You Can Grope Women, Pay Them Off, And Still Be An 'Icon'...IF You Are A Democrat...

Obviously you can sexually molest children if you wrap yourself in the flag and Jesus.

The right is stooping to new lows in their hypocrisy and defense of child molesters.

You people are all nuts, left and right.

That's the bottom line.

The right is crazy. We are crazy because we want a balanced budget. Who does that, right?

We are crazy because we want a secure border. That is just inhumane.

We are crazy because we oppose infanticide via abortion. Who wants to care for a kid they can't afford, that's just crazy.

Good call.

Balance budget ? Lol!! That fiscal conservative crap set sail like 20 years ago .
Obviously you can sexually molest children if you wrap yourself in the flag and Jesus.

The right is stooping to new lows in their hypocrisy and defense of child molesters.

You people are all nuts, left and right.

That's the bottom line.
Taz A man like trump in the WH can do it to us He has that magic touch of turning gold into s--t
So far it has been just the opposite. He has turned Obama's sh*t into 'gold'
- Higher GDP
- Higher Stock Market
- Lower unemployment
- Lower number of Americans on Food Stamps
- - Lower number of Americans on Unemployment
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment He's in the process of killing health and education advances ,,,and his appointments of those who are dead set against what they are appointed for leaves many in doubt of his sanity
Obviously you can sexually molest children if you wrap yourself in the flag and Jesus.

The right is stooping to new lows in their hypocrisy and defense of child molesters.

You people are all nuts, left and right.

That's the bottom line.
Taz A man like trump in the WH can do it to us He has that magic touch of turning gold into s--t
So far it has been just the opposite. He has turned Obama's sh*t into 'gold'
- Higher GDP
- Higher Stock Market
- Lower unemployment
- Lower number of Americans on Food Stamps
- - Lower number of Americans on Unemployment
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment He's in the process of killing health and education advances ,,,and his appointments of those who are dead set against what they are appointed for leaves many in doubt of his sanity
his presence and promises. why weren't they escalating before the election? are you truly that naive? oh yeah, you're a demoloser, you are. sorry for the insult.
Obviously you can sexually molest children if you wrap yourself in the flag and Jesus.

The right is stooping to new lows in their hypocrisy and defense of child molesters.

You people are all nuts, left and right.

That's the bottom line.
Taz A man like trump in the WH can do it to us He has that magic touch of turning gold into s--t
So far it has been just the opposite. He has turned Obama's sh*t into 'gold'
- Higher GDP
- Higher Stock Market
- Lower unemployment
- Lower number of Americans on Food Stamps
- - Lower number of Americans on Unemployment
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment He's in the process of killing health and education advances ,,,and his appointments of those who are dead set against what they are appointed for leaves many in doubt of his sanity
his presence and promises. why weren't they escalating before the election? are you truly that naive? oh yeah, you're a demoloser, you are. sorry for the insult.
Speaking of Promises how about those trump made? Not including the EO's
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment
My friend, the color 'ENVY' GREEN does not suit you. :p

Trump has already accomplished more in 1 year than Obama did in 8. The difference is Trump is a BUSINESSMAN who understands markets, the economy, etc...whereas Barry was just a Communist/Fascist-groomed Community Organizer.
Speaking of Promises how about those trump made? Not including the EO's
Seriously? Snowflakes are trying to 'hijack' / 'distract' from the thread topic because you're getting your asses kicked?

Easy you have a very selective memory when posting about vile women abusers Your repub friends hands are plenty dirty
I never said there weren't Republicans who have engaged in sexual misconduct. I have also never been hypocritical, defended proven pervs...


28 Hollywood Libs under investigation...Weinstein, Polanski...
Teddy Kennedy
Bill Clinton
Anthony Weiner
John Conyers
Al Franken...and counting
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment
My friend, the color 'ENVY' GREEN does not suit you. :p

Trump has already accomplished more in 1 year than Obama did in 8. The difference is Trump is a BUSINESSMAN who understands markets, the economy, etc...whereas Barry was just a Communist/Fascist-groomed Community Organizer.
Yes he has accomplished more More problems with Iran and N Korea more separation from those who were once our countries friend s, more divisions because of how he's tearing Americas education and health goal posts down Good work easy Keep supporting this vile thief
Easy you have a very selective memory when posting about vile women abusers Your repub friends hands are plenty dirty
I never said there weren't Republicans who have engaged in sexual misconduct. I have also never been hypocritical, defended proven pervs...


28 Hollywood Libs under investigation...Weinstein, Polanski...
Teddy Kennedy
Bill Clinton
Anthony Weiner
John Conyers
Al Franken...and counting
Miss Selective Where are all the vile republican scum?
You people are all nuts, left and right.

That's the bottom line.
Taz A man like trump in the WH can do it to us He has that magic touch of turning gold into s--t
So far it has been just the opposite. He has turned Obama's sh*t into 'gold'
- Higher GDP
- Higher Stock Market
- Lower unemployment
- Lower number of Americans on Food Stamps
- - Lower number of Americans on Unemployment
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment He's in the process of killing health and education advances ,,,and his appointments of those who are dead set against what they are appointed for leaves many in doubt of his sanity
his presence and promises. why weren't they escalating before the election? are you truly that naive? oh yeah, you're a demoloser, you are. sorry for the insult.
Speaking of Promises how about those trump made? Not including the EO's
yep he's working with congress on them . When might congress actually get to work is the better question but thanks for asking.
You people are all nuts, left and right.

That's the bottom line.
Taz A man like trump in the WH can do it to us He has that magic touch of turning gold into s--t
So far it has been just the opposite. He has turned Obama's sh*t into 'gold'
- Higher GDP
- Higher Stock Market
- Lower unemployment
- Lower number of Americans on Food Stamps
- - Lower number of Americans on Unemployment
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment He's in the process of killing health and education advances ,,,and his appointments of those who are dead set against what they are appointed for leaves many in doubt of his sanity
his presence and promises. why weren't they escalating before the election? are you truly that naive? oh yeah, you're a demoloser, you are. sorry for the insult.
Speaking of Promises how about those trump made? Not including the EO's
BTW, it was the obummer regulation EOs being deleted that got most of this going. just so you know.
Taz A man like trump in the WH can do it to us He has that magic touch of turning gold into s--t
So far it has been just the opposite. He has turned Obama's sh*t into 'gold'
- Higher GDP
- Higher Stock Market
- Lower unemployment
- Lower number of Americans on Food Stamps
- - Lower number of Americans on Unemployment
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment He's in the process of killing health and education advances ,,,and his appointments of those who are dead set against what they are appointed for leaves many in doubt of his sanity
his presence and promises. why weren't they escalating before the election? are you truly that naive? oh yeah, you're a demoloser, you are. sorry for the insult.
Speaking of Promises how about those trump made? Not including the EO's
yep he's working with congress on them . When might congress actually get to work is the better question but thanks for asking.
LOL half your republican congress knows he's an AH The problem as I see it with guys like you and them is he's YOUR AH
So far it has been just the opposite. He has turned Obama's sh*t into 'gold'
- Higher GDP
- Higher Stock Market
- Lower unemployment
- Lower number of Americans on Food Stamps
- - Lower number of Americans on Unemployment
All on the coat tails of Obama Just what did the Trump moron have to do with higher markets and lower employment He's in the process of killing health and education advances ,,,and his appointments of those who are dead set against what they are appointed for leaves many in doubt of his sanity
his presence and promises. why weren't they escalating before the election? are you truly that naive? oh yeah, you're a demoloser, you are. sorry for the insult.
Speaking of Promises how about those trump made? Not including the EO's
yep he's working with congress on them . When might congress actually get to work is the better question but thanks for asking.
LOL half your republican congress knows he's an AH The problem as I see it with guys like you and them is he's YOUR AH
I see those republicans as swamp creatures. they have come out attacking the bait. it's obvious who they are now. isn't trump great?
Yes he has accomplished more More problems with Iran and N Korea more separation from those who were once our countries friend s, more divisions because of how he's tearing Americas education and health goal posts down Good work easy Keep supporting this vile thief

'More problems with Iran and N Korea'
-- Barry was helping terrorists in the ME while NK was enhancing its nuclear weapons program and acquiring missile technology that allows them to reach US assets
- Barry engaged in his own personal UN-CONSTITUTIONAL treaty with an enemy of the US, giving them a 1-sided Iran-benefitting deal while during the negotiations Iran practiced bombing a mock US aircraft carrier, declared it wanted to destroy the US, mocked Obama, and their leader led chants of 'Death to America'...Every other nation walked away from the table - much like how ever other nation pulled out of Benghazi - yet Obama stayed.

'More separation from those who were once our countries friends'
- For all Barry's bitching about 'Russian interference in OUR election, Barry injected himself into several other nations' - to include our allies - elections and governance, in at least 1 occasion to put a terrorist group in charge of their government.
-- Barry helped oust Mubarak and put the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of our ally Egypt's government.
-- Barry used tax dollars to try to oust the leader (Netanyahu) of our ally ... and on his last day in office he gave Israel's terrorist enemy, the PLO/Hamas, $221 Million
-- Barry dragged the US Un-Constitutionally into a war in Libya to put Al '9/11/01' Qaida in power in Libya, and he TRIED to remove Al Assad and put ISIS in control in Syria.

- After Obama bragged FROM FRANCE how he had isolated ISIS in the ME, after ISIS successfully perpetrated the largest attack on France since WWII, after Russia and France launched retaliatory strikes against previously Obama-protected ISIS Black Market Oil Sites, Obama did not join in the strikes against the terrorists who attacked our ally - he had the US military treasonously drop leaflets to the terrorists informing them the attack against them was coming.

'more divisions (in the US)
- It has been proven snowflakes helped organize and march for THE RUSSIANS
- Hillary and the DNC paid liberal groups to beat and bloody Trump supporters
- It has been proven the Russians paid liberal groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the Black Fist to start racial chaos and racial violence
- Riots
- Arson
- Looting
- Destruction of property
- Calls for military coups
- Calls for assassinations
- Attempts to carry out those assassinations against the GOP
- Just the other day some snowflake tried to ram his car into Trump's Motorcade

SERIOUSLY? so AGAIN, are you sitting beside Joe sharing a BOMG, or are you just f*ing stupid?

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