You ever notice pro-abortions folks only ever want to discuss everything except the issue at hand?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Yeah, those who send people to die in made up wars have a very high regard for human life. Those who want to cut food stamp and other programs that help the needy have a real regard for human life, but only so there are others to lord over. Go Fuck yourself you two bit piece of shit hypocrite!

Just saw that, but it's not remotely the first time I've seen this tactic put to use. "When you're losing, take every opportunity to derail the conversation and change the subject to something else, like foreign policy or economics or philosophy. Do not - I repeat, do not - under any circumstance allow the anti-choice terrorist filth you're talking to any opportunity to return to their original point. They will inevitably begin telling you made up bullshit terrorist Creationist hoax lies like "a fetus is alive" or "a fetus isn't an organ". Some of the more particularly depraved individuals will even tell you to do sick shit like watch a pregnant dog or put your hand up against a pregnant woman's belly, like that proves any of their bastard terrorist lies."
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It is interesting that a family's right to medical support is blocked in America by religion. Everyone engages in contraception including the religious who deny another that same benefit. Consider the fact humans stop life from forming through various means, if life is a religious goal then only abstinence, as the Catholic Church once taught, should be allowed. If we look closely, are not all means of contraception wrong for surely an ovum is potential life. Is male masturbation not a destruction of potential life. Why only a ban on contraceptives? But then the same corporations, known to our Supreme court as people, pay for Viagra. Rather odd how un-supportive Christian religions can be. Corporations sell to everyone not just the religious. Hobby Lobby will still help the impotent male get a hard-on, but spends enormous amounts of money to deny medicine for women that serves many beneficial purposes. And please stop criticizing other more fundamentalist religions, they are all the same given power, thus the separation of church and state.
Yeah, those who send people to die in made up wars have a very high regard for human life. Those who want to cut food stamp and other programs that help the needy have a real regard for human life, but only so there are others to lord over. Go Fuck yourself you two bit piece of shit hypocrite!

Just saw that, but it's not remotely the first time I've seen this tactic put to use. "When you're losing, take every opportunity to derail the conversation and change the subject to something else, like foreign policy or economics or philosophy. Do not - I repeat, do not - under any circumstance allow the anti-choice terrorist filth you're talking to any opportunity to return to their original point. They will inevitably begin telling you made up bullshit terrorist Creationist hoax lies like "a fetus is alive" or "a fetus isn't an organ". Some of the more particularly depraved individuals will even tell you to do sick shit like watch a pregnant dog or put your hand up against a pregnant woman's belly, like that proves any of their bastard terrorist lies."

You lie. I have repeatedly defended the pro-choice position, and demolished the anti-choice position, point by point, on topic.

What you should notice is the idiocy of people like yourself who make baseless generalizations about groups of people.
Yeah, those who send people to die in made up wars have a very high regard for human life. Those who want to cut food stamp and other programs that help the needy have a real regard for human life, but only so there are others to lord over. Go Fuck yourself you two bit piece of shit hypocrite!
You lie. I have repeatedly defended the pro-choice position, and demolished the anti-choice position, point by point, on topic

What you should notice is the idiocy of people like yourself who make baseless generalizations about groups of people.
You do realize that I directly quoted a pro-abortion user's post here, right? I was commenting on the fact that the tactic of changing the subject to something else like philosophy or economic policy he/she used in that quote is far from uncommon.
Yeah, those who send people to die in made up wars have a very high regard for human life. Those who want to cut food stamp and other programs that help the needy have a real regard for human life, but only so there are others to lord over. Go Fuck yourself you two bit piece of shit hypocrite!

Just saw that, but it's not remotely the first time I've seen this tactic put to use. "When you're losing, take every opportunity to derail the conversation and change the subject to something else, like foreign policy or economics or philosophy. Do not - I repeat, do not - under any circumstance allow the anti-choice terrorist filth you're talking to any opportunity to return to their original point. They will inevitably begin telling you made up bullshit terrorist Creationist hoax lies like "a fetus is alive" or "a fetus isn't an organ". Some of the more particularly depraved individuals will even tell you to do sick shit like watch a pregnant dog or put your hand up against a pregnant woman's belly, like that proves any of their bastard terrorist lies."
There are different types of pro-choicers. I believe a fetus is a baby, even early on. I believe abortion is an evil act. That said I think it is the lesser of two evils on many cases.

It is very easy to say NO to late term abortion. Late term should have few exceptions. It is especially easy to side with abortion when the case of rape and incest victims, the vast majority agree with that they should be able to get an abortion.

It becomes hazy after that.
(1) Major Birth Defects: I agree with this abortion even late term.
(2) Teenage Pregnancy: yep first term.
(3) Unwanted adult pregnancy- I think it is wrong especially if you have thee and to support the child, but I still believe it is OK in the first trimester.

I also fully support numerous free abortion clinics in the ghettos. Call me racist, but too many people in the ghettos are having to many unwanted and neglected kids. A good majority of these kids cause major problems for society.

I also think anyone who is against giving the morning after pills to rape victims is a fucking asshole.

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What is the difference between a rich white woman who goes to a Fertility Clinic and has many eggs fertilized and started growing in a petri dish and they select the strongest one and implant it in her and THROW THE REST AWAY, and a poor black woman who has an abortion because she can't afford to take care of another baby?

Fetuses are destroyed in both cases but the pro-life / anti-choice crowd ignores the Fertility Clinic and just goes after the black woman at the abortion clinic.

God must love abortions because He performs millions of them every day around the world. Every day millions of women miscarry which destroys a living fetus just as an abortion does.

Every woman who has her period is flushing potentially viable zygotes out of her body. They just needed to be fertilized and then hope God doesn't decide to abort them in a miscarriage. Many of the pro-life people would claim she is killing babies by not having unprotected sex and getting those zygotes implanted. Some of the pro-lifers want to ban all forms of contraception.
What is the difference between a rich white woman who goes to a Fertility Clinic and has many eggs fertilized and started growing in a petri dish and they select the strongest one and implant it in her and THROW THE REST AWAY, and a poor black woman who has an abortion because she can't afford to take care of another baby?
There is no difference. Both are wrong.

Fetuses are destroyed in both cases but the pro-life / anti-choice crowd ignores the Fertility Clinic and just goes after the black woman at the abortion clinic.
Not really. I'd protest your fertility clinic just the same as your baby slaughterhouse.

God must love abortions because He performs millions of them every day around the world. Every day millions of women miscarry which destroys a living fetus just as an abortion does.
Miscarriage is not in any way a supernatural event. It's a tragic natural occurrence that we can and should minimize to the maximum extent possible.

Every woman who has her period is flushing potentially viable zygotes out of her body. They just needed to be fertilized and then hope God doesn't decide to abort them in a miscarriage. Many of the pro-life people would claim she is killing babies by not having unprotected sex and getting those zygotes implanted. Some of the pro-lifers want to ban all forms of contraception.
You're not really getting this "a separate life is created at conception" thing very well, or that the anti-contraception crowd are a marginalized and swiftly dying part of our movement. It's just as obvious you equate defense of human rights with religious fundamentalism. All I can say is that my sig is proven true every day.
How do you KNOW it's not a supernatural event?

Prove it.

And God allows it to happen so He is a responsible party to the event.

And since the miscarriage is not a voluntary action on the woman's part but a random act of Nature == which is, God's domain, He must be responsible.

There is no difference between God allowing / causing a woman to have a miscarriage than a woman having an abortion.

All of that presupposes a belief in the existence of a God.


Miscarriage is not in any way a supernatural event. It's a tragic natural occurrence that we can and should minimize to the maximum extent possible.

How do you KNOW it's not a supernatural event?
The supernatural not existing in any way is a good clue.

Prove it.
Prove that abortion isn't supernatural or that the supernatural isn't real?

And God allows it to happen so He is a responsible party to the event.
This argument is invalid for the same reason that the argument for Thor causing thunder is invalid.

And since the miscarriage is not a voluntary action on the woman's part but a random act of Nature == which is, God's domain, He must be responsible.
Again, your entire argument rests on a positive assumption you haven't proven and I don't accept. Show me that your god exists and we can talk about what he is and isn't responsible for.

There is no difference between God allowing / causing a woman to have a miscarriage than a woman having an abortion.
See above.

All of that presupposes a belief in the existence of a God.
No shit?
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There are different types of pro-choicers. I believe a fetus is a baby, even early on. I believe abortion is an evil act. That said I think it is the lesser of two evils on many cases.

Intentionally and needlessly killing an innocent person is one of the greater evils that a human being can commit.

How messed up must one's moral compass be, in order to see that as often being the “lesser” evil?
There are different types of pro-choicers. I believe a fetus is a baby, even early on. I believe abortion is an evil act. That said I think it is the lesser of two evils on many cases.

Intentionally and needlessly killing an innocent person is one of the greater evils that a human being can commit.

How messed up must one's moral compass be, in order to see that as often being the “lesser” evil?
Is all life really precious to prolifers? Does one not see killing to protect ones family as the lesser of an evil. A soldier killing another soldier on the battlefield to protect freedom around the world as the lesser of an evil. Executing a serial killer as the lesser of evil. Sending a jihadi to meet his 11 virgins as the lesser of two evils.

It is always amusing to me that most proliferation like Huckabee talk about killing Jihadis (which I also fully support) with glee and support the death penalty, but are staunch prolifers. If all life is precious then it's precious, not just the life you say is precious. Thr hypocrisy is amazing.

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There are different types of pro-choicers. I believe a fetus is a baby, even early on. I believe abortion is an evil act. That said I think it is the lesser of two evils on many cases.

Intentionally and needlessly killing an innocent person is one of the greater evils that a human being can commit.

How messed up must one's moral compass be, in order to see that as often being the “lesser” evil?
Is all life really precious to prolifers? Does one not see killing to protect ones family as the lesser of an evil. A soldier killing another soldier on the battlefield to protect freedom around the world as the lesser of an evil. Executing a serial killer as the lesser of evil. Sending a jihadi to meet his 11 virgins as the lesser of two evils.

It is always amusing to me that most proliferation like Huckabee talk about killing Jihadis (which I also fully support) with glee and support the death penalty, but are staunch prolifers. If all life is precious then it's precious, not just the life you say is precious. Thr hypocrisy is amazing.

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In what way are any of those other killings, and the circumstances under which they happen, comparable to the circumstances under which the vast majority of abortions take place?

Do you really see putting a convicted murderer to death as equal to killing an innocent child simply because his existence is inconvenient?

Do you really see killing a violent criminal in self-defense, to end an imminent credible threat of him killing innocents, as equal to killing an innocent child simply because his existence is inconvenient?

Yes, all human life is precious, and the taking of any human life is a drastic act; requiring drastic circumstances in order to justify it.

What circumstances surround most abortions, that are drastic enough to justify the taking of an innocent human life? What circumstances surrounding abortions are comparable to any other circumstances under which it is considered acceptable to kill a human being?
There are different types of pro-choicers. I believe a fetus is a baby, even early on. I believe abortion is an evil act. That said I think it is the lesser of two evils on many cases.

Intentionally and needlessly killing an innocent person is one of the greater evils that a human being can commit.

How messed up must one's moral compass be, in order to see that as often being the “lesser” evil?
Is all life really precious to prolifers? Does one not see killing to protect ones family as the lesser of an evil. A soldier killing another soldier on the battlefield to protect freedom around the world as the lesser of an evil. Executing a serial killer as the lesser of evil. Sending a jihadi to meet his 11 virgins as the lesser of two evils.

It is always amusing to me that most proliferation like Huckabee talk about killing Jihadis (which I also fully support) with glee and support the death penalty, but are staunch prolifers. If all life is precious then it's precious, not just the life you say is precious. Thr hypocrisy is amazing.

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In what way are any of those other killings, and the circumstances under which they happen, comparable to the circumstances under which the vast majority of abortions take place?

Do you really see putting a convicted murderer to death as equal to killing an innocent child simply because his existence is inconvenient?

Do you really see killing a violent criminal in self-defense, to end an imminent credible threat of him killing innocents, as equal to killing an innocent child simply because his existence is inconvenient?

Yes, all human life is precious, and the taking of any human life is a drastic act; requiring drastic circumstances in order to justify it.

What circumstances surround most abortions, that are drastic enough to justify the taking of an innocent human life? What circumstances surrounding abortions are comparable to any other circumstances under which it is considered acceptable to kill a human being?
I was equating it to bullshit all life is precious argument. My point is not all life is precious!

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