"You don't say hi to strangers."

/shaking my damn head

Cop on video to pedestrian: Stay out of Philly

Update: Lt. John Stanford, a police spokesman, said an “active investigation” is underway by Internal Affairs. He said the investigation, not the video, would determine whether the officers “acted appropriate in all aspects of their job.” A source identified one of the cops as Officer Philip Nace of the 25th District. I just called over there and was told that Nace is “on the street.” No doubt treating all pedestrians with the utmost respect.

Really? Dumbass. Even if that is a true thing - why announce it? Why just piss everybody right the fuck off because "Who will I believe? My people, or your lying POS video."
/shaking my damn head

Cop on video to pedestrian: Stay out of Philly

Update: Lt. John Stanford, a police spokesman, said an “active investigation” is underway by Internal Affairs. He said the investigation, not the video, would determine whether the officers “acted appropriate in all aspects of their job.” A source identified one of the cops as Officer Philip Nace of the 25th District. I just called over there and was told that Nace is “on the street.” No doubt treating all pedestrians with the utmost respect.
Really? Dumbass. Even if that is a true thing - why announce it? Why just piss everybody right the fuck off because "Who will I believe? My people, or your lying POS video."

How would you feel if I told you that judges have been known to ignore videos if a cop says something different?
/shaking my damn head

Cop on video to pedestrian: Stay out of Philly

Update: Lt. John Stanford, a police spokesman, said an “active investigation” is underway by Internal Affairs. He said the investigation, not the video, would determine whether the officers “acted appropriate in all aspects of their job.” A source identified one of the cops as Officer Philip Nace of the 25th District. I just called over there and was told that Nace is “on the street.” No doubt treating all pedestrians with the utmost respect.
Really? Dumbass. Even if that is a true thing - why announce it? Why just piss everybody right the fuck off because "Who will I believe? My people, or your lying POS video."

How would you feel if I told you that judges have been known to ignore videos if a cop says something different?

Oh, I'd probably stay at about the same level of simmer as I am currently at.
Typical asshole cops, but where is the racism? I don't see it, and every time somebody cries "racism" when there is none, it cheapens the charge.
Race profiling is a legitimate response to the fact that blacks have a crime rate that is eight times the white rate. Police officers should be encouraged to stop and frisk young black men even when they are not behaving suspiciously. The fact that they are young black men makes them suspicious enough.
I can't help it. I gotta say it.

How the hell do you "racially abuse" somebody? That's not even a real term.
/shaking my damn head

Cop on video to pedestrian: Stay out of Philly

Really? Dumbass. Even if that is a true thing - why announce it? Why just piss everybody right the fuck off because "Who will I believe? My people, or your lying POS video."

How would you feel if I told you that judges have been known to ignore videos if a cop says something different?

Oh, I'd probably stay at about the same level of simmer as I am currently at.

You might want to skip this story then.

This guy was caught on tape by cops, and still got off.

A St. Louis cop is caught on video, slamming his forearm across the face of a handcuffed teenage suspect.
Rory Bruce not only gets fired for the incident that took place last year, but ended up charged with assault - something you rarely see happen.
However, when Bruce stepped in front of the judge to be tried this week, the judge refused to watch the video that came from a surveillance camera from the back of a police transport vehicle.
As a result, Judge Theresa Counts Burke found him not guilty.

Judge Finds Cop Not Guilty of Assault after Refusing to Watch Video of Assault | Photography is Not a Crime: PINAC
How would you feel if I told you that judges have been known to ignore videos if a cop says something different?

Oh, I'd probably stay at about the same level of simmer as I am currently at.

You might want to skip this story then.

This guy was caught on tape by cops, and still got off.

A St. Louis cop is caught on video, slamming his forearm across the face of a handcuffed teenage suspect.
Rory Bruce not only gets fired for the incident that took place last year, but ended up charged with assault - something you rarely see happen.
However, when Bruce stepped in front of the judge to be tried this week, the judge refused to watch the video that came from a surveillance camera from the back of a police transport vehicle.
As a result, Judge Theresa Counts Burke found him not guilty.

Judge Finds Cop Not Guilty of Assault after Refusing to Watch Video of Assault | Photography is Not a Crime: PINAC

Sometimes, the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that America has been this corrupt before, and we cleaned it up.
Philly cops recorded in racially-abusive stop-and-frisk: 'All you do is weaken the f'ing country' | The Raw Story

If I'm this sick of this shit, I can't imagine how the people experiencing it are feeling.

Reminds me of how I would get frisked sometimes walking home or to school as a teenager. The position of police officer is a haven for weak white racists. They know they cant do anything on their own so they flock to these positions like pedophiles do to positions where they can exploit children.

I have a neighbor thats a CO and 2 family members that are Black cops and they are sick of this shit too.

That post might make since if I couldn't come up with black cops doing the eact same thing. Could it be that you are a racist yourself?

Wait, I already concluded that from your posting style. I just like poking racists to stir up trouble.

I personally have never had a Black cop do anything to me. I have heard there are some out there though. 1 of the only cops I ever met that was cool was white so your racist tag is BS.
Reminds me of how I would get frisked sometimes walking home or to school as a teenager. The position of police officer is a haven for weak white racists. They know they cant do anything on their own so they flock to these positions like pedophiles do to positions where they can exploit children.

I have a neighbor thats a CO and 2 family members that are Black cops and they are sick of this shit too.

That post might make since if I couldn't come up with black cops doing the eact same thing. Could it be that you are a racist yourself?

Wait, I already concluded that from your posting style. I just like poking racists to stir up trouble.

I personally have never had a Black cop do anything to me. I have heard there are some out there though. 1 of the only cops I ever met that was cool was white so your racist tag is BS.

I think they must eat glue in the hopes that when they sling shit, it'll stick.
Reminds me of how I would get frisked sometimes walking home or to school as a teenager. The position of police officer is a haven for weak white racists. They know they cant do anything on their own so they flock to these positions like pedophiles do to positions where they can exploit children.

I have a neighbor thats a CO and 2 family members that are Black cops and they are sick of this shit too.

That post might make since if I couldn't come up with black cops doing the exact same thing. Could it be that you are a racist yourself?

Wait, I already concluded that from your posting style. I just like poking racists to stir up trouble.

I personally have never had a Black cop do anything to me. I have heard there are some out there though. 1 of the only cops I ever met that was cool was white so your racist tag is BS.

I can show you video, all you can do is provide a personal statement that may, or may not, be true.

I guess you win.

By the way, if you aren't a racist, why do so many of your posts sound like Tanks?
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That post might make since if I couldn't come up with black cops doing the exact same thing. Could it be that you are a racist yourself?

Wait, I already concluded that from your posting style. I just like poking racists to stir up trouble.

I personally have never had a Black cop do anything to me. I have heard there are some out there though. 1 of the only cops I ever met that was cool was white so your racist tag is BS.

I can show you video, all you can do is provide a personal statement that may, or may not, be true.

I guess you win.

By the way, if you aren't a racist, why do so many of your posts sound like Tanks?

I didnt say there were not some bad Black cops out there. I said I heard there are. Not trying to win just saying my experience. If I sound racist then it may be when I am replying to Tank or other racists like him.
I personally have never had a Black cop do anything to me. I have heard there are some out there though. 1 of the only cops I ever met that was cool was white so your racist tag is BS.

I can show you video, all you can do is provide a personal statement that may, or may not, be true.

I guess you win.

By the way, if you aren't a racist, why do so many of your posts sound like Tanks?

I didnt say there were not some bad Black cops out there. I said I heard there are. Not trying to win just saying my experience. If I sound racist then it may be when I am replying to Tank or other racists like him.

Here's a thought, if you sound racist it is because you are.

Saying that not all white cops are racist is like saying some of my best friends are black. It is something a racists says because they don't what to admit to themselves they are racist.

That is why your posts sound like Tank's, and why I put you into the same category.
I can show you video, all you can do is provide a personal statement that may, or may not, be true.

I guess you win.

By the way, if you aren't a racist, why do so many of your posts sound like Tanks?

I didnt say there were not some bad Black cops out there. I said I heard there are. Not trying to win just saying my experience. If I sound racist then it may be when I am replying to Tank or other racists like him.

Here's a thought, if you sound racist it is because you are.

Saying that not all white cops are racist is like saying some of my best friends are black. It is something a racists says because they don't what to admit to themselves they are racist.

That is why your posts sound like Tank's, and why I put you into the same category.

I forgot to add that maybe you are a closet racist and thats why you can relate to Tank rather than me. If I was racist then I would have no problem saying so. You can put me in whatever category you chose however. Your opinion of me is none of my business..
If I sound racist then it may be when I am replying to Tank or other racists like him.

"It may be" that you are racist, just like him. Just as much as him, just as bad as him. But you probably like to think you're better than him, don't you? Well, you're not. You're just as bad as him, and shitshispeedos, and prometeusbitch, and all the rest. You are exactly like them. Be honest with yourself if you (obviously) won't be with anyone else.
I didnt say there were not some bad Black cops out there. I said I heard there are. Not trying to win just saying my experience. If I sound racist then it may be when I am replying to Tank or other racists like him.

Here's a thought, if you sound racist it is because you are.

Saying that not all white cops are racist is like saying some of my best friends are black. It is something a racists says because they don't what to admit to themselves they are racist.

That is why your posts sound like Tank's, and why I put you into the same category.

I forgot to add that maybe you are a closet racist and thats why you can relate to Tank rather than me. If I was racist then I would have no problem saying so. You can put me in whatever category you chose however. Your opinion of me is none of my business..

Again, that would make sense if I related to Tank as anything other than scum on the shit of the universe. I usually skip over his posts because I know what he is, and I don't waste my time reading the crap scum posts.
If I sound racist then it may be when I am replying to Tank or other racists like him.

"It may be" that you are racist, just like him. Just as much as him, just as bad as him. But you probably like to think you're better than him, don't you? Well, you're not. You're just as bad as him, and shitshispeedos, and prometeusbitch, and all the rest. You are exactly like them. Be honest with yourself if you (obviously) won't be with anyone else.

No one is better than anyone else. It sounds to me like the ones calling me racist are the ones that think they are better than somebody. I'm human and last I checked other people are human. Some are just butt holes like you. Doesnt make me better than you though.

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