'You don’t care': Twitter bulldozes Ted Cruz for defending guns while 'praying' for Club Q victims

The Second Amendment Was Ratified to Preserve Slavery. The real reason the Second Amendment was ratified, and why it says “State” instead of “Country” (the framers knew the difference — see the 10th Amendment), was to preserve the slave patrol militias in the southern states, which was necessary to get Virginia’s vote.

The Second Amendment Was Ratified to Preserve Slavery - Truth…

Of course you run to a lefty site...

Now try to find an unbiased source.
Ted Cruz once again proves that he is an asshole

The prevalence of guns along with the anti-gay rhetoric on the right equals tragedy

What about the person who's home is invaded who gets shot because they can't get a gun in Blue cities?
Unnessary ? Ineffective?
You cannot demonstrate the efficiacy of any of the restrictions you seek for the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.
Ineffective restrictions, buy their nature, are unnecessary as they restrict the right in question to no meaningful purpose.
There is no sense, common otherwise, to be found in unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.
And there in lies the problem . States that have strict gun laws are still ravaged by gun violence as the result of guns brought in fro the shit hole states. There is no customs or border security between states.
Criminals are willing commit felonies in breaking state and federal laws regarding firearms?
Why do you think they will not break the laws you wish to enact?
How does it prove these things?

The impact of guns is pretty obvious.

USA - number of guns is about one gun per person. Murder rate is somewhere between 5 and 7.5 per 100,000 people. About 5.9 gun murders per 100,000 people.

UK - one gun per every 20 people, though only about 14,000 handguns which is one handgun for every 4,000 people and more. Murder rate is about 1.1 to 1.2 per 100,000 people and gun murder rate is about 0.02 gun murders per 100,000 people.

Germany - About one gun for every three people. Homicide rate about 0.93. Gun homicide rate about 0.06 per 100,000 people.

So, here were have the US with easily available access to guns, and huge gun murder problem. The UK has a lot less guns than Germany and a three times lower gun murder rate than Germany.

The guns in the US and their easily availability have caused criminals to see having a gun as NORMAL. So they have one. This changes the nature of crime massively. Gangs become more hardened, they become more violent, violence becomes a way of life.

Handguns are the gun of choice for committing a crime. More than 20% of criminals used guns while committing their crime and the vast, vast majority are handguns.

This figure rises for certain demographics.

30% of 18-24 year old say they use guns.
Nearly 30% of blacks say they use guns.
Never married is 25% and the highest among relationship status.
Less than high school has the highest rate at 23.1% and goes down the higher the education level.
Non-military service is also higher than those who served.

Which is pointing to gangs, gangs of young males, often born in poverty, don't get a good education because they're in ghettos, and have a lack of support from home. They have been created, they see crime as a way of life and gun comes with that package.

The UK has gangs, the ones most similar to US gangs involve people from the Caribbean, the Yardies brought their culture from Jamaica and it's still going strong.

However they're also less likely to get weapons than US gangs, but they follow the Jamaican and US ways of doing things.
They can "demand" it all they want - if the two-party system does not amend the constitution, it doesn't happen.

But that is missing the point of how the US political system works. It's semi-democracy. The people have a certain amount of say because the politicians are constantly collating information on what they think the people are going to vote on.

The system distorts this quite a lot, so it's not quite what the people think, but Brexit happened in the UK because people were able to get the politicians to change their way of thinking.
Not once have I ever wished that, nor shall I.
Only those who want the state to confiscate guns from the law abiing support red flag laws.
from the law abiding?? You mean the law abiding like Anderson Lee Alrich? Can you people do nothing more than midndlessly parrot that same bullshit that you have been feed over and over again? What the hell is wrong with you?!!
You know very little about your leaders who tore up their communist entitlement cards to run for high office. Bernie's ideas are Biden's marching orders. Hillary's college dissertation was a glowing report of the Alinsky's method of converting a free country to a dicatatorial communist one which is their methodology promoted and nurtured by Nancy Pelosi, former card-carrying communist also. You don't know who your leadership pushers are. And you are blatantly unaware I am sure of how new communist country takeovers result in wiping a huge number of human beings off the face of the map within and without their borders. Mao filled trenches with 100 million Chinese citizens who failed to kiss his ass. The Bolshevik revolution didn't stop with murdering the Czar and his family children and wife--they killed tens of millions of people within the Soviet Union's borders. And Putin wants all that territory back of the satellite countries that bolted away from communism after numerous waves of KGB wars against Russian citizenry that didn't respect the Bolshevik murderers in the slightest. Or maybe you think Communism is a better system of government than the free market which has turned America into a prosperous country that has hard workers earning the American Dream. Communism has a 100% chance of becoming a bloodthirsty dictatorship. I don't want to see the land where my fathers died become a gulagish slave-driving communist hellhole, thankyouverymuch.
But that is missing the point of how the US political system works. It's semi-democracy. The people have a certain amount of say because the politicians are constantly collating information on what they think the people are going to vote on.
Yes - we are a Republic, where we vote for a specific person from a specific district to represent us.
You want to change this to proportional representation, where the number of seats for each party depends on the % of the total votes that party received.
To do this you need to get the 2-party system change the constitution to, at the very least, re-work the house of representatives.
Not sure what you want to do with the Senate.
Regardless - you also need to get the 2-party states to agree.
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from the law abiding?? You mean the law abiding like Anderson Lee Alrich? Can you people do nothing more than midndlessly parrot that same bullshit that you have been feed over and over again? What the hell is wrong with you?!!

The government had a chance to prosecute him a few years ago, they blew it.

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