You go Girl! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%

Nothing could make me happier. If all the liberals had to move to the other side of the country, my property value would triple overnight. Imagine never having to put up with liberal stupidity ever again.

Naturally we would have to raise the price we charge them for food. :muahaha:
25 years ago we never would have seen Republicans supporting a Russian Dictatorship

So far, we still haven't. Outside of a few delusional Lefties.
You clowns sure are a comedy act.

However, we DID IN FACT see a Democrat President (Obama) supporting the overthrow of Egypts Democracy by the Muslim Brotherhood by empowering and supporting Morsi, a Muslim Dictator.
Who would have thought we would ever see a Republican President taking the side of a Russian Dictator over our own intelligence department, defending a North Korean Dictator for killing an American student, defending a Saudi Dictator for dismembering an American resident??.

I guess the same people that thought we'd never see a day where a President would ship pallets of cash to the world sponsor of terrorism, or give the terrorists five of their captured back in exchange for nothing.
Giving people their own money to dismantle their nuclear program is a bargain
Fuk Amazon

Richest company in the world. Let them build their own headquarters

They already have one. New York lost out because of her idiocy.
Fuk subsidizing corporate greed
Yeah, fuck those tens of thousands of New Yorkers that had good paying jobs waiting for them.....Wrongwinger always insane logic is a hallmark of the disturbed communist on this board!
No they didn’t

You think Amazon was going to only hire New Yorkers?
Fuk Amazon

They put two new distribution centers here. They still can't find enough local workers to fill positions.
Working in an Amazon distribution center is like slave labor
Who would have thought we would ever see a Republican President taking the side of a Russian Dictator over our own intelligence department, defending a North Korean Dictator for killing an American student, defending a Saudi Dictator for dismembering an American resident??.

Did he do all that? Really? Isn't that something?

So who are your impeccable sources for all your great info?

Reza Aslan or Kathy Griffin ? :abgg2q.jpg:
I is hard to believe that an American President could do all that
But we are dealing with Trump
They already have one. New York lost out because of her idiocy.
Fuk subsidizing corporate greed
Yeah, fuck those tens of thousands of New Yorkers that had good paying jobs waiting for them.....Wrongwinger always insane logic is a hallmark of the disturbed communist on this board!
No they didn’t

You think Amazon was going to only hire New Yorkers?
Fuk Amazon

They put two new distribution centers here. They still can't find enough local workers to fill positions.
Working in an Amazon distribution center is like slave labor
Sure it is $18 an hour here in NYC compared to living in a box like you do.... some choice!
Fuk subsidizing corporate greed
Yeah, fuck those tens of thousands of New Yorkers that had good paying jobs waiting for them.....Wrongwinger always insane logic is a hallmark of the disturbed communist on this board!
No they didn’t

You think Amazon was going to only hire New Yorkers?
Fuk Amazon

They put two new distribution centers here. They still can't find enough local workers to fill positions.
Working in an Amazon distribution center is like slave labor
Sure it is $18 an hour here in NYC compared to living in a box like you do.... some choice!
You don’t even make $18 an hour?
Actually the definition of socialism has changed for everyone except you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaurs in the GOP. Of of course the United States was the last to make that observation. and you guys are still talking about communism. LOL. Everyone else in the worldsocialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.

Fine lets divide the country in half and you Dem's can go live your socialist dream on your own, deal?
I call myself a socialist at this point and all we're talking about changing is having healthcare and going after costs and cheaper college and training and a one-month vacation and what is so horrible about that, brainwashed functional more on?. No we are not talking about communism. Still remain our charming American selves thank you very much. Just have more time and money to enjoy it. This flat tax system we have if you count all taxes is a screwjob for most everybody. Thank you GOP and silly dupes like you

Awesome, lets divide the country and your side can live and do as they please without any interference from the GOP. Lets see how many Americans choose to live with your borders :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Nothing could make me happier. If all the liberals had to move to the other side of the country, my property value would triple overnight. Imagine never having to put up with liberal stupidity ever again.
What a load of crap, super duper troll. are blacks all liberals for you now is that the idea?
Actually the definition of socialism has changed for everyone except you brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaurs in the GOP. Of of course the United States was the last to make that observation. and you guys are still talking about communism. LOL. Everyone else in the worldsocialism is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.

Fine lets divide the country in half and you Dem's can go live your socialist dream on your own, deal?
I call myself a socialist at this point and all we're talking about changing is having healthcare and going after costs and cheaper college and training and a one-month vacation and what is so horrible about that, brainwashed functional more on?. No we are not talking about communism. Still remain our charming American selves thank you very much. Just have more time and money to enjoy it. This flat tax system we have if you count all taxes is a screwjob for most everybody. Thank you GOP and silly dupes like you

Awesome, lets divide the country and your side can live and do as they please without any interference from the GOP. Lets see how many Americans choose to live with your borders :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Nothing could make me happier. If all the liberals had to move to the other side of the country, my property value would triple overnight. Imagine never having to put up with liberal stupidity ever again.
What a load of crap, super duper troll. are blacks all liberals for you now is that the idea?

Ahahaha do you think blacks will choose to shack up with you liberals? :21::21::21::21::21:
Fine lets divide the country in half and you Dem's can go live your socialist dream on your own, deal?
I call myself a socialist at this point and all we're talking about changing is having healthcare and going after costs and cheaper college and training and a one-month vacation and what is so horrible about that, brainwashed functional more on?. No we are not talking about communism. Still remain our charming American selves thank you very much. Just have more time and money to enjoy it. This flat tax system we have if you count all taxes is a screwjob for most everybody. Thank you GOP and silly dupes like you

Awesome, lets divide the country and your side can live and do as they please without any interference from the GOP. Lets see how many Americans choose to live with your borders :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Nothing could make me happier. If all the liberals had to move to the other side of the country, my property value would triple overnight. Imagine never having to put up with liberal stupidity ever again.
What a load of crap, super duper troll. are blacks all liberals for you now is that the idea?

Ahahaha do you think blacks will choose to shack up with you liberals? :21::21::21::21::21:
That doesn't make any sense either. LOL. Sorry about progress and civilization LOL...
Yeah, fuck those tens of thousands of New Yorkers that had good paying jobs waiting for them.....Wrongwinger always insane logic is a hallmark of the disturbed communist on this board!
No they didn’t

You think Amazon was going to only hire New Yorkers?
Fuk Amazon

They put two new distribution centers here. They still can't find enough local workers to fill positions.
Working in an Amazon distribution center is like slave labor
Sure it is $18 an hour here in NYC compared to living in a box like you do.... some choice!
You don’t even make $18 an hour?
I make nothing ...I am retired!...moton!
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
you are going to create the largest underground economy in human history. And it will also entail massive stealing of supplies before they get to the stores even. When people are outpriced, they find other ways. Especially if the product is defective in the first place.

State and multi-state lotteries contribute towards schools and various other entities that are in need of funding. So let's say a multi-state lottery is 100 million bucks one time cash value. Now if you hit, the federal government is going to take around 60 million dollars of that. Then you have your state and local taxes to mess with. So out of that 100 million, you end up with about 30 million in cash.

Now if you invest or save that money, the federal government is going to keep taking their share annually. Even if it's in assets, you better have the cash to support those assets at tax time.

Eventually they will tax you out of wealth and perhaps leave you with enough so you don't have to find a job. Are you going to continue to play those lottery games at a 120 million to one odds?

The bigger chunk if not most State lottery money goes to the general funds.

It doesn't matter where it goes, it's gone. Government will take almost all your winnings.

The issue is all State lottery money going to schools, which isn't the case.
Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Wherever they get taxed less, maybe to other countries out of the reach of greedy liberals. Just like the yacht tax decimated the American yacht industry because the rich simply bought foreign built yachts, the wealthy will not sit still and let you or anyone take their wealth.

Liberals never seem to realize that human nature always makes tax schemes generate less than they're projected to, because people protect what they've earned.

Where are the rich going to move their monies?

Anywhere. Doesn't matter where. Anywhere would be better, than being under the tax system that AOC just proposed. Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

A wealth tax, will make anywhere in the entire world, preferable to here. If I have $200 Million to spend on a vacation home.... that home in the US is going to be taxed, and elsewhere it will not. I'm not talking property tax, that everyone pays... but a tax on the unrealized capital gain. No where else does that, although France tried it and repealed it because it was a huge failure.

So anywhere else, is going to be preferable to here, under AOC's system.

The wealthy pay a higher tax in Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

The 59% tax rate minus established deductions would be an effective (actual) tax of the same percentage that you pay. Shouldn't the wealthy pay the same percentage as you?
They should pay what is enough to fund the state. In their own interest. The Romans didn´t become a world power by amassing debt, the ended being one because they were out of cash, by the way.

- increase taxes
- reduce spending

Sooner or later it will come, the sooner the softer it will be.

They should pay what is enough to fund the state.

How much is that?
Many are finding they can't really afford it. Most of the rest can only "afford" it because Uncle Sam pays for their defense. Your propaganda ignores that little factoid.
Yes, the amount of government programs goes up and down big deal. They all have Healthcare daycare paid
Many are finding they can't really afford it. Most of the rest can only "afford" it because Uncle Sam pays for their defense. Your propaganda ignores that little factoid.
parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure to a greater extent than we have that's for sure and we are the richest country in the world. The worst inequality and upward Mobility is what we have after 35 years of GOP dominance and obstruction. A disgrace only the brainwash of you idiots makes this possible.

And you continue to ignore us paying for their defense. Naturally.
Possibly because it's not true. what about the seven million refugees they have had for years now while we took like 10,000 of them and we caused by which I mean the GOP caused the problem.

We pay for most of Europe’s defense. Just witness the whining and complaining when Trump wanted NATO countries to pay what they were obligated to pay.
people were complaining because that was just right wing bulshit parotted by the orange clown, brainwashed functional moron.

Anything you don't want to hear, just claim it's propaganda. Nobody will ever notice. Failing that, just blame it on your favorite straw man. IOW, you funny.
Oh please. She won an election where barely anybody showed up to vote. She's an embarrassment to her district, and even in New York, I can't believe people would be stupid enough to voter her back in. If she does decide to run for reelection, I hope for her sake she practices mixing drinks again.
She is popular in her own district

So is Republican Steve King
Yes she kept Amazon out of her area costing millions of dollars to her districts economy....Even her SANER demonRAT contender is on her for that!...Shevis an economic moron, like you!
Fuk Amazon

Richest company in the world. Let them build their own headquarters

They already have one. New York lost out because of her idiocy.
Fuk subsidizing corporate greed

Sure, who cares about the good jobs she kept out of her district. They don't count, there are liberal principles involved!
That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
you are going to create the largest underground economy in human history. And it will also entail massive stealing of supplies before they get to the stores even. When people are outpriced, they find other ways. Especially if the product is defective in the first place.

State and multi-state lotteries contribute towards schools and various other entities that are in need of funding. So let's say a multi-state lottery is 100 million bucks one time cash value. Now if you hit, the federal government is going to take around 60 million dollars of that. Then you have your state and local taxes to mess with. So out of that 100 million, you end up with about 30 million in cash.

Now if you invest or save that money, the federal government is going to keep taking their share annually. Even if it's in assets, you better have the cash to support those assets at tax time.

Eventually they will tax you out of wealth and perhaps leave you with enough so you don't have to find a job. Are you going to continue to play those lottery games at a 120 million to one odds?

The bigger chunk if not most State lottery money goes to the general funds.

It doesn't matter where it goes, it's gone. Government will take almost all your winnings.

The issue is all State lottery money going to schools, which isn't the case.

Never said it was. Most of it goes to federal income taxes. Schools get a very small percentage of sales, and it doesn't matter if somebody wins or not. They still get the money.
Yes, the amount of government programs goes up and down big deal. They all have Healthcare daycare paid
parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure to a greater extent than we have that's for sure and we are the richest country in the world. The worst inequality and upward Mobility is what we have after 35 years of GOP dominance and obstruction. A disgrace only the brainwash of you idiots makes this possible.

And you continue to ignore us paying for their defense. Naturally.
Possibly because it's not true. what about the seven million refugees they have had for years now while we took like 10,000 of them and we caused by which I mean the GOP caused the problem.

We pay for most of Europe’s defense. Just witness the whining and complaining when Trump wanted NATO countries to pay what they were obligated to pay.
people were complaining because that was just right wing bulshit parotted by the orange clown, brainwashed functional moron.
it would help if the GOP would stop causing recessions and depressions by corruption. Oh you don't know about that.

Vote Republican. The country you save might be your own. Or, keep voting for useless democrats. They won't ever give you what you're complaining about, but hey, reasons!
They already have one. New York lost out because of her idiocy.
Fuk subsidizing corporate greed
Yeah, fuck those tens of thousands of New Yorkers that had good paying jobs waiting for them.....Wrongwinger always insane logic is a hallmark of the disturbed communist on this board!
No they didn’t

You think Amazon was going to only hire New Yorkers?
Fuk Amazon

They put two new distribution centers here. They still can't find enough local workers to fill positions.
Working in an Amazon distribution center is like slave labor

Really? So how many years did you work for Amazon?

I made a couple of deliveries there so far. Both times, it didn't seem like anybody was killing themselves to me.
25 years ago, this entire thread would have been considered remarkably delusional.
Yet today, here we are.....conversing the "possibilities" of a Socialist system with hard core Socialists in positions of influence in the US Congress no less !!!
My how things have changed. But they are definitely changing.

I wonder what will seem remarkable in 20 years?
Perhaps that Socialists gained control of both Houses of Congress, but not yet the WH as well?
25 years ago we never would have seen Republicans supporting a Russian Dictatorship

Still don't.
25 years ago we never would have seen Republicans supporting a Russian Dictatorship

So far, we still haven't. Outside of a few delusional Lefties.
You clowns sure are a comedy act.

However, we DID IN FACT see a Democrat President (Obama) supporting the overthrow of Egypts Democracy by the Muslim Brotherhood by empowering and supporting Morsi, a Muslim Dictator.
Who would have thought we would ever see a Republican President taking the side of a Russian Dictator over our own intelligence department, defending a North Korean Dictator for killing an American student, defending a Saudi Dictator for dismembering an American resident??.

I guess the same people that thought we'd never see a day where a President would ship pallets of cash to the world sponsor of terrorism, or give the terrorists five of their captured back in exchange for nothing.
Giving people their own money to dismantle their nuclear program is a bargain

And that's the last thing they did. If they really were going to do that, they would have allowed us to have cameras and inspections which they didn't. Obama shipped them all that money to simply pass the buck.

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