'You don’t care': Twitter bulldozes Ted Cruz for defending guns while 'praying' for Club Q victims

No, I'm saying population doesn't have anything to do with it.

So, in a post saying it's probably about population size, and I say it's not about population, you then say I don't understand that culture has an impact?

Yes, living closer together changes things. However there's not correlation between larger or more dense cities and crime. Simple as .

And it's not just about "20,000 laws on the books", it's far, far more complicated than just gun laws. It's about the whole of society. It's about people saying "in America everyone can make it", it's about slavery and segregation and the lack of civil rights, it's about racism, it's about the electoral system, the two party politics.

Mostly, to sum it up, it's about politics in the US that is a joke. It's not about running the country, it's about people making money out of politics.

The more sensible countries have a better and fairer electoral system. Proportional Representation instead of "we're like a dodgy and corrupt African dictatorship".
You seem upset that you are in this country. Maybe you should consider a move.
That being said you realize what post you are posting on correct? So exactly how does your answer relate to the post other then I hate everything about this country?
If you look at gun violence over time, there was a huge peak increase of 10 times the normal with the start of Prohibition, and again with the start of the War on Drugs.
So then the solution is obvious, end the War on Drugs, just like ending Prohibition made gun violence drop back down.
There was also a HUGE spike in mass shootings spanning from a few months before to just after Obama was re-elected. Wonder what was up with that...

Certainly gun control nuts would suddenly have been more likely to vote for him, being a democrat. Pretty strange...or maybe not.

Also, numerous people with mental health issues who eventually snapped and committed mass shootings claimed that they heard "electronic voices in their heads" in the weeks before they snapped. That made me do a quick study on the very real existence of militarized "voice-to-skull" audio broadcasting, where the military can make people hear things that are not true sound, but is actually beamed using microwave technology. It creates the ILLUSION of sound by rattling your skull and tiny ear bones using frequency modulation. Look it up. It exists, and likely it is far more developed than is shared with civilians. Makes you wonder if many of these mass shooters were nudged to finally snap. And also makes you wonder if many more were simply copy cats who were following the leader. That is WAY to cause mass hysteria over gun control and favoritism for politicians who support it!
So we should make it easy for them...
.Since you did not respond to the rest of my post, I accept your concession of the points made.
[People intent on robbing banks will always find a way to rob a bank. Should we not have laws against bank robery
You argue a non seq
Laws against robbery do not prevent robbery, and do not make robbery more difficult; they punish people after the robbery is committed
Laws against murder do not prevent murder, and do not make murder more difficult; they punish people after the murder is committed
Laws against rape do not prevent rape, and do not make rape more difficult; they punish people after the rape is committed
Laws against assault do not prevent assault, and do not make assault more difficult ; they punish people after the assault is committed

We have laws against criminals,. etc, having guns.
These laws do not prevent these people from getting guns, and do not make getting guns more difficult
Instead, they punish people after they are found with a gun.

People who should not have guns will always have the ability to get guns; this does not in any way justify the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you want to place on the exercise of the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding - whatever they are.
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You can own as many cars as you want, and you can buy and sell them freely w/o any sort of permission from the state.
You can commit a crime with a car and you get to keep your other cars. You can even buy more.
In fact, the only time "privilege" comes into play here is when you actually drive the car on public roads.
So much for that.
So? Your point is WHAT exactly? I am taliking about driving privleges . You are just throwing a whole bunch of other shit at the wall hoping that something will stick
I'll bet a dollar to a donut the shooter was gay...then there goes the narrative
No, not really. While the anti gay hate will inspire unstable and insecure straight people to lash out, it also has a detrimental effect on people who may be struggling with their sexual orientation. Rhetoric from scum like Boebert instill guilt, dispare, and confusion in those peope, especially someone who is known to have some emotional isses like this kid. To put it bluntly, she could have pushed him over the edge. He may well have been acting out of a sennse of self loathing sparked by bigotry, And please spare me any bullshit about his being troubled because his is gay( if in fact that is the case) If gay, he was disturbed because of the way he is treated and demeaned -by people like Boebert- annd you- because of his sexua orientation.
Only liberals peddle that if you don’t want your gun confiscated then you do believe in mass killings.
Libs are emotionally ill and mentally vacant
Ted Cruz once again proves that he is an asshole

The prevalence of guns along with the anti-gay rhetoric on the right equals tragedy

Stop organizing grooming parties aimed at little kids and maybe the other crazies will ignore you deviant sickos.
You seem upset that you are in this country. Maybe you should consider a move.
That being said you realize what post you are posting on correct? So exactly how does your answer relate to the post other then I hate everything about this country?

Wow, you've suddenly turned this topic into a topic about me. Does that mean you literally can't actually have a conversation about this topic?

Fine, you're incapable, then don't fucking reply. Bye.

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