You can tell when a party is in trouble...outcome the fog machines and mirrors.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
This time it is the Democrats and the President.
Average Americans are finally getting it - the unemployment number is a farce. When the 8.1% came out last week you couldn't find an article about it that did not include the asterisk talking about job participation rate and the resulting false positive. Even MSNBC is reporting it. Twice last week you could see on this forum video clips from MSNBC talking about how 80% of the reduction in the unemployment number is people giving up and leaving the workforce. Even MSNBC.
This is a BIG problem for the Obama camp. So what do they do? They do what both parties do in times like these - they whip out the fog machines and mirrors and do everything they can to get the media to stop talking about the real issue. And this time - it is gay marriage.
And the Obama MSM media machine is in full force. Gay marriage since last week has been the headline for 5 straight days. Sunday morning talking head shows was dominated by gay and lesbian issues. This morning all the media websites are highlighting Obama's visit at the LGBT fundraiser.
It is working splendidly. Once again Obama's camp does an excellent job distracting everyone from what is really important.
They're not distracting a lot of folks they're gonna need in November. They're seeing and listening to this stuff and don't care for it a bit, don't like being lumped in with the party dimwits.
They're not distracting a lot of folks they're gonna need in November. They're seeing and listening to this stuff and don't care for it a bit, don't like being lumped in with the party dimwits.

I wouldn't discount it so much.
Democrats have taken the assumed moral high ground role for 40 years now. And they continue to get away with it. They used this false role for the past 5 years pointing the finger at the Republicans and Booosh for the economic meltdown; and is a key reason why Obama was elected.
Right now it is gay marriage. Watch also for bills they will introduce this summer for expensive additional/expansion of social programs that have zero chance of passing. They will use this as the moral highground showing how Republicans don't care about poor people. Also watch out for sudo-bills to increase corporate taxes, higher taxes on capital gains etc. Again - this will only be done to build the campaign mantra that Obama cares about average Americans and Republicans are protecting their rich friends.
Obviously the liberal sheep will lap it up, question will be will it also gain enough independents and undecideds for reelection?
Distract - To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest

OK - the gay issue, as well as the fake women's issue and any number of others, is a distraction.

But does that mean it causes total forgetfulness by the American public of what the real issues are?


In the meantime, his "coming out" has just lost him NC. And maybe others. Will he consider it worth it at the end?

Distract away, Obama. Each and every distraction, real or phony, hi-lites the desperation of your failing campaign.

But I'm happy to know he "works splendidly" at SOMEthing 'cause he sure as hell ain't doing much to run this country....except into the ground.
NO! Obama has been playing this game for the past 6 months - phony bills in Congress, blame the Pubs for obstructing.

Has it worked?

NO! People are sick of that game. Sick of hearing the same thing over and over again. Obama is a one-trick pony - raise taxes, raise taxes, raise taxes.

His job approval is going down - not up.
Yes indeed, just like the last recession(1980's) and this one, trickle down, vodoo economics just don't work.
NO! Obama has been playing this game for the past 6 months - phony bills in Congress, blame the Pubs for obstructing.

Has it worked?

NO! People are sick of that game. Sick of hearing the same thing over and over again. Obama is a one-trick pony - raise taxes, raise taxes, raise taxes.

His job approval is going down - not up.

which taxes has he raised?
The left wing blogs give talking points to their minions and what we see on the forum is smoke and mirrors about Palin and Wisconsin, Al Gore and Mormonism. Nobody on the left wants to talk about issues.
Distract - To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest

OK - the gay issue, as well as the fake women's issue and any number of others, is a distraction.

But does that mean it causes total forgetfulness by the American public of what the real issues are?


In the meantime, his "coming out" has just lost him NC. And maybe others. Will he consider it worth it at the end?

Distract away, Obama. Each and every distraction, real or phony, hi-lites the desperation of your failing campaign.

But I'm happy to know he "works splendidly" at SOMEthing 'cause he sure as hell ain't doing much to run this country....except into the ground.

how is it a distraction to be ask your position and answer?
They're not distracting a lot of folks they're gonna need in November. They're seeing and listening to this stuff and don't care for it a bit, don't like being lumped in with the party dimwits.

I wouldn't discount it so much.
Democrats have taken the assumed moral high ground role for 40 years now. And they continue to get away with it. They used this false role for the past 5 years pointing the finger at the Republicans and Booosh for the economic meltdown; and is a key reason why Obama was elected.
Right now it is gay marriage. Watch also for bills they will introduce this summer for expensive additional/expansion of social programs that have zero chance of passing. They will use this as the moral highground showing how Republicans don't care about poor people. Also watch out for sudo-bills to increase corporate taxes, higher taxes on capital gains etc. Again - this will only be done to build the campaign mantra that Obama cares about average Americans and Republicans are protecting their rich friends.
Obviously the liberal sheep will lap it up, question will be will it also gain enough independents and undecideds for reelection?

Obamas proposed budget reduces spending on social programs.
Ummmm....did you misunderstand my post? Obama repeatedly CALLS for raising taxes.

But since only Congress can raise taxes, he then pointedly blames the Pubs when they don't raise taxes.

No need to thank me for clearing that up :)
This time it is the Democrats and the President.
Average Americans are finally getting it - the unemployment number is a farce. When the 8.1% came out last week you couldn't find an article about it that did not include the asterisk talking about job participation rate and the resulting false positive. Even MSNBC is reporting it. Twice last week you could see on this forum video clips from MSNBC talking about how 80% of the reduction in the unemployment number is people giving up and leaving the workforce. Even MSNBC.
This is a BIG problem for the Obama camp. So what do they do? They do what both parties do in times like these - they whip out the fog machines and mirrors and do everything they can to get the media to stop talking about the real issue. And this time - it is gay marriage.
And the Obama MSM media machine is in full force. Gay marriage since last week has been the headline for 5 straight days. Sunday morning talking head shows was dominated by gay and lesbian issues. This morning all the media websites are highlighting Obama's visit at the LGBT fundraiser.
It is working splendidly. Once again Obama's camp does an excellent job distracting everyone from what is really important.

Does it distract you from your daily work to watch someone else perform theirs?
Obama and Axelrod have already done the head count on his supporters. Theres nothing that's going to happen between now and November 6th that's going to dissuade them from voting for him, and conversely there's nothing that's going to dissuade those that are currently opposed to him today, to vote for him come November. He threw the white working class male, except for the UAW members, under the bus last January and built his re election coalition around African Americans, Hispanics, perverts, women, and the college educated illuminati. You have already seen that path travelled with Sandra Fluke, Kathleen Sebelius' contraceptive mandate, and Obama's evolution 'statement'. The people that built this country and fought its past wars, who took us to the Moon, who built the worlds most free and Democratic society have been thrown outside into the cold and can now only hold their noses pressed to the window looking in as Obama marches his Fundamentally Transformed America off in the direction of Greece, a nation where the leading presidential candidate, an avowed far Leftist, has told the world and Greece's creditors that efforts toward paying off that nations debt are "Criminal." We've already seen Obama use that same philosophy in his first 40 months, "Party hearty, borrow large, and when the bill collector comes, shoot the bill collector in the face" a combination of Chicago street thug tactics and welfare recipient dead beat behavior, particularly in the case of the Chrysler bankruptcy, where, with the company owing the bondholders some 29 billion and the Union 8 billion Obama insisted the nations bankruptcy laws be thrown out the window bestowing 50 per cent of the company into the Unions coffers and leaving the bondholders holding the bag with only 8 per cent of the new company instead of vice versa, effectively transferring some 21 billion dollars of wealth to the Union. Trayvonn Martin had a better chance with George Zimmerman than the Chrysler bondholders had with Obama.
You can bet the ranch that Obama and Axelrod are carefully watching the state of Florida's investigation into the 180,000 illegals currently suspecting of being registered to vote in the upcoming election and will unleash the Gates Of Hell if Florida should try to do anything to correct it.
This moment in time with this election, is the fruition of the movement the Democratic Party started in the 60's to wipe out the Northern European influence on this nation's culture and society by inundating the founders stock with enormous waves of third world immigrants that did not share or care one bit about the founders culture, beliefs, and values. Somewhere in Barry's one billion dollar campaign war chest are the funds to transport a new flood of illegals from the Mexican border to sanctuary cities in states where Barry needs their votes
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obama is relying on these distractions to movtivate his base to get out and vote. It's no longer a matter of getting mere support. Voters have to get out there and vote. All obama has left is to motivate what base he has left and hope that republicans stay home.

These social issues aren't fooling anyone. He can't come out as the gay president and expect people to forget how miserable his policies have made them. Democrats may act like this is the way to victory but they have to know that it's a band aid on a very serious infection.
Here is what these right wing people are missing.

JPMorgan just turned arround and did it again.

They specualted in market in ways that caused them to lose 2 billion dollars yet again right after the banks crashed the entire world economy.

They turned arround and did it again folks right in the face of the mess they had already created.

Now Europe has proven austerity does not lift a falling economy YET AGAIN in history.

What does that leave us with?

It yet again proves without a doubt that your historically failed idead have yet again falied.

The republican partys platform has no leg left to stand on.

Only idiots would continue to back historically failed ideas.

why do you?
The left wing blogs give talking points to their minions and what we see on the forum is smoke and mirrors about Palin and Wisconsin, Al Gore and Mormonism. Nobody on the left wants to talk about issues.

They had a course, or seminar session last week that instructed the Democrats how to translate any Republican proposals into being simply a biased, racial attack. Mediamatters is simply chafing at the bit to pile on.
You know what's coming. The WaPo took George Allen out of the running with its article on Allen's (R) "Maccaca Moment" during his senatorial campaign against Jim Webb six years ago. The WaPo chose to rear its ugly head again last week with its fifteen page article about Romney's alleged bullying episode fifty years ago. It won't be the last time for the WaPo either. It knowingly carries on its staff a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter who has been married to a 60's Communist activist/ agitator for quite some time, so anything from the WaPo is going to be coming from far out in Left Field. The NYT, ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC aren't any better.
JP Morgan and its investors will pay for their own idiocy. No bail out via the taxpayers this time. Apparantly all those new Regs and oversite by the Clowns in Govt ain't working all that great. Of course it would help if they were actually overseeing anything.

Talking about historicaly failed ideas.

Barry apparantly doesn't read much history. He tried the same thing FDR did. It worked as well for him as it did for FDR.

You can bet your ass Barry's gonna be talking about anything but the economy, jobs and his absolute incompetence.
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Still have the automatic spending cuts issue too. Standard & Poors is correct. Spending has to be addressed.
Still have the automatic spending cuts issue too. Standard & Poors is correct. Spending has to be addressed.

It does - but addressing spending by introducing additional spending is typically how the left addresses it. Obama is of course no exception to that.
You can see the campaign frame being developed now. It will be social issues, social issue and more social issues. Gay and Lesbian, women's rights, the race card etc. etc.
They cannot campaign on the economy, they cannot and will not get away with Booooosh blame round II. Romney will certainly campaign on the economy, the Democratic reponse will be "well it was your party that created it - sounds more like what got us in this mess" - this will be 100% effective for the sheep. Question again will be how many undecideds and swing votes will believe it.
What's more is that the phoney unemployment numbers are kicking people off of unemployment. By lying Obama is hurting his consistuents and he thinks that is going to go smoothly for him.

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