you can't grow your own food and consume for a group party or for your family

But again, we don't really know the whole story here. We don't have good sources for complete information. One thing does seem very clear, though. The Bledsoe's were engaged in the sale of prepared food, and were completely uninterested in complying with local regulations. They didn't even make an attempt to determine what the regulations were before hand. And their complaint seems to be that they shouldn't have had to comply with any regulations at all.

There's no argument that they were subject to the health department's authority. But again, the inspector has a ridiculous amount of freedom on how to handle things. Bleaching the meat, for example....meat that hasn't been inspected, that would be pretty common. Declaring vegetables a bio-hazard? That's way beyond realistic. The only thing I can even think about to base that argument upon is cross-contamination, but that's easily dealt with by vigorously washing the cut vegetables and cooking them to temperature. An inspector who was interested in working with the business would go that route 99.9% of the time. The fact that she insisted the veggies be bleached as well? No way...that's clear vindictiveness based upon my experience.

Actually, the thing that comes to mind is that this was probably a very inexperienced inspector who certainly did handle things very badly.

Well I don't know what your experience in this industry is and I won't presume to guess, but my experience tells me....bullshit. This was about cash, plain and simple.
Wait, reasonable laws and the enforcement thereof is the result of "surrendering your individual power to the state"?

What seems to be reasonable law at one time can always ends up being misused against liberty's.

"there's nothing you can do about it, it's the law" OMFG.
That's just it. So many throw in the towel, become submissive thinking they can't have an effect on law...good night Irene...instead of being proactive to have such idiocy repealed.

Yep, but when people have been lulled to sleep in the arms of security they are not going to be resistant to laws that are used to abuse people.
What seems to be reasonable law at one time can always ends up being misused against liberty's.

"there's nothing you can do about it, it's the law" OMFG.
That's just it. So many throw in the towel, become submissive thinking they can't have an effect on law...good night Irene...instead of being proactive to have such idiocy repealed.

Yep, but when people have been lulled to sleep in the arms of security they are not going to be resistant to laws that are used to abuse people.
indeed. And it's incumbent upon citizens worth their liberty to challange the treading of tyrants, no matter how incremental/small it may seem...that's how we got here from 1913 on...
That is the reason the lefties want to take your guns also, so they can come in and do what they want. Remember the 2nd amendment was written to protect ourselves against a tyrannical gov't.

My guns ain't for sale and I don't give them away so they ain't taking a damn thing.

When they come to collect your guns and ammo then you have only one choice, and that is to keep the guns and give them the bullets one at a time.

One thing bring a few body bags when they come.
Depends on what you define as "reasonable". From my experience dealing with health inspectors all my life, this particular inspector was hardly behaving in a reasonable manner. She was making a point.

But whose point? What was the point? Was the inspector enforcing a law that didn't exist or was she enforcing NV law? If she was, then the NV law needs to be changed.
That's just it. So many throw in the towel, become submissive thinking they can't have an effect on law...good night Irene...instead of being proactive to have such idiocy repealed.

Yep, but when people have been lulled to sleep in the arms of security they are not going to be resistant to laws that are used to abuse people.
indeed. And it's incumbent upon citizens worth their liberty to challange the treading of tyrants, no matter how incremental/small it may seem...that's how we got here from 1913 on...

oh yes sir 1913 what a year.. That years will never be surpassed with the exception of guberment guns pointed at the American Citizen.
No. you start by killing the guy that shows up at the door with a ticket book, reload, get some folks together and go get the rest of them, on to their bosses, then up to the mayors office, governors mansion. Rinse, reload, repeat.

You make Happy Talk for Littlereb.
go study the amendment process for passing laws and amendments then come back and tell us how the tyranny of the majority violated your minority rights.
Yep, but when people have been lulled to sleep in the arms of security they are not going to be resistant to laws that are used to abuse people.
indeed. And it's incumbent upon citizens worth their liberty to challange the treading of tyrants, no matter how incremental/small it may seem...that's how we got here from 1913 on...

oh yes sir 1913 what a year.. That years will never be surpassed with the exception of guberment guns pointed at the American Citizen.
The year the Progressives gave us the 16th, 17th Amendments, and the ever popular federal Reserve. THAT was taking advantage of a bad situation to grab liberty from the people whom were none the wiser.
You know the Rightwing arguments aren't holding up when they rush to go off topic.
go study the amendment process for passing laws and amendments then come back and tell us how the tyranny of the majority violated your minority rights.

Go back to sleep jake we will protect you from yourself.
You know the Rightwing arguments aren't holding up when they rush to go off topic.

What do you have against the founders? We need to all ask ourselves one important thing here: What would the founders do if they were the inspector? And by "founders" I mean Jefferson and Madison and nobody else. Especially Hamilton. True Americans hate Hamilton.
But whose point? What was the point? Was the inspector enforcing a law that didn't exist or was she enforcing NV law? If she was, then the NV law needs to be changed.

Probably a little of both. For example, most health departments demand that beef be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 F. This is essentially well done, but most people prefer their meat at medium-rare which is about 130 F. According to the letter of the law, any operation serving medium rare steak could be cited, but that's simply unrealistic so no one ever gets cited for it. Furthermore, even if you are cooking it to 145 it's not like you take it out of the fridge, pop it on the grill, and immediately it reaches 145 degrees. Like anything else it takes some time to heat up so the idea that this woman came in and temped meat that was in the process of being cooked and hit them for it is flat out ridiculous. There's simply no reasonable argument for that.

Bleaching meat that had not been inspected...that's probably legitimate. Bleaching vegetables? NV may have codes that require inspection for produce but it would be the first time I have ever heard of such a thing. In fact, one of the big trends right now is the restaurant/farm where all produce and herbs are grown on property. If NV had such a statute it would make that kind of an operation virtually impossible.

When I read this story and watch the videos and watch the attitude of the inspector I see a woman who is intent on drilling this operation any and every way she possibly can, even regarding things that are total bullshit or can easily be remedied right then and there.

The suggestion that she was calling in due to inexperience....if she was that inexperienced she had no shittin business performing that inspection without a shadow.
You know the Rightwing arguments aren't holding up when they rush to go off topic.

What do you have against the founders? We need to all ask ourselves one important thing here: What would the founders do if they were the inspector? And by "founders" I mean Jefferson and Madison and nobody else. Especially Hamilton. True Americans hate Hamilton.

Hamilton a liberals version of the founding fathers. He and Woodrow Wilson would have agreed on most issues.
indeed. And it's incumbent upon citizens worth their liberty to challange the treading of tyrants, no matter how incremental/small it may seem...that's how we got here from 1913 on...
oh yes sir 1913 what a year.. That years will never be surpassed with the exception of guberment guns pointed at the American Citizen.
The year the Progressives gave us the 16th, 17th Amendments, and the ever popular federal Reserve. THAT was taking advantage of a bad situation to grab liberty from the people whom were none the wiser.

Study the amendment process and passage of federal laws. Democracy is tough when you are in the vast minority.
oh yes sir 1913 what a year.. That years will never be surpassed with the exception of guberment guns pointed at the American Citizen.
The year the Progressives gave us the 16th, 17th Amendments, and the ever popular federal Reserve. THAT was taking advantage of a bad situation to grab liberty from the people whom were none the wiser.

Study the amendment process and passage of federal laws. Democracy is tough when you are in the vast minority.

Just because an amendment was achieved through the constitutional process does not make the amendment a good one. People can be enslaved through an unjust amended Constitution.
You know the Rightwing arguments aren't holding up when they rush to go off topic.

What do you have against the founders? We need to all ask ourselves one important thing here: What would the founders do if they were the inspector? And by "founders" I mean Jefferson and Madison and nobody else. Especially Hamilton. True Americans hate Hamilton.

Well I have pretty much laid it out for everyone on this topic and I guess everyone can take it or leave it. My final statement on this topic (at least specific to this incident) is as follows:

I have been in this industry since I was 14 years old. That's 27 years of experience working as a chef, as a manager, as an owner. I can assure you that the restaurant business is absolutely rife with corruption that is linked to government regulating agencies like the health department. Sometimes it's big cash and sometimes it's small stuff, but every restaurant or resort bribes the health department in some way if they want to remain in business.

When I worked at the Ritz-Carlton in Phoenix we always got a 24 hour warning before an inspection. The inspector got free meals, free rooms for his liaisons with his mistress, and while I never saw money changing hands I can guarantee you that he was getting a pay off. At smaller restaurants you feed the inspectors with free food, hand them a nice box of steaks, etc.

If you caught wind of someone running a catering or wedding cake business out of their house, you slipped the inspector $500 and told them to go take care of it....and believe me they did. The bigger the city, the more pronounced the corruption is and in Las are talking about BIG TIME payouts going on.

When you were paying them off, you passed your inspections. When you weren't paying them off, you failed your inspections, and it's as simple as that.

This was not about an inexperienced inspector or an inspector on a power trip. Every ounce of my experience tells me that without any doubt whatsoever this was about cold, hard cash.

That's it. I shall say no more. :lol:

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