You have GOT to be kidding!

Colorado school bars transgendered 1st-grader from using girls' restroom -

A first grader is confused about HIS gender? I am sorry, but that is BS. I think the parents are pushing him for this. A fuckin 1st grader with purple hair? They got to be fuckin hippies..
I see NO good thing coming from him winning the right to piss with girls. I hope the school does not have to do shit!
My roomies 1st grader has problems deciding if she is going to wash her hair at night or ini the morning.. much less deciding if she feels like she should have a dick
Liberalism is destroying our country folks!
You have some serious issues, novasteve.

Or, put more succinctly, you're nuts.

Have you met Katzennut?
I pity this child, he or she, has liberal parents who carefully coach the child into what is expected of his behavior. The school provides for gender neutral restrooms that the child could use. That's not good enough. This child's parents have no doubt spent hours coaching him into demanding that he be allowed to use the girl's restroom.

Children are just pawns in some social game liberals like to play.
From link : She could instead use the boys' bathroom, gender-neutral faculty bathrooms or the nurse's bathroom, the district said.
By forcing Coy to use a different bathroom than all the other girls, the school is "targeting her for stigma, bullying and harassment," Michael Silverman, one of Coy's lawyers and the executive director of the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, said
In first grade, kids are likely to identify with all kinds of different things, many kids insist they are kitties or puppies, or horses. It is more likely that these parents chose to have a transgendered child and that's the way he was treated. Someone put dresses on him, someone bought him dresses. Kids that age don't know. It is gracious for the school to provide gender neutral restrooms for children undergoing this kind of child abuse. The parents of the girls in the school who don't want boys in their restroom appreciate it.
"However, I'm certain you can appreciate that as Coy grows older and his male genitals develop along with the rest of his body, at least some parents and students are likely to become uncomfortable with his continued use of the girls' restroom."

DAMN STRAIT I would be wigging-the-fuck out!
Talk about gender confusion.. that whole town will be fucked up
You two froot loops need to familiarize yourselves with this heartbreaking issue.

Or, you could just continue with your ignorant, knee jerking stupidity.
They provided a place for him to go to the bathroom, nothing else need be done no matter how much they parents bitch and moan.

I'm so sick and tired of the majority having to bend to the will of the minority, of people crying 'discrimination!' 'bullying!' 'no fair!' even after rules and provision are made to accommodate them. Shut the hell up and get over it already. No matter how much you whine not everyone will by sympathetic or understanding, so stop expecting it.
"However, I'm certain you can appreciate that as Coy grows older and his male genitals develop along with the rest of his body, at least some parents and students are likely to become uncomfortable with his continued use of the girls' restroom."

DAMN STRAIT I would be wigging-the-fuck out!
Talk about gender confusion.. that whole town will be fucked up

It's almost as if they think 'hey, our kid is uncomfortable so your kids have to be uncomfortable too that way it's fair'.

They provided a place for him to go to the bathroom, nothing else need be done no matter how much they parents bitch and moan.

I'm so sick and tired of the majority having to bend to the will of the minority, of people crying 'discrimination!' 'bullying!' 'no fair!' even after rules and provision are made to accommodate them. Shut the hell up and get over it already. No matter how much you whine not everyone will by sympathetic or understanding, so stop expecting it.

But liberals have become accustomed to everyone bending over backwards and caving in to their demands every time one of them whines about one of their pathetic immoralities. If you don't, they'll start calling you names and bullying you into submission... but that's not bullying as long as they're doing it.
"However, I'm certain you can appreciate that as Coy grows older and his male genitals develop along with the rest of his body, at least some parents and students are likely to become uncomfortable with his continued use of the girls' restroom."

DAMN STRAIT I would be wigging-the-fuck out!
Talk about gender confusion.. that whole town will be fucked up

It's almost as if they think 'hey, our kid is uncomfortable so your kids have to be uncomfortable too that way it's fair'.


Yep! I just dont get it.. I dont see how a 6 year old or whatever it is, is confused about what gender it is. There is no need for 1st grade chicks to see its little pecker.. That will disrupt the whole school system, I think. I know I would be on the front lines!
You seem to have a bit of an obsession with the transgendered.

Oh yea? Because them shoving there warped, confused, probably brain-washed children onto other kids is NORMAL? FUCK that. I want a sane kid. I dont want my son to get warped from the liberals of our society. It is an abomination! A fuckin 6 year old confused about its gender when it has a cock hangin.. Yea Right!

Oh, and if this was in politics, I woulda asked that your post be removed, troll :)

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