You Don’t Like the Decisions Made the Past Few Days? You’re Really Not Going to Like the Next Part

It's happening already.

Your fucktard DA's are being booted out on their keesters.

No one's going to put up with any more violence from you petulant two year olds.

This time you get a spanking.

Next time you get a strap.
Sure buddy. Look there's going to be another summer of protests and civil unrest, let's just see which side gets painted as the deplorable mutants by the mainstream. 😁
Sure buddy. Look there's going to be another summer of protests and civil unrest, let's just see which side gets painted as the deplorable mutants by the mainstream. 😁

Who cares. The MSM is not credible so no one with a brain listens to them anymore.

We will happily sit back and watch the leftist shitholes burn, and wonder what happened to the antifart dumbshits who try and pull their tricks in the rural places.
Who cares. The MSM is not credible so no one with a brain listens to them anymore.

We will happily sit back and watch the leftist shitholes burn, and wonder what happened to the antifart dumbshits who try and pull their tricks in the rural places.
The hint is the name dipshit. Mainstream Media. If you're the opposite of the mainstream, you're the deplorable fringe. 😄
The hint is the name dipshit. Mainstream Media. If you're the opposite of the mainstream, you're the deplorable fringe. 😄
Yeah, the good guys, fighting against the evil empire.

We win. You clods lose.

Read your history
I am Black you idiot. I'm very pleased.

You are being replaced faster than the whites are, dumbass. If you are pleased it's because you are an idiot.

No worries, the Hispanics, as a whole are far better workers than most. They will end up owning the companies that you will then work for, for minimum wage.

That attitude of, "We own the minorities! They are our property!" is a big part of why you're losing as we speak.
You're the only one who's said anything about anyone owning minorities. I am a minority. I'm Black and Asian. I choose to support the Democratic Party and so do most minorities because we find you to be incredibly racist fuckwits.
Sure buddy. Look there's going to be another summer of protests and civil unrest, let's just see which side gets painted as the deplorable mutants by the mainstream. 😁

Try that shit again, you'll end up with cracked heads.

Go ahead, do it. The doctors will love your ass, they'll get plenty of highly paid practice.
That attitude of, "We own the minorities! They are our property!" is a big part of why you're losing as we speak.
What have Republicans done for minorities other than build more prisons?
Got news for you

Mexicans receive abortions, so do Conservatives
50 percent of Catholics support Roe v Wade
That doesn't make the other 50% less pathological. Naming a particular protection racket will not suffice for sampling, especially since POSPOTUS is both a Catholic puppet and a CIA puppet.

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