You don't need guns in's a better solution......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.
Kevlar aint cheap. A lto fo churches have small congregations..
Maybe people can just conceal carry..
Why didn't God protect them?
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.

How about we lock up dangerously crazy people? In crazy houses designed to keep in dangerously crazy people.
You know, after the church shooting this weekend, my roomie and I were talking about a solution for places like churches for protection that wouldn't involve arming everyone in the congregation.

After Sandy Hook happened, there were a lot of parents that went out and bought bullet proof backpacks for their kids so they would have something to hide behind if shooting started.

Well, churches could have a similar solution. Take all the cushions that are in the pews, and make them out of Kevlar so they are bullet proof. That way, when the shooting starts, instead of sitting there waiting to get shot, they could shield behind the cushions and possibly escape, or even take down the shooter, because they would have protection.

Yeah, it would cost a bit to have them made, but how much is a human life worth? Make the cushions about 2 ft by 3 ft rectangles, and have them be about 2 to 3 inches thick, that way they could shield the torsos of adults and small children.

And then, put signs on the doors telling people that there are Kevlar cushions in the pews for the protection of the congregation. Would give a lot of people pause for attacking a church if they thought they had a chance to fight back because they had shielding.

That's carrottop funny. He's looking for a new writer, you should send this as a sample
And in case of a water landing, the cushions can be also be used as floatation devices.

OP, don't quit your day job.
A lot of "intercity" gang bangers already wear bullet proof vests

How about we lock up dangerously crazy people? In crazy houses designed to keep in dangerously crazy people.

So, then I guess everyone in the country should then submit to a mental health evaluation to determine who is crazy and should be locked up, right?

I don't think you'd pass that evaluation.
Want fewer shootings in churches? REDUCE THE NUMBER OF CHURCHES.

There. Problem solved.
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.
How about we lock up dangerously crazy people? In crazy houses designed to keep in dangerously crazy people.

So, then I guess everyone in the country should then submit to a mental health evaluation to determine who is crazy and should be locked up, right?

I don't think you'd pass that evaluation.

I accept your admission that you can't address my position honestly as a admission of defeat.

I know that you lefties CAN'T be honest or civil.

Your lack of vulgarity and your ability to avoid the use of the Race Card for one post in a row is noted and points are granted to you for that.

Beyond that, if you can't address anything I actually said, we can be done here.

You can pat yourself on your back for some deluded reason and run along now.
Kevlar aint cheap. A lto fo churches have small congregations..
Maybe people can just conceal carry..

Even better would be to have the congregation pay to send a couple of their members to a tactical school and have them be designated guards. A relatively small expense for a ton of security.
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.

Really? Might wanna check out the clothing that this company makes. Most of it looks like regular clothing, and there is one vest on the site that is form fitting and almost invisible under a shirt, yet will stop most bullets. It's rated for a 3A threat level, meaning it will stop most bullets.

Here's the link for the whole site..................

BulletBlocker Bulletproof Protective Clothing and Body Armor

And here's the link for the compression vest. If you look at it, it almost looks like a regular black shirt.

Gabriel BBL Compression Vest

So yeah, outside of the expense, it could make a viable solution for church shootings. far as this shooter "managing to avoid laws", you do realize that he bought those guns LEGALLY from a gun shop?
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.

Really? Might wanna check out the clothing that this company makes. Most of it looks like regular clothing, and there is one vest on the site that is form fitting and almost invisible under a shirt, yet will stop most bullets. It's rated for a 3A threat level, meaning it will stop most bullets.

Here's the link for the whole site..................

BulletBlocker Bulletproof Protective Clothing and Body Armor

And here's the link for the compression vest. If you look at it, it almost looks like a regular black shirt.

Gabriel BBL Compression Vest

So yeah, outside of the expense, it could make a viable solution for church shootings. far as this shooter "managing to avoid laws", you do realize that he bought those guns LEGALLY from a gun shop?

Check your prices. We could outfit the entire congregation cheaper than seat cushions in about three rows of pew.
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.

Really? Might wanna check out the clothing that this company makes. Most of it looks like regular clothing, and there is one vest on the site that is form fitting and almost invisible under a shirt, yet will stop most bullets. It's rated for a 3A threat level, meaning it will stop most bullets.

Here's the link for the whole site..................

BulletBlocker Bulletproof Protective Clothing and Body Armor

And here's the link for the compression vest. If you look at it, it almost looks like a regular black shirt.

Gabriel BBL Compression Vest

So yeah, outside of the expense, it could make a viable solution for church shootings. far as this shooter "managing to avoid laws", you do realize that he bought those guns LEGALLY from a gun shop?

Check your prices. We could outfit the entire congregation cheaper than seat cushions in about three rows of pew.

I posted the clothing site to show to the poster I was responding to that they have advanced the technology to the point where bulletproof material can be pretty thin.

And...............if you were to buy the material wholesale from a supplier, I'm sure you could get some of those sweet old ladies to sew the cushions together. It would be much cheaper to buy the material in bulk, and who knows? If you tell them it's for a church to outfit their pews, the company might even sell it to you wholesale.

Not saying it's a great solution, but something like this would help quite a bit for survival in a shooting situation.
Typical libturd response.

You don't need an effective solution, you need a nanny state or be ridiculed.

The shooter managed to avoid the laws that we are supposed to believe prevent insane assholes from getting guns, ignored laws against capital murder in a state that is notorious for fulfilling the death penalty, and managed to kill so many innocents because it's illegal to carry in a church.

Abedwettingshithead is obviously the sort of piece of leftist shit that prefers to ridicule dead people because anyone with a military background knows several layers of soft kevlar will not stop rifle rounds.

Get the nanny state out of the way, and let churches decide for themselves.

Really? Might wanna check out the clothing that this company makes. Most of it looks like regular clothing, and there is one vest on the site that is form fitting and almost invisible under a shirt, yet will stop most bullets. It's rated for a 3A threat level, meaning it will stop most bullets.

Here's the link for the whole site..................

BulletBlocker Bulletproof Protective Clothing and Body Armor

And here's the link for the compression vest. If you look at it, it almost looks like a regular black shirt.

Gabriel BBL Compression Vest

So yeah, outside of the expense, it could make a viable solution for church shootings. far as this shooter "managing to avoid laws", you do realize that he bought those guns LEGALLY from a gun shop?

Check your prices. We could outfit the entire congregation cheaper than seat cushions in about three rows of pew.

I posted the clothing site to show to the poster I was responding to that they have advanced the technology to the point where bulletproof material can be pretty thin.

And...............if you were to buy the material wholesale from a supplier, I'm sure you could get some of those sweet old ladies to sew the cushions together. It would be much cheaper to buy the material in bulk, and who knows? If you tell them it's for a church to outfit their pews, the company might even sell it to you wholesale.

Not saying it's a great solution, but something like this would help quite a bit for survival in a shooting situation.

I cannot tell if this is your idea of a joke, or not. If you are not joking, you need to seek some serious help because your brain is non-functional.
No more hymns or closed eyes when you pray; everybody armed and watching.

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