declare they speak for all black people and their opinions mean that what blacks who differ from them just cannot be right. Now, if we applied the same tactic, we could quote one or 2 white supremacists and apply that to every white person here. But the outcry would be tremendous.

Often we see quuotes from people like the late Walter Williams. So let's examine some words from Williams.

“In conversations with most college officials, many CEOs, many politicians and race hustlers, it’s not long before the magical words“diversity” and “inclusiveness” drop from their lips. Racial minorities are the intended targets of this sociological largesse, but women are included, as well. This obsession with diversity and inclusion is in the process of leading the nation to decline in a number of areas.”

Walter E. Williams, Diversity and Inclusion Harm, Jun 13, 2018,

Mosst certainly there are white members of this forum who hale this as great independent thought as well as an accurate assessment of the "harm" things like DEI causes. They will use these words from a black man to argue against things that blacks advocate for.

At the time Williams wrote this he was a professor at George Mason University. Now remember his premise was that diversity and inclusion led to a decline. George Mason has 38,000 students. 41 percent are white, 10.7 percent are black. As for faculty, 76.7 percent are white, 9.5 percent black. Now do you think that Williams would have been hired by GMU if not for diversity and inclusion policies? Don't even try saying that he would. Those policies did not harm him, yet he tells you guys its harmful and you then tell yourselves that a black man said it, so it must be true.

So basically Williams opinions should not be used to debate blacks about racial issues because they are not accurate.

Diversity and inclusion do lead to decline and lower standards's pretty obvious

Merit and ability regardless of your skin color is all that really matters

Diversity and inclusion do lead to decline and lower standards's pretty obvious

Merit and ability regardless of your skin color is all that really matters

No they don't. Whitrs don''t have jack based only on merit and abillity.
Thanks for making my point, again.

All businesses should be able to do this or none should have to.

It would ruin sports IF they implemented DEI into it's policies for the players.
All businesses need to let cadiddates perform job duties for two months then determine who does the best job just like the NFL.. But to show how much of a racist you are, you don't say anything about the NHL and Golf.

I am not making your argument because youur argument iignorees just how long and continuing whies have hired other whites based only on race. It's disingenuous.
Diversity and inclusion do lead to decline and lower standards's pretty obvious

Merit and ability regardless of your skin color is all that really matters

That’s the whole point of DEI. Convince people they’re stupid and powerless and are owed reparations as the only way forward
That’s the whole point of DEI. Convince people they’re stupid and powerless and are owed reparations as the only way forward
We are owed everything whites have been given.
One has to admire your tenacity IM2

I mean day after day......

One has to admire your tenacity IM2

I mean day after day......

Do people of color not face raciism day after day?

Do whtes in this forum not post raciist comments and threads day after day?

You guys complain about blacks posting about race each day,, it must be real tough to live only having to read black people talking about racism.
Do people of color not face raciism day after day?
yes, albeit racism doesn't necessarily need 'color' to exist IM2
Do whtes in this forum not post raciist comments and threads day after day?
well that's a matter of perspective IM2

for example, shouldn't you be busy pickin' cotton????

sing along?? :dev3: >>>

All businesses need to let cadiidate perform job duties for two month then determine who does the best job just likee the NFL.. But to show how much of a racist you are, you don't say anything about the NHL and Golf.


Are you for DEI policies across the board in all sports for the players?

I am not making your argument because youur argument iignorees just how long and continuing whies have hired other whites based only on race. It's disingenuous.

Anyone who hires based on race is ignorant and their results will not be good over the long haul.

So again, are you for these policies across the board?
yes, albeit racism doesn't necessarily need 'color' to exist IM2
Actually it does since race is based on skin color. And the claim of racism comes in all colors is sorta disingenuous when you consider what has been doone in this country.

A black person saying I hate whitey is not the same as this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

well that's a matter of perspective IM2
No, it's not a matter of perspective,, but I like Creedence.. However,, I won't be playing the video.
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Are you for DEI policies across the board in all sports for the players?

Anyone who hires based on race is ignorant and their results will not be good over the long haul.

So again, are you for these policies across the board?

DEI exists on the playing field. Lets talk about coaching and front office staff. Your whining about the NFL is another dishonest ploy white racists use. Whites continue hiring based on race. Work to stoop that.
Actually it does since race is based on skin color. And the claim of racism comes in all colors is sorta disingenuous when you consider what has been doone in this country.
So if one's melanin constitutes a racial metric then...anyone blacker than you can accuse you of just that IM2


Nyakim Gatwech a South Sudanese Model, entered the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most Dark person. Gatwech, 27, has often highlighted how she has been a victim of racism with many people asking her to bleach her skin.

Actually it does since race is based on skin color. And the claim of racism comes in all colors is sorta disingenuous when you consider what has been doone in this country.

A black person saying I hate whitey is not the same as this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

No, it's not a matter of perspective,, but I like Creedence.. However,, I won't be playing the video.

Over 50 Percent of Companies Discriminate AGAINST White Men …

“I was chatting with one of my bosses the other day about a potential new hire. He let slip that the executive team ultimately did not extend an offer because “we didn’t need another White guy.” He literally said this out loud. I was taken aback,”
ResumeBuilder surveyed 1,000 hiring managers across the country in early November to find out how many believe that reverse discrimination is an issue impacting the workplace. The findings were absolutely damning.

  • “52% believe their company practices “reverse discrimination” in hiring”
  • “1 in 6 have been asked to deprioritize hiring white men”
  • “48% have been asked to prioritize diversity over qualifications”
  • “53% believe their job will be in danger if they don’t hire enough diverse employees”
  • “70% believe their company has DEI initiatives for appearances’ sake”
I find myself wondering what would happen if IM2 were able to harness all the energy he puts into using his skin as a scam to get something for nothing and redirected it towards developing the sorts of useful skills that would help him achieve successes?

He's a post-Obama black who has been convinced that reparations are the only way ahead

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