You go Girl! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%

let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
The princess must first bludgeon the blue collar paycheck if she wants to justify stealing from others as well, i.e. to sell this she must go after the real target first [working class] and then demand to now why the working class should pay so much in taxes while the rich only pay billions...then she just has to yell sic'em to the base...
...the working class and the rich fight with each other...
...the blacks and whites fight with each other
...the citizens and the immigrants fight with each other...
...the white liberals seize power
You must not be listening

AOC is standing up for the worker and is not advocating higher taxes on the working class. She is demanding higher wages, better healthcare, low cost education
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
More conservative propaganda against a college education
It’s a historical fact

What is a "historical fact"?
That tyrants routinely re-write history to suit their agendas, much like ISIS destroyed Palmyra?

No, it's not a "historical fact", it's called "propaganda".

And obviously you would support Tehran over most any American city. Nice that the Constitution affords those seeking to destroy it equal opportunity access to actively do so, endangering the freedom of others, all the while enjoying all the freedoms and liberties it represents.

I don't think the Founding Fathers grasped that such idiots could exist.
What I posted was supported by history

You are not entitled to your own facts
Vote Republican. The country you save might be your own. Or, keep voting for useless democrats. They won't ever give you what you're complaining about, but hey, reasons!
The GOP is amazingly good at obstruction. It's not hard especially with these new scam GOP reconciliation and filibuster rules. They only need 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich and giant corporations and services for the non rich while Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Brilliant. And they have brainwashed zombies like you to vote for them. What a scam. I think the next Democrat will use the nuclear option 51 votes in the Senate to pass Health Care living wage daycare, taxes on the rich and giant corporations, cheap college and training and get the country going again. Not just the rich, super duper.

Naturally, you always vote for democrats. Also naturally, the democrats don't give you anything you say you want, yet you continue voting for them. What was that somebody smart said about insanity is doing the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result?

IOW, you're a perfect dupe for the democrats. They can dump on you all day long and you'll always blame Republicans, never them. Dupe, thine image is in the mirror.
I think the next Democratic president will do the nuclear option. I think Obama thought he would be going too far as a black man and there have two GOP would go batshit racist LOL aaarrrggghhh......
Vote Republican. The country you save might be your own. Or, keep voting for useless democrats. They won't ever give you what you're complaining about, but hey, reasons!
The GOP is amazingly good at obstruction. It's not hard especially with these new scam GOP reconciliation and filibuster rules. They only need 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich and giant corporations and services for the non rich while Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Brilliant. And they have brainwashed zombies like you to vote for them. What a scam. I think the next Democrat will use the nuclear option 51 votes in the Senate to pass Health Care living wage daycare, taxes on the rich and giant corporations, cheap college and training and get the country going again. Not just the rich, super duper.

Naturally, you always vote for democrats. Also naturally, the democrats don't give you anything you say you want, yet you continue voting for them. What was that somebody smart said about insanity is doing the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result?

IOW, you're a perfect dupe for the democrats. They can dump on you all day long and you'll always blame Republicans, never them. Dupe, thine image is in the mirror.
I am not a dupe of the Democrats because they do not lie like you the GOP propaganda machine and their politicians do all the time. Fox Rush Limbaugh etc are a disgrace. hundreds of phony scandals about Democrats that have gone nowhere in the real world so now you have to have a conspiracy of everyone intelligent in the world called deep state. Poor America.
Now I know you're not paying attention and are just believing propaganda (that's lies in case you didn't know) from the democrats. Presidents don't have the nuclear option, unless you're talking about launching a nuclear bomb strike (hmmm, come to think of it, you believe propaganda, so maybe you really mean that option). Anyway, you're still being the perfect super dupe (or is it mini dupe?) for the democrats. They'll keep dumping on you and you'll keep coming back, voting for them, actually believing they're not lying to you. Poor little dupester.
The nuclear option means you only need 51 votes in the Senate to pass things. Then you see if the GOP is bad enough to repeal them all which won't be popular. I-Ready rate time to break this 50-year log jam of GOP obstruction.

Which has nothing to do with your mistaken assumption that the president can exercise the nuclear option.
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
More conservative propaganda against a college education

Clearly the college education many of you received has pushed you towards the nonsense that Socialism is a good idea. That says it all. Nothing is wrong with a college education, I have one, but it should be pursue the idea of turning out free-thinkers, not lemmings. Students opposeed to their professors left-wing idelogies are quickly supressed.
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
More conservative propaganda against a college education

Well........AOC is a college graduate. Need I say more?
That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
The princess must first bludgeon the blue collar paycheck if she wants to justify stealing from others as well, i.e. to sell this she must go after the real target first [working class] and then demand to now why the working class should pay so much in taxes while the rich only pay billions...then she just has to yell sic'em to the base...
...the working class and the rich fight with each other...
...the blacks and whites fight with each other
...the citizens and the immigrants fight with each other...
...the white liberals seize power
You must not be listening

AOC is standing up for the worker and is not advocating higher taxes on the working class. She is demanding higher wages, better healthcare, low cost education

Right, and demanding somebody else pay for it.
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
Yes intelligent people who are educated are Democrats, unless they are totally bought off. Reagan started making public universities expensive and now there is absolutely no competition as far as the expense goes. Before Reagan we had plenty of basically free state universities. It is all the blacks fault LOL and the professors LOL.
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
Yes intelligent people who are educated are Democrats, unless they are totally bought off. Reagan started making public universities expensive and now there is absolutely no competition as far as the expense goes. Before Reagan we had plenty of basically free state universities. It is all the blacks fault LOL and the professors LOL.
Reagan hasn't been in office for decades. What have the democrats been doing to keep the cost of a college education down? Oh wait, that's right. Democrats are useless.
That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
The princess must first bludgeon the blue collar paycheck if she wants to justify stealing from others as well, i.e. to sell this she must go after the real target first [working class] and then demand to now why the working class should pay so much in taxes while the rich only pay billions...then she just has to yell sic'em to the base...
...the working class and the rich fight with each other...
...the blacks and whites fight with each other
...the citizens and the immigrants fight with each other...
...the white liberals seize power
You must not be listening

AOC is standing up for the worker and is not advocating higher taxes on the working class. She is demanding higher wages, better healthcare, low cost education

Right, and demanding somebody else pay for it.
yes the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich and the Democrat Rich who are in favor of higher taxes on the rich so we can invest in America and Americans again. No poor people did not decide magically that they were going to be lazy. the Republicans have been cutting taxes on the rich and services education training and perks for everyone else for 35 years now, super duper. God will not be amused when you show up blaming the victims of GOP greed....
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
More conservative propaganda against a college education

Clearly the college education many of you received has pushed you towards the nonsense that Socialism is a good idea. That says it all. Nothing is wrong with a college education, I have one, but it should be pursue the idea of turning out free-thinkers, not lemmings. Students opposeed to their professors left-wing idelogies are quickly supressed.
More RW whining
That bitch knows what she is doing
Long overdue

Also tax Capital Gains at the same rate as personal income
The princess must first bludgeon the blue collar paycheck if she wants to justify stealing from others as well, i.e. to sell this she must go after the real target first [working class] and then demand to now why the working class should pay so much in taxes while the rich only pay billions...then she just has to yell sic'em to the base...
...the working class and the rich fight with each other...
...the blacks and whites fight with each other
...the citizens and the immigrants fight with each other...
...the white liberals seize power
You must not be listening

AOC is standing up for the worker and is not advocating higher taxes on the working class. She is demanding higher wages, better healthcare, low cost education

Right, and demanding somebody else pay for it.

Time to start the trickling down
let us have as our goal that there will be no government program which makes it more profitable to go on welfare than to go to work.

Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
Yes intelligent people who are educated are Democrats, unless they are totally bought off. Reagan started making public universities expensive and now there is absolutely no competition as far as the expense goes. Before Reagan we had plenty of basically free state universities. It is all the blacks fault LOL and the professors LOL.
Reagan hasn't been in office for decades. What have the democrats been doing to keep the cost of a college education down? Oh wait, that's right. Democrats are useless.
As long as half the country are brainwashed functional morons like you, our worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere will continue to get worse and worse. Reagan policies and tax rates are just fine under your scumbag propagandizing a****** GOP Insanity. Everything you know is wrong..... Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with your crap.... And your demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits....
Well I don't think that it is more profitable to go on welfare than it is to go work.

That fact is, that if people don't have to work.... they don't. It's that simple. Yes, you can live better if you are working. But if you don't HAVE TO.... then people don't.

So here in Columbus Ohio, we had a local news channel send out a reporter, in the mid-90s, when we had welfare reform. Now this particular channel wasn't super political, but it appeared the reporter was.

She was interviewing this lady, who was being kicked off welfare, with her kids. The reporter was asking her how she was going to make it with this "oh how are you going to survive without welfare?"

This was hilarious, because the lady replied "Oh we will be much better off. I'll have more money, and be able to have a better life for my kids".

You could actually hear the reporter stutter after that.... "um er, well... uh then why didn't you do this before?"

And the lady's response, I'll never forget this until I die. "I didn't have to".

From that time, to today, I've seen this play out dozens of times in my life, with the people I've been around.

I've seen people that intentionally lived off unemployment for as long as they possibly could..... and only when the unemployment ran out, did they go find another job. Why didn't they get a job the week after they were laid off? They didn't have to.

I remember reading a research paper on people during the sub-prime crash, who were living in their homes without employment.

What the research found was that people didn't find a job, until their homes were foreclosed on. The moment a date was set on their evictions..... suddenly.... magically... they were able to find employment... even during a recession!

Why didn't they find a job long long before the foreclosure? Because they didn't have to.

Welfare is inherently bad. It allows people to be lazy, and unproductive, which ultimately hurts them even more than the cost of welfare hurts society.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
Yes intelligent people who are educated are Democrats, unless they are totally bought off. Reagan started making public universities expensive and now there is absolutely no competition as far as the expense goes. Before Reagan we had plenty of basically free state universities. It is all the blacks fault LOL and the professors LOL.
Reagan hasn't been in office for decades. What have the democrats been doing to keep the cost of a college education down? Oh wait, that's right. Democrats are useless.
As long as half the country are brainwashed functional morons like you, our worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere will continue to get worse and worse. Reagan policies and tax rates are just fine under your scumbag propagandizing a****** GOP Insanity. Everything you know is wrong..... Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with your crap.... And your demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits....
Wow, that was easy. With no effort at all, I got you spouting all your talking points at once. And since I don't own any "demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits", you're obviously raving.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
Yes intelligent people who are educated are Democrats, unless they are totally bought off. Reagan started making public universities expensive and now there is absolutely no competition as far as the expense goes. Before Reagan we had plenty of basically free state universities. It is all the blacks fault LOL and the professors LOL.
Reagan hasn't been in office for decades. What have the democrats been doing to keep the cost of a college education down? Oh wait, that's right. Democrats are useless.
As long as half the country are brainwashed functional morons like you, our worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere will continue to get worse and worse. Reagan policies and tax rates are just fine under your scumbag propagandizing a****** GOP Insanity. Everything you know is wrong..... Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with your crap.... And your demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits....
Wow, that was easy. With no effort at all, I got you spouting all your talking points at once. And since I don't own any "demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits", you're obviously raving.
it's all the same GOP crap propaganda no matter where you get it Fox Rush Savage heritage Trump etc etc... Breaking for idiots like you....Democrats are honest to the GOP is the swamp the rich pay the same percentage in taxes as you do and that's why the country is going to hell. Read a newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch dingbat.
Actually it is the crap GOP $7 an hour jobs and the crap ridiculous expense of college and training for good jobs that are going begging. All to save degree idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share. End of story. Blaming victims of your crap policy is ridiculous. 35 years now. God will not be amused at your attitude towards the unfortunate.

Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
Yes intelligent people who are educated are Democrats, unless they are totally bought off. Reagan started making public universities expensive and now there is absolutely no competition as far as the expense goes. Before Reagan we had plenty of basically free state universities. It is all the blacks fault LOL and the professors LOL.
Reagan hasn't been in office for decades. What have the democrats been doing to keep the cost of a college education down? Oh wait, that's right. Democrats are useless.
As long as half the country are brainwashed functional morons like you, our worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere will continue to get worse and worse. Reagan policies and tax rates are just fine under your scumbag propagandizing a****** GOP Insanity. Everything you know is wrong..... Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with your crap.... And your demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits....
Wow, that was easy. With no effort at all, I got you spouting all your talking points at once. And since I don't own any "demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits", you're obviously raving.
My talking points are known as reality everywhere in the world but your ridiculous scumbag GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
Yes intelligent people who are educated are Democrats, unless they are totally bought off. Reagan started making public universities expensive and now there is absolutely no competition as far as the expense goes. Before Reagan we had plenty of basically free state universities. It is all the blacks fault LOL and the professors LOL.
Reagan hasn't been in office for decades. What have the democrats been doing to keep the cost of a college education down? Oh wait, that's right. Democrats are useless.
As long as half the country are brainwashed functional morons like you, our worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere will continue to get worse and worse. Reagan policies and tax rates are just fine under your scumbag propagandizing a****** GOP Insanity. Everything you know is wrong..... Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with your crap.... And your demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits....
Wow, that was easy. With no effort at all, I got you spouting all your talking points at once. And since I don't own any "demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits", you're obviously raving.
it's all the same GOP crap propaganda no matter where you get it Fox Rush Savage heritage Trump etc etc... Breaking for idiots like you....Democrats are honest to the GOP is the swamp the rich pay the same percentage in taxes as you do and that's why the country is going to hell. Read a newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch dingbat.
I always know when you run out of responses, because you degenerate into a melange of nonsense words strung together in a poor imitation of a sentence. Take a break and come back when you sober up and can put together something better than, "Dah Republicans, dey dood it all. Poor democrats can't do anything because Dah Republicans give them such a look and scare dem half to deaf".
Colleges are run predominately by left-wingers. They waste money, over-pay their employees and live in this fantasy world they try to project on their students. The only reason their fantasy hasn't completely fallen apart yet is beause the government is willing to give a kid majoring in pyramid constuction a $250K loan which he will never be able to pay back. Then to top it off, the same people,(liberals) complain about all the student debt out there. There is an amazing amount if indiocy in the Democratic Party.
Yes intelligent people who are educated are Democrats, unless they are totally bought off. Reagan started making public universities expensive and now there is absolutely no competition as far as the expense goes. Before Reagan we had plenty of basically free state universities. It is all the blacks fault LOL and the professors LOL.
Reagan hasn't been in office for decades. What have the democrats been doing to keep the cost of a college education down? Oh wait, that's right. Democrats are useless.
As long as half the country are brainwashed functional morons like you, our worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere will continue to get worse and worse. Reagan policies and tax rates are just fine under your scumbag propagandizing a****** GOP Insanity. Everything you know is wrong..... Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with your crap.... And your demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits....
Wow, that was easy. With no effort at all, I got you spouting all your talking points at once. And since I don't own any "demagogue radio ex Coke head DJ radio pundits", you're obviously raving.
My talking points are known as reality everywhere in the world but your ridiculous scumbag GOP propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron.
Yeah, the echo chamber. I told you about it, but you didn't learn.

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