you can't grow your own food and consume for a group party or for your family

No. you start by killing the guy that shows up at the door with a ticket book, reload, get some folks together and go get the rest of them, on to their bosses, then up to the mayors office, governors mansion. Rinse, reload, repeat.

yeah, that's gonna happen. Just like Americans won't stand for it when guns are taken away from other citizens yet that's exactly what happened after Katrina and Americans did nothing.

Apathy....has taken over our country.

I beg to differ I think America is on alert. You have to understand New Orleans. I know that I'm from Canada but a lot of Americans don't understand my unique knowledge of southern turf. I pretty well lived south because I was a louisiana catahoula breeder.

First thing I learned and I've never in all my years in rock and roll ever, ever had a moment where I couldn't walk into a black neighborhood and have a blast, party down and just had fun.....not so the 9th ward.

Holy shit. First thing, black, white whatever everyone tells you don't go into the 9th.

Well the UN prop was have preachers tell the impoverished to give up there guns. Stupid asswipe ministers went into the 9th and begged everyone to give up their guns to the police.

Some lawsuits are still outstanding on this. The cops just started seizing legally owned weapons.

Crazy but true. People are still trying to get back the guns those bastards seized.
NO ONE willingly gives up thier rights unless they are either uneducated or just plain stupid....or a willing accomplice.:eusa_shhh:
These criminals cannot be allowed to roam our streets. They need to be arrested and locked up immediately. Our nation's very existence is at stake. Growing and eating their own food. Who do they think they are?...American Citiizens?
Okey dokey does anyone on this board know what "round up ready" means? And when you eat "round up ready foods" do you know what they do to your being?

Just curious to see who knows their shit.

Round up ready (genetically engineered crops)

round up ready foods ( made by Monsanto)

I will now love you and hug you and call you george. Some one gets it.

I've been over the past decade involved in harvesting seeds from heritage crops.

I can roll with them. I am going to expand this year but I basically can keep all basics going and I'm not freaking easy here. I went from southern ontario zone freaking 6 to zone 2 on a freaking good day here where I am now.

But I am passionate about this.
Growing and eating their own food?? Oh the horror!! See this is how Anarchy starts. Next they'll be wanting their rights and stuff. Lock em up!!
They didn't follow the rules and got busted.

Boo hoo.

Why would a local matter be national news?

Does anyone else think BuggerReb is always hovering on the edge of going postal?
Okey dokey does anyone on this board know what "round up ready" means? And when you eat "round up ready foods" do you know what they do to your being?

Just curious to see who knows their shit.

Round up ready (genetically engineered crops)

round up ready foods ( made by Monsanto)

I will now love you and hug you and call you george. Some one gets it.

I've been over the past decade involved in harvesting seeds from heritage crops.

I can roll with them. I am going to expand this year but I basically can keep all basics going and I'm not freaking easy here. I went from southern ontario zone freaking 6 to zone 2 on a freaking good day here where I am now.

But I am passionate about this.

People who think when they go to these box stores to get those little packet's of seed think they can grow plants from that one or two packs they get. If the seed are hybrid seeds they will get one year of food plants and then have to buy more seed. Get herlom plants and you will eat for a life time on one plant.
yeah, that's gonna happen. Just like Americans won't stand for it when guns are taken away from other citizens yet that's exactly what happened after Katrina and Americans did nothing.

Apathy....has taken over our country.

I beg to differ I think America is on alert. You have to understand New Orleans. I know that I'm from Canada but a lot of Americans don't understand my unique knowledge of southern turf. I pretty well lived south because I was a louisiana catahoula breeder.

First thing I learned and I've never in all my years in rock and roll ever, ever had a moment where I couldn't walk into a black neighborhood and have a blast, party down and just had fun.....not so the 9th ward.

Holy shit. First thing, black, white whatever everyone tells you don't go into the 9th.

Well the UN prop was have preachers tell the impoverished to give up there guns. Stupid asswipe ministers went into the 9th and begged everyone to give up their guns to the police.

Some lawsuits are still outstanding on this. The cops just started seizing legally owned weapons.

Crazy but true. People are still trying to get back the guns those bastards seized.
NO ONE willingly gives up thier rights unless they are either uneducated or just plain stupid....or a willing accomplice.:eusa_shhh:

You should check out the UN protocols. Frightening.
yeah, that's gonna happen. Just like Americans won't stand for it when guns are taken away from other citizens yet that's exactly what happened after Katrina and Americans did nothing.

Apathy....has taken over our country.

I beg to differ I think America is on alert. You have to understand New Orleans. I know that I'm from Canada but a lot of Americans don't understand my unique knowledge of southern turf. I pretty well lived south because I was a louisiana catahoula breeder.

First thing I learned and I've never in all my years in rock and roll ever, ever had a moment where I couldn't walk into a black neighborhood and have a blast, party down and just had fun.....not so the 9th ward.

Holy shit. First thing, black, white whatever everyone tells you don't go into the 9th.

Well the UN prop was have preachers tell the impoverished to give up there guns. Stupid asswipe ministers went into the 9th and begged everyone to give up their guns to the police.

Some lawsuits are still outstanding on this. The cops just started seizing legally owned weapons.

Crazy but true. People are still trying to get back the guns those bastards seized.
NO ONE willingly gives up thier rights unless they are either uneducated or just plain stupid....or a willing accomplice.:eusa_shhh:

uneducated, stupid and listening to preachers who are so bought off it would make you want to bazooka barf.

Look, I'm a canuck born and bred but spent most of my life in the south. Cripes, when I'm talking to people (and I have lived Larry's and CBGB's and rock as a freaking punk) when they are telling me don't go near the 9th well hells bells that's a biggie.
The point from the UN on this was that they could drive the anti gun message from the pulpit. Pissed me clean off.

Look at Fast and Furious. Those men involved including Holder Mr. Mother Fucking Right Hand Man of Douche Bag Janet Reno killing 80 plus American citizens.

Holder is Janet's man. Need I say fucking more if you care that so many died on Jan's whim.....
Heard they were crazed 'Militia Men Cultists.' I mean growing and eating your own food is just plain Un-American. They have to be stopped. Where's Homeland Security?
Heard they were crazed 'Militia Men Cultists.' I mean growing and eating your own food is just plain Un-American. They have to be stopped. Where's Homeland Security?

I guess I should uproot my winter crops for my own consumption and sharing with my neighbors?
Heard they were crazed 'Militia Men Cultists.' I mean growing and eating your own food is just plain Un-American. They have to be stopped. Where's Homeland Security?

I guess I should uproot my winter crops for my own consumption and sharing with my neighbors?

watch out for someone trying to take you out for sharing...too funny.

I've gone from Tennessee, grow something whenever you want it, to zone 6 in southern ontario to now zone 1 or 2 going holy shit you grow lichens here? Holy shit who feeds the caribou?

I've had to get creative. But you can do it.
Heard they were crazed 'Militia Men Cultists.' I mean growing and eating your own food is just plain Un-American. They have to be stopped. Where's Homeland Security?

Would you please shut the fuck up with the lies and the idiocy? This isn't about people growing and eating their own food. It's about people selling prepared food, falling within the same jurisdiction as any restaurant, catering company, or street corner hot dog vendor, as per the local laws.

I don't get it. With all the wing-nuts on this board who believe that the constitution gives states the power to legislate anything whatsoever, why all this fuss over this non-issue?
I bet they probably have gardens too. Time for more raids on these outlaws. Seriously,wtf is wrong with our Government? Don't they have anything better to do than raid innocent American Citizens who are obviously no threat to our Nation? My God,get a life!
Isn't it a hoot seeing all these "states rights" people up in arms over local restaurant laws?
My guns ain't for sale and I don't give them away so they ain't taking a damn thing.

When they come to collect your guns and ammo then you have only one choice, and that is to keep the guns and give them the bullets one at a time.

One thing bring a few body bags when they come.

Its all fantasy anyway. Pigs wont go to work if there is an uprising, and the military will not engage in combat with Americans. It all comes down to unified resistance.

They think we will be apathetic to the end and accept totalatarianism as a vehicle for peace and prosperity.


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