You get a call... They say they have found bin Laden... Is Acting on that...

Was sending in the SEALs to get bin Laden a "Tough Decision"?

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Actually, it was a tough call.

Some people just wanted to bomb the compound. No risk to American servicemen, but no way to ensure you got Bin Laden and always a risk you might kill bystanders in the same area.

And there was always the risk that it could turn into another Desert One, where machines malfunctioned and there were horrible casualties... (In fact, one blackhawk did crash.)

If this had gone the other way- massive casualties and Bin Laden got away again, the GOP would never have let Obama hear the end of it.

So, yeah, Gutsy call.

Complete and utter horseshit.

He murdered alawhacky by bombing him and his dinner guests. So missing him with a bombing raid is just liberal romper room time.

You still claiming to be a rep?
Actually, it was a tough call.

Some people just wanted to bomb the compound. No risk to American servicemen, but no way to ensure you got Bin Laden and always a risk you might kill bystanders in the same area.

And there was always the risk that it could turn into another Desert One, where machines malfunctioned and there were horrible casualties... (In fact, one blackhawk did crash.)

If this had gone the other way- massive casualties and Bin Laden got away again, the GOP would never have let Obama hear the end of it.

So, yeah, Gutsy call.

And one more thing - they had outside analysts look at the evidence before they made their final decision, and the analysts said there was a 40% to 60% chance that bin Laden was actually even there. Imagine if he had not been.

So, congratulations Mr. President. Well done, this one is yours. Just be careful not to gloat.


Apparently gloating over defeated or dead enemies is only something Republicans are allowed to do.

I remember they practically threw a party when they dragged Saddam out of the Spider Hole.

Or when they caught Noriega, they made him do a perp walk.

Will this matter that much in November? Not really.
Any POTUS would have made that call. Kudo's to Barry for making it. Bush would have done the same.

Clinton had several opportunities to take out UBL before 911 but didn't. Guess the political landscape wasn't viable.

Pre-9/11... Yeah, it wasn't as Easy to take out some "bin Laden" Character.

But he Clearly had the Option and didn't take it when Offered from the Sudanese...

He Instead Bombed a Medicine Factory there saying he was trying Kill bin Laden...

Can't take him when Offered but you can Distract from a Scandal when Needed.

The Clinton Legacy.

Clinton was also given a Detailed Report outlining bin Laden's Desires to use "planes" as "missiles" against Targets like the "Pentagon" 2 years before 9/11...

True Story.

Did nothing in those final years to Tighten Security at Airports or on Planes.

The PDB just weeks before 9/11 that Bush got?... Not a dime's worth of Actionable Intel.

Just an Obvious Statement that bin Laden was Determined to Strike... After that it said the Sun Rises in the East.

Fact not Fiction.


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Actually, it was a tough call.

Some people just wanted to bomb the compound. No risk to American servicemen, but no way to ensure you got Bin Laden and always a risk you might kill bystanders in the same area.

And there was always the risk that it could turn into another Desert One, where machines malfunctioned and there were horrible casualties... (In fact, one blackhawk did crash.)

If this had gone the other way- massive casualties and Bin Laden got away again, the GOP would never have let Obama hear the end of it.

So, yeah, Gutsy call.

And one more thing - they had outside analysts look at the evidence before they made their final decision, and the analysts said there was a 40% to 60% chance that bin Laden was actually even there. Imagine if he had not been.

So, congratulations Mr. President. Well done, this one is yours. Just be careful not to gloat.


Apparently gloating over defeated or dead enemies is only something Republicans are allowed to do.

I remember they practically threw a party when they dragged Saddam out of the Spider Hole.

Or when they caught Noriega, they made him do a perp walk.

Will this matter that much in November? Not really.

^There's both Presidents about both Terrorists.


Well, getting Bin Laden did answer the accusation that President Obama would not exercise leadership if there were dangers in action to his Presidency. Had this mission failed, the GOP would still be trumpeting that failure.
Actually, it was a tough call.

Some people just wanted to bomb the compound. No risk to American servicemen, but no way to ensure you got Bin Laden and always a risk you might kill bystanders in the same area.

And there was always the risk that it could turn into another Desert One, where machines malfunctioned and there were horrible casualties... (In fact, one blackhawk did crash.)

If this had gone the other way- massive casualties and Bin Laden got away again, the GOP would never have let Obama hear the end of it.

So, yeah, Gutsy call.

Complete and utter horseshit.

He murdered alawhacky by bombing him and his dinner guests. So missing him with a bombing raid is just liberal romper room time.

You still claiming to be a rep?

Well, you see, it's like that scene in The Untouchables, when Kevin Costner said he was a Federal Agent, and Sean Connery let him go because no one else would claim to be one, given how embarrassing it is these days.

I'm embarrassed to admit it, by and large, with nonsense like driving out solid guys like Lugar and Hatch, or forcing a guy with years of service out of your campaign because he was gay. And trying to minimize the death of a mortal enemy? Seriously, you guys are embarrassing me with your stupidity, but I'm not totally willing to renounce you. At some point, you might get your heads out of your asses. Hopefully after Romney loses epically in November.

Incidently, Al-Awaki was killed when his trucks were driving in a convoy on an open road, and the operation was carried out with the full co-operation of the Yemeni government. In Bin Laden's case, it was evident the Pakistani Intelligence Services were sheltering him. So, really, totally different situations tactically.

He Lacks Grace and Humility and as I have Illustrated before, he won't have thing to do with these Troops he's using for Reelection once he's out of Office.




Keep trying to tell yourself that.

I don't have to... I know it to be True... And so do you.



You know that you're pissed Obama got the biggest and baddest terrorist and none of your guys would ever have the guts.
And one more thing - they had outside analysts look at the evidence before they made their final decision, and the analysts said there was a 40% to 60% chance that bin Laden was actually even there. Imagine if he had not been.

So, congratulations Mr. President. Well done, this one is yours. Just be careful not to gloat.


Apparently gloating over defeated or dead enemies is only something Republicans are allowed to do.

I remember they practically threw a party when they dragged Saddam out of the Spider Hole.

Or when they caught Noriega, they made him do a perp walk.

Will this matter that much in November? Not really.

^There's both Presidents about both Terrorists.



So now you're diverting the thread to Clinton? Your own thread?

Obama gets the credit. That's the way it goes.

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Any POTUS would have made that call. Kudo's to Barry for making it. Bush would have done the same.

Clinton had several opportunities to take out UBL before 911 but didn't. Guess the political landscape wasn't viable.

Pre-9/11... Yeah, it wasn't as Easy to take out some "bin Laden" Character.

But he Clearly had the Option and didn't take it when Offered from the Sudanese...

He Instead Bombed a Medicine Factory there saying he was trying Kill bin Laden...

Can't take him when Offered but you can Distract from a Scandal when Needed.

The Clinton Legacy.

Clinton was also given a Detailed Report outlining bin Laden's Desires to use "planes" as "missiles" against Targets like the "Pentagon" 2 years before 9/11...

True Story.

Did nothing in those final years to Tighten Security at Airports or on Planes.

The PDB just weeks before 9/11 that Bush got?... Not a dime's worth of Actionable Intel.

Just an Obvious Statement that bin Laden was Determined to Strike... After that it said the Sun Rises in the East.

Fact not Fiction.





That thing about Sudan offering Bin Laden to Clinton is a worn out lie. And Clinton missed Bin Laden by an hour, tried to get him with a Tomahawk, and Bin Laden left the meeting early.

Bush, after being warned about Bin Laden, let people in his adminstration yap about "Clinton's obsession with Bin Laden". And pulled the drones used for observing Bin Laden out of service. Ignored warnings from multiple intelligiance agencies, our own and those of other nations. Then failed to get Bin Laden in Tora Bora.

And stated later that Bin Laden was not a concern of his. A terrorist masterminds the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil, and the President of the United States says that the terrorist is not a concern to him?
...a "Tough Decision"?...

That seems to be the Liberal Line right now. If anyone Believes that ANY American President wouldn't have sent in a Team if they had the EXACT same Intel that Barry was given, then they are either REALLY Stupid or Painfully Dishonest.

But hey... I won't be Surprised to see either show up in this Thread. :lol:



it would be really nice if you had your facts straight. There was no "call" saying "we have found bin laden". there was intel that he *may* have been there... and that intel was only a 50/50 shot...

then there was the complexity of the mission.

had it failed the rightwingnut ijit brigade would have blamed the president and that would have defined him, like it still defines carter.

and no, not *any* american president would have...

not when every one of his advisors was saying the operation had a high risk of failure.

reality is a really helpful concept, hon.
Bush flapped yap, made statements about "alive or dead", then failed to get the murderer of 3000 Americans. President Obama simply stated that he would see Bin Laden captured or killed. And that is exactly what happened.
Any POTUS would have made that call. Kudo's to Barry for making it. Bush would have done the same.

Clinton had several opportunities to take out UBL before 911 but didn't. Guess the political landscape wasn't viable.

Pre-9/11... Yeah, it wasn't as Easy to take out some "bin Laden" Character.

But he Clearly had the Option and didn't take it when Offered from the Sudanese...

He Instead Bombed a Medicine Factory there saying he was trying Kill bin Laden...

Can't take him when Offered but you can Distract from a Scandal when Needed.

The Clinton Legacy.

Clinton was also given a Detailed Report outlining bin Laden's Desires to use "planes" as "missiles" against Targets like the "Pentagon" 2 years before 9/11...

True Story.

Did nothing in those final years to Tighten Security at Airports or on Planes.

The PDB just weeks before 9/11 that Bush got?... Not a dime's worth of Actionable Intel.

Just an Obvious Statement that bin Laden was Determined to Strike... After that it said the Sun Rises in the East.

Fact not Fiction.





That thing about Sudan offering Bin Laden to Clinton is a worn out lie. And Clinton missed Bin Laden by an hour, tried to get him with a Tomahawk, and Bin Laden left the meeting early.

Bush, after being warned about Bin Laden, let people in his adminstration yap about "Clinton's obsession with Bin Laden". And pulled the drones used for observing Bin Laden out of service. Ignored warnings from multiple intelligiance agencies, our own and those of other nations. Then failed to get Bin Laden in Tora Bora.

And stated later that Bin Laden was not a concern of his. A terrorist masterminds the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil, and the President of the United States says that the terrorist is not a concern to him?

There's Audio of Clinton Admitting it... No Legal Justification or something along those lines...

I know you've heard it.

As for Warnings, the 1999 Report was Detailed and Specific and Clinton did NOTHING with it for almost 2 years.

The only "Warning" Bush got was a Substanceless PDB the month before 9/11 that Stated the Obvious...

As for the Mastermind behind 9/11... It was KSM.

Check the Headlines after his Capture.

bin Laden was Figurehead and he even Denied Involvement for a while after 9/11, something he and other Terrorists NEVER do. :thup:

Try again.


Bush flapped yap, made statements about "alive or dead", then failed to get the murderer of 3000 Americans. President Obama simply stated that he would see Bin Laden captured or killed. And that is exactly what happened.

He wore a real snappy flight suit though!

Talk about GLOATING.


...a "Tough Decision"?...

That seems to be the Liberal Line right now. If anyone Believes that ANY American President wouldn't have sent in a Team if they had the EXACT same Intel that Barry was given, then they are either REALLY Stupid or Painfully Dishonest.

But hey... I won't be Surprised to see either show up in this Thread. :lol:



it would be really nice if you had your facts straight. There was no "call" saying "we have found bin laden". there was intel that he *may* have been there... and that intel was only a 50/50 shot...

then there was the complexity of the mission.

had it failed the rightwingnut ijit brigade would have blamed the president and that would have defined him, like it still defines carter.

and no, not *any* american president would have...

not when every one of his advisors was saying the operation had a high risk of failure.

reality is a really helpful concept, hon.
So you're saying that obama endangered our men on a coin toss.


Lets vote this asshole back in.
Bush flapped yap, made statements about "alive or dead", then failed to get the murderer of 3000 Americans. President Obama simply stated that he would see Bin Laden captured or killed. And that is exactly what happened.

I just searched for Newpaper Headlines about KSM...

They used to be a full page of Image Search with Google...

Can't find them.

Even TIME called him the Mastermind of 9/11 on their Cover.

I don't have the time to Search for those images, but I am Concerned that they are not as Easily Found right now.

I never used to have problem finding them.

KSM, not bin Laden, was the Mastermind behind 9/11.

Established Fact.


Here we go again. The same old TROLLING TECHNIQUE

The left believes bla bla bla...


Had Bush had the chance and made the decision, he'd get the credit.

Obama had the chance and made the decision, so he gets the credit.

A great deal of energy is being exerted by the GOP trying to minimize this event, but that's the way it goes.


They're just reacting to Obama's BS.

Obama said he wouldn't spike the ball.

Obama said that Mitt Romney wouldn't have made the call.

Obama never should have said which units were involved in the takedown.

Obama put out 23 different versions of actions at the objective within a week after the takedown.

The less Obama talks about this mission the better, because it is highly sensitive in nature. He risks blowback from terrorists and from the operators involved.

[ame=]Robert Gates: Obama Administration leaks jeopardizing Safety of Navy SEALs - YouTube[/ame]
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Had Bush had the chance and made the decision, he'd get the credit.

Obama had the chance and made the decision, so he gets the credit.

A great deal of energy is being exerted by the GOP trying to minimize this event, but that's the way it goes.


They're just reacting to Obama's BS.

Obama said he wouldn't spike the ball.

Obama said that Mitt Romney wouldn't have made the call.

Obama never should have said which units were involved in the takedown.

Obama put out 23 different versions of actions at the objective within a week after the takedown.

[ame=]Robert Gates: Obama Administration leaks jeopardizing Safety of Navy SEALs - YouTube[/ame]

Agreed that Obama has done some arguable things (that ad that inferred Romney would have caved being the worst), and that's why I mentioned he's gotta be careful here. But the Right's attempts to minimize the event and the credit given aren't a good idea either. As usual, both ends of the spectrum are behaving poorly.

Bush flapped yap, made statements about "alive or dead", then failed to get the murderer of 3000 Americans. President Obama simply stated that he would see Bin Laden captured or killed. And that is exactly what happened.

He wore a real snappy flight suit though!

Talk about GLOATING.



Well, Obama would never gloat:


Leave it to President Obama to give himself a shout-out while in Afghanistan.

Speaking to troops at Bagram Airbase, Obama began doing his usual campaign routine of giving shout-outs to various members of the audience. He gives shout-outs to two task forces – “We’ve got Task Force Paladin in the house!” The soldiers cheer loudly. He continues, “We’ve got Task Force Defender in the house!” The soldiers give a rowdy “Hooah!”

Then, impressed with his own bravery for being at the Airbase, Obama says, “And we’ve got me in the house.” Halfhearted applause follows. Awkward!


Obama Gives Himself Shout-Out At Bagram Airbase

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