'You don’t care': Twitter bulldozes Ted Cruz for defending guns while 'praying' for Club Q victims

Please explain
I’ll try

Too many fatherless homes thanks to liberalism

Teachets trying to make little boys into little girls

Extreme violence on the internet through video games featuring mass murder

If you take away the guns young men over the edge of sanity will use their car or one they stole to run down innocent people

This was predicted many years ago and its becoming a fact today
You cannot demonstrate the efficiacy of any of the restrictions you seek for the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.
Ineffective restrictions, buy their nature, are unnecessary as they restrict the right in question to no meaningful purpose.
There is no sense, common otherwise, to be found in unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.
Liberals try to solve problems via repressions of those not causing the problem. Big virtue signaling though.
Leftists once again prove they’re assholes politicizing the tragic deaths of American citizens for votes.
Sick mentally I’ll bastards everyone of you.
We're politicizing it???!! Jackass! It IS POLITICIZED . It should not be but it is.

Common sense public safety measuers should not be a partisan issue but it is .

It's a partisan issure because you people insist that the 2nd amendment bestows the absolute right for anyone to own any weapon, at any time and place.

It's a partisan issue because politicianns on the right are afraid of the NRA who owns them

So cut the crap already
Common sense public safety measuers should not be a partisan issue but it is .
There is no sense at all to be found in the unnecessary and inefective restriction uou seek to lay on the exercsise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding; such restrictions have no effect on prublic safety.
It's a partisan issure because you people insist that the 2nd amendment bestows the absolute right for anyone to own any weapon, at any time and place.
Straw, man.
It's a partisan issue because politicianns on the right are afraid of the NRA who owns the
A statement of abject ignorance or dishobnesty.
You choose.
Their goal is to make it so hard for the law abiding to exercise their right to keep an dbear arms that no one bothers to try.
I thought I was taught in school that the well behaved don’t get punished over what the poorly behaved do.
We're politicizing it???!! Jackass! It IS POLITICIZED . It should not be but it is.

Common sense public safety measuers should not be a partisan issue but it is .

It's a partisan issure because you people insist that the 2nd amendment bestows the absolute right for anyone to own any weapon, at any time and place.

It's a partisan issue because politicianns on the right are afraid of the NRA who owns them

So cut the crap already

That’s a whole lot of feelings you posted there.
I am not sure about Colorado, but it is illegal in Texas to have firearms in a club/bar.
My research shows the answer isn’t obvious.

Spring Break is here, and everyone is thawing out after a long winter. Watch Independent Program Attorney Doug Richards instruct you on the law before walking into a restaurant or bar with your firearm.

In Colorado, you can go into a bar with a firearm concealed so long as there’s not signage that specifically prohibits it, or you’re told by somebody that works there that no guns are allowed. Once you’re inside the bar, if you consume any alcohol, you run the risk of committing a crime by possessing a firearm while you’re intoxicated. Now, you might think, well if I have one beer, or one shot, or whatever it might be, I’m not intoxicated because I’m not a .08, or I’m not a .05. You’d be mistaken because you’re right now thinking about the legal standard for driving, not the legal standard for possessing a firearm. There is no actual per se or statutory legal standard, so it’s a totally subjective standard, i.e. it is up to the police officer on whether or not you are intoxicated. So, if you’re using bad judgment and you’ve got some alcohol on your breath, I can promise you the police officer is going to say you’re intoxicated, and you’re going to be facing a criminal charge for doing something you really shouldn’t be doing in the first place.
Yes. The law abiding.
If the person was not law abiding, he would be arrested from criminal possession of a firearm.
Only those who want the state to confiscate guns from the law abifding support red flag laws.
Red flag laws are too easy to abuse. Say your neighbor or ex gets angry with you. They can simply make a false claim about you and now it’s on you to prove the claims false. While the authorities simply take their word for it and confiscate your guns.
Yes - we are a Republic, where we vote for a specific person from a specific district to represent us.
You want to change this to proportional representation, where the number of seats for each party depends on the % of the total votes that party received.
To do this you need to get the 2-party system change the constitution to, at the very least, re-work the house of representatives.
Not sure what you want to do with the Senate.
Regardless - you also need to get the 2-party states to agree.

You're pointing out the obvious. I don't know why you even bothered to write this.
Ted Cruz once again proves that he is an asshole

The prevalence of guns along with the anti-gay rhetoric on the right equals tragedy

Cruz is multi-tasking. You can do both at the same time.
You a homo or something??

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