You can always count on liberals to be the first to judge others


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Trump isn't Christian enough for liberals? Aren't liberals the ones who keep saying they don't want to be judged? Yet, here they are in their typical judgmental style all over the board judging Trump for not being Christian enough for them. His policies are for us to discuss. His relationship with God is his own business.

And these are the same liberals who claim to want women to be treated as equals then circle the wagons to protect Slick for being a sexual predator even selling out Democrat activist Kathleen Willey. They also alibi Hillary for publicly attacking his assault victims. They are OK with Obama stoking race hatred while they claim to be against racism. They protect tax cheats like Charlie Rangle and Tom Dascle while attacking Trump for not paying taxes he doesn't need to.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat
Not only first to judge, but judge wrong and refuse to acknowledge it.

Trump isn't Christian enough for liberals? Aren't liberals the ones who keep saying they don't want to be judged? Yet, here they are in their typical judgmental style all over the board judging Trump for not being Christian enough for them. His policies are for us to discuss. His relationship with God is his own business.

And these are the same liberals who claim to want women to be treated as equals then circle the wagons to protect Slick for being a sexual predator even selling out Democrat activist Kathleen Willey. They also alibi Hillary for publicly attacking his assault victims. They are OK with Obama stoking race hatred while they claim to be against racism. They protect tax cheats like Charlie Rangle and Tom Dascle while attacking Trump for not paying taxes he doesn't need to.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat

Yep they hate anything that stands in the way of their utopian socialist paradiso. America, christians, business. They judge all the time.
Trump isn't Christian enough for liberals? Aren't liberals the ones who keep saying they don't want to be judged? Yet, here they are in their typical judgmental style all over the board judging Trump for not being Christian enough for them. His policies are for us to discuss. His relationship with God is his own business.

And these are the same liberals who claim to want women to be treated as equals then circle the wagons to protect Slick for being a sexual predator even selling out Democrat activist Kathleen Willey. They also alibi Hillary for publicly attacking his assault victims. They are OK with Obama stoking race hatred while they claim to be against racism. They protect tax cheats like Charlie Rangle and Tom Dascle while attacking Trump for not paying taxes he doesn't need to.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat

Yep they hate anything that stands in the way of their utopian socialist paradiso. America, christians, business. They judge all the time.

I'm very theologically liberal to the point a lot of Christians don't consider me a Christian. I believe in Jesus and everything he said and went to church most of my life. I don't really care if he walked on earth or not or if people believe in "Jesus" as long as they believe in what he believed. I also don't believe in hell.

However, my family and my wife are very theologically conservative and I've gone to many, many conservative churches. What liberals portray Christians as I've only seen on TV. The hatred of gays, running around judging and condemning everyone and so forth liberals judge them as I've never experienced. I've only heard on gays that yes, they think it's a sin (in the conservative churches) but they want gays to come to church and that's only one factor. I haven't heard anyone talking about condemning everyone. Sure, in sermons or study groups they talk about you are saved through Jesus, but outside that no one runs around saying everyone's going to fry but them.

And politics. Wow. I've gone to many theologically liberal churches and the politics isn't comparable. I've never once heard a conservative minister talk about politics in the service ever. I do remember once right before an election a minister said to vote. That was it. Liberal churches while I'm more in line with them theologically are very political and openly attack Republicans and conservatives even during the service.

Few people have been to as many both liberal and conservative churches as I have, and liberal churches and the liberal stereotypes are just backwards just like everything they say
kaz and bucky, above, are engaged in the alinksy-limbaugh attack of Mirroring, accusing others of what they do.

That is an old tactic of the far left and the far right of discrediting an enemy when one has nothing else.
kaz and bucky, above, are engaged in the alinksy-limbaugh attack of Mirroring, accusing others of what they do.

That is an old tactic of the far left and the far right of discrediting an enemy when one has nothing else.

When liberals are criticized dadadadantdada! Jake is there to save the day! Hyo Silver!

Great line, did you hire a professional to help you write those piercing zingers?
See. Simply making the substitution of names, we see what Kaz is doing exactly what I said: Mirroring.

"When [alt right] are criticized dadadadantdada! [Kaz] is there to save the day! Hyo Silver!

Great line, did you hire a professional to help you write those piercing zingers?"
Which liberal thinks the Groper Elect is not Christian enough for them?

I couldn't care less how much of a Christian he is.
kaz and bucky, above, are engaged in the alinksy-limbaugh attack of Mirroring, accusing others of what they do.

That is an old tactic of the far left and the far right of discrediting an enemy when one has nothing else.

You are what the left does.....and they always have done this.....Kaz and Buck.....are doing something we call...telling the truth. As a lefty you have no way to process the truth, so you can't really understand it....try to get a conservative to help you understand it.....
kaz and bucky, above, are engaged in the alinksy-limbaugh attack of Mirroring, accusing others of what they do.

That is an old tactic of the far left and the far right of discrediting an enemy when one has nothing else.

You are what the left does.....and they always have done this.....Kaz and Buck.....are doing something we call...telling the truth. As a lefty you have no way to process the truth, so you can't really understand it....try to get a conservative to help you understand it.....
I am right, of course, and you are exposed once again for you are: a chameleon, a Mirror. No substance to you.
Trump isn't Christian enough for liberals? Aren't liberals the ones who keep saying they don't want to be judged? Yet, here they are in their typical judgmental style all over the board judging Trump for not being Christian enough for them. His policies are for us to discuss. His relationship with God is his own business.

And these are the same liberals who claim to want women to be treated as equals then circle the wagons to protect Slick for being a sexual predator even selling out Democrat activist Kathleen Willey. They also alibi Hillary for publicly attacking his assault victims. They are OK with Obama stoking race hatred while they claim to be against racism. They protect tax cheats like Charlie Rangle and Tom Dascle while attacking Trump for not paying taxes he doesn't need to.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat

Yep they hate anything that stands in the way of their utopian socialist paradiso. America, christians, business. They judge all the time.

I'm very theologically liberal to the point a lot of Christians don't consider me a Christian. I believe in Jesus and everything he said and went to church most of my life. I don't really care if he walked on earth or not or if people believe in "Jesus" as long as they believe in what he believed. I also don't believe in hell.

However, my family and my wife are very theologically conservative and I've gone to many, many conservative churches. What liberals portray Christians as I've only seen on TV. The hatred of gays, running around judging and condemning everyone and so forth liberals judge them as I've never experienced. I've only heard on gays that yes, they think it's a sin (in the conservative churches) but they want gays to come to church and that's only one factor. I haven't heard anyone talking about condemning everyone. Sure, in sermons or study groups they talk about you are saved through Jesus, but outside that no one runs around saying everyone's going to fry but them.

And politics. Wow. I've gone to many theologically liberal churches and the politics isn't comparable. I've never once heard a conservative minister talk about politics in the service ever. I do remember once right before an election a minister said to vote. That was it. Liberal churches while I'm more in line with them theologically are very political and openly attack Republicans and conservatives even during the service.

Few people have been to as many both liberal and conservative churches as I have, and liberal churches and the liberal stereotypes are just backwards just like everything they say
I'm right there with you on the Christian thingy. I was brought up roman catholic. I attended church, was an alter boy, see 'boy', I left the church cause of it's cult like tendencies, and I can't go to any christian church cause I can't stand people who preach period. Still a cult. no matter how you slice it.

I believe in a higher being, I must just based on the way the world exists.

I don't push my belief on anyone, not my own kids. I trust their judgement on life.

None of them attends any christian organization.

I believe in family. Helping family.

I still to this day, can't figure out why impoverished people back a political group that keeps them impoverished. I don't get it. I struggle almost daily with that concept. It drives me nuts to be clear.

I watch on tv the crime here in Chicago nightly. And then I hear the mayor of Chicago basically stating that he's all in on the violence and still they vote democratic. I tell you, if the devil exists it is the democratic party that fits similarities of what is called evil.

I digressed, sorry.
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See. Simply making the substitution of names, we see what Kaz is doing exactly what I said: Mirroring.

"When [alt right] are criticized dadadadantdada! [Kaz] is there to save the day! Hyo Silver!

Great line, did you hire a professional to help you write those piercing zingers?"
what was that total again? oh yeah, 306 to 232. hmmmm the sight of that makes me smile.
Trump isn't Christian enough for liberals? Aren't liberals the ones who keep saying they don't want to be judged? Yet, here they are in their typical judgmental style all over the board judging Trump for not being Christian enough for them. His policies are for us to discuss. His relationship with God is his own business.

And these are the same liberals who claim to want women to be treated as equals then circle the wagons to protect Slick for being a sexual predator even selling out Democrat activist Kathleen Willey. They also alibi Hillary for publicly attacking his assault victims. They are OK with Obama stoking race hatred while they claim to be against racism. They protect tax cheats like Charlie Rangle and Tom Dascle while attacking Trump for not paying taxes he doesn't need to.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat

Yep they hate anything that stands in the way of their utopian socialist paradiso. America, christians, business. They judge all the time.

I'm very theologically liberal to the point a lot of Christians don't consider me a Christian. I believe in Jesus and everything he said and went to church most of my life. I don't really care if he walked on earth or not or if people believe in "Jesus" as long as they believe in what he believed. I also don't believe in hell.

However, my family and my wife are very theologically conservative and I've gone to many, many conservative churches. What liberals portray Christians as I've only seen on TV. The hatred of gays, running around judging and condemning everyone and so forth liberals judge them as I've never experienced. I've only heard on gays that yes, they think it's a sin (in the conservative churches) but they want gays to come to church and that's only one factor. I haven't heard anyone talking about condemning everyone. Sure, in sermons or study groups they talk about you are saved through Jesus, but outside that no one runs around saying everyone's going to fry but them.

And politics. Wow. I've gone to many theologically liberal churches and the politics isn't comparable. I've never once heard a conservative minister talk about politics in the service ever. I do remember once right before an election a minister said to vote. That was it. Liberal churches while I'm more in line with them theologically are very political and openly attack Republicans and conservatives even during the service.

Few people have been to as many both liberal and conservative churches as I have, and liberal churches and the liberal stereotypes are just backwards just like everything they say
I'm right there with you on the Christian thingy. I was brought up roman catholic. I attended church, was an alter boy, see 'boy', I left the church cause of it's cult like tendencies, and I can't go to any christian church cause I can't stand people who preach period. Still a cult. no matter how you slice it.

I believe in a higher being, I must just based on the way the world exists.

I don't push my belief on anyone, not my own kids. I trust their judgement on life.

None of them attends any christian organization.

I believe in family. Helping family.

I still to this day, can't figure out why impoverished people back a political group that keeps them impoverished. I don't get it. I struggle almost daily with that concept. It drives me nuts to be clear.

I watch on tv the crime here in Chicago nightly. And then I hear the mayor of Chicago basically stating that he's all in on the violence and still they vote democratic. I tell you, if the devil exists it is the democratic party that fits similarities of what is called evil.

I digressed, sorry.

It's funny. I'm not religious, and I'm a vegetarian. I have a good friend who's an orthodox Jew. He asked me once why I care if I eat something with meat in it that much if I'm not doing it for religion. I said it's ironic to me because I don't understand why he does some of the things he does if it was only for religion. Not a negative conversation at all, but it was interesting to us both. We haven't resolved it ...
Trump isn't Christian enough for liberals? Aren't liberals the ones who keep saying they don't want to be judged? Yet, here they are in their typical judgmental style all over the board judging Trump for not being Christian enough for them. His policies are for us to discuss. His relationship with God is his own business.

And these are the same liberals who claim to want women to be treated as equals then circle the wagons to protect Slick for being a sexual predator even selling out Democrat activist Kathleen Willey. They also alibi Hillary for publicly attacking his assault victims. They are OK with Obama stoking race hatred while they claim to be against racism. They protect tax cheats like Charlie Rangle and Tom Dascle while attacking Trump for not paying taxes he doesn't need to.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat

Yep they hate anything that stands in the way of their utopian socialist paradiso. America, christians, business. They judge all the time.

I'm very theologically liberal to the point a lot of Christians don't consider me a Christian. I believe in Jesus and everything he said and went to church most of my life. I don't really care if he walked on earth or not or if people believe in "Jesus" as long as they believe in what he believed. I also don't believe in hell.

However, my family and my wife are very theologically conservative and I've gone to many, many conservative churches. What liberals portray Christians as I've only seen on TV. The hatred of gays, running around judging and condemning everyone and so forth liberals judge them as I've never experienced. I've only heard on gays that yes, they think it's a sin (in the conservative churches) but they want gays to come to church and that's only one factor. I haven't heard anyone talking about condemning everyone. Sure, in sermons or study groups they talk about you are saved through Jesus, but outside that no one runs around saying everyone's going to fry but them.

And politics. Wow. I've gone to many theologically liberal churches and the politics isn't comparable. I've never once heard a conservative minister talk about politics in the service ever. I do remember once right before an election a minister said to vote. That was it. Liberal churches while I'm more in line with them theologically are very political and openly attack Republicans and conservatives even during the service.

Few people have been to as many both liberal and conservative churches as I have, and liberal churches and the liberal stereotypes are just backwards just like everything they say
I'm right there with you on the Christian thingy. I was brought up roman catholic. I attended church, was an alter boy, see 'boy', I left the church cause of it's cult like tendencies, and I can't go to any christian church cause I can't stand people who preach period. Still a cult. no matter how you slice it.

I believe in a higher being, I must just based on the way the world exists.

I don't push my belief on anyone, not my own kids. I trust their judgement on life.

None of them attends any christian organization.

I believe in family. Helping family.

I still to this day, can't figure out why impoverished people back a political group that keeps them impoverished. I don't get it. I struggle almost daily with that concept. It drives me nuts to be clear.

I watch on tv the crime here in Chicago nightly. And then I hear the mayor of Chicago basically stating that he's all in on the violence and still they vote democratic. I tell you, if the devil exists it is the democratic party that fits similarities of what is called evil.

I digressed, sorry.

It's funny. I'm not religious, and I'm a vegetarian. I have a good friend who's an orthodox Jew. He asked me once why I care if I eat something with meat in it that much if I'm not doing it for religion. I said it's ironic to me because I don't understand why he does some of the things he does if it was only for religion. Not a negative conversation at all, but it was interesting to us both. We haven't resolved it ...
my step daughter was a full vegetarian a while back, but now she just eats chicken. I don't get it and don't pursue her reasons. I accept it. I can tell you it isn't because of any religious belief.

People who are highly religious have killed for most of eternity. To claim higher ground because of religion is a crock of shit. Muslims adn Catholics have been fighting in wars longer than the US has existed. Nothing new. The radical ones hate the bejesus out of us. They can't stand that women are treated equal. They can't stand money either. Today it is they whom are the most vile people on the planet, they'd kill their own children. It's documented.

I believe Trump thinks radicalism is vile, I follow that rationale and stand behind him to fight ISIS however he chooses.

Let's take back the world from obummer who can't say the word radical Islamic.
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