Zone1 You Call Me A Racist Because I Disagree With You

Oh, and so we see a reference to Shelby Steele.

Here is another example of just how desperate whites on the right are to hear someone black diss other black people. So let's look at some woords by Shelby Steele.

Consider his opinion in this example.

“Because white guilt is a vacuum of moral authority; it makes the moral authority of whites and the legitimacy of American institutions contingent upon proving a negative: that they are not racist. The great power of white guilt comes from the fact that it functions by stigma, like racism itself. Whites and American institutions are stigmatized as racist until they prove otherwise."
-“White Guilt, How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era

What moral authority did whites lose? Does Steele even consider that a behavior enforced by a series of laws and policies from approximately 1619 until 1965 might be the reason for whatever “stigma” he claims? Would actions done due to racism be a reason to disqualify institutions that maintain a system built on white supremacy? Is holding individuals and institutions accountable to end racism creating a stigma? Does the continuing racism that we see have anything to do with society today?

Or how about this one?

“I think one of the cruelest things a society can do is to take the best and the brightest young black Americans and basically say to them you simply cannot compete with the best and brightest of other races. We won’t allow you to do that. You can’t do it. You have to depend on our paternalism.”
-“White Guilt, How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era

When a black person makes a comment like this, you must ask if they are participating in the use of crack. Steele is a man who lived his first nineteen years of life during legalized Jim Crow. His undergraduate work was done in a small, predominantly white college named Coe College in Iowa. Steele did his graduate study at the University of Utah. Today he opposes Affirmative Action. Did it ever cross his mind that maybe, just maybe, he was admitted into any of those schools thanks to Affirmative Action? Was Steele oblivious to everything that was going on around him? Did Steele miss how whites could not compete without rigging the system in their favor?

Did he miss all the group preferences whites were getting from the government before he decided that blacks were betrayed by so-called group preferences mandated by the government? Whites were getting them all around him, and they didn’t seem to have any problems. It has been this type of thinking that has hindered racial progress in this country. If you play football without pads or a helmet and the other team is fully equipped, it is not wrong to demand that you get the same equipment. But Steele would instead have tried tackling Derrick Henry while Henry was fully padded with Steele wearing street clothes, then wonder why he got his collarbone broken after Henry ran him over.

Seriously, these guys have no contact withh reality. Their arguments are so ridiculous as to be comedic. Yet we see whites hailing these nuts as great intellectual minds and telling us how blacks should adopt their ideas.
Steele is referring to leftwing white guilt ridden marxists .. the kind of weak kneed whites guilt ridden whites people like you love .
This is one of the longstanding claims made here by members primariliy on the right. Now, since those who post this claim do so with no life exerience being black, what is the basis of disagreement?

Some will cites opinions from one or 2 blacks and declare they speak for all black people and their opinions mean that what blacks who differ from them just cannot be right. Now, if we applied the same tactic, we could quote one or 2 white supremacists and apply that to every white person here. But the outcry would be tremendous.

Often we see quuotes from people like the late Walter Williams. So let's examine some words from Williams.

“In conversations with most college officials, many CEOs, many politicians and race hustlers, it’s not long before the magical words“diversity” and “inclusiveness” drop from their lips. Racial minorities are the intended targets of this sociological largesse, but women are included, as well. This obsession with diversity and inclusion is in the process of leading the nation to decline in a number of areas.”

Walter E. Williams, Diversity and Inclusion Harm, Jun 13, 2018,

Mosst certainly there are white members of this forum who hale this as great independent thought as well as an accurate assessment of the "harm" things like DEI causes. They will use these words from a black man to argue against things that blacks advocate for.

At the time Williams wrote this he was a professor at George Mason University. Now remember his premise was that diversity and inclusion led to a decline. George Mason has 38,000 students. 41 percent are white, 10.7 percent are black. As for faculty, 76.7 percent are white, 9.5 percent black. Now do you think that Williams would have been hired by GMU if not for diversity and inclusion policies? Don't even try saying that he would. Those policies did not harm him, yet he tells you guys its harmful and you then tell yourselves that a black man said it, so it must be true.

So basically Williams opinions should not be used to debate blacks about racial issues because they are not accurate.

No, we call you a racist because you are.
no he isnt ... you dont want a black conservative to be President of Harvard .. Steele is an intelligent successful man ... you however are an angry racist taking marching orders from a divisive political party .
I showed you why he is an idiot. There is nothing intelligent or sucessful about him.. He has a severe mental problem called internalized racism.
I showed you why he is an idiot. There is nothing intelligent or sucessful about him.. He has a severe mental problem called internalized racism.
actually it may be you that suffers from that problem ..
No, they did not say math is racist. I read the proposal,, they were talking about changing the way math was taught in order to develop more creative and analytic thinkers. They stated that teaching math in a Eurocentric manner needed to change. Buut the right wing ran with the lie and you're dumb enough to believe it.
No, they did not say math is racist. I read the proposal,, they were talking about changing the way math was taught in order to develop more creative and analytic thinkers. They stated that teaching math in a Eurocentric manner needed to change. Buut the right wing ran with the lie and you're dumb enough to believe it.
tell us what is the eurocentric way of teaching math ?
actually it may be you that suffers from that problem ..
No. You apparently don't understand what internalliized racism is.

Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of black people. They will adopt white racist beliefs and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white, and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college. This is what Steele has done.
Steele is referring to leftwing white guilt ridden marxists .. the kind of weak kneed whites guilt ridden whites people like you love .
No, Steele is writting idiocy. You seem to think its OK for whites to tell us that we fucked you blacks over and you have to take it. But we don't and that's the problem you face.
because its already against the law for businesses schools ect .. to discriminate on the bases of color .
Since whites are part of DEI, they aren't being discriminated against. Unnless you think whites are entitled to everything because they are white. That's the only reason you would oppose this.

You disagree but you really have no basis on which to do so. You only agree with what Steele says because it validates your racist beliefs. And what you say about whites who actually want racial equality proves it. You practice racism today while simultaneously trying to claim that you aren't guilty for what was done in the past. You need to get psychiatric help.

You disagree but you really have no basis on which to do so. You only agree with what Steele says because it validates your racist beliefs. And what you say about whites who actually want racial equality proves it. You practice racism today while simultaneously trying to claim that you aren't guilty for what was done in the past. You need to get psychiatric help.
every thread you start is about white racism ... no pal its you that needs help ..
every thread you start is about white racism ... no pal its you that needs help ..
Not really, but white racism is a problem. And since you're a white racist, you have the problem.
Math is totally racist. Made by YT a people for YT people. It’s also sexist -

Not really, but white racism is a problem. And since you're a white racist, you have the problem.

Pre-Obama: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" -- United Negro College Fund

Post-Obama: Math is racist.

Also Post-Obama: You need reparations, you lack the basic skills to succeed in the world
People physically compete against each other for positions. Best man gets the job. You don't see many black Mr. irrelevants making NFL teams,, there are no blackk Brock Purdy's.

Thanks for making my point, again.

All businesses should be able to do this or none should have to.

It would ruin sports IF they implemented DEI into it's policies for the players.
I find myself wondering what would happen if IM2 were able to harness all the energy he puts into using his skin as a scam to get something for nothing and redirected it towards developing the sorts of useful skills that would help him achieve successes?

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