"You don't say hi to strangers."

Here's a thought, if you sound racist it is because you are.

Saying that not all white cops are racist is like saying some of my best friends are black. It is something a racists says because they don't what to admit to themselves they are racist.

That is why your posts sound like Tank's, and why I put you into the same category.

I forgot to add that maybe you are a closet racist and thats why you can relate to Tank rather than me. If I was racist then I would have no problem saying so. You can put me in whatever category you chose however. Your opinion of me is none of my business..

Again, that would make sense if I related to Tank as anything other than scum on the shit of the universe. I usually skip over his posts because I know what he is, and I don't waste my time reading the crap scum posts.

Hooray for you. I like reading his posts because they are usually funny and honestly how he feels. At least he is real with his opinions.
it's not all about race, it's a power position that is being abused by members of all police forces. It was worse during Bush but calmed down after Oblama was elected. I experienced it first hand so don't tell me I'm Bsing anyone.

Oh say, no whities done did any crimes in history.
If I sound racist then it may be when I am replying to Tank or other racists like him.

"It may be" that you are racist, just like him. Just as much as him, just as bad as him. But you probably like to think you're better than him, don't you? Well, you're not. You're just as bad as him, and shitshispeedos, and prometeusbitch, and all the rest. You are exactly like them. Be honest with yourself if you (obviously) won't be with anyone else.

No one is better than anyone else. It sounds to me like the ones calling me racist are the ones that think they are better than somebody. I'm human and last I checked other people are human. Some are just butt holes like you. Doesnt make me better than you though.

That is, certainly, one form of racism, but not the only one, or even the most prevalent. Racism, at its most basic, is judging someone else by their race or physical characteristics. When you start talking about "racist white" cops, or anything else, you are being racist, even if you want to pretend it isn't.
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I forgot to add that maybe you are a closet racist and thats why you can relate to Tank rather than me. If I was racist then I would have no problem saying so. You can put me in whatever category you chose however. Your opinion of me is none of my business..

Again, that would make sense if I related to Tank as anything other than scum on the shit of the universe. I usually skip over his posts because I know what he is, and I don't waste my time reading the crap scum posts.

Hooray for you. I like reading his posts because they are usually funny and honestly how he feels. At least he is real with his opinions.

I get that from rdean, without having to get covered in slime.
"It may be" that you are racist, just like him. Just as much as him, just as bad as him. But you probably like to think you're better than him, don't you? Well, you're not. You're just as bad as him, and shitshispeedos, and prometeusbitch, and all the rest. You are exactly like them. Be honest with yourself if you (obviously) won't be with anyone else.

No one is better than anyone else. It sounds to me like the ones calling me racist are the ones that think they are better than somebody. I'm human and last I checked other people are human. Some are just butt holes like you. Doesnt make me better than you though.

That is, certainly, one form of racism, but not the only one, or even the most prevalent. Racism, at its most basic, is judging someone else by their race or physical characteristics. When you start talking about "racist white" cops, or anything else, you are being racist, even if you want to pretend it isn't.

You are like the 10th person around here that doesnt seem to know what racist means. It means you believe your particular ethnicity is the superior race. A white cop claiming all n.....rs should die because they are worthless is racist. Me pointing out that fact is not racist no matter how you want to slice it. Go get a dictionary if the meaning of the word evades you.
No one is better than anyone else. It sounds to me like the ones calling me racist are the ones that think they are better than somebody. I'm human and last I checked other people are human. Some are just butt holes like you. Doesnt make me better than you though.

That is, certainly, one form of racism, but not the only one, or even the most prevalent. Racism, at its most basic, is judging someone else by their race or physical characteristics. When you start talking about "racist white" cops, or anything else, you are being racist, even if you want to pretend it isn't.

You are like the 10th person around here that doesnt seem to know what racist means. It means you believe your particular ethnicity is the superior race. A white cop claiming all n.....rs should die because they are worthless is racist. Me pointing out that fact is not racist no matter how you want to slice it. Go get a dictionary if the meaning of the word evades you.

No, it actually doesn't. Racism is the belief that people of different races are inherently different. When Jimmy the Greek said that blacks were more athletic that was racism. When white slave owners believed that black women were obsessed with sex, that was racism. It generally manifests as a belief that one race is superior to another, but that does not mean that racism is not more than that.
That is, certainly, one form of racism, but not the only one, or even the most prevalent. Racism, at its most basic, is judging someone else by their race or physical characteristics. When you start talking about "racist white" cops, or anything else, you are being racist, even if you want to pretend it isn't.

You are like the 10th person around here that doesnt seem to know what racist means. It means you believe your particular ethnicity is the superior race. A white cop claiming all n.....rs should die because they are worthless is racist. Me pointing out that fact is not racist no matter how you want to slice it. Go get a dictionary if the meaning of the word evades you.

No, it actually doesn't. Racism is the belief that people of different races are inherently different. When Jimmy the Greek said that blacks were more athletic that was racism. When white slave owners believed that black women were obsessed with sex, that was racism. It generally manifests as a belief that one race is superior to another, but that does not mean that racism is not more than that.

Experience teaches men and lesbians that no women want sex.
That is, certainly, one form of racism, but not the only one, or even the most prevalent. Racism, at its most basic, is judging someone else by their race or physical characteristics. When you start talking about "racist white" cops, or anything else, you are being racist, even if you want to pretend it isn't.

You are like the 10th person around here that doesnt seem to know what racist means. It means you believe your particular ethnicity is the superior race. A white cop claiming all n.....rs should die because they are worthless is racist. Me pointing out that fact is not racist no matter how you want to slice it. Go get a dictionary if the meaning of the word evades you.

No, it actually doesn't. Racism is the belief that people of different races are inherently different. When Jimmy the Greek said that blacks were more athletic that was racism. When white slave owners believed that black women were obsessed with sex, that was racism. It generally manifests as a belief that one race is superior to another, but that does not mean that racism is not more than that.

Lets take your definition because its close enough to mine now that you have clarified your understanding of it. If i think even one white cop is cool that pretty much eliminates me from being racist. If I said all white cops were racist you would have a case. I specified the word racist to point at a subset of white cops.
When black people get harassed by cops, they think it's because the cop is racist. I have news for them, they harass white people just as much. They may BE racist, but that's not the underlying problem.
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You are like the 10th person around here that doesnt seem to know what racist means. It means you believe your particular ethnicity is the superior race. A white cop claiming all n.....rs should die because they are worthless is racist. Me pointing out that fact is not racist no matter how you want to slice it. Go get a dictionary if the meaning of the word evades you.

No, it actually doesn't. Racism is the belief that people of different races are inherently different. When Jimmy the Greek said that blacks were more athletic that was racism. When white slave owners believed that black women were obsessed with sex, that was racism. It generally manifests as a belief that one race is superior to another, but that does not mean that racism is not more than that.

Lets take your definition because its close enough to mine now that you have clarified your understanding of it. If i think even one white cop is cool that pretty much eliminates me from being racist. If I said all white cops were racist you would have a case. I specified the word racist to point at a subset of white cops.

Does that mean that Tank isn't a racist if he thinks one black is cool? How about if I get Shootspeeders to admit that Neil DeGrasse Tyson proves that one black can do science and math? Will that make him not a racist?

Or does it just prove my point that what you are saying is no different than "some of my best friends are black?"

Here is a hint, when I refer to racist cops I don't bother mentioning their skin color. There is no reason to point out there skin color because racism is always wrong, no matter what color their skin is.
When black people get harassed by cops, they think it's because the cop is racist. I have news for them, they harass white people just as much. They may BE racist, but that's not the underlying problem.

Guess I'm one of the lucky ones then, I've never been stopped or pulled over for driving while white. Or walking.
When black people get harassed by cops, they think it's because the cop is racist. I have news for them, they harass white people just as much. They may BE racist, but that's not the underlying problem.

Guess I'm one of the lucky ones then, I've never been stopped or pulled over for driving while white. Or walking.
Maybe it's because you're not a man, therefore you're not a threat.
When Jimmy the Greek said that blacks were more athletic that was racism.
Ya, and if someone says blacks commit the majority of crime and have most of their children out of wedlock, thats racist too

Only if you insist it is because they are black, the way you constantly do.
I don't think it's because their black, I think it's because of blacks have lower IQ's and higher testosterone levels on average.

But, maybe you have a reason for black crime and low wedlock births
When black people get harassed by cops, they think it's because the cop is racist. I have news for them, they harass white people just as much. They may BE racist, but that's not the underlying problem.

Guess I'm one of the lucky ones then, I've never been stopped or pulled over for driving while white. Or walking.
Maybe it's because you're not a man, therefore you're not a threat.

Uh-uh. Well, my dad's never been stopped either. Or any of my nephews.

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