You ever wake up and realize how F'ed up humanity is?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
People talk about aliens visiting our species. Let's get real, there is nothing they could possibly learn from us. We all know it. If you have the mental capacity to post on this forum then you are wise enough to know it's true.
I woke up fourteen years ago

“The American Experiment” is not just a euphemism for the difficulty in self-governing a free society. We actually live in an uncoordinated system of social experiments that are all using the same disordered government separation model. In general, the output of the generational Experiment has been tolerable, and the accomplishments of American society have been tremendously beneficial to the modern world; however, the increasingly vitriolic political discourse and persistent social disorderliness that we are enduring should be the noticeable over-run malfunctioning of the systemic errors in the Experiment.
I woke up fourteen years ago

“The American Experiment” is not just a euphemism for the difficulty in self-governing a free society. We actually live in an uncoordinated system of social experiments that are all using the same disordered government separation model. In general, the output of the generational Experiment has been tolerable, and the accomplishments of American society have been tremendously beneficial to the modern world; however, the increasingly vitriolic political discourse and persistent social disorderliness that we are enduring should be the noticeable over-run malfunctioning of the systemic errors in the Experiment.
Yeah. What he said.
I woke up fourteen years ago

“The American Experiment” is not just a euphemism for the difficulty in self-governing a free society. We actually live in an uncoordinated system of social experiments that are all using the same disordered government separation model. In general, the output of the generational Experiment has been tolerable, and the accomplishments of American society have been tremendously beneficial to the modern world; however, the increasingly vitriolic political discourse and persistent social disorderliness that we are enduring should be the noticeable over-run malfunctioning of the systemic errors in the Experiment.
America was the hope for all of us. I'm not sure it will remain that way just based on what I have read on this site.
The three-branch government only prevents any one person from ascending to a dictatorship, it does not prevent oligarchy; which is a conspired leader of a crony corporate board and management team instead of a box of rocks military to enforce the civil laws. It is better than a dictatorship, but still not what we want, otherwise we would be aware of the approach to oligarchy, and not describe the presidents to be dictators. Either, politics is argued in the context that a dictatorship is not possible, or we recognize that the government separation theory is not reliable.
People talk about aliens visiting our species. Let's get real, there is nothing they could possibly learn from us. We all know it. If you have the mental capacity to post on this forum then you are wise enough to know it's true.
It is very disheartening today hearing and reading news stories. Everything is combative. If someone is killed in an accident the first thing the media does is to start debating who is at fault, before all the facts are known. And this is but one example of many of how it feels like the media is attempting to manipulate. It is all the vitriol and anger that depresses me. Anger is, of course, an emotional response. It cannot be reasoned with. Therefore, if some manipulative entity (MSM, Democrats, etc...) wants to get hold of some people, then they first convinced them that they are being victimized at the hands of another, that the Dems are trying to help them (in reality, they almost never are), and keep the marks in a perpetual state of anger so that they are easy to manipulate and control. Dems work with feelings and emotions, not logic. It has been this way my entire life. If you keep them all in a towering emotional hell, then it is virtually impossible to get them to see alternative viewpoints. Hell, I do not even necessarily want everyone to think like me. I just want opponents to at the very least acknowledge that their perceived adversaries have rational positions and are not hateful devils.

Then there is all this sick shit with pedos and trannies, and teaching false history to children in government schools, and generally driving a wedge between parent and child. What I make of this is that there appears to be, by design, a clear effort to disrupt normal American society and undermine its institutions and traditions; to rot us out from the inside. This is "transformative politics". It is "fundamental change". I then go a step farther and accuse neo-Marxist interests in pursuing this destructive course of action, which is manifested in in policies like tranny/homo stuff, re-writing history, social justice efforts (i.e., re-distributive policy) based on false realities; defund the police, out of control gov spending, anti-Christian efforts, militant pro-abortion, etc...

The problem I encounter with this analysis is that there does not seem to be a centralized neo-Marxist organization or entity that can be blamed for this anti-American effort. Rather, if it exists (and I think it does), then it exists in a decentralized form, the same way Islamic terrorist cells operate. With terrorism, it is hard to fight the enemy because there is almost always no country to invade and defeat. There is no frontline. It has a strong decentralized element and exists more of a network across national borders. Jihad is a national identity of these people, but they operate on a intercontinental basis.

Likewise, the neo-Marxist enemy fires these missiles at our republic in the form of one of their many wacky initiatives. But instead of fighting the people firing the missiles at us, we busy ourselves with trying to correct the damage caused by those missiles. We need to be hitting the enemy directly, and it is poison leftist ideology. But who, exactly, do we fight? As I said, there is no conspicuous target. There is George Soros, of course. But he is not numero uno. Frankly, I do not think there is a numero uno. There is no man behind the curtain. Rather, there is an ideology that spawns slimy monsters like Soros and others. Therefore, we must attack the ideology. It is not too hard to connect all the leftist-prog nonsense to Marxist underpinnings. It is all there. For this reason it would behoove everybody to brush up on Marx and Engels, Saul Alinsky, and other malignant enemies of freedom. You need to understand the enemy in order to effectively fight him.
I agree, and it is largely due to goof balls like you. Ya feel me, bruh?
Why are you doing things that make you scared and angry? Are you a masochist? If anything here even slightly irritates me I'll go find something else to do.
This and Obidens' clown in lipstick stealing luggage.


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The three-branch government only prevents any one person from ascending to a dictatorship, it does not prevent oligarchy; which is a conspired leader of a crony corporate board and management team instead of a box of rocks military to enforce the civil laws. It is better than a dictatorship, but still not what we want, otherwise we would be aware of the approach to oligarchy, and not describe the presidents to be dictators. Either, politics is argued in the context that a dictatorship is not possible, or we recognize that the government separation theory is not reliable.

Any gov't is only as effective as the people who run it; if they lack honor and integrity then it stands to reason that the gov't will too. And the sad news may be that there is no form of gov't that can change that. Never has been and never will be. IMHO, our current form of gov't is pretty much as good as it can get but it does not and cannot guarantee the prevention of a dictatorship, oligarchy, or any other corruption of power. Throughout human history, when things get really bad the people will revolt, but it hasn't gotten bad enough I guess. Yet. It ain't like we can't vote out the liars and crooks and it ain't like we can't force positive change without violence. If we don't then we get the gov't we deserve IMHO. But there is no way we can significantly change our form of gov't and expect better results, human nature cannot be denied.
This site is a fairly ugly slice of life. Find something else to do that doesn't make you miserable.
I'd love to, but I am currently persecuted in Canada. I used to be so positive, ambitious and loved comedies. I am now realizing how FOS my province has always been. It's a horrible realization. You ever see a movie where a man isnliving his life and realizes all the people around him are FOS? Myabe in the Twilight Zone or something. Well, that's my life...
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I'd love to, but I am currently persecuted in Canada. I used to be so positive, ambitious and loved comedies. I am now realizing how FOS my province has always been. It's a horrible realization.
Sorry to hear that but if that's your only problem you are lucky. I have colon cancer and my one man business is in serious peril. You don't hear me whining.
Sorry to hear that but if that's your only problem you are lucky. I have colon cancer and my one man business is in serious peril. You don't hear me whining.
Sorry to hear that. You are still more free than I am and there is no subsitute for a broken spirit. All the best in your recovery.
Canadians might be in a constant state of shock but humanity is doing pretty well. A hundred and fifty years ago we could barely put a flying machine in the air. Look where we are in the 21st century. Canada doesn't have the guaranteed freedoms the U.S. enjoys in the Bill of Rights so their freedom isn't guaranteed.
Canadians might be in a constant state of shock but humanity is doing pretty well. A hundred and fifty years ago we could barely put a flying machine in the air. Look where we are in the 21st century. Canada doesn't have the guaranteed freedoms the U.S. enjoys in the Bill of Rights so their freedom isn't guaranteed.
Which is why you should be leaning on us as hard as you lean on other nations. We are draggihg your reputation down, bigtime.

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