'You don’t care': Twitter bulldozes Ted Cruz for defending guns while 'praying' for Club Q victims

Please elaborate. What about human history and behavior do I not understand? What you do not seem to understand is that there are effective ways that we can keep guns out of the hands of people like Anderson Lee Alrich if you people did noy keep getting in the way.

Moron....everytime you idiots put out another "common sense," gun law, the criminal either avoids it, or the government fails to enforce it.........and each freaking law you guys want only impacts normal, law abiding gun owners, without doing anything to people who want to use guns illegally....and then you fucking wonder why your new law didn't get the job done.....

We have all the laws we need to arrest and jail any criminal who uses a gun illegally......you guys just want to ratchet down on the Right until no one who isn't extremely rich or politically connected can buy, own or carry a gun....
Moron....everytime you idiots put out another "common sense," gun law, the criminal either avoids it, or the government fails to enforce it.........and each freaking law you guys want only impacts normal, law abiding gun owners, without doing anything to people who want to use guns illegally....and then you fucking wonder why your new law didn't get the job done.....

We have all the laws we need to arrest and jail any criminal who uses a gun illegally......you guys just want to ratchet down on the Right until no one who isn't extremely rich or politically connected can buy, own or carry a gun....
As has been pointed out before, we have 20,000+ gun laws already on the books. Including places like Chicago. But lefties seem to think that one more law will scare these criminals. Just laughable. Just enforcing the current laws never seems to occur to these people.

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