You go Girl! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%

25 years ago, this entire thread would have been considered remarkably delusional.
Yet today, here we are.....conversing the "possibilities" of a Socialist system with hard core Socialists in positions of influence in the US Congress no less !!!
My how things have changed. But they are definitely changing.

I wonder what will seem remarkable in 20 years?
Perhaps that Socialists gained control of both Houses of Congress, but not yet the WH as well?
25 years ago, this entire thread would have been considered remarkably delusional.
Yet today, here we are.....conversing the "possibilities" of a Socialist system with hard core Socialists in positions of influence in the US Congress no less !!!
My how things have changed. But they are definitely changing.

I wonder what will seem remarkable in 20 years?
Perhaps that Socialists gained control of both Houses of Congress, but not yet the WH as well?
Actually the definition of socialism has changed for everyone except you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaurs in the GOP. Of of course the United States was the last to make that observation. and you guys are still talking about communism. LOL. Everyone else in the worldsocialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.
LOL, 59% and you progs think that's a "winning" campaign strategy?
You are "special".
You know it doesn’t effect trumpscum, right?

You are so misled regarding the Trump demographic. MSM pushes this narrative, but the reality is that, ultra-billionaires aside, the lower-upper class votes Republican and for Trump. The lower-lower class votes Democrat at an astoundingly high rate.
You can pretend that. But the only demographic Donald wins by large margins is uneducated white males

Keep telling yourself that isn’t true

educated people know he’s dangerous.
25 years ago, this entire thread would have been considered remarkably delusional.
Yet today, here we are.....conversing the "possibilities" of a Socialist system with hard core Socialists in positions of influence in the US Congress no less !!!
My how things have changed. But they are definitely changing.

I wonder what will seem remarkable in 20 years?
Perhaps that Socialists gained control of both Houses of Congress, but not yet the WH as well?

what is really unbelievable is trump scum destroying the environment
She is popular in her own district

So is Republican Steve King
Yes she kept Amazon out of her area costing millions of dollars to her districts economy....Even her SANER demonRAT contender is on her for that!...Shevis an economic moron, like you!
Fuk Amazon

Richest company in the world. Let them build their own headquarters

They already have one. New York lost out because of her idiocy.
Fuk subsidizing corporate greed
Yeah, fuck those tens of thousands of New Yorkers that had good paying jobs waiting for them.....Wrongwinger always insane logic is a hallmark of the disturbed communist on this board!
No they didn’t

You think Amazon was going to only hire New Yorkers?
Fuk Amazon
25 years ago, this entire thread would have been considered remarkably delusional.
Yet today, here we are.....conversing the "possibilities" of a Socialist system with hard core Socialists in positions of influence in the US Congress no less !!!
My how things have changed. But they are definitely changing.

I wonder what will seem remarkable in 20 years?
Perhaps that Socialists gained control of both Houses of Congress, but not yet the WH as well?
25 years ago we never would have seen Republicans supporting a Russian Dictatorship
Actually the definition of socialism has changed for everyone except you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaurs in the GOP. Of of course the United States was the last to make that observation. and you guys are still talking about communism. LOL. Everyone else in the worldsocialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.

Fine lets divide the country in half and you Dem's can go live your socialist dream on your own, deal?
Actually the definition of socialism has changed for everyone except you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaurs in the GOP. Of of course the United States was the last to make that observation. and you guys are still talking about communism. LOL. Everyone else in the worldsocialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.

Fine lets divide the country in half and you Dem's can go live your socialist dream on your own, deal?
I call myself a socialist at this point and all we're talking about changing is having healthcare and going after costs and cheaper college and training and a one-month vacation and what is so horrible about that, brainwashed functional more on?. No we are not talking about communism. Still remain our charming American selves thank you very much. Just have more time and money to enjoy it. This flat tax system we have if you count all taxes is a screwjob for most everybody. Thank you GOP and silly dupes like you
You can not tax your way to prosperity.

Actually yes we can.

America became a super power, very prosperous and very rich when the top tax rate was very high. From 1944 to 45 the top rate was 94%. After the second world war it was lowered to 91% until 1951. In 1952 it went back up to 92% until 1954 it went back down to 91%. That top rate continued until 1964 when it was decreased to 77%. The next year it was decreased to 70% until reagan became president in 1981.

In those years that we had very high taxes on high wages, unearned income and business, America became the most prosperous nation on the planet. We became a super power. Everyone had jobs. The jobs everyone had paid them a living wage with proper benefits.

That all ended with reagan. We went from the largest creditor nation in the world to the larges debtor nation in the world when reagan started all the deregulation and cutting taxes. Every republican since then has done the same thing. Slash taxes for the rich, deregulate everything for business then spend like there's no tomorrow to cause us to hit record heights in deficit and debt.

The exact opposite of what you post is true.
Actually the definition of socialism has changed for everyone except you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaurs in the GOP. Of of course the United States was the last to make that observation. and you guys are still talking about communism. LOL. Everyone else in the worldsocialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.

Fine lets divide the country in half and you Dem's can go live your socialist dream on your own, deal?
I call myself a socialist at this point and all we're talking about changing is having healthcare and going after costs and cheaper college and training and a one-month vacation and what is so horrible about that, brainwashed functional more on?. No we are not talking about communism. Still remain our charming American selves thank you very much. Just have more time and money to enjoy it. This flat tax system we have if you count all taxes is a screwjob for most everybody. Thank you GOP and silly dupes like you

Awesome, lets divide the country and your side can live and do as they please without any interference from the GOP. Lets see how many Americans choose to live with your borders :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Actually the definition of socialism has changed for everyone except you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaurs in the GOP. Of of course the United States was the last to make that observation. and you guys are still talking about communism. LOL. Everyone else in the worldsocialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.

Right...the "Definition" of Socialism has changed....but it's still that perverted notion that taking from those who produce to give to those who prefer not to is somehow a grand idea.


According to you Leftists, HISTORY has also changed. For example, Obama brought about all the worlds global prosperity and Trump is now erasing those gains...uh huh. :rolleyes:

All I can say is if the opposition hands you the nation on a silver platter (as they have so far done), I'm not sure who the bigger fools are, you or them.
25 years ago we never would have seen Republicans supporting a Russian Dictatorship

So far, we still haven't. Outside of a few delusional Lefties.
You clowns sure are a comedy act.

However, we DID IN FACT see a Democrat President (Obama) supporting the overthrow of Egypts Democracy by the Muslim Brotherhood by empowering and supporting Morsi, a Muslim Dictator.
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I call myself a socialist at this point and all we're talking about changing is having healthcare and going after costs and cheaper college and training and a one-month vacation and what is so horrible about that, brainwashed functional more on?. No we are not talking about communism. Still remain our charming American selves thank you very much. Just have more time and money to enjoy it. This flat tax system we have if you count all taxes is a screwjob for most everybody. Thank you GOP and silly dupes like you

1980 - "All we're talking about is removing certain guns from certain people"
1990 - "All we're talking about is making magazines illegal"
2000 - "All we're talking about is making those scary guns illegal"
2010 - "All we're talking about is making Registration Mandatory"
2017 - "All we're talking about is making our schools safer by limiting the 2nd Amendment" Still on Progress
2019 - "All we're talking about is total Gun buy back plans" Working on it - Beto O'Rourke

We know EXACTLY all you're talking about......and it was all done Venezuela JUST AS YOU PEOPLE PROPOSE
25 years ago we never would have seen Republicans supporting a Russian Dictatorship

So far, we still haven't. Outside of a few delusional Lefties.
You clowns sure are a comedy act.

However, we DID IN FACT see a Democrat President (Obama) supporting the overthrow of Egypts Democracy by the Muslim Brotherhood by empowering and supporting Morsi, a Muslim Dictator.
Who would have thought we would ever see a Republican President taking the side of a Russian Dictator over our own intelligence department, defending a North Korean Dictator for killing an American student, defending a Saudi Dictator for dismembering an American resident??.
25 years ago we never would have seen Republicans supporting a Russian Dictatorship

So far, we still haven't. Outside of a few delusional Lefties.
You clowns sure are a comedy act.

However, we DID IN FACT see a Democrat President (Obama) supporting the overthrow of Egypts Democracy by the Muslim Brotherhood by empowering and supporting Morsi, a Muslim Dictator.
Who would have thought we would ever see a Republican President taking the side of a Russian Dictator over our own intelligence department, defending a North Korean Dictator for killing an American student, defending a Saudi Dictator for dismembering an American resident??.

I guess the same people that thought we'd never see a day where a President would ship pallets of cash to the world sponsor of terrorism, or give the terrorists five of their captured back in exchange for nothing.
Actually the definition of socialism has changed for everyone except you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaurs in the GOP. Of of course the United States was the last to make that observation. and you guys are still talking about communism. LOL. Everyone else in the worldsocialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.

Fine lets divide the country in half and you Dem's can go live your socialist dream on your own, deal?
I call myself a socialist at this point and all we're talking about changing is having healthcare and going after costs and cheaper college and training and a one-month vacation and what is so horrible about that, brainwashed functional more on?. No we are not talking about communism. Still remain our charming American selves thank you very much. Just have more time and money to enjoy it. This flat tax system we have if you count all taxes is a screwjob for most everybody. Thank you GOP and silly dupes like you

Awesome, lets divide the country and your side can live and do as they please without any interference from the GOP. Lets see how many Americans choose to live with your borders :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Nothing could make me happier. If all the liberals had to move to the other side of the country, my property value would triple overnight. Imagine never having to put up with liberal stupidity ever again.
Yes she kept Amazon out of her area costing millions of dollars to her districts economy....Even her SANER demonRAT contender is on her for that!...Shevis an economic moron, like you!
Fuk Amazon

Richest company in the world. Let them build their own headquarters

They already have one. New York lost out because of her idiocy.
Fuk subsidizing corporate greed
Yeah, fuck those tens of thousands of New Yorkers that had good paying jobs waiting for them.....Wrongwinger always insane logic is a hallmark of the disturbed communist on this board!
No they didn’t

You think Amazon was going to only hire New Yorkers?
Fuk Amazon

They put two new distribution centers here. They still can't find enough local workers to fill positions.
Who would have thought we would ever see a Republican President taking the side of a Russian Dictator over our own intelligence department, defending a North Korean Dictator for killing an American student, defending a Saudi Dictator for dismembering an American resident??.

Did he do all that? Really? Isn't that something?

So who are your impeccable sources for all your great info?

Reza Aslan or Kathy Griffin ? :abgg2q.jpg:

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