You go Girl! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%

Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


Wait.... LOL.... wait what? WHAT???

She wants to tax unrealized capital gains yearly?

Does everyone understand what that means? Your house... the house you own, is a capital gain that is unrealized. A capital gain, is the value of an asset increasing. Unrealized, means the value of your house went up, but you don't see it until the house is sold. When you sell it, the gain is realized.

Your home is an unrealized capital gain.

She wants to tax that??? So every year you own a house, you are going to get a Federal tax bill on the capital gain that you don't have yet........

What a winner of a plan. What a great lady. I've always hated being able to save money.

So does this also apply to my 401K I have in stocks, that I have an unrealized gain on? Can she lift off the 'burden' of being able to retire with savings?

I mean, if you are going to make me poor throughout my life, might as well make sure I retire poor as well......

Sure. I'm sure it's very common that working people have a IRA that's around or over a million bucks. To commies, you are rich. You don't need that money--government does. We all know what you will do with that money, and we all know what government will do with that money.

After baby bush crashed the economy in 2008, I doubt there are any.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


Wait.... LOL.... wait what? WHAT???

She wants to tax unrealized capital gains yearly?

Does everyone understand what that means? Your house... the house you own, is a capital gain that is unrealized. A capital gain, is the value of an asset increasing. Unrealized, means the value of your house went up, but you don't see it until the house is sold. When you sell it, the gain is realized.

Your home is an unrealized capital gain.

She wants to tax that??? So every year you own a house, you are going to get a Federal tax bill on the capital gain that you don't have yet........

What a winner of a plan. What a great lady. I've always hated being able to save money.

So does this also apply to my 401K I have in stocks, that I have an unrealized gain on? Can she lift off the 'burden' of being able to retire with savings?

I mean, if you are going to make me poor throughout my life, might as well make sure I retire poor as well......

You don't, and will never have enough assets to make a difference.

I don't what? What do you mean?

You will never have enough assets to make a difference.

But I have unrealized capital gains right now. I have both real estate and business holdings right now.

So please explain how it would not make a difference.

How much is the minimum qualifier for the tax?
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
you are going to create the largest underground economy in human history. And it will also entail massive stealing of supplies before they get to the stores even. When people are outpriced, they find other ways. Especially if the product is defective in the first place.

State and multi-state lotteries contribute towards schools and various other entities that are in need of funding. So let's say a multi-state lottery is 100 million bucks one time cash value. Now if you hit, the federal government is going to take around 60 million dollars of that. Then you have your state and local taxes to mess with. So out of that 100 million, you end up with about 30 million in cash.

Now if you invest or save that money, the federal government is going to keep taking their share annually. Even if it's in assets, you better have the cash to support those assets at tax time.

Eventually they will tax you out of wealth and perhaps leave you with enough so you don't have to find a job. Are you going to continue to play those lottery games at a 120 million to one odds?

The bigger chunk if not most State lottery money goes to the general funds.
The rich fucks scream "theft", so don´t just take 59 %, take it all, leave a food stamp.

You don't get it.

The rich will simply move their money elsewhere. Again, France tried this, and there was a mass exodus from the country. You are just going to have them move their wealthy out of the country. Just like Venezuela, or Cuba, or any other country that has tried it.

And it is theft. It just is. Taking something that other people rightfully earned, when it is not yours.... is theft. Just like if I climbed into your car and drove off... it is theft.

Even if you deny that, it doesn't change the fact that your system doesn't work.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Wherever they get taxed less, maybe to other countries out of the reach of greedy liberals. Just like the yacht tax decimated the American yacht industry because the rich simply bought foreign built yachts, the wealthy will not sit still and let you or anyone take their wealth.

Liberals never seem to realize that human nature always makes tax schemes generate less than they're projected to, because people protect what they've earned.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Anywhere. Doesn't matter where. Anywhere would be better, than being under the tax system that AOC just proposed. Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

A wealth tax, will make anywhere in the entire world, preferable to here. If I have $200 Million to spend on a vacation home.... that home in the US is going to be taxed, and elsewhere it will not. I'm not talking property tax, that everyone pays... but a tax on the unrealized capital gain. No where else does that, although France tried it and repealed it because it was a huge failure.

So anywhere else, is going to be preferable to here, under AOC's system.

The wealthy pay a higher tax in Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

The 59% tax rate minus established deductions would be an effective (actual) tax of the same percentage that you pay. Shouldn't the wealthy pay the same percentage as you?
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income

She knows what she's doing? You mean the same woman that didn't know what a garbage disposal was???

I'm a truck driver, and I know more than she does. I learned many years ago that the reason capital gains taxes are low is to encourage investments: investments in business, investments in the stock market, investments in real estate, investments period.

So how would one discourage investments? Do precisely what you and dingbat support. There goes our stock market with all our IRA money. There goes business expansion and hiring. There goes home purchases and other real estate investments. And of course, there goes our thriving economy.

The majority of those that have investments in which you wrote won't be effected.

You're a truck driver. Have you noticed that the holiday surge hasn't begun yet? Your industry is in a full-blown recession.
Again the commie democrats feel they are entitled to you money more than you are. Why does anyone feel that the government should get a bigger percentage of your income than you. Anyone that is for this has shit for brains

How is the government getting a bigger percentage than you?
I guess you had a hard time in math.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%
What part of 59% do you not understand?
The government gets 59% of your pay check and you get the remaining 41%
You will never have enough assets to make a difference.

You will never have enough assets to make a difference.
Repeat much, Or just need practice spelling?

I'm perplexed as to why you're so adamantly opposed to raising taxes on wealthy people.

Well morally I'm against just stealing money from people.

Functionally, we already know that raising taxes does not work. The higher you raise taxes, the more they will simply offshore, or tax shelter the money. The result will be that the more they shelter the money, the more the middle and lower class will be forced to pay the cost.... because instead of taxing a million at 39%, you'll end up taxing zero at 59%.

Again, the story of why Ronald Reagan became a Republican, is specifically because under the 70% rate, he simply stopped working when he hit the top marginal rate. He'd spend the rest of the year on his ranch, and pay zero on his additional income, because he stopped making income.

Lastly, all this is going to do is, the same thing it did in the 50s.... the wealthy will lobby government for special exemptions from the 59%. Why do you think the tax code is billions pages long? The higher you make the tax, the more value there is in lobbying politicians. Politicians love this.

They convince fools like you to support higher taxes, and then the politicians make millions of dollars handing out tax exemptions in exchange for donations.

You are pawn of the rich. Because you know who can't afford to get the tax exemptions? Everyone who isn't rich. So the poor get poorer, and the rich get richer, and meanwhile the elite in government laugh all the way to the bank, while you sit there saying you support it. They have you fools wrapped around their pinky, and they just flick you people all over the place like a toy.

You people are the Fidget Spinners of politics... just spinning around the pinky of the wealthy elite in government. They know you'll never be smart enough to stop being a tool.

I am one of the wealthy. I'm telling you that you're being FUCKED by tRump, the Republicans, and Corporate America.
Again the commie democrats feel they are entitled to you money more than you are. Why does anyone feel that the government should get a bigger percentage of your income than you. Anyone that is for this has shit for brains

How is the government getting a bigger percentage than you?
I guess you had a hard time in math.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%
What part of 59% do you not understand?
The government gets 59% of your pay check and you get the remaining 41%

And again, you don't make enough monies to be taxed at that rate. IT DOESN'T EFFECT/AFFECT YOU AND IT NEVER WILL. What it does do is tax the wealthy at the same effective (actual rate) as you.
Again the commie democrats feel they are entitled to you money more than you are. Why does anyone feel that the government should get a bigger percentage of your income than you. Anyone that is for this has shit for brains

How is the government getting a bigger percentage than you?
I guess you had a hard time in math.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%
What part of 59% do you not understand?
The government gets 59% of your pay check and you get the remaining 41%

If you read the article, it was calculated after all taxes, it's more like 70%. Who would want to create wealth at a 70% tax base?
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income

She knows what she's doing? You mean the same woman that didn't know what a garbage disposal was???

I'm a truck driver, and I know more than she does. I learned many years ago that the reason capital gains taxes are low is to encourage investments: investments in business, investments in the stock market, investments in real estate, investments period.

So how would one discourage investments? Do precisely what you and dingbat support. There goes our stock market with all our IRA money. There goes business expansion and hiring. There goes home purchases and other real estate investments. And of course, there goes our thriving economy.

The majority of those that have investments in which you wrote won't be effected.

You're a truck driver. Have you noticed that the holiday surge hasn't begun yet? Your industry is in a full-blown recession.

Last time I looked, there were hundreds of driving ads. You and the other commies are not going to talk us into a recession. It won't work this time. Everybody is busy, everybody is working more than their share of hours. Everybody is fine.

Yes, it will affect my investments because it's the rich people who move the market in my direction. When I retire, I want my IRA as high as possible.
You don't get it.

The rich will simply move their money elsewhere. Again, France tried this, and there was a mass exodus from the country. You are just going to have them move their wealthy out of the country. Just like Venezuela, or Cuba, or any other country that has tried it.

And it is theft. It just is. Taking something that other people rightfully earned, when it is not yours.... is theft. Just like if I climbed into your car and drove off... it is theft.

Even if you deny that, it doesn't change the fact that your system doesn't work.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Wherever they get taxed less, maybe to other countries out of the reach of greedy liberals. Just like the yacht tax decimated the American yacht industry because the rich simply bought foreign built yachts, the wealthy will not sit still and let you or anyone take their wealth.

Liberals never seem to realize that human nature always makes tax schemes generate less than they're projected to, because people protect what they've earned.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Anywhere. Doesn't matter where. Anywhere would be better, than being under the tax system that AOC just proposed. Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

A wealth tax, will make anywhere in the entire world, preferable to here. If I have $200 Million to spend on a vacation home.... that home in the US is going to be taxed, and elsewhere it will not. I'm not talking property tax, that everyone pays... but a tax on the unrealized capital gain. No where else does that, although France tried it and repealed it because it was a huge failure.

So anywhere else, is going to be preferable to here, under AOC's system.

The wealthy pay a higher tax in Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

The 59% tax rate minus established deductions would be an effective (actual) tax of the same percentage that you pay. Shouldn't the wealthy pay the same percentage as you?

Bug eyes is talking about taxing you on your assets and wealth every year. So if you hit the lottery for lets say 100 million, the government will take 70 million right of the top. Then every year, the Democrats will analyze what you have left in cash and assets, and tax you on that.
You don't get it.

The rich will simply move their money elsewhere. Again, France tried this, and there was a mass exodus from the country. You are just going to have them move their wealthy out of the country. Just like Venezuela, or Cuba, or any other country that has tried it.

And it is theft. It just is. Taking something that other people rightfully earned, when it is not yours.... is theft. Just like if I climbed into your car and drove off... it is theft.

Even if you deny that, it doesn't change the fact that your system doesn't work.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Wherever they get taxed less, maybe to other countries out of the reach of greedy liberals. Just like the yacht tax decimated the American yacht industry because the rich simply bought foreign built yachts, the wealthy will not sit still and let you or anyone take their wealth.

Liberals never seem to realize that human nature always makes tax schemes generate less than they're projected to, because people protect what they've earned.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Anywhere. Doesn't matter where. Anywhere would be better, than being under the tax system that AOC just proposed. Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

A wealth tax, will make anywhere in the entire world, preferable to here. If I have $200 Million to spend on a vacation home.... that home in the US is going to be taxed, and elsewhere it will not. I'm not talking property tax, that everyone pays... but a tax on the unrealized capital gain. No where else does that, although France tried it and repealed it because it was a huge failure.

So anywhere else, is going to be preferable to here, under AOC's system.
I'm thinking about Ireland. They have a wonderful attitude toward wealth and business.

As long as you only move money between Ireland, the Netherlands, and Bermuda you're fine. With the US 1.5% effective business tax it's better to leave it here.
Again the commie democrats feel they are entitled to you money more than you are. Why does anyone feel that the government should get a bigger percentage of your income than you. Anyone that is for this has shit for brains

How is the government getting a bigger percentage than you?
I guess you had a hard time in math.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%
What part of 59% do you not understand?
The government gets 59% of your pay check and you get the remaining 41%

Jeeze dude. Talking about the Top Marginal rate. What is a Marginal Tax Rate?
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
you are going to create the largest underground economy in human history. And it will also entail massive stealing of supplies before they get to the stores even. When people are outpriced, they find other ways. Especially if the product is defective in the first place.

State and multi-state lotteries contribute towards schools and various other entities that are in need of funding. So let's say a multi-state lottery is 100 million bucks one time cash value. Now if you hit, the federal government is going to take around 60 million dollars of that. Then you have your state and local taxes to mess with. So out of that 100 million, you end up with about 30 million in cash.

Now if you invest or save that money, the federal government is going to keep taking their share annually. Even if it's in assets, you better have the cash to support those assets at tax time.

Eventually they will tax you out of wealth and perhaps leave you with enough so you don't have to find a job. Are you going to continue to play those lottery games at a 120 million to one odds?

The bigger chunk if not most State lottery money goes to the general funds.

It doesn't matter where it goes, it's gone. Government will take almost all your winnings.
You don't get it.

The rich will simply move their money elsewhere. Again, France tried this, and there was a mass exodus from the country. You are just going to have them move their wealthy out of the country. Just like Venezuela, or Cuba, or any other country that has tried it.

And it is theft. It just is. Taking something that other people rightfully earned, when it is not yours.... is theft. Just like if I climbed into your car and drove off... it is theft.

Even if you deny that, it doesn't change the fact that your system doesn't work.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Wherever they get taxed less, maybe to other countries out of the reach of greedy liberals. Just like the yacht tax decimated the American yacht industry because the rich simply bought foreign built yachts, the wealthy will not sit still and let you or anyone take their wealth.

Liberals never seem to realize that human nature always makes tax schemes generate less than they're projected to, because people protect what they've earned.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Anywhere. Doesn't matter where. Anywhere would be better, than being under the tax system that AOC just proposed. Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

A wealth tax, will make anywhere in the entire world, preferable to here. If I have $200 Million to spend on a vacation home.... that home in the US is going to be taxed, and elsewhere it will not. I'm not talking property tax, that everyone pays... but a tax on the unrealized capital gain. No where else does that, although France tried it and repealed it because it was a huge failure.

So anywhere else, is going to be preferable to here, under AOC's system.

The wealthy pay a higher tax in Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

The 59% tax rate minus established deductions would be an effective (actual) tax of the same percentage that you pay. Shouldn't the wealthy pay the same percentage as you?
They should pay what is enough to fund the state. In their own interest. The Romans didn´t become a world power by amassing debt, the ended being one because they were out of cash, by the way.

- increase taxes
- reduce spending

Sooner or later it will come, the sooner the softer it will be.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


Wait.... LOL.... wait what? WHAT???

She wants to tax unrealized capital gains yearly?

Does everyone understand what that means? Your house... the house you own, is a capital gain that is unrealized. A capital gain, is the value of an asset increasing. Unrealized, means the value of your house went up, but you don't see it until the house is sold. When you sell it, the gain is realized.

Your home is an unrealized capital gain.

She wants to tax that??? So every year you own a house, you are going to get a Federal tax bill on the capital gain that you don't have yet........

What a winner of a plan. What a great lady. I've always hated being able to save money.

So does this also apply to my 401K I have in stocks, that I have an unrealized gain on? Can she lift off the 'burden' of being able to retire with savings?

I mean, if you are going to make me poor throughout my life, might as well make sure I retire poor as well......

Sure. I'm sure it's very common that working people have a IRA that's around or over a million bucks. To commies, you are rich. You don't need that money--government does. We all know what you will do with that money, and we all know what government will do with that money.

After baby bush crashed the economy in 2008, I doubt there are any.

People who didn't freak out and pull their money bounced back just fine. In fact we are doing better than ever.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


What are her plans for a constitutional amendment to make double taxation lawful? Does she think she has the votes in the House and Senate to pull that off?

We have a House that's wasting months of time on trying to get rid of a President they have no ability to remove. They are proposing idiotic bills that either unaffordable or will ruin the economy, that they know they could never pass.

When are these Democrats going to start using their time more productively? Or are we just paying them for these dog and pony shows?
Every other modern country can afford it, why not the richest country of all? Brainwashed functional morons....

They cant afford it, if they have to pay for their own defense.
The big countries already do pay what we want and by the way they have 6 million refugees from Syria and Africa that we caused LOL. Plus two thirds of the aid to Ukraine comes from the EU. You people know less than nothing.

They don't pay shit for their own defense, we have to pick up the tab
People with the financial IQ's to create and maintain billion dollar nest eggs, they don't get there by hoarding their money away in a vault. The only time the money of a super wealthy individual lays dormant is if said individual doesn't see any opportunity to turn that money into more money. Want the rich to invest more? Stop disincentivizing investment.

Waltons, Heirs of WalMart Founder. All worth 50+ Billion.
Rob , Alice , Jim each over 70 years old and living in mansions.
These people pay most of their employees a minimum wages, and many have to work multiple jobs.
This is NOT ok.

Microsoft paid their employees.
Even the Janitors that started out with Microsoft are millionaires today.
This is what Capitalism is or should be.
Allen and Gates could have paid the Janitors minimum wages, but they didn't, and
they still were the richest men in the world.

Not entirely true. You claim that Microsoft paid their employees... and even the janitor ended up millionaires.

You are implying that Microsoft was dishing out the cash. That is not true. Microsoft paid their employees very little at the start, and barely average wages once the company was growing considerably.

The way in which these employees became millionaires, is that Microsoft had company stock, as part of the compensation package. This is no different than Walmart's employee stock purchase program, where you can buy company stock (for I believe just $1).

The reason is because Microsoft grew dramatically as a company, this resulted in the value of that stock growing dramatically as well. Thus all those employees ended up millionaires.

But Microsoft was not paying the Janitor $100/hour to clean toilets. The Janitor simply was taking advantage of the company stock compensation, when the company was growing.

Walmart, and Microsoft, are treating their employees identically. The only difference is, Microsoft grew dramatically, and Walmart is not.

The irony of this conversation is that if Walmart did grow dramatically, you people on the left, would be screaming and throwing a hissy fit.... and we know this because every time Walmart gets larger, you protest it.

And here's the problem with you complaining about wealthy people.

Do you know what would happened, if the Walton heirs were poor? Nothing.

How many people gain something, when a wealthy person loses money? Zero.

Do remember back in 2008, when the Walton's lost a huge portion of their wealth when the stock market crash? I remember this. You know how many people, woke up the next day with a new car, because the Walton's lost money? None.


From 2007 to 2009, the richest 400 people in this country, collectively lost half a Trillion dollars. Almost 1/4th their total net worth.

Remember all those Americans that woke up the next morning, with new homes, new cars, and so on? No? Me neither.

So if wealthy people losing their wealth helps NO ONE........ then why do you care? You know why? Greed, and Envy. That's the reason you care. It doesn't help anyone, for the Walton's to be poor.

You know this. You know it would help no one. The reason you care how much a wealthy person has, is because if you can't have it, then darn it no one should.

That's it. An entire ideology of greed and envy.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


Wait.... LOL.... wait what? WHAT???

She wants to tax unrealized capital gains yearly?

Does everyone understand what that means? Your house... the house you own, is a capital gain that is unrealized. A capital gain, is the value of an asset increasing. Unrealized, means the value of your house went up, but you don't see it until the house is sold. When you sell it, the gain is realized.

Your home is an unrealized capital gain.

She wants to tax that??? So every year you own a house, you are going to get a Federal tax bill on the capital gain that you don't have yet........

What a winner of a plan. What a great lady. I've always hated being able to save money.

So does this also apply to my 401K I have in stocks, that I have an unrealized gain on? Can she lift off the 'burden' of being able to retire with savings?

I mean, if you are going to make me poor throughout my life, might as well make sure I retire poor as well......

Sure. I'm sure it's very common that working people have a IRA that's around or over a million bucks. To commies, you are rich. You don't need that money--government does. We all know what you will do with that money, and we all know what government will do with that money.

After baby bush crashed the economy in 2008, I doubt there are any.

People who didn't freak out and pull their money bounced back just fine. In fact we are doing better than ever.
Yeah, only cost 8 trillion dollars in debt to avert a full-blown World depression and to get welfare and unemployment to the victims. Of course you missed that on the GOP propaganda machine LOL....

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