You Can't Mix Law And Grace


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Law and Grace

quick excerpt.

The law showed us that we need a savior but if one can’t accept that then they can’t call on the savior to save them. If you can’t receive the law then you can’t receive the grace to be saved. The apostles were first disciples of John, God was preparing them with the law before they could receive grace from the one who is the truth.

Paul In Romans 6:14 states that as believers we are "no longer under law but under grace." This clearly teaches that law is not used as a saving or a sanctifying prescript for believers . Some wrongly misinterpret this and have us believe that it says "you are not under the law for salvation, but are under the law for sanctification." This is to misuse Scripture and ignore the context. Paul in his writings conveys a whole, unified law system and not just parts, rarely does the context show otherwise. In Romans 8:4 we are taught that the righteous requirements of the law are "fulfilled in us." All the righteous requirements of the law are not fulfilled by us, but fulfilled in us by Christ. Paul is not telling believers that the law needs to be kept by us. If one is to keep the law then they must meet its requirement. We could never fulfill the law unless we are perfect this is the very reason Christ did. The law demands was perfect obedience your whole life, or your guilty and eternally punished. Christ has fulfilled the law for all believers who accept the New Covenant under his conditions. Its demands are no longer required of us because he fulfilled them. The Greek word "fulfill" is pleroo which means "to complete fully." Christ completely fulfilled all the righteous requirements of the Old Covenant and gives that victory and new standing to us, His children. Christ said: "Tetelestai! it is finished!" Paid in full, no more installments
Nice. But Catholics remember the sacrifice at Mass when the bread and wine are turned by the priest into the Body and Blood of Christ, and the people eat and drink it. Do you have a problem with that?
Nice. But Catholics remember the sacrifice at Mass when the bread and wine are turned by the priest into the Body and Blood of Christ, and the people eat and drink it. Do you have a problem with that?
yes, I have a problem with cannibalism. Jesus said do this in REMEMBRANCE OF ME. A sinful human Priest cannot call down Jesus into a cookie. Jesus is seated in Heaven and isn't returning until He sets foot on the Mount of Olives at the end of the 7 year tribulation.
Don't get too hung up on doctrine unless it veers wildly from the Word. Christ healed Jew and Gentile alike.
Lots of churches practice communion. It is a reminder of the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf. In fact, do it often in remembrance of Him. A piece of toast and a cup of coffee can accomplish the same thing. It is your heart, not what you put in your mouth that matters to God.

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