You go Girl! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%

That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income

She knows what she's doing? You mean the same woman that didn't know what a garbage disposal was???

I'm a truck driver, and I know more than she does. I learned many years ago that the reason capital gains taxes are low is to encourage investments: investments in business, investments in the stock market, investments in real estate, investments period.

So how would one discourage investments? Do precisely what you and dingbat support. There goes our stock market with all our IRA money. There goes business expansion and hiring. There goes home purchases and other real estate investments. And of course, there goes our thriving economy.
Bull shit

The reason capital gains are so low is because the mega wealthy want them that way. They have to put their money somewhere. Time to make he wealthy cough up

If I earn $50,000 digging ditches and you earn $50,000 moving money from one investment to another, I shouldn’t be the one paying more taxes

It doesn't matter if it's billionaires or individuals, the government can't discourage investment in this country. It's the stupidest thing they could do. I'm going to be retiring in a few years, and when I do, I want my IRA to be at it's peak point. I don't want government taking money out of the market.

If you are making 50K digging ditches, then you aren't paying much into income tax anyway. Most of your taxes consist of SS, Medicare, State and local taxes.

Taxing at the same rate as you tax labor does not discourage investment any more than it discourages performing labor

Sure it does, because when you labor, you are guaranteed pay and there are no risks. You have to labor either for yourself, or a company, but you need to produce income.

When you invest, it's a risk. Most small businesses close up within the first five years. Others that remain open struggle for the next couple. If taxes create a problem for you, then you're better off getting out of the market and investing in tax free bonds. It's almost guaranteed profit, you don't have to spend time watching it every day, and of course, very little risk. You earn less, but if taxes in the market are going to cause you to earn less anyway, then your money is better off in safe investments.

There are risks to manual labor. You are selling one third of your life. The man investing is pushing a couple of keystrokes

Labor is making the bigger sacrifice
Where do you think the wealthy people get the money to pay those taxes?

If you think they just dig deeper into their pockets, or do with one less yacht, then you've been listening to the commies way too long. Why do you suppose we have the most thriving economy in decades? How do you suppose we broke records in minority and female unemployment? Why are more and more getting off of food stamps and back to work?

The big guys never pay those taxes. They all get passed down to us little people, either by the price of their products or services increasing, a wage freeze or higher health insurance contributions from their workers, or hiring freezes.

"If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it."
Ronald Reagan
The taxes being proposed by AOC prevent them from doing just that

It hits billionaires in the pockets

How would it prevent them from doing that? What's government going to do, force industry into a price freeze for their products or services? Perhaps create law that they must provide wage increases even if they no longer have the resources to provide for those increases? Please walk me through the dynamics of that.
Well....let’s start by returning tax rates on the wealthy to where they were before we started this supply side lunacy

We also need to move away from just income tax. The super wealthy will take very little income. They are compensated through stock options and other dodges that grow wealth but don’t count as income

I’d like to see a minimal sales tax on all stock and real estate transactions. This way, when they move their money around, they are taxed on it

Also tax capital gains at the same rate as personal income taxes

You guys still don't get that the wealthy, with their huge investments, are what help this country. It is why 50% have money in the stock markets. Pensions are paid through investments in the markets. When the stock market goes down, everything goes down. The markets will go way down if you discourage investment. That is a no brainer. You guys are fighting for the 50% of people who have nothing in the market, have little understanding of economics and have very little if anything to lose from any of these leftist policies because they don't have any skin in the game...they don't pay income or capitial gains taxes.

Markets are now the wealthy obtain wealth without being required to pay taxes. Put a small fee on each transaction. Brokers do it, why not the government.

That 50 percent of the population has 2/10 of a percent of the wealth. They are the ones working their whole lives for little gain. They are the ones generating wealth but receiving very little

You pay taxes on the money you make in the market, but you don't have to pay those taxes until you sell your stock. You could have Amazon for ten years, made a million dollars, and not pay a dime in taxes. But your realized profit will be taxed after you sell your stock, or if you pass away and it's liquidated to your family.
She knows what she's doing? You mean the same woman that didn't know what a garbage disposal was???

I'm a truck driver, and I know more than she does. I learned many years ago that the reason capital gains taxes are low is to encourage investments: investments in business, investments in the stock market, investments in real estate, investments period.

So how would one discourage investments? Do precisely what you and dingbat support. There goes our stock market with all our IRA money. There goes business expansion and hiring. There goes home purchases and other real estate investments. And of course, there goes our thriving economy.
Bull shit

The reason capital gains are so low is because the mega wealthy want them that way. They have to put their money somewhere. Time to make he wealthy cough up

If I earn $50,000 digging ditches and you earn $50,000 moving money from one investment to another, I shouldn’t be the one paying more taxes

It doesn't matter if it's billionaires or individuals, the government can't discourage investment in this country. It's the stupidest thing they could do. I'm going to be retiring in a few years, and when I do, I want my IRA to be at it's peak point. I don't want government taking money out of the market.

If you are making 50K digging ditches, then you aren't paying much into income tax anyway. Most of your taxes consist of SS, Medicare, State and local taxes.

Taxing at the same rate as you tax labor does not discourage investment any more than it discourages performing labor

Sure it does, because when you labor, you are guaranteed pay and there are no risks. You have to labor either for yourself, or a company, but you need to produce income.

When you invest, it's a risk. Most small businesses close up within the first five years. Others that remain open struggle for the next couple. If taxes create a problem for you, then you're better off getting out of the market and investing in tax free bonds. It's almost guaranteed profit, you don't have to spend time watching it every day, and of course, very little risk. You earn less, but if taxes in the market are going to cause you to earn less anyway, then your money is better off in safe investments.

There are risks to manual labor. You are selling one third of your life. The man investing is pushing a couple of keystrokes

Labor is making the bigger sacrifice

Most investors aren't trust fund babies with wealthy benefactors. Most investors are laborers with 401k's and pension plans. The money that they've invested was gained via that third of their life they sold laboring, and in order to punish a few billionaires for having more wealth than you FEEL they should have, you're happy to force these poor bastards to work until they're in the grave. And to top it off, you have the AUDACITY to defend your position by appealing to the third of their life that they sold for money that they can't effectively invest to enable a comfortable retirement.

It's okay, though, because that fixed income from SS is more than adequate, right? Government handouts to the tune of a fraction of what a union guy COULD HAVE retired with is a perfectly reasonable substitution for the pride of self sufficiency. What a brave new world you propose!
She knows what she's doing? You mean the same woman that didn't know what a garbage disposal was???

I'm a truck driver, and I know more than she does. I learned many years ago that the reason capital gains taxes are low is to encourage investments: investments in business, investments in the stock market, investments in real estate, investments period.

So how would one discourage investments? Do precisely what you and dingbat support. There goes our stock market with all our IRA money. There goes business expansion and hiring. There goes home purchases and other real estate investments. And of course, there goes our thriving economy.
Bull shit

The reason capital gains are so low is because the mega wealthy want them that way. They have to put their money somewhere. Time to make he wealthy cough up

If I earn $50,000 digging ditches and you earn $50,000 moving money from one investment to another, I shouldn’t be the one paying more taxes

It doesn't matter if it's billionaires or individuals, the government can't discourage investment in this country. It's the stupidest thing they could do. I'm going to be retiring in a few years, and when I do, I want my IRA to be at it's peak point. I don't want government taking money out of the market.

If you are making 50K digging ditches, then you aren't paying much into income tax anyway. Most of your taxes consist of SS, Medicare, State and local taxes.

Taxing at the same rate as you tax labor does not discourage investment any more than it discourages performing labor

Sure it does, because when you labor, you are guaranteed pay and there are no risks. You have to labor either for yourself, or a company, but you need to produce income.

When you invest, it's a risk. Most small businesses close up within the first five years. Others that remain open struggle for the next couple. If taxes create a problem for you, then you're better off getting out of the market and investing in tax free bonds. It's almost guaranteed profit, you don't have to spend time watching it every day, and of course, very little risk. You earn less, but if taxes in the market are going to cause you to earn less anyway, then your money is better off in safe investments.

There are risks to manual labor. You are selling one third of your life. The man investing is pushing a couple of keystrokes

Labor is making the bigger sacrifice

It has nothing to do with how hard you work. You could work yourself to death and die poor. We don't get paid by how much sweat we break. We get paid by how much our work sells for, or our employer pays us.

The Big Bang Theory comedy show had their last year on air. Each main actor was getting paid over a million dollars an episode. When you deduct commercial time, that's about 20 minutes of work combined for those people. Do you think that's fair they do so little labor and get paid so much? Plus they get a cut of reruns for the rest of their lives.

If we all got paid by how much physical work we do, a road worker would make four times what a teacher gets paid.
People with the financial IQ's to create and maintain billion dollar nest eggs, they don't get there by hoarding their money away in a vault. The only time the money of a super wealthy individual lays dormant is if said individual doesn't see any opportunity to turn that money into more money. Want the rich to invest more? Stop disincentivizing investment.

Waltons, Heirs of WalMart Founder. All worth 50+ Billion.
Rob , Alice , Jim each over 70 years old and living in mansions.
These people pay most of their employees a minimum wages, and many have to work multiple jobs.
This is NOT ok.

Microsoft paid their employees.
Even the Janitors that started out with Microsoft are millionaires today.
This is what Capitalism is or should be.
Allen and Gates could have paid the Janitors minimum wages, but they didn't, and
they still were the richest men in the world.

So you've listed an example of what you believe to be bad billionaires, and then an example of what you believe to be a good billionaire. Fine, I just don't see how this is, in any way, shape, or form, a response to what I've said.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
If there was a gang of thieves robbing the houses in your neighborhood, and those thieves had police protection, would you fall for the dumbass idea that the way to solve that problem would be to tax the people in a richer neighborhood more?

That's what the Democrats are suggesting.

Do you realize that people won't pay that rate?

That rate isn't designed to actually collect the revenues.

It's designed to discourage those at the top from making the wage gap even larger,

When greedy people who hate paying taxes realize that wages above a certain amount will mostly go to taxes, that person doesn't earn enough to have to pay that rate.

Which starts to close the income gap that is way out of control right now,

It also keeps revenues within the company so that the company is more stable. It can get through the bad times without going bankrupt with us tax payers bailing them out again,. You know? Socialism for rich people, They are great capitalists when they are making money but quickly become socialists when they are losing money with their hands quickly out demanding us tax payers bail their butts out.

The company also has the revenues to pay their employees a living wage.

It also discourages companies from leaving America for cheaper labor. If the company knows that most of what they make above a certain amount will go to taxes, that company won't generate enough to force them to pay the higher rate in taxes so they don't have to leave America to look for the cheapest labor. It keeps jobs in America.

The benefits of high taxes on high wages and unearned income are too many to list,. We used that system until reagan and it worked very well. As soon as reagan lowered taxes, our jobs started leaving America for Japan. We also saw inflation out of control.

When a company doesn't have to generate large revenues they don't have to charge higher prices for their goods or services.

It will also cause people to not qualify for public assistance. If companies paid their workers a living wage, their employees wouldn't qualify for public assistance and we wouldn't have to supplement their income so they wouldn't be living on the streets.

We need to stop coddling to the rich. They're fine. They've been fleecing our nation since the 80s. Now it's so far out of control, something has to be done. This is a good step in the right direction.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
If there was a gang of thieves robbing the houses in your neighborhood, and those thieves had police protection, would you fall for the dumbass idea that the way to solve that problem would be to tax the people in a richer neighborhood more?

That's what the Democrats are suggesting.

Do you realize that people won't pay that rate?

That rate isn't designed to actually collect the revenues.

It's designed to discourage those at the top from making the wage gap even larger,

When greedy people who hate paying taxes realize that wages above a certain amount will mostly go to taxes, that person doesn't earn enough to have to pay that rate.

Which starts to close the income gap that is way out of control right now,

It also keeps revenues within the company so that the company is more stable. It can get through the bad times without going bankrupt with us tax payers bailing them out again,. You know? Socialism for rich people, They are great capitalists when they are making money but quickly become socialists when they are losing money with their hands quickly out demanding us tax payers bail their butts out.

The company also has the revenues to pay their employees a living wage.

It also discourages companies from leaving America for cheaper labor. If the company knows that most of what they make above a certain amount will go to taxes, that company won't generate enough to force them to pay the higher rate in taxes so they don't have to leave America to look for the cheapest labor. It keeps jobs in America.

The benefits of high taxes on high wages and unearned income are too many to list,. We used that system until reagan and it worked very well. As soon as reagan lowered taxes, our jobs started leaving America for Japan. We also saw inflation out of control.

When a company doesn't have to generate large revenues they don't have to charge higher prices for their goods or services.

It will also cause people to not qualify for public assistance. If companies paid their workers a living wage, their employees wouldn't qualify for public assistance and we wouldn't have to supplement their income so they wouldn't be living on the streets.

We need to stop coddling to the rich. They're fine. They've been fleecing our nation since the 80s. Now it's so far out of control, something has to be done. This is a good step in the right direction.

I'm beginning to think you leftists have no clue as to how business operates.

First of all, jobs have been leaving this country since the 70's thanks to unions and taxes. What Regain did was try to stop that from continuation. And where do you get this idea if we discouraged investment, companies would pay their employees more? If companies are required to pay more in taxes, they are going to recoup those loses via employees. They will pay even less if anything. If they feel they can no longer invest because of taxes, then they will try to recoup what they lost in potential investments, and yes, that includes looking for cheaper labor overseas.

Businesses expand because of investors. They use other people's money to do this. If they have no investors in their company, they have less ability to expand, research, create new products and create even more jobs.

You have everything ass backwards.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income

She knows what she's doing? You mean the same woman that didn't know what a garbage disposal was???

I'm a truck driver, and I know more than she does. I learned many years ago that the reason capital gains taxes are low is to encourage investments: investments in business, investments in the stock market, investments in real estate, investments period.

So how would one discourage investments? Do precisely what you and dingbat support. There goes our stock market with all our IRA money. There goes business expansion and hiring. There goes home purchases and other real estate investments. And of course, there goes our thriving economy.
Bull shit

The reason capital gains are so low is because the mega wealthy want them that way. They have to put their money somewhere. Time to make he wealthy cough up

If I earn $50,000 digging ditches and you earn $50,000 moving money from one investment to another, I shouldn’t be the one paying more taxes

It doesn't matter if it's billionaires or individuals, the government can't discourage investment in this country. It's the stupidest thing they could do. I'm going to be retiring in a few years, and when I do, I want my IRA to be at it's peak point. I don't want government taking money out of the market.

If you are making 50K digging ditches, then you aren't paying much into income tax anyway. Most of your taxes consist of SS, Medicare, State and local taxes.

Taxing at the same rate as you tax labor does not discourage investment any more than it discourages performing labor

I wish people like the one you replied to actually knew what they were talking about and actually knew the history of taxation and economics of this nation.

Until Reagan unearned income was taxed a higher rate than earned income. Most people rightly believed that those who worked for a living shouldn't be taxed at a higher rate than those hanging out at the pool waiting for that dividend to be deposited in there accounts so they can get in their private jets to go where they please. Those who don't work for a living yet live off the labor of other people, should be paying a higher rate than those of us who actually do the labor.

America became a superpower when the highest income tax rate was around 90% and when we taxed unearned income at a much higher rate than earned income.

However that was a time when we valued an honest day's work and those who did that work.
People with the financial IQ's to create and maintain billion dollar nest eggs, they don't get there by hoarding their money away in a vault. The only time the money of a super wealthy individual lays dormant is if said individual doesn't see any opportunity to turn that money into more money. Want the rich to invest more? Stop disincentivizing investment.

Waltons, Heirs of WalMart Founder. All worth 50+ Billion.
Rob , Alice , Jim each over 70 years old and living in mansions.
These people pay most of their employees a minimum wages, and many have to work multiple jobs.
This is NOT ok.

Microsoft paid their employees.
Even the Janitors that started out with Microsoft are millionaires today.
This is what Capitalism is or should be.
Allen and Gates could have paid the Janitors minimum wages, but they didn't, and
they still were the richest men in the world.

So you've listed an example of what you believe to be bad billionaires, and then an example of what you believe to be a good billionaire. Fine, I just don't see how this is, in any way, shape, or form, a response to what I've said.

The WalMart Corporation clearly could pay their workers more, even if the demand for their work didn't call for a higher wage.
The Waltons would be just fine if their net worth was only 40 Billion rather than 50 Billion.
Paying more in Salary to their employees would benefit the economy and not affect the Waltons (I'm talking daily spending habits of the Walton, not their Loss of 10 Billion). it's the RIGHT thing to do. Put that money in the economy.
If you made 10 million a year, and the commies instituted this tax plan, that's the last year you'd make 10 mil. You'd quit investing your money and taking the risks to make that kind of profit.

That is NOT true at all.
100% Fiction.

So if I got taxed at a higher rate I would quit making money to avoid paying taxes.
I don't think you understand how the tax tables work.
The taxes being proposed by AOC prevent them from doing just that

It hits billionaires in the pockets

How would it prevent them from doing that? What's government going to do, force industry into a price freeze for their products or services? Perhaps create law that they must provide wage increases even if they no longer have the resources to provide for those increases? Please walk me through the dynamics of that.
Well....let’s start by returning tax rates on the wealthy to where they were before we started this supply side lunacy

We also need to move away from just income tax. The super wealthy will take very little income. They are compensated through stock options and other dodges that grow wealth but don’t count as income

I’d like to see a minimal sales tax on all stock and real estate transactions. This way, when they move their money around, they are taxed on it

Also tax capital gains at the same rate as personal income taxes

You guys still don't get that the wealthy, with their huge investments, are what help this country. It is why 50% have money in the stock markets. Pensions are paid through investments in the markets. When the stock market goes down, everything goes down. The markets will go way down if you discourage investment. That is a no brainer. You guys are fighting for the 50% of people who have nothing in the market, have little understanding of economics and have very little if anything to lose from any of these leftist policies because they don't have any skin in the game...they don't pay income or capitial gains taxes.

Markets are now the wealthy obtain wealth without being required to pay taxes. Put a small fee on each transaction. Brokers do it, why not the government.

That 50 percent of the population has 2/10 of a percent of the wealth. They are the ones working their whole lives for little gain. They are the ones generating wealth but receiving very little

You pay taxes on the money you make in the market, but you don't have to pay those taxes until you sell your stock. You could have Amazon for ten years, made a million dollars, and not pay a dime in taxes. But your realized profit will be taxed after you sell your stock, or if you pass away and it's liquidated to your family.
Very true
You can sit on that money indefinitely. Now, under Trump, you don’t have to pay inheritance tax when you pass it on.

That is why I want a fee on each transaction
That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income

She knows what she's doing? You mean the same woman that didn't know what a garbage disposal was???

I'm a truck driver, and I know more than she does. I learned many years ago that the reason capital gains taxes are low is to encourage investments: investments in business, investments in the stock market, investments in real estate, investments period.

So how would one discourage investments? Do precisely what you and dingbat support. There goes our stock market with all our IRA money. There goes business expansion and hiring. There goes home purchases and other real estate investments. And of course, there goes our thriving economy.
Bull shit

The reason capital gains are so low is because the mega wealthy want them that way. They have to put their money somewhere. Time to make he wealthy cough up

If I earn $50,000 digging ditches and you earn $50,000 moving money from one investment to another, I shouldn’t be the one paying more taxes

It doesn't matter if it's billionaires or individuals, the government can't discourage investment in this country. It's the stupidest thing they could do. I'm going to be retiring in a few years, and when I do, I want my IRA to be at it's peak point. I don't want government taking money out of the market.

If you are making 50K digging ditches, then you aren't paying much into income tax anyway. Most of your taxes consist of SS, Medicare, State and local taxes.

Taxing at the same rate as you tax labor does not discourage investment any more than it discourages performing labor

I wish people like the one you replied to actually knew what they were talking about and actually knew the history of taxation and economics of this nation.

Until Reagan unearned income was taxed a higher rate than earned income. Most people rightly believed that those who worked for a living shouldn't be taxed at a higher rate than those hanging out at the pool waiting for that dividend to be deposited in there accounts so they can get in their private jets to go where they please. Those who don't work for a living yet live off the labor of other people, should be paying a higher rate than those of us who actually do the labor.

America became a superpower when the highest income tax rate was around 90% and when we taxed unearned income at a much higher rate than earned income.

However that was a time when we valued an honest day's work and those who did that work.
Abe Lincoln believed the same way

And you know this how...........

Understanding Percentages.

If you make 100K per year. Another makes 10 Million per year.
You spend money in various ways,
taxes, entertainment, food and shelter, for example essentials and non-essentials.

Of course someone making 10 million per year will spend more.
But as a percentage of money spent, not so much.

How much do you spend? Are we talking essentials or non-essentials?

A person making 100k might, if they are lucky, might save 10k, depending on family situation.
That means they spend 90K, or they spent 90% of their earnings.

A person making 10Million, do you really think they spend at the same rate? Meaning they would spend 9 Million!
She knows what she's doing? You mean the same woman that didn't know what a garbage disposal was???

I'm a truck driver, and I know more than she does. I learned many years ago that the reason capital gains taxes are low is to encourage investments: investments in business, investments in the stock market, investments in real estate, investments period.

So how would one discourage investments? Do precisely what you and dingbat support. There goes our stock market with all our IRA money. There goes business expansion and hiring. There goes home purchases and other real estate investments. And of course, there goes our thriving economy.
Bull shit

The reason capital gains are so low is because the mega wealthy want them that way. They have to put their money somewhere. Time to make he wealthy cough up

If I earn $50,000 digging ditches and you earn $50,000 moving money from one investment to another, I shouldn’t be the one paying more taxes

It doesn't matter if it's billionaires or individuals, the government can't discourage investment in this country. It's the stupidest thing they could do. I'm going to be retiring in a few years, and when I do, I want my IRA to be at it's peak point. I don't want government taking money out of the market.

If you are making 50K digging ditches, then you aren't paying much into income tax anyway. Most of your taxes consist of SS, Medicare, State and local taxes.

Taxing at the same rate as you tax labor does not discourage investment any more than it discourages performing labor

Sure it does, because when you labor, you are guaranteed pay and there are no risks. You have to labor either for yourself, or a company, but you need to produce income.

When you invest, it's a risk. Most small businesses close up within the first five years. Others that remain open struggle for the next couple. If taxes create a problem for you, then you're better off getting out of the market and investing in tax free bonds. It's almost guaranteed profit, you don't have to spend time watching it every day, and of course, very little risk. You earn less, but if taxes in the market are going to cause you to earn less anyway, then your money is better off in safe investments.

There are risks to manual labor. You are selling one third of your life. The man investing is pushing a couple of keystrokes

Labor is making the bigger sacrifice
The whole country can’t be laborers. Somebody needs to make the hard decisions that build businesses so that laborers can make an income.
my friends, i dont think anybody should die because they cant afford to see a doctor.

is that really so radical? IS THAT REALLY SO RADICAL?
Bull shit

The reason capital gains are so low is because the mega wealthy want them that way. They have to put their money somewhere. Time to make he wealthy cough up

If I earn $50,000 digging ditches and you earn $50,000 moving money from one investment to another, I shouldn’t be the one paying more taxes

It doesn't matter if it's billionaires or individuals, the government can't discourage investment in this country. It's the stupidest thing they could do. I'm going to be retiring in a few years, and when I do, I want my IRA to be at it's peak point. I don't want government taking money out of the market.

If you are making 50K digging ditches, then you aren't paying much into income tax anyway. Most of your taxes consist of SS, Medicare, State and local taxes.

Taxing at the same rate as you tax labor does not discourage investment any more than it discourages performing labor

Sure it does, because when you labor, you are guaranteed pay and there are no risks. You have to labor either for yourself, or a company, but you need to produce income.

When you invest, it's a risk. Most small businesses close up within the first five years. Others that remain open struggle for the next couple. If taxes create a problem for you, then you're better off getting out of the market and investing in tax free bonds. It's almost guaranteed profit, you don't have to spend time watching it every day, and of course, very little risk. You earn less, but if taxes in the market are going to cause you to earn less anyway, then your money is better off in safe investments.

There are risks to manual labor. You are selling one third of your life. The man investing is pushing a couple of keystrokes

Labor is making the bigger sacrifice
The whole country can’t be laborers. Somebody needs to make the hard decisions that build businesses so that laborers can make an income.
Very true
And those doing manual labor used to get a higher percentage of corporate earnings. They earned enough to raise families, buy a home, they had full medical coverage and could someday retire comfortably
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


What are her plans for a constitutional amendment to make double taxation lawful? Does she think she has the votes in the House and Senate to pull that off?

We have a House that's wasting months of time on trying to get rid of a President they have no ability to remove. They are proposing idiotic bills that either unaffordable or will ruin the economy, that they know they could never pass.

When are these Democrats going to start using their time more productively? Or are we just paying them for these dog and pony shows?
Every other modern country can afford it, why not the richest country of all? Brainwashed functional morons....

They cant afford it, if they have to pay for their own defense.
The big countries already do pay what we want and by the way they have 6 million refugees from Syria and Africa that we caused LOL. Plus two thirds of the aid to Ukraine comes from the EU. You people know less than nothing.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


What are her plans for a constitutional amendment to make double taxation lawful? Does she think she has the votes in the House and Senate to pull that off?

We have a House that's wasting months of time on trying to get rid of a President they have no ability to remove. They are proposing idiotic bills that either unaffordable or will ruin the economy, that they know they could never pass.

When are these Democrats going to start using their time more productively? Or are we just paying them for these dog and pony shows?
Every other modern country can afford it, why not the richest country of all? Brainwashed functional morons....

They cant afford it, if they have to pay for their own defense.
The big countries already do pay what we want and by the way they have 6 million refugees from Syria and Africa that we caused LOL. Plus two thirds of the aid to Ukraine comes from the EU. You people know less than nothing.

They don't pay shit for their own defense, we have to pick up the tab
Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise.
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison (Oct. 28, 1885)
Again the commie democrats feel they are entitled to you money more than you are. Why does anyone feel that the government should get a bigger percentage of your income than you. Anyone that is for this has shit for brains

How is the government getting a bigger percentage than you?

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