you can't grow your own food and consume for a group party or for your family

The year the Progressives gave us the 16th, 17th Amendments, and the ever popular federal Reserve. THAT was taking advantage of a bad situation to grab liberty from the people whom were none the wiser.

Study the amendment process and passage of federal laws. Democracy is tough when you are in the vast minority.

Just because an amendment was achieved through the constitutional process does not make the amendment a good one. People can be enslaved through an unjust amended Constitution.
Jokey fakey should know this as HE professes to revere the Constitution...
oh yes sir 1913 what a year.. That years will never be surpassed with the exception of guberment guns pointed at the American Citizen.
The year the Progressives gave us the 16th, 17th Amendments, and the ever popular federal Reserve. THAT was taking advantage of a bad situation to grab liberty from the people whom were none the wiser.

Study the amendment process and passage of federal laws. Democracy is tough when you are in the vast minority.
No shit. Just because it passes doesn't mean it is good for Liberty. In fact what they did flies in the face of what the Founders warned...and begged future generation to be vigilant of. Progressives took advantage of bad times to rob liberty.

Remember the 18th Amemndment? Where is it now?

The same will happen here in due course regarding the 16th, 17th, and abolishing the Federal Reserve.

Wake up Jokey. Get some coffee.
nor for your livestock

You have all the signs of a dictatorship but what are you going to do? My guess is talk about voting someone out of office. Voting has not worked. so what do you do, talk about what happen at the cardasian wedding or what happen on one of the distraction tv shows.
Nevada Heath District Raids Picnic 2/2 - YouTube
Nevada Heath District Raids Picnic 1/2 - YouTube
Gotta love Law and Order Libs who are out for YOUR PROTECTION... from yourself.


Fascists one and all in the end.
nor for your livestock

You have all the signs of a dictatorship but what are you going to do? My guess is talk about voting someone out of office. Voting has not worked. so what do you do, talk about what happen at the cardasian wedding or what happen on one of the distraction tv shows.
Nevada Heath District Raids Picnic 2/2 - YouTube
Nevada Heath District Raids Picnic 1/2 - YouTube
Gotta love Law and Order Libs who are out for YOUR PROTECTION... from yourself.


Fascists one and all in the end.

Nanny State all the way for the Statists.
Gotta love Law and Order Libs who are out for YOUR PROTECTION... from yourself.


Fascists one and all in the end.

You do realized Las Vegas is generally a conservative region, right?
That's why Harry Reid won the district handily right? I do know they are completely union dominated. If it's conservative, it's a rather innefectual or 'moderate' conservatism.
Gotta love Law and Order Libs who are out for YOUR PROTECTION... from yourself.


Fascists one and all in the end.

You do realized Las Vegas is generally a conservative region, right?
That's why Harry Reid won the district handily right? I do know they are completely union dominated. If it's conservative, it's a rather innefectual or 'moderate' conservatism.

Unions Rally Around Harry Reid on Election Day
Yes i'm sure this is considered evil criminal behavior by most Socialist/Progressive Nanny Staters. Big Government is so out of control these days. Why don't they just leave Citizens alone? My God,we don't need them involved with every aspect of our lives.
Gotta love Law and Order Libs who are out for YOUR PROTECTION... from yourself.


Fascists one and all in the end.

You do realized Las Vegas is generally a conservative region, right?

HUH?!?!?!?! Nevada District 1 (Las Vegas) is D+10 on the Cook Partisan Voting Index. That's places it in the category of the most partisan in the nation toward the Democrats. District 3 (surrounding Las Vegas) is D+2 and District 2 (the rest of the state) is R+5. Vegas is about as conservative as Saul Alinsky. Who the hell are you one. Let me rephrase that. Who the hell do you think you're kidding?
That's why Harry Reid won the district handily right?

I guess you didn't know, but US Senate seats are statewide elections. And the second Senator from Nevada is a Republican.

If it's conservative, it's a rather innefectual or 'moderate' conservatism.

Oh, so anything "not conservative enough" for you, is instantly both liberal and fascist?
This is much worse than a "Liberal VS. Conservative" issue. This is just Big Government out of control. I can't see how too many can support this.
This is much worse than a "Liberal VS. Conservative" issue. This is just Big Government out of control. I can't see how too many can support this.

*yawn* Do you just say stuff, or do you actually hope that it'll make sense and be applicable?
This is much worse than a "Liberal VS. Conservative" issue. This is just Big Government out of control. I can't see how too many can support this.

*yawn* Do you just say stuff, or do you actually hope that it'll make sense and be applicable?
*DOES* it make his concerns as a citizen...LESS valid?

As a matter of course? NO it doesn't. Get a grip.
*DOES* it make his concerns as a citizen...LESS valid?

It certainly makes them less articulated. Maybe if he'd express some kind of specific concern, I could render an opinion about the validity of his concerns. Of course, unless he's a citizen of Clark County, any concern is likely to be generally invalid.
This raid was just plain stupid. Big Government needs to get a life for God's sake. Stop harassing the Citizens.

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