'You don’t care': Twitter bulldozes Ted Cruz for defending guns while 'praying' for Club Q victims

So you are claiming population or the lack of density is the the reason. While that is not supported by science.
You seem to not understand that culture, plus a larger population tends to allow for more psychological problems to be allowed in a sampling than a smaller population.
In the US there is well over 20,000 laws on the books which curtail gun ownership and control, Chacago has some of the most stringent yet the murder rate is high.
You do understand that only those who are willing to follow the law are affected by the law right? Murder in any form is against the law and has been but yet there are still murders committed every day. So laws only work on those willing to follow the law.

No, I'm saying population doesn't have anything to do with it.

So, in a post saying it's probably about population size, and I say it's not about population, you then say I don't understand that culture has an impact?

Yes, living closer together changes things. However there's not correlation between larger or more dense cities and crime. Simple as .

And it's not just about "20,000 laws on the books", it's far, far more complicated than just gun laws. It's about the whole of society. It's about people saying "in America everyone can make it", it's about slavery and segregation and the lack of civil rights, it's about racism, it's about the electoral system, the two party politics.

Mostly, to sum it up, it's about politics in the US that is a joke. It's not about running the country, it's about people making money out of politics.

The more sensible countries have a better and fairer electoral system. Proportional Representation instead of "we're like a dodgy and corrupt African dictatorship".
While I support your right to own a gun, I don't support the words of people like Cruz who demonize people simply because they lead a different lifestyle than thiers.
Criminal activity is a sorry lifestyle.
so far all the gun laws have failed to stop anything..

so guess what?? your premise is a lie,,
Among the options to address gun crime and violence having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms is expanding state Medicaid, ensuring that all state residents have access to affordable mental healthcare.

Conservatives claim that gun crime and violence is caused by mental health issues yet are unwilling to do anything to facilitate mental health treatment for those who are ill.
Among the options to address gun crime and violence having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms is expanding state Medicaid, ensuring that all state residents have access to affordable mental healthcare.

Conservatives claim that gun crime and violence is caused by mental health issues yet are unwilling to do anything to facilitate mental health treatment for those who are ill.
youre premise is a lie,,

government has no authority in anyones healthcare,,
I bet that everyone is now wishing that the red flag law that Colorado has was used and enforced. This kid has problems and they knew it. Should not have had guns.
Extreme risk protection order laws are likewise an option having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms that far too many Republicans oppose for no valid reason.

Conservatives will often propagate the lie that protection orders amount to ‘confiscation,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
We're not fooled by those wishing to have communism take over the country, Mr. Jones. If you take guns away from people who cooperate, you get a lot of criminals with guns and no one to fend them off. After all your party pushed defunding the police, and how'd that turn out? Murder rates skyrocketed all over the big cities of this naiton, that's how it turned out.
Stop whining! Communism? Really? No one wants to take guns away from sane and resonsable people. If you want to be taken seriously, try sticking to the facts
No one wants to take guns away from sane and resonsable people
Why then do many Democrats support repealing the 2nd amendment and banning handguns?
Stop whining! Communism? Really? No one wants to take guns away from sane and resonsable people. If you want to be taken seriously, try sticking to the facts
You know very little about your leaders who tore up their communist entitlement cards to run for high office. Bernie's ideas are Biden's marching orders. Hillary's college dissertation was a glowing report of the Alinsky's method of converting a free country to a dicatatorial communist one which is their methodology promoted and nurtured by Nancy Pelosi, former card-carrying communist also. You don't know who your leadership pushers are. And you are blatantly unaware I am sure of how new communist country takeovers result in wiping a huge number of human beings off the face of the map within and without their borders. Mao filled trenches with 100 million Chinese citizens who failed to kiss his ass. The Bolshevik revolution didn't stop with murdering the Czar and his family children and wife--they killed tens of millions of people within the Soviet Union's borders. And Putin wants all that territory back of the satellite countries that bolted away from communism after numerous waves of KGB wars against Russian citizenry that didn't respect the Bolshevik murderers in the slightest. Or maybe you think Communism is a better system of government than the free market which has turned America into a prosperous country that has hard workers earning the American Dream. Communism has a 100% chance of becoming a bloodthirsty dictatorship. I don't want to see the land where my fathers died become a gulagish slave-driving communist hellhole, thankyouverymuch.
Ted Cruz once again proves that he is an asshole

The prevalence of guns along with the anti-gay rhetoric on the right equals tragedy

[unfurl="true"]Colorado lawmaker demands Lauren Boebert 'stop' demonizing LBGTQ+ community[/URL]
The reason for these crimes is the toxic liberal culture that grips our society

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