'You don’t care': Twitter bulldozes Ted Cruz for defending guns while 'praying' for Club Q victims

We're not fooled by those wishing to have communism take over the country, Mr. Jones. If you take guns away from people who cooperate, you get a lot of criminals with guns and no one to fend them off. After all your party pushed defunding the police, and how'd that turn out? Murder rates skyrocketed all over the big cities of this naiton, that's how it turned out.
No, you’re just fools.
Why then do many Democrats support repealing the 2nd amendment and banning handguns?
Because it is antiquated and vague. It was written for the purpose of allowing armed militia to hunt down run away slaves and at a time when no one could immagine the typs of weapons we now have. . Now you people use it to justify your opposition to common sense gun controll that would keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have guns. Gun ownership should be a privelege like driving. You should have to prove that you are qualified and competent. I would be in favor of updating and replacing the Second Amendment
Ted Cruz once again proves that he is an asshole

The prevalence of guns along with the anti-gay rhetoric on the right equals tragedy

Leftists once again prove they’re assholes politicizing the tragic deaths of American citizens for votes.
Sick mentally I’ll bastards everyone of you.
I don't know, just spit-balling here but maybe it would be a real good idea to find out why the DA let the perp off of six violent felony charges in 2021 and then had the records sealed.

That’s not going to get democrats votes therefore it will never happen.
Because it is antiquated and vague.
Ok. So? Why get rid of it? What harm does it do?
It was written for the purpose of allowing armed militia to hunt down run away slaves...
Unsupportable nonsense
and at a time when no one could immagine the typs of weapons we now have. .
Why would G. Washington oppose his frontier families and potential militiamen having an AR15?
Now you people use it to justify your opposition to common sense gun control...
There is no sense, common or otherwise, to be found in unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.
that would keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have guns.
People who should not have guns will always have the ability to get guns; none of the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you seek to place on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding will prevent this.
Gun ownership should be a privilege like driving. You should have to prove that you are qualified and competent.
You do not need a license to buy a car, own a car, keep a car on your property or use a car on private property.
You can own as many cars as you want, and you can buy and sell them freely w/o any sort of permission from the state.
You can commit a crime with a car and you get to keep your other cars. You can even buy more.
In fact, the only time "privilege" comes into play here is when you actually drive the car on public roads.
So much for that.
I would be in favor of updating and replacing the Second Amendment
Ok. So? Why get rid of it? What harm does it do?
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Nope. We are patriots to the land where our fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, and every mountainside great God our King gave us. :cranky:
Do they really? I guess that's why the murder rate in the UK is 1/6th the US murder rate.

Gun homicides in the USA 5.9 per 100,000
In the UK the same number is 0.02

Clearly you’d be more comfortable living in the UK. I suggest you move there.
Ted Cruz once again proves that he is an asshole

The prevalence of guns along with the anti-gay rhetoric on the right equals tragedy

I'll bet a dollar to a donut the shooter was gay...then there goes the narrative
Because it is antiquated and vague. It was written for the purpose of allowing armed militia to hunt down run away slaves and at a time when no one could immagine the typs of weapons we now have. . Now you people use it to justify your opposition to common sense gun controll that would keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have guns. Gun ownership should be a privelege like driving. You should have to prove that you are qualified and competent. I would be in favor of updating and replacing the Second Amendment
Or just leave it up to the states; let the people of the states decide.

Conservatives are all about “states’ rights.”
Or just leave it up to the states; let the people of the states decide.

Conservatives are all about “states’ rights.”
And there in lies the problem . States that have strict gun laws are still ravaged by gun violence as the result of guns brought in fro the shit hole states. There is no customs or border security between states.
I bet that the victims who were shot wished that they had a gun at the time
Seriously, can you IMAGINE that??? Being a law abiding citizen, turning in your guns to a new "social-democrat" type of regime...and then seeing your family get mowed down by a bad guy with a gun and no respect for the law and being powerless to stop it???

My GOD....

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