You go Girl! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%

You guys still don't get that the wealthy, with their huge investments, are what help this country. It is why 50% have money in the stock markets. Pensions are paid through investments in the markets. When the stock market goes down, everything goes down. The markets will go way down if you discourage investment. That is a no brainer. You guys are fighting for the 50% of people who have nothing in the market, have little understanding of economics and have very little if anything to lose from any of these leftist policies because they don't have any skin in the game...they don't pay income or capitial gains taxes.

Markets are now the wealthy obtain wealth without being required to pay taxes. Put a small fee on each transaction. Brokers do it, why not the government.

That 50 percent of the population has 2/10 of a percent of the wealth. They are the ones working their whole lives for little gain. They are the ones generating wealth but receiving very little

You pay taxes on the money you make in the market, but you don't have to pay those taxes until you sell your stock. You could have Amazon for ten years, made a million dollars, and not pay a dime in taxes. But your realized profit will be taxed after you sell your stock, or if you pass away and it's liquidated to your family.
Very true
You can sit on that money indefinitely. Now, under Trump, you don’t have to pay inheritance tax when you pass it on.

That is why I want a fee on each transaction

Why should anyone pay taxes on money they don't have? Until you sell the stock, you don't have the money. What if you pay taxes on the gain and the stock plummets to below what you bought it for? Do you get a refund.

I swear you guys must be poor as church mice with absolutely not money in the markets. No understanding of them at all.

You are only paying a fee when you buy and sell
That is money you have

But that isn't what she wrote. At least it wasn't in the link that was posted. She said a yearly tax on unrealized gains. Meaning.... a tax on the capital gain, of an investment you have not sold yet.

So the prior poster is right.... what happens if you pay a huge tax on a unrealized capital gain, and the value drops before you sell it? Do you get a refund?
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
At least you got the bitch part right.
Shit yea!

That bitch drives Republicans nuts. So much so that Trump wants to send her back to her “country”
She and Bernie are the BEST REASON that America will vote Trump back in!

True. I didn't vote for Trump, but these loony left-wingers, that want to "Pay for a school from a loss", and the nutty AOC gang..... I likely will vote Trump this coming election.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
At least you got the bitch part right.
Shit yea!

That bitch drives Republicans nuts. So much so that Trump wants to send her back to her “country”

You missed what he said then. Because he didn't say that. This is the problem with left-wingers... you just turn of your brains, and make up whatever you want, to fit your mythical world.
He did say that
So if wealthy people losing their wealth helps NO ONE........ then why do you care? You know why? Greed, and Envy. That's the reason you care. It doesn't help anyone, for the Walton's to be poor.

You know this. You know it would help no one. The reason you care how much a wealthy person has, is because if you can't have it, then darn it no one should.

That's it. An entire ideology of greed and envy.

What a bunch of nonsense.
I want more Americans to be successful.

Business plan A with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 8 million, while paying the average worker $40,000 for that year.

Business plan B with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 6 million, while paying the average worker $80,000 for that year.

Business plan C with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 5 million, while paying the average worker $100,000 for that year.

I see Company C as a very successful Business, an Owner making Millions per year, and workers that are in the upper middle class.
I see Company A as a very successful Business, and Owner making Millions per year, and workers making millions for the owner while themselves making less than a median salary Nationwide.

Tell me you support business Plan C and can agree that Business Plan A's owner has a Greedy and Uncaring attitude for his/her workers.

Then why don't you open up Company C and see how long you stay in business.

I own company C and I'm doing VERY well.

You probably don't even own your appliances. If you actually did own a company C, you would have been out of business a long time ago due to competition.

Honestly, he reminds me of a someone who owns a company, that someone else created. It's always the child of the business owner, whose father never had him really work for anything, that sits in the office saying "Yeah everyone else should pay $20/hour to empty the trash, and business owners should pay 70% tax rates".
So if wealthy people losing their wealth helps NO ONE........ then why do you care? You know why? Greed, and Envy. That's the reason you care. It doesn't help anyone, for the Walton's to be poor.

You know this. You know it would help no one. The reason you care how much a wealthy person has, is because if you can't have it, then darn it no one should.

That's it. An entire ideology of greed and envy.

What a bunch of nonsense.
I want more Americans to be successful.

Business plan A with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 8 million, while paying the average worker $40,000 for that year.

Business plan B with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 6 million, while paying the average worker $80,000 for that year.

Business plan C with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 5 million, while paying the average worker $100,000 for that year.

I see Company C as a very successful Business, an Owner making Millions per year, and workers that are in the upper middle class.
I see Company A as a very successful Business, and Owner making Millions per year, and workers making millions for the owner while themselves making less than a median salary Nationwide.

Tell me you support business Plan C and can agree that Business Plan A's owner has a Greedy and Uncaring attitude for his/her workers.

Then why don't you open up Company C and see how long you stay in business.

I own company C and I'm doing VERY well.

But Ray from Cleveland says you can't own Company C.
It is Not Possible.
He thinks competition would drive you out of business???? WTF are you talking about Ray?
Ray is not very Bright.
Ray will stick by his ignorant stance.
That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
The princess must first bludgeon the blue collar paycheck if she wants to justify stealing from others as well, i.e. to sell this she must go after the real target first [working class] and then demand to now why the working class should pay so much in taxes while the rich only pay billions...then she just has to yell sic'em to the base...
...the working class and the rich fight with each other...
...the blacks and whites fight with each other
...the citizens and the immigrants fight with each other...
...the white liberals seize power
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
At least you got the bitch part right.
Shit yea!

That bitch drives Republicans nuts. So much so that Trump wants to send her back to her “country”

You missed what he said then. Because he didn't say that. This is the problem with left-wingers... you just turn of your brains, and make up whatever you want, to fit your mythical world.
He did say that

If your house is in total shambles, and infested with roaches and bed bugs, and rats are scurrying around... and then you come to my house and find a single dirty dish, and start criticizing how I run my household.

I would say to you, don't come in my house and complain you don't like how it is run, when your house is a Superfund site. First go back to your own house, and show me how to do it, and then you can complain about how I do things.

But as long as your house is a junk yard, don't come here and complain you found a speck of dust on the floor.

Equally.... Trump said the same thing.


He's dead on right. These people want to come here.... fine. These people want to live and work in the US.... great. But if you are going to come here, and tell us how our country works is so terrible..... while the countries you came here to escape from are utter and total disasters...... No.

If your system works so much better than ours, go back to your own country and show us how it's done. Show us how much better your system is, and then you can promote that system here.

Otherwise, you are full of crap! And well done to Trump for pointing it out.

But never just said, we don't want people from somewhere else here. He said if you are going to tell us our system is bad, first go fix your own system.

He was dead on right, too.
I have nothing to tax so AOC out of luck. AOC can tax my new Jeep more than it has already been taxed but walking ain't crowded.
Last edited:
So if wealthy people losing their wealth helps NO ONE........ then why do you care? You know why? Greed, and Envy. That's the reason you care. It doesn't help anyone, for the Walton's to be poor.

You know this. You know it would help no one. The reason you care how much a wealthy person has, is because if you can't have it, then darn it no one should.

That's it. An entire ideology of greed and envy.

What a bunch of nonsense.
I want more Americans to be successful.

Business plan A with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 8 million, while paying the average worker $40,000 for that year.

Business plan B with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 6 million, while paying the average worker $80,000 for that year.

Business plan C with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 5 million, while paying the average worker $100,000 for that year.

I see Company C as a very successful Business, an Owner making Millions per year, and workers that are in the upper middle class.
I see Company A as a very successful Business, and Owner making Millions per year, and workers making millions for the owner while themselves making less than a median salary Nationwide.

Tell me you support business Plan C and can agree that Business Plan A's owner has a Greedy and Uncaring attitude for his/her workers.

Then why don't you open up Company C and see how long you stay in business.

I own company C and I'm doing VERY well.

But Ray from Cleveland says you can't own Company C.
It is Not Possible.
He thinks competition would drive you out of business???? WTF are you talking about Ray?
Ray is not very Bright.
Ray will stick by his ignorant stance.

No, he's right. You are the one that doesn't understand.

Do you know what rich people do with their profits? They invest them. And typically they invest them back into the company.

So you own Company C..... and I own Company A.

You have less money to invest, while I have more. I use that money to open a distribution center, or I buy new equipment that increase productivity. This lowers my costs, so I can charge the customers less than you do. I run you out of business. Now your employees that for a short time earned more, are now earning zero.

Well done.

Again... Steve Jobs in the 80s was kicked out of Apple. He walked away with $10 Million dollars. What did Steve Jobs do with the $10 Million? He invested it. 10 years later, out came Toy Story.

Was Pixar the only studio in the country making animated kids films? No. Of course not. How did a tiny 40 person animation studio, end up making a box office smash, that rocked other animated studios that had been around for decades longer?

Jobs invested $10 Million into Pixar. It was a long term investment. An investment Jobs could never have made, if didn't have the money to invest.

You ever heard of Pacific Data Images? They were a computer animation company. They don't exist anymore. Pixar does.

Now I am not going to suggest that it was exclusively Job's investment that made the difference.... but the point is... if the other companies executives or investors, build up their company which is competing against you.... you will be run out of business.
So if wealthy people losing their wealth helps NO ONE........ then why do you care? You know why? Greed, and Envy. That's the reason you care. It doesn't help anyone, for the Walton's to be poor.

You know this. You know it would help no one. The reason you care how much a wealthy person has, is because if you can't have it, then darn it no one should.

That's it. An entire ideology of greed and envy.

What a bunch of nonsense.
I want more Americans to be successful.

Business plan A with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 8 million, while paying the average worker $40,000 for that year.

Business plan B with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 6 million, while paying the average worker $80,000 for that year.

Business plan C with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 5 million, while paying the average worker $100,000 for that year.

I see Company C as a very successful Business, an Owner making Millions per year, and workers that are in the upper middle class.
I see Company A as a very successful Business, and Owner making Millions per year, and workers making millions for the owner while themselves making less than a median salary Nationwide.

Tell me you support business Plan C and can agree that Business Plan A's owner has a Greedy and Uncaring attitude for his/her workers.

Then why don't you open up Company C and see how long you stay in business.

I own company C and I'm doing VERY well.

But Ray from Cleveland says you can't own Company C.
It is Not Possible.
He thinks competition would drive you out of business???? WTF are you talking about Ray?
Ray is not very Bright.
Ray will stick by his ignorant stance.

What's ignorant about it? You lefties thought that forcing industry to pay more than a worker was worth via unions was a fantastic idea. That was until businesses started leaving the states and even country to get the hell away from them.

I make widgets. I pay my workers $20.00 an hour. That means in order to pay my workers, make a profit for myself, and draw a paycheck, I need to charge $30.00 for each widget. Imported widest are much cheaper. Why? Because people in China don't make $20.00 an hour. They make $3.00 an hour. Therefore they can produce widgets, ship them to the US, and charge $15.00 a widget. How can I compete?

Two real choices here: I start hiring people for $12.00 each, or move out of the country where people will work for a tenth of the price I pay my workers.

The company I work for lost a hell of a lot of customers because they skipped town to get away from the unions. They had no choice really. It was move out of the state or country, or close shop and join their former workers in the unemployment line.

Let me give you an example of real ignorance: You pay your workers $100,000 a year to make widgets, and think you can stay in business with a competitor paying their workers $35,000 a year to make widgets. That's ignorance.
So if wealthy people losing their wealth helps NO ONE........ then why do you care? You know why? Greed, and Envy. That's the reason you care. It doesn't help anyone, for the Walton's to be poor.

You know this. You know it would help no one. The reason you care how much a wealthy person has, is because if you can't have it, then darn it no one should.

That's it. An entire ideology of greed and envy.

What a bunch of nonsense.
I want more Americans to be successful.

Business plan A with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 8 million, while paying the average worker $40,000 for that year.

Business plan B with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 6 million, while paying the average worker $80,000 for that year.

Business plan C with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 5 million, while paying the average worker $100,000 for that year.

I see Company C as a very successful Business, an Owner making Millions per year, and workers that are in the upper middle class.
I see Company A as a very successful Business, and Owner making Millions per year, and workers making millions for the owner while themselves making less than a median salary Nationwide.

Tell me you support business Plan C and can agree that Business Plan A's owner has a Greedy and Uncaring attitude for his/her workers.

Then why don't you open up Company C and see how long you stay in business.

I own company C and I'm doing VERY well.

You probably don't even own your appliances. If you actually did own a company C, you would have been out of business a long time ago due to competition.

Honestly, he reminds me of a someone who owns a company, that someone else created. It's always the child of the business owner, whose father never had him really work for anything, that sits in the office saying "Yeah everyone else should pay $20/hour to empty the trash, and business owners should pay 70% tax rates".

I've seen several businesses close down for that reason. The old man retired or passed away, and left the business to his lazy kids. They closed up in a year or two.

The most wonderful thing about the internet is you can be anybody you want to be. You can be an astronaut, a published book author, a bushiness owner, a professional musician, anything. It's when they start talking is what gives them away. So when somebody tells me they are paying non-skilled blue collar labor 100K a year, and their business is doing just fine, all I can do is laugh.

I've been here a couple of years now. I was on Topix for several years before that Thus far, I never met a lefty that admitted to being a middle-class blue collar worker. They all seem to be independently wealthy, work from home or own a business, or comfortably retired. And they all claim to support higher wages for non-skilled labor, higher taxes for business owners, and more business regulations.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.
What a bunch of nonsense.
I want more Americans to be successful.

Business plan A with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 8 million, while paying the average worker $40,000 for that year.

Business plan B with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 6 million, while paying the average worker $80,000 for that year.

Business plan C with One Owner:
Company profits 10 Million a year.
Company has 50 employees, Owner takes 5 million, while paying the average worker $100,000 for that year.

I see Company C as a very successful Business, an Owner making Millions per year, and workers that are in the upper middle class.
I see Company A as a very successful Business, and Owner making Millions per year, and workers making millions for the owner while themselves making less than a median salary Nationwide.

Tell me you support business Plan C and can agree that Business Plan A's owner has a Greedy and Uncaring attitude for his/her workers.

Then why don't you open up Company C and see how long you stay in business.

I own company C and I'm doing VERY well.

You probably don't even own your appliances. If you actually did own a company C, you would have been out of business a long time ago due to competition.

Honestly, he reminds me of a someone who owns a company, that someone else created. It's always the child of the business owner, whose father never had him really work for anything, that sits in the office saying "Yeah everyone else should pay $20/hour to empty the trash, and business owners should pay 70% tax rates".

I've seen several businesses close down for that reason. The old man retired or passed away, and left the business to his lazy kids. They closed up in a year or two.

The most wonderful thing about the internet is you can be anybody you want to be. You can be an astronaut, a published book author, a bushiness owner, a professional musician, anything. It's when they start talking is what gives them away. So when somebody tells me they are paying non-skilled blue collar labor 100K a year, and their business is doing just fine, all I can do is laugh.

I've been here a couple of years now. I was on Topix for several years before that Thus far, I never met a lefty that admitted to being a middle-class blue collar worker. They all seem to be independently wealthy, work from home or own a business, or comfortably retired. And they all claim to support higher wages for non-skilled labor, higher taxes for business owners, and more business regulations.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

I worked at a company here in Columbus Ohio, called Tracewell. The old man, built the company from scratch, but didn't teach his kid jack. The dude rolled in here with his corvette, flashing around like he was a celebrity, and expect to be treated as much.

Now I don't mind people driving corvettes, but need to back your bling, with ability. He didn't have any ability to do anything. The old man retired, and within a year, the company was bleeding red. The old man came back from retirement and worked 2 years getting the company back in the solid black. He retired again, and in a year and half the company was bleeding red again. The old man came out of retirement again to save the company.

I actually felt bad for the old man. He looked haggard in his suit, and well past his prime. This was almost 8 years past his original retirement, when he was back trying to save the company from his son's incompetence.

From what I understand, the son is still on the executive board, but now he's just in charge of logistics or something, not CEO anymore.
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Then why don't you open up Company C and see how long you stay in business.

I own company C and I'm doing VERY well.

You probably don't even own your appliances. If you actually did own a company C, you would have been out of business a long time ago due to competition.

Honestly, he reminds me of a someone who owns a company, that someone else created. It's always the child of the business owner, whose father never had him really work for anything, that sits in the office saying "Yeah everyone else should pay $20/hour to empty the trash, and business owners should pay 70% tax rates".

I've seen several businesses close down for that reason. The old man retired or passed away, and left the business to his lazy kids. They closed up in a year or two.

The most wonderful thing about the internet is you can be anybody you want to be. You can be an astronaut, a published book author, a bushiness owner, a professional musician, anything. It's when they start talking is what gives them away. So when somebody tells me they are paying non-skilled blue collar labor 100K a year, and their business is doing just fine, all I can do is laugh.

I've been here a couple of years now. I was on Topix for several years before that Thus far, I never met a lefty that admitted to being a middle-class blue collar worker. They all seem to be independently wealthy, work from home or own a business, or comfortably retired. And they all claim to support higher wages for non-skilled labor, higher taxes for business owners, and more business regulations.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

I worked at a company here in Columbus Ohio, called Tracewell. The old man, built the company from scratch, but didn't teach his kid jack. The dude rolled in here with his corvette, flashing around like he was a celebrity, and expect to be treated as much.

Now I don't mind people driving corvettes, but need to back your bling, with ability. He didn't have any ability to do anything. The old man retired, and within a year, the company was bleeding red. The old man came back from retirement and worked 2 years getting the company back in the solid black. He retired again, and in a year and half the company was bleeding red again. The old man came out of retirement again to save the company.

I actually felt bad for the old man. He looked haggard in his suit, and well past his prime. This was almost 8 years past his original retirement, when he was back trying to save the company from his son's incompetence.

From what I understand, the son is still on the executive board, but now he's just in charge of logistics or something, not CEO anymore.

Reminds me of a company that was once here called Bonnie Bell. They made all kinds of soaps, perfumes, lip gloss and things like that. A thriving company at it's time. The owner would actually go around and ask his employees how everything was going in their lives. He offered any employee that quit smoking $1,000 cash. He had a wooded running track, a workout room, a tennis court for his employees, and had health foods in the vending machines.

He retired and his son took over the business, and it went downhill from there. I never met the guy, but the employees told me he was a real condescending silver spoon asshole so opposite of his father. After the old man died, the son sold the business to a company out of Michigan called Aspire, since he didn't possess the bushiness acumen to run it himself.

He sold that wonderful building to a trucking/ warehouse company, so I still go there from time to time. When I walk in that dark and dirty place, I remember what it once was with bright lights, employees running around all over, packers and shippers frantically getting orders together for pickup, and trucks in line waiting for an open dock door. Such a shame.
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.

"Folks, if you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.

"Folks, if you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
What a scumbag he is, blaming the unfortunate especially under these GOP policies that give us the worst upward mobility and inequality ever anywhere. And of course it's code for the minorities. Actually it's lack of investment in our people and our infrastructure. Thanks GOP.
Anywhere. Doesn't matter where. Anywhere would be better, than being under the tax system that AOC just proposed. Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

A wealth tax, will make anywhere in the entire world, preferable to here. If I have $200 Million to spend on a vacation home.... that home in the US is going to be taxed, and elsewhere it will not. I'm not talking property tax, that everyone pays... but a tax on the unrealized capital gain. No where else does that, although France tried it and repealed it because it was a huge failure.

So anywhere else, is going to be preferable to here, under AOC's system.

The wealthy pay a higher tax in Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Finland even. Anywhere.

The 59% tax rate minus established deductions would be an effective (actual) tax of the same percentage that you pay. Shouldn't the wealthy pay the same percentage as you?
They should pay what is enough to fund the state. In their own interest. The Romans didn´t become a world power by amassing debt, the ended being one because they were out of cash, by the way.

- increase taxes
- reduce spending

Sooner or later it will come, the sooner the softer it will be.

They should pay what is enough to fund the state.

How much is that?
Ask Trump who wanted to reduce debt but then shoveled your money to the big shots.

I am the "big shot."
Yes, Sir, OnePercenter, Sir.
It’s a historical fact

What is a "historical fact"?
That tyrants routinely re-write history to suit their agendas, much like ISIS destroyed Palmyra?

No, it's not a "historical fact", it's called "propaganda".

And obviously you would support Tehran over most any American city. Nice that the Constitution affords those seeking to destroy it equal opportunity access to actively do so, endangering the freedom of others, all the while enjoying all the freedoms and liberties it represents.

I don't think the Founding Fathers grasped that such idiots could exist.

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