You have enough self respect to not vote for either Trump or Hillary

I will not vote for either of these idiots

  • True

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • False

    Votes: 15 36.6%

  • Total voters
oh bullshit....why would a vote for a third party help just clinton and not trump?...if either one of them cant convince someone to vote for them,thats on them,not the people who wont for them...maybe you whiners need to grow a set and man up.....
Because Clinton is having the polls rigged and fraud committed Trump is not. ANY vote that's merely to be an Anti Trump vote is helping Clinton.
You know who always starts questioning the polls in the final month? Losers.

The polls will be accurate in November just like the polls accurately called Trump throughout the primary process.
Just like they were accurate for the democraps in Michigan? Brexit? I can go on and on....keep shoveling shit in your mouth...its amusing.
Brexit? That was a public resolution, which is hard to poll anyway, being conducted in Britain. If you were following Brexit you'd know the pollsters were pretty honest that they didn't have a real historical baseline or method to accurately measure that. As it was, Brexit finished within MOE.

Michigan was a one off and didn't involve Trump. Polls relating to Trump have been fairly accurate. If anything he's underperformed during the whole process.

So go ahead and question the polls if you'd like. It's exactly what Kerry did in 2004, McCain in 2008, and Romney in 2012. It's what losers do.
Exit polls in 2004 has Kerry winning the election dimwit
Polls ahead did not, and they accurately forecasted how badly he'd get beat. You're talking about the Ohio exit polling, which is still a sore spot for a lot of Kerry supporters.

You can look back on that data at and see that folks pretty much had 2004 pegged, just as they had 2008, and 2012 pegged. And they'll have 2016 pegged.

But I will offer you this: The RCP Polling average is pretty accurate each year. Right now Hillary has slipped in that polling average. You can see that here. That's pointing to some general tightening of the race. Should it continue it's likely you won't see a Hillary landslide by election day. It's not happening fast enough for it to point to a Trump win yet, but it is tightening.
See how the hypocrite boasts about his, but then we are supposed to give up ours. Cant wait for the Nuremburg trials to start when Trump gets in office. We can get the established politicians first then go after the other traitors who supported them. Then the US will be great again. Seig Heil Joe...

Guy, your boy Trump is losing because Republicans are sabotaging him. He's already blaming people for his loss.

I'm sure you don't have anything to give up..
Exit polls in 2004 has Kerry winning the election dimwit

Which contradicted the majority of polls that had Bush barely winning.

These polls aren't even close. Hillary is leading Trumpenfuhrer by 5 points.
Exit polls in 2004 has Kerry winning the election dimwit

Which contradicted the majority of polls that had Bush barely winning.

These polls aren't even close. Hillary is leading Trumpenfuhrer by 5 points.
Kerry and Bush were and are part of the establishment. VERY few major differences. Trump would not only upend the apple cart he would set that bitch on fire.
Kerry and Bush were and are part of the establishment. VERY few major differences. Trump would not only upend the apple cart he would set that bitch on fire.

Meh, not really.

Here's the problem you have. I don't know of anyone who voted for Obama in 2012 who is voting for Trump this year.

On the other hand, I know a lot of people who voted for Romney in2012 who are not voting for Trump, including Romney himself.

You see, the thing is, the demagraphics are pretty much set and have been since 2000. Trump doesn't improve the demographics for the GOP, he makes them worse by offending women and minorities, who are 70 of the electorate.

1. Here's the problem you have. I don't know of anyone who voted for Obama in 2012 who is voting for Trump this year.

What does that mean? When people come around Joe, their opinions tend to disappear in his garbage... and the miasma that come from his posts.

It is also condescending to pretend people will vote according to how they have voted in the past.

2. On the other hand, I know a lot of people who voted for Romney in2012 who are not voting for Trump, including Romney himself.

I agree with you here. Only an idiot would vote for Romney. When he began campaigning seriously, my interest in Politics magically disappeared.[/QUOTE]
I'm tired of the same old corrupt liars in Washington and Hillary is the same old shit. Trump all the way!!!

1. Here's the problem you have. I don't know of anyone who voted for Obama in 2012 who is voting for Trump this year.

What does that mean? When people come around Joe, their opinions tend to disappear in his garbage... and the miasma that come from his posts.

It is also condescending to pretend people will vote according to how they have voted in the past.

2. On the other hand, I know a lot of people who voted for Romney in2012 who are not voting for Trump, including Romney himself.

I agree with you here. Only an idiot would vote for Romney. When he began campaigning seriously, my interest in Politics magically disappeared.

Dude, learn to use the quote function.

You miss my point. Obama got more votes than Romney. Trump has to get more votes than Hillary. He has to gain some Obama votes while losing none of Romney's votes.
Kerry and Bush were and are part of the establishment. VERY few major differences. Trump would not only upend the apple cart he would set that bitch on fire.

Meh, not really.

Here's the problem you have. I don't know of anyone who voted for Obama in 2012 who is voting for Trump this year.

On the other hand, I know a lot of people who voted for Romney in2012 who are not voting for Trump, including Romney himself.

You see, the thing is, the demagraphics are pretty much set and have been since 2000. Trump doesn't improve the demographics for the GOP, he makes them worse by offending women and minorities, who are 70 of the electorate.

I am a member of a minority group, I am from Puerto Rico.

What kind of things offend me:

Hillary's decision to appoint SCOTUS "justices" determined to find a pretext to disarm us

Killary's decision to start WWIII in order to defend Israel

U.S. sending planes, troops to deter Russia in the east

Those issues greatly offend me...
Dude, learn to use the quote function.

You miss my point. Obama got more votes than Romney. Trump has to get more votes than Hillary. He has to gain some Obama votes while losing none of Romney's votes.

No way. He or anyone for that matter does not have to run for president... And because they are nominated do not have to keep running. He can quit, and republican leadership will replace him with a viable candidate. That is what Mrs. Clinton should do. Running for president seems to be killing her. She almost died five weeks ago. Remember?

Could Hillary Clinton Really Have Passed Out Just Because She Was Dehydrated?

Could Hillary Clinton Really Have Passed Out Just Because She Was Dehydrated?
Nancy Fink Huehnergarth
Sep 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s near fainting spell at Ground Zero on a warm, humid summer day has brought the importance of proper hydration into the spotlight. However, if you listen to ominous news reports, concerned pundits and biased politicians, Clinton’s temporary lightheadedness and stumbling couldn’t just be from dehydration. It must be something more serious because no one can get that sick from not drinking enough fluids.

They’re 100% wrong.

Something similar happened to me in August at my niece’s outdoor wedding. It scared the heck out of my family and caused the local paramedics to crash the party.

This journalist is wrong. You can tell from Hillary's picture in the article. She has a blank look on her face and was obviously very sick for some unknown reason. I would not be surprised if she dies before the election comes around. That was how I felt when it first happened. IMHO she should quit while she is ahead and, even though she is not one yet, retire like presidents have done in the past. They always have the best of both worlds after that. Nixon was down and out, and he made a great comeback. He was also very successful and influential after. If Hillary really wants to help our country, she would retire and not place a heavy burden on everyone who is concerned about her health.

Joe will again ignore what I say or anyone here that does not match his opinions. He is a spambot.
No way. He or anyone for that matter does not have to run for president... And because they are nominated do not have to keep running. He can quit, and republican leadership will replace him with a viable candidate. That is what Mrs. Clinton should do. Running for president seems to be killing her. She almost died five weeks ago. Remember?

You mean how you got all hysterical for a few days hoping that nature would correct your horrible mistake?

You guys screwed up. Trump is going to lose, and he'll take the Republican Senate with him. Maybe the Republican HOuse.
It is funny (not really) that 63.4% say that they will not vote major party.

But come election day all of the sheep will fall in line and vote Republicrat.


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