You can't get privilege for yourself but you can get it for your children if you do the following...

Don't you think someone with a Christian motive will better serve the poor than someone who is just trying to save his own neck?

I don't think Christians are inherently more moral and selfless than other people. I think anywhere the money goes corruption will follow, because people are people. Also it's irrelevant because we can't end welfare programs and instead give all of that money to Christian churches. It'd be seen as favoritism towards and empowerment of a particular religion and the idea would be murdered in government.
Christians are the most charitable demographic they give more to charity than any other
Christian households give on average 1500 dollars a year to charity while atheist give only 700
so ask your self who are the most compassionate who cares for the fellow man more? sure in the hell isn't godless liberals
Some people will abuse the welfare system. It's a necessary evil. I think it's not as common as some people think. Also it's not exactly a glamorous life.
people on warfare here in America live as well as middle class in many countries


We're better than those countries. We're better than all countries. We're the United fucking States. I am proud of what you just said.
no we make it to comfortable to be poor in America so comfortable there is no incentive not to be poor not to get off welfare find a job better your self

That's ridiculous. Welfare is not setup to allow able-bodied adults to live for free and have no job. The people that live super comfortably and still have an EBT card are usually drug dealers. In many states now EBT has a work requirement that says if you're working less than 30 hours a week you are not eligible. There are other requirements for other programs too. Most of the people on welfare are working shitty customer service jobs for 8-10 dollars an hour and living paycheck to paycheck.
in Pennsylvania, an unemployed single mother with one child can be given up to 45,00 dollars a year in various government handouts
45,000 a year is middle class
why would anyone go out and get an entry-level job if they instead can sit on their ass and do nothing for 45,000 dollars a year

why would anyone go out and get an entry-level job if they instead can sit on their ass and do nothing for 45,000 dollars a year


Why are most welfare recipients still working for shitty pay? That wouldn't be reality if it was as you suggest.

The welfare mom living it up on the taxpayer dime is an overplayed and exaggerated stereotype that doesn't even come close to reality. Getting access to those programs is not as easy as you think, and a lot of single moms on welfare are still out there working for shitty wages and barely making ends meet. I personally know millennials that would have jumped on that boat years ago if it was actually as you suggest. The working poor make up the majority of people on welfare, and their lives are not what middle class people would consider comfortable.
why would anyone go out and get an entry-level job if they instead can sit on their ass and do nothing for 45,000 dollars a year


Why are most welfare recipients still working for shitty pay? That wouldn't be reality if it was as you suggest.

The welfare mom living it up on the taxpayer dime is an overplayed and exaggerated stereotype that doesn't even come close to reality. Getting access to those programs is not as easy as you think, and a lot of single moms on welfare are still out there working for shitty wages and barely making ends meet. I personally know millennials that would have jumped on that boat years ago if it was actually as you suggest. The working poor make up the majority of people on welfare, and their lives are not what middle class people would consider comfortable.

Better Off Than Europeans, Japanese
The average "poor" American lives in a larger house or apartment than does the average West European (This is the average West European, not poor West Europeans). Poor Americans eat far more meat, are more likely to own cars and dishwashers, and are more likely to have basic modern amenities such as indoor toilets than is the general West European population.

"Poor" Americans consume three times as much meat each year and are 40 percent more likely to own a car than the average Japanese. And the average Japanese is 22 times more likely to live without an indoor flush toilet than is a poor American.

Nearly a third of all "poor" American households have microwave ovens.
Sixty-two percent of "poor" households own a car, truck or van. Fourteen percent own two or more car.
According to government figures, over 22,000 "poor" households have a heated swimming pool or a Jacuzz

How "Poor" are America's Poor?

yes it is so oppressive to be poor in America
why would anyone go out and get an entry-level job if they instead can sit on their ass and do nothing for 45,000 dollars a year


Why are most welfare recipients still working for shitty pay? That wouldn't be reality if it was as you suggest.

The welfare mom living it up on the taxpayer dime is an overplayed and exaggerated stereotype that doesn't even come close to reality. Getting access to those programs is not as easy as you think, and a lot of single moms on welfare are still out there working for shitty wages and barely making ends meet. I personally know millennials that would have jumped on that boat years ago if it was actually as you suggest. The working poor make up the majority of people on welfare, and their lives are not what middle class people would consider comfortable.

Better Off Than Europeans, Japanese
The average "poor" American lives in a larger house or apartment than does the average West European (This is the average West European, not poor West Europeans). Poor Americans eat far more meat, are more likely to own cars and dishwashers, and are more likely to have basic modern amenities such as indoor toilets than is the general West European population.

"Poor" Americans consume three times as much meat each year and are 40 percent more likely to own a car than the average Japanese. And the average Japanese is 22 times more likely to live without an indoor flush toilet than is a poor American.

Nearly a third of all "poor" American households have microwave ovens.
Sixty-two percent of "poor" households own a car, truck or van. Fourteen percent own two or more car.
According to government figures, over 22,000 "poor" households have a heated swimming pool or a Jacuzz

How "Poor" are America's Poor?

yes it is so oppressive to be poor in America

In Europe and Japan poor people have their healthcare paid for and young people can go to college tuition free. Certain aspects are different, but I think it's silly to suggest poor people here have it better. In Europe people don't go bankrupt over getting sick. They don't leave college with odious amounts of debt. The poor have it better here than in a lot of countries, but not really the western European ones. They are much more focused on helping the poor over there.
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Also a big part of why poor people in the states are as comfortable as they currently are is welfare programs like EBT. Take those away and it'll be a lot less comfortable for them.

Our poor should be the most comfortable poor in the world. We are the greatest country on Earth.

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