You get a call... They say they have found bin Laden... Is Acting on that...

Was sending in the SEALs to get bin Laden a "Tough Decision"?

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Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
...a "Tough Decision"?...

That seems to be the Liberal Line right now. If anyone Believes that ANY American President wouldn't have sent in a Team if they had the EXACT same Intel that Barry was given, then they are either REALLY Stupid or Painfully Dishonest.

But hey... I won't be Surprised to see either show up in this Thread. :lol:



Had Bush had the chance and made the decision, he'd get the credit.

Obama had the chance and made the decision, so he gets the credit.

A great deal of energy is being exerted by the GOP trying to minimize this event, but that's the way it goes.


Had Bush had the chance and made the decision, he'd get the credit.

Obama had the chance and made the decision, so he gets the credit.

A great deal of energy is being exerted by the GOP trying to minimize this event, but that's the way it goes.


A Great Deal of Energy is being Exerted by Barry to Maximize this Event on the backs of those who Risked their Lives all to Raise Money for the Fall. :thup:


...a "Tough Decision"?...

That seems to be the Liberal Line right now. If anyone Believes that ANY American President wouldn't have sent in a Team if they had the EXACT same Intel that Barry was given, then they are either REALLY Stupid or Painfully Dishonest.

But hey... I won't be Surprised to see either show up in this Thread. :lol:



Bush had the chance to seek out and destroy but he wanted a war. You Rs should let this one go, Obama looks all good and you look like you're pissed that it happened.
The way I see it, Obama was like the kid on the baseball field who did little to organise the 'team', but the ball fell into his hand while he was chatting to a team mate, so to speak. And he took the credit for everyone else's hard work and let the applause drown-out any scepticsim over what critical part he played in the events leading-up to his team's (America) victory.
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Actually, it was a tough call.

Some people just wanted to bomb the compound. No risk to American servicemen, but no way to ensure you got Bin Laden and always a risk you might kill bystanders in the same area.

And there was always the risk that it could turn into another Desert One, where machines malfunctioned and there were horrible casualties... (In fact, one blackhawk did crash.)

If this had gone the other way- massive casualties and Bin Laden got away again, the GOP would never have let Obama hear the end of it.

So, yeah, Gutsy call.
The way I see it, Obama was like the kid on the baseball field who did little to organise the 'team', but the ball fell into his hand while he was chatting to a team mate, so to speak. And he took the credit for everyone else's hard work and let the applause drown-out any scepticsim over what critical part he played.

Bullshit. :lol:

Had Bush had the chance and made the decision, he'd get the credit.

Obama had the chance and made the decision, so he gets the credit.

A great deal of energy is being exerted by the GOP trying to minimize this event, but that's the way it goes.


A Great Deal of Energy is being Exerted by Barry to Maximize this Event on the backs of those who Risked their Lives all to Raise Money for the Fall. :thup:



He and his campaign have decisions to make, how to use the event to his political advantage without overdoing it. The Right also has to be careful - if they whine and moan every time he brings up a historic event, it could hurt them too.

We'll see what the rest of the electorate thinks of it.

...a "Tough Decision"?...

That seems to be the Liberal Line right now. If anyone Believes that ANY American President wouldn't have sent in a Team if they had the EXACT same Intel that Barry was given, then they are either REALLY Stupid or Painfully Dishonest.

But hey... I won't be Surprised to see either show up in this Thread. :lol:



Bush had the chance to seek out and destroy but he wanted a war. You Rs should let this one go, Obama looks all good and you look like you're pissed that it happened.

Obama keeps bringing it up... And he looks VERY SMALL doing it for Reelection. :thup:


Actually, it was a tough call.

Some people just wanted to bomb the compound. No risk to American servicemen, but no way to ensure you got Bin Laden and always a risk you might kill bystanders in the same area.

And there was always the risk that it could turn into another Desert One, where machines malfunctioned and there were horrible casualties... (In fact, one blackhawk did crash.)

If this had gone the other way- massive casualties and Bin Laden got away again, the GOP would never have let Obama hear the end of it.

So, yeah, Gutsy call.

Bush sent SEALs in on MANY Missions and would have done the same here. The need to Capture him Alive was of GREAT Importance and had Bush "Executed" him using SEALs, the Left would have Obsessed on the "Mistake" and the Media would have fed the "is he really dead" bullshit.

Not with the guy they Voted for though. :thup:


The way I see it, Obama was like the kid on the baseball field who did little to organise the 'team', but the ball fell into his hand while he was chatting to a team mate, so to speak. And he took the credit for everyone else's hard work and let the applause drown-out any scepticsim over what critical part he played.


I disagree. But please, feel free to expand on your so-far limited assertion.

Had Bush had the chance and made the decision, he'd get the credit.

Obama had the chance and made the decision, so he gets the credit.

A great deal of energy is being exerted by the GOP trying to minimize this event, but that's the way it goes.


A Great Deal of Energy is being Exerted by Barry to Maximize this Event on the backs of those who Risked their Lives all to Raise Money for the Fall. :thup:



He and his campaign have decisions to make, how to use the event to his political advantage without overdoing it. The Right also has to be careful - if they whine and moan every time he brings up a historic event, it could hurt them too.

We'll see what the rest of the electorate thinks of it.


If we are under 8% Unemployment by Election Day... Barry gets 4 more years.

I've said this for years now.

The rest of this is Politcal Theater and we are all Soaking in it. :thup:


Any POTUS makes that decision.

The only real difference is this: Lets say McCain was the President-elect in 2007 and was President. Would we have had the focus on Pakistan that we had under Obama. I think not. While I don't know for sure that it was what gave entree to the finding of Osama, the re-focus on Afghanistan where Osama had a presence and he trail was much warmer than it was in Iraq certainly didn't hurt.
...a "Tough Decision"?...

That seems to be the Liberal Line right now. If anyone Believes that ANY American President wouldn't have sent in a Team if they had the EXACT same Intel that Barry was given, then they are either REALLY Stupid or Painfully Dishonest.

But hey... I won't be Surprised to see either show up in this Thread. :lol:



Bush had the chance to seek out and destroy but he wanted a war. You Rs should let this one go, Obama looks all good and you look like you're pissed that it happened.

Obama keeps bringing it up... And he looks VERY SMALL doing it for Reelection. :thup:



He should take some credit for a change. If he continues to allow Republicans to define his accomplishments, they'll take credit for everything.

He looks good here, Rs are obsessed about it too.
The way I see it, Obama was like the kid on the baseball field who did little to organise the 'team', but the ball fell into his hand while he was chatting to a team mate, so to speak. And he took the credit for everyone else's hard work and let the applause drown-out any scepticsim over what critical part he played in the events leading-up to his team's (America) victory.


He Lacks Grace and Humility and as I have Illustrated before, he won't have thing to do with these Troops he's using for Reelection once he's out of Office.



The way I see it, Obama was like the kid on the baseball field who did little to organise the 'team', but the ball fell into his hand while he was chatting to a team mate, so to speak. And he took the credit for everyone else's hard work and let the applause drown-out any scepticsim over what critical part he played in the events leading-up to his team's (America) victory.


He Lacks Grace and Humility and as I have Illustrated before, he won't have thing to do with these Troops he's using for Reelection once he's out of Office.




Keep trying to tell yourself that.
Actually, it was a tough call.

Some people just wanted to bomb the compound. No risk to American servicemen, but no way to ensure you got Bin Laden and always a risk you might kill bystanders in the same area.

And there was always the risk that it could turn into another Desert One, where machines malfunctioned and there were horrible casualties... (In fact, one blackhawk did crash.)

If this had gone the other way- massive casualties and Bin Laden got away again, the GOP would never have let Obama hear the end of it.

So, yeah, Gutsy call.

And one more thing - they had outside analysts look at the evidence before they made their final decision, and the analysts said there was a 40% to 60% chance that bin Laden was actually even there. Imagine if he had not been.

So, congratulations Mr. President. Well done, this one is yours. Just be careful not to gloat.

Bush had the chance to seek out and destroy but he wanted a war. You Rs should let this one go, Obama looks all good and you look like you're pissed that it happened.

Obama keeps bringing it up... And he looks VERY SMALL doing it for Reelection. :thup:



He should take some credit for a change. If he continues to allow Republicans to define his accomplishments, they'll take credit for everything.

He looks good here, Rs are obsessed about it too.

I Understand your Perspective, Sarah... And I disagree with it. I also don't Think that this will have ANYTHING to do, positive or negative, with his Reelection.

Unemployment will... Something he also has done NOTHING to Change that Bush didn't also do.

It's a Generation Cycle coming to an End.

Bush didn't Cause it and Obama isn't Fixing it.

But the Voters don't get that... At least the 20% or so that matter.

You are Voting (D)... I am Voting (R)... the 20% or so that might not is who Sets Elections.


The way I see it, Obama was like the kid on the baseball field who did little to organise the 'team', but the ball fell into his hand while he was chatting to a team mate, so to speak. And he took the credit for everyone else's hard work and let the applause drown-out any scepticsim over what critical part he played in the events leading-up to his team's (America) victory.


He Lacks Grace and Humility and as I have Illustrated before, he won't have thing to do with these Troops he's using for Reelection once he's out of Office.




Keep trying to tell yourself that.

I don't have to... I know it to be True... And so do you.


Any POTUS would have made that call. Kudo's to Barry for making it. Bush would have done the same.

Clinton had several opportunities to take out UBL before 911 but didn't. Guess the political landscape wasn't viable.

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